Show the error messages from errors encountered when plotting
[maxima.git] / share / macro / keyarg.mac
1 /*-*-macsyma-*-*/
3 /* macros to define functions which take their arguments
4    via keywords. */
6 eval_when([translate,batch,demo],
7           load_package(sharem,"autolo"))$
9 herald_package(keyarg)$
11 /* The idea is to be able to say:
15   Specify the arguments/options to a function in terms of
16   keywords.
18 And have unspecified arguments default. */
21 def_keyarg(header,body)::=
22  buildq([mname:part(header,0), body,
23          sname:concat(part(header,0),"-internal"),
24          sargs:maplist(lambda([u],if atom(u) then u else part(u,1)),
25                        args(header)),
26          dispatch:maplist(lambda([u],if atom(u) then ['key_atom,[u]]
27                                         else ['key_pair,[part(u,1),part(u,2)]]),
28                           args(header))],
29         (eval_when(loadfile,
30                    setup_autoload("keyarg",translate_keyarg)),
31          put('mname,'dispatch,'translate_keyarg),
32          mname([macro_argl])::=translate_keyarg(macro_argl,'mname,'sname),
33          sname(splice(sargs)):=body))$
35 /* This routine must be around during the macro-expansion */
37 translate_keyarg(macro_argl,mname,sname):=
38  /* for now I am not going to do the order-of-evaluation guarantee */
39  block([sargl:[],temp,dispatch:get(mname,'translate_keyarg)],
40        for d in dispatch
41        do(temp:apply(d[1],cons(macro_argl,d[2])),
42           push(temp[1],sargl),
43           macro_argl:temp[2]),
44        if not macro_argl=[] then error("unknown arguments to",mname,":",macro_argl),
45        funmake(sname,reverse(sargl)))$
47 key_indicator(argl,atom,value):=
48  (for a in argl
49   do(if atom(a) then(if a=atom then(value:true,argl:delete(a,argl),return(done)))
50      else if part(a,1)=atom then(value:part(a,2),argl:delete(a,argl),return(done))),
51   [value,argl])$     
53 /* I am thinking of having KEY_ATOM and KEY_PAIR do different things. */
55 key_atom(argl,atom):=key_indicator(argl,atom,false)$
57 key_pair(argl,atom,value):=key_indicator(argl,atom,value)$