In ASDF configuration file, move module numerical-functions below algebraic-database,
[maxima.git] / share / contrib / f90.lisp
1 ;;;; f90.lisp -- Application command line argument retrieval
2 ;;;; and processing for Common Lisp.
4 ;;;; Copyright (C) 2004 James F. Amundson
6 ;;;; f90.lisp is free software; you can redistribute it
7 ;;;; and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
8 ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9 ;;;; version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
11 ;;;; f90.lisp is distributed in the hope that it will be
12 ;;;; useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
14 ;;;; See the GNU General Public License for more details.
16 ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 ;;;; along with f90.lisp; see the file COPYING. If not,
18 ;;;; write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
20 ;;;; Based on fortra.lisp. Copyright statements for fortra.lisp follow:
21 ;;;; Copyright (c) 1984,1987 by William Schelter,University of Texas
22 ;;;; All rights reserved
23 ;;;; (c) Copyright 1980 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
25 ;;;; Output from f90 is "free form": no special attention to columns.
26 ;;;; Lines longer than *F90-OUTPUT-LINE-LENGTH-MAX* are broken with
27 ;;;; trailing ampersand (no additional spaces).
29 ;;;; Commentary from the Texinfo for f90:
30 ;;;; "The @code{f90} implementation was done as a quick hack.
31 ;;;; It is not a necessarily a good example upon which to base
32 ;;;; other language translations."
34 (in-package :maxima)
36 (macsyma-module f90)
38 (defmvar *f90-output-line-length-max* 65.)
40 (defvar $f90_output_line_length_max *f90-output-line-length-max*)
42 (progn
43 (putprop '$f90_output_line_length_max '*f90-output-line-length-max* 'alias)
44 (putprop '*f90-output-line-length-max* '$f90_output_line_length_max 'reversealias))
46 (defun f90-print (x
47 &aux
48 ;; This is a poor way of saying that array references
49 ;; are to be printed with parens instead of brackets.
50 (*lb* #\()
51 (*rb* #\)))
52 ;; Restructure the expression for displaying.
53 (setq x (fortscan x))
54 ;; Linearize the expression using MSTRING. Some global state must be
55 ;; modified for MSTRING to generate using Fortran syntax. This must be
56 ;; undone so as not to modify the toplevel behavior of MSTRING.
57 (unwind-protect
58 (defprop mexpt msize-infix grind)
59 (defprop mminus 100 lbp)
61 (defprop msetq (#\:) strsym)
62 (let ((*fortran-print* t)
63 (*read-default-float-format* 'single-float))
64 ;; The above makes sure we an exponent marker for Fortran
65 ;; numbers.
66 (setq x (coerce (mstring x) 'string)))
67 ;; Make sure this gets done before exiting this frame.
68 (defprop mexpt msz-mexpt grind)
69 (remprop 'mminus 'lbp))
71 (if (>= (length x) *f90-output-line-length-max*)
73 ;; Split this line and print it with trailing ampersand.
74 ;; Previous scheme to break the lines nicely had some bugs;
75 ;; it's simpler to break at a fixed length.
77 (let ((line x) (break-point *f90-output-line-length-max*))
78 (princ (subseq line 0 break-point))
79 (princ "&")
80 (terpri)
81 (princ "&")
82 (setf line (subseq line break-point))
84 (loop while (> (length line) break-point) do
85 (princ (subseq line 0 break-point))
86 (princ "&")
87 (terpri)
88 (princ "&")
89 (setf line (subseq line break-point)))
91 (if (> (length line) 0)
92 (princ line)))
94 (princ x))
96 (terpri)
97 '$done)
99 ;; Takes a name and a matrix and prints a sequence of F90 assignment
100 ;; statements of the form
101 ;; NAME(I,J) = <corresponding matrix element>
102 ;; or, when the second argument is a list,
103 ;; NAME(I) = <list element>
105 (defmfun $f90mx (name mat)
106 (cond ((not (symbolp name))
107 (merror "f90mx: first argument must be a symbol; found: ~M" name))
108 ((not (or ($matrixp mat) ($listp mat)))
109 (merror "f90mx: second argument must be a list or matrix; found: ~M" mat)))
110 (cond
111 (($matrixp mat)
112 (do ((mat (cdr mat) (cdr mat)) (i 1 (1+ i)))
113 ((null mat))
114 (do ((m (cdar mat) (cdr m)) (j 1 (1+ j)))
115 ((null m))
116 (f90-print `((mequal) ((,name) ,i ,j) ,(car m))))))
117 (($listp mat)
118 (do ((mat (cdr mat) (cdr mat)) (i 1 (1+ i)))
119 ((null mat))
120 (f90-print `((mequal) ((,name) ,i) ,(car mat))))))
121 '$done)
123 (defmspec $f90 (expr)
124 (dolist (l (cdr expr))
125 (let ((value (strmeval l)))
126 (cond ((msetqp l) (setq value `((mequal) ,(cadr l) ,(meval l)))))
127 (cond ((and (symbolp l) (or ($matrixp value) ($listp value)))
128 ($f90mx l value))
129 ((and (not (atom value)) (eq (caar value) 'mequal)
130 (symbolp (cadr value)) (or ($matrixp (caddr value)) ($listp (caddr value))))
131 ($f90mx (cadr value) (caddr value)))
132 (t (f90-print value))))))