In ASDF configuration file, move module numerical-functions below algebraic-database,
[maxima.git] / share / contrib / maxima-server.lisp
1 ;; maxima-server.lisp -- create simultaneous, independent Maxima sessions via POSIX fork
2 ;;
3 ;; Copyright 2007 by Robert Dodier.
4 ;; I release this file under the terms of
5 ;; the GNU General Public License.
6 ;;
7 ;; The function SERVER-RUN implements a simple Unix server:
8 ;; listen, accept, fork.
9 ;;
10 ;; Actually fork is called twice and child exits immediately,
11 ;; so the grandchild process cannot become a zombie.
13 ;; This code only works for SBCL. It might work with some modification
14 ;; for other Lisps which have POSIX functions.
16 ;; This code is experimental and if it causes all kinds of errors,
17 ;; that's to be expected.
19 ;; Example:
21 ;; Server:
23 ;; $ maxima
24 ;; (%i1) load ("./maxima-server.lisp");
25 ;; (%i2) :lisp (server-run)
27 ;; (etc etc log messages here)
29 ;; Client:
31 ;; $ telnet localhost 1042
32 ;; Trying
33 ;; Connected to localhost.
34 ;; Escape character is '^]'.
35 ;; Maxima restarted.
36 ;; (%i2) build_info ();
37 ;;
38 ;; Maxima version: 5.12.0cvs
39 ;; Maxima build date: 9:5 5/12/2007
40 ;; host type: i686-pc-linux-gnu
41 ;; lisp-implementation-type: SBCL
42 ;; lisp-implementation-version: 1.0
43 ;;
44 ;; (%o2)
45 ;; (%i3) ^]
46 ;; telnet> quit
47 ;; Connection closed.
50 (defvar listening-socket (make-instance 'sb-bsd-sockets:inet-socket :type :stream :protocol :tcp))
51 (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-bind listening-socket (sb-bsd-sockets:make-inet-address "") 1042)
52 (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-listen listening-socket 5)
54 (defun server-run ()
55 (loop do
56 (format t "JUST BEFORE SOCKET-ACCEPT ...~%")
57 (multiple-value-bind (working-socket peer-address) (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-accept listening-socket)
58 (format t "ACCEPTED CLIENT; PEER-ADDRESS = ~S~%WORKING-SOCKET = ~S~%" peer-address working-socket)
60 ; Conventional Unix hackery here:
61 ; fork twice and immediate exit first child process,
62 ; so that grandchild is eventually inherited by init process;
63 ; thus grandchild doesn't become a zombie.
65 (let ((child-pid (sb-posix:fork)))
66 (if (eql child-pid 0)
67 (let ((grandchild-pid (sb-posix:fork)))
68 (if (eql grandchild-pid 0)
69 (progn
70 ; Grandchild process: I execute the Maxima session here.
71 (let*
72 ((working-stream (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-make-stream working-socket :input t :output t))
73 (*standard-input* working-stream)
74 (*standard-output* working-stream))
75 (handler-case (cl-user::run)
76 (error nil t)))
78 (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-close working-socket)
79 (sb-ext:quit))
80 (progn
81 ; Child process: I exit immediately.
82 (format t "CHILD: IMMEDIATE EXIT; GRANDCHILD PID = ~S~%" grandchild-pid)
83 (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-close working-socket)
84 (sb-ext:quit))))
85 (progn
86 (format t "PARENT: WAIT FOR CHILD; CHILD PID = ~S~%" child-pid)
87 (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-close working-socket)
88 (sb-posix:waitpid child-pid 0)))))))