Show the error messages from errors encountered when plotting
[maxima.git] / share / pdiff / pdiff.lisp
1 ;; A positional derivative package for Maxima.
2 ;; Copyright (C) 2002, 2008, Barton Willis
4 ;; Maxima pdiff is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
7 (in-package :maxima)
8 ($put '$pdiff 1.4 '$version)
10 ;; Required for wxMaxima display--I switched from ((%pderivop) ...) to (($pderivop) ...).
11 (setf (get '$pderivop 'wxxml) 'wxxml-pderivop)
13 ;; When use_pdiff is true, use positional derivatives for unknown
14 ;; non-subscripted functions. By unknown function, I mean a function that
15 ;; is not bound to a formula and that has a derivative that is not known
16 ;; to Maxima. Let's default $use_pdiff to false.
18 (defmvar $use_pdiff nil)
19 (setf $use_pdiff t)
21 (defmvar $commute_partial_derivatives t)
23 ;; Return the number of arguments (arity) for f; when the arity is
24 ;; unknown or the arity is variable (for example addition), return false.
25 ;; To attempt to find the arity, we check if f is a user-defined function
26 ;; (examine the $functions list), check if f has a gradef property, check
27 ;; if f is a trig, inverse trig, log or abs function.
29 ;; Subscripted functions aren't members of $functions; for this and
30 ;; other reasons, we disallow subscripted functions from being
31 ;; positionally differentiated.
33 (defun get-number-args (f)
34 (let ((z (cdar (member f (cdr $functions) :key #'caar))))
35 (cond ((and z (every #'symbolp z)) (length z))
36 ((and (atom f) (or (trigp f) (arcp f) (memq f '(%log %gamma %erf %sqrt mabs)))) 1)
37 ((memq f '($bessel_i $bessel_j $bessel_k $bessel_y)) 2)
38 ((or (equal f "^") (equal f ".") (equal f "^^")) 2)
39 ((and (op-equalp f 'lambda) (every #'symbolp (margs (second f))))
40 ($length (second f)))
41 ((and (symbolp f) (get f 'grad)) (length (first (get f 'grad))))
42 ((eq t ($constantp f)) 'constant-function)
43 (t nil))))
45 ;; pderivop(f,n1,n2, returns the function whose formula is
46 ;; (x1,x2,...,xn) --> diff(f(x1,x2,..xn),x1,n1,x2,n2,...). The
47 ;; pderivop function allows the user to do things like
48 ;;
49 ;; (c1) tellsimpafter(pderivop(f,1)(a),1);
50 ;; (c2) tellsimpafter(pderivop(f,2)(a),1);
51 ;; (c3) diff(f(x),x,2) + diff(f(x),x);
53 ;; (d3) f (x) + f (x)
54 ;; (2) (1)
55 ;; (c4) subst(a,x,%);
56 ;; (d4) 2
58 ;; And
59 ;; (c5) g(x) := x^2;
60 ;; (c6) pderivop(g,1);
61 ;; (c7) ev(%);
62 ;; (d7) lambda([i54924], 2 i54924)
63 ;; (c8) apply(%,[z]);
65 ;; (d8) 2 z
67 (defprop $pderivop simp-pderivop operators)
69 (defun simp-pderivop (x yy z)
70 (declare (ignore yy))
71 (let ((f (simplifya (cadr x) z))
72 (n (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (simplifya s z)) (cddr x)))
73 (gen-args nil)
74 (nbr-args))
75 (setq nbr-args (get-number-args f))
76 (cond ((eq nbr-args 'constant-function)
77 (cond ((some #'(lambda (s) (and (integerp s) (> s 0))) n)
78 `((lambda simp) ((mlist) ((mlist) $x)) 0))
80 ((every #'(lambda (s) (and (integerp s) (= s 0))) n)
81 `((lambda simp) ((mlist) ((mlist) $x)) ,f))
83 (t `(($pderivop simp) ,f ,@n))))
85 ;; When every derivative is 0 (this includes the case that there are no derivatives),
86 ;; return f (even when f is not a function---for example pderivop(a < b) --> a < b).
87 ((every #'(lambda (s) (equal 0 s)) n) f)
89 ((integerp nbr-args)
91 (if (not (= nbr-args (length n)))
92 (merror "~:M expected ~:M derivative argument(s), but it received ~:M" f nbr-args (length n))
93 (progn
94 (dotimes (i nbr-args)
95 (push (gensym) gen-args))
96 (push '(mlist) gen-args)
97 (setq f ($apply f gen-args))
98 (setq gen-args (cdr gen-args))
99 (setq f (apply '$diff (cons f (mapcan #'list gen-args n))))
100 `((lambda) ((mlist) ,@gen-args) ,f))))
102 ;; pderivop(pderivop(m1,m2,,n1,n2,...,nk) --> pderivop(m1+n1,m2+n2,,
103 ;; provided all the m1..nk are explicit nonnegative integers. I could allow declared
104 ;; integers, I suppose. Also, I could give an error when the number of positional
105 ;; derivatives aren't equal--for example pderivop(pderivop(f,1,2),3).
107 ((and (op-equalp f '$pderivop)
108 $commute_partial_derivatives
109 (every #'(lambda (s) (and (integerp s) (> s -1))) n)
110 (every #'(lambda (s) (and (integerp s) (> s -1))) (cdr (margs f)))
111 (= (length n) (- (length (margs f)) 1)))
112 `(($pderivop simp) ,(cadr f) ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (a b) (add a b)) (cddr f) n)))
114 (t `(($pderivop simp) ,f ,@n)))))
116 ;; Extension to mapply1:
118 (setf (get '$pderivop 'mapply1-extension) 'mapply-pdiff)
120 (defun mapply-pdiff (fn args fnname form)
121 (declare (ignore fnname form))
122 (if (and $use_pdiff (eq (mop fn) '$pderivop))
123 (cond ((equal (length (cddr fn)) (length args))
124 `((mqapply simp) ,fn ,@args))
126 (merror "The function ~:M expected ~:M argument(s), but it received ~:M"
127 (cadr fn) (length (cddr fn)) (length args))))
128 nil))
131 ;; Extension to sdiffgrad
133 (defun sdiffgrad-pdiff (e x)
134 (let ((args) (fun (caar e)) (de) (n) (d-order))
135 (labels ((pderivop (f x n) (simplify `((mqapply) (($pderivop) ,f ,@n) ,@x)))
136 (incf-ith (i e)
137 (let ((k (nth i e)) (q (copy-list e)))
138 (setf (nth i q) (add 1 k))
140 (i-list (i n) (incf-ith i (make-list n :initial-element 0))))
142 (cond ((and $use_pdiff (eq fun 'mqapply) (eq (caaadr e) '$pderivop))
143 (setq args (cddr e))
144 (setq fun (cadadr e))
145 (setq de 0)
146 (setq n (length args))
147 (setq d-order (cddadr e))
148 (dotimes (i n de)
149 (setq de (add de (mul ($diff (nth i args) x) (pderivop fun args (incf-ith i d-order)))))))
151 ;; We disallow positional derivatives of subscripted functions and lambda forms.
153 ((and $use_pdiff (null (zl-get fun 'grad)) (not ($subvarp (cadr e)))
154 (not (memq fun '(mlessp mleqp mequal mgeqp mgreaterp mcond lambda))))
155 (setq args (cdr e))
156 (setq fun (caar e))
157 (setq de 0)
158 (setq n (length args))
159 (dotimes (i n de)
160 (setq de (add de (mul ($diff (nth i args) x) (pderivop fun args (i-list i n)))))))
161 (t nil)))))
163 ;; Display support for positional derivatives. Indicate the derivative order
164 ;; with a subscript surrounded by parenthesis.
166 (setf (get '$pderivop 'dimension) 'dimension-pderiv)
168 (defun dimension-pderiv (form result)
169 (setq form (cdr form))
170 (setq form `(( ,(car form) simp array) (("") ,@(cdr form))))
171 (dimension-array form result))
173 ;; Extend tex to handle positional derivatives. Depending on the values of
174 ;; the option variables $tex_uses_prime_for_derivatives
175 ;; and $tex_uses_named_subscripts_for_derivatives, derivatives can
176 ;; tex as superscripted primes, subscripted variable names, or
177 ;; parenthesis surrounded subscripts that indicate the derivative order.
179 (defmvar $tex_uses_prime_for_derivatives nil)
180 (defmvar $tex_prime_limit 3)
181 (defmvar $tex_uses_named_subscripts_for_derivatives nil)
182 (defmvar $tex_diff_var_names (list '(mlist) '$x '$y '$z))
184 (setf (get '$pderivop 'tex) 'tex-pderivop)
186 ;; Examples
188 ;; 1. $tex_uses_prime_for_derivatives is true,
190 ;; (c1) tex(diff(f(x),x));
191 ;; $$f^{\prime}(x)$$
192 ;; (c2) tex(diff(f(x),x,2));
193 ;; $$f^{\prime\prime}(x)$$
194 ;; (c4) tex(diff(f(x),x,4));
195 ;; $$f^{(4)}(x)$$
197 ;; In the last example, the derivative order exceeds $tex_prime_limit,
198 ;; so the derivative is indicated as shown in (c4).
200 ;; 2. $tex_uses_named subscripts is true
201 ;; (c1) tex_uses_prime_for_derivatives : false;
202 ;; (c2) tex(diff(f(x),x));
203 ;; $$f_{x}(x)$$
204 ;; (c3) tex(diff(f(x),x,2));
205 ;; $$f_{xx}(x)$$
206 ;; (c4) tex(diff(f(y),y,2));
207 ;; $$f_{xx}(y)$$
209 ;; Although the function argument in (c4) is y, the derivative with
210 ;; respect to the first argument is indicated by a subscript that is
211 ;; the first element of tex_diff_var_names. A further example
213 ;; (c5) tex_diff_var_names : [\a,\b,\c]$
214 ;; (c6) tex(diff(f(x,y,z),x,1,y,1,z,1));
215 ;; $$f_{abc}(x,y,z)$$
217 ;; When the derivative order exceeds tex_prime_limit, we don't use named
218 ;; subscripts for derivatives; otherwise, we could get ridiculously long
219 ;; subscripts.
221 ;; (c43) tex_prime_limit : 3;
222 ;; (c44) tex(diff(f(x,y),x,1,y,1));
223 ;; $$f_{xy}(x,y)$$
224 ;; (c45) tex(diff(f(x,y),x,1066,y,1776));
225 ;; $$f_{\left(1066,1776\right)}(x,y)$$
227 ;; Finally, setting tex_uses_named subscripts and tex_uses_prime_for_derivatives
228 ;; to false, derivatives are indicated with parenthesis surrounded
229 ;; subscripts. There is one subscript for each function argument; when
230 ;; the derivative order is zero, the subscript is zero.
232 ;; (c11) tex_uses_prime_for_derivatives : false;
233 ;; (c12) tex_uses_named_subscripts_for_derivatives : false;
234 ;; (c13) tex(diff(f(a,b),a,2,b,1));
235 ;; $$f_{\left(2,1\right)}(a,b)$$
236 ;; (c14) tex(diff(f(a,b),a,0,b,1));
237 ;; $$f_{\left(0,1\right)}(a,b)$$
238 ;; (c15) tex(diff(f(x,y),x,0,y,1));
239 ;; $$f_{\left(0,1\right)}(x,y)$$
241 (defun tex-pderivop (x l r)
242 ;(print `(lop = ,lop rop = ,rop x = ,x r = ,r l = ,l))
243 (cond ((and $tex_uses_prime_for_derivatives (eql 3 (length x)))
244 (let* ((n (car (last x)))
245 (p))
247 (cond ((<= n $tex_prime_limit)
248 (setq p (make-list n :initial-element "\\prime")))
250 (setq p (list "(" n ")"))))
252 ;; We need to avoid double tex superscripts; when rop is mexpt, use parens.
254 (cond ((eq rop 'mexpt)
255 (append l (list "\\left(") (tex (cadr x) nil nil lop rop)
256 (list "^{") p (list "}") (list "\\right)") r))
258 (append l (tex (cadr x) nil nil lop rop)
259 (list "^{") p (list "}") r)))))
261 ((and $tex_uses_named_subscripts_for_derivatives
262 (< (apply #'+ (cddr x)) $tex_prime_limit))
263 (let ((n (cddr x))
264 (v (mapcar #'stripdollar (cdr $tex_diff_var_names)))
265 (p))
267 (cond ((> (length n) (length v))
268 (merror "Not enough elements in tex_diff_var_names to tex the expression")))
269 (dotimes (i (length n))
270 (setq p (append p (make-list (nth i n) :initial-element (nth i v)))))
271 (append l (tex (cadr x) nil nil lop rop) (list "_{") p (list "}") r)))
274 (append l (tex (cadr x) nil nil lop rop) (list "_{")
275 (tex-matchfix (cons '(mprogn)
276 (cddr x)) nil nil) (list "}") r))))
278 ;; Convert from positional derivatives to non-positional derivatives.
280 (defun $convert_to_diff (e)
281 (setq e ($totaldisrep e))
282 (cond (($mapatom e) e)
283 ((and (consp e) (eq (caar e) 'mqapply) (eq (caaadr e) '$pderivop))
284 (let ((f (second (second e)))
285 (n (rest (rest (second e))))
286 (v (rest (rest e)))
287 (g nil)
288 ($use_pdiff nil)
289 (vk) (gk)
290 (at-list nil))
291 ;; Work around bug in Clozure CL:
292 ;; If ever it's fixed, this conditionalization can be removed.
293 #+ccl (mapcar #'(lambda (vs) (declare (ignore vs)) (push (gensym) g)) v)
294 #-ccl (dolist (vs v) (declare (ignore vs)) (push (gensym) g))
295 (setq e (mapply f g nil))
296 (setq e (apply '$diff (cons e (mapcan #'list g n))))
297 (while v
298 (setq vk (pop v))
299 (setq gk (pop g))
300 (if (symbolp vk) (setq e ($substitute vk gk e)) (push (take '(mequal) gk vk) at-list)))
301 (if at-list ($at e (simplify (cons '(mlist) at-list))) e)))
302 (t (mapply (mop e) (mapcar #'$convert_to_diff (margs e)) nil))))