1 ---------------------------------------------------------------
2 ---------------------------------------------------------------
9 ---------------------------------------------------------------
10 maintained and developed by Fabrizio Caruso
12 under the scientific guidance of Marie-Francoise Roy
14 at the University of Rennes 1, France
16 with support from the RAAG network
20 at the University of Pisa, Italy
22 The code for the multivariate certificate of positivity
24 has been developed by Richard Leroy.
26 The code for quick sign determination has been developed
30 ---------------------------------------------------------------
32 Please report bugs to:
33 caruso@science.unitn.it
34 marie-francoise.roy@univ-rennes1.fr
36 ---------------------------------------------------------------
39 "Algorithms in Real Algebraic Geometry"
41 by Saugata Basu, Richard Pollack, Marie-Françoise Roy
43 Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003 (second edition 2006)
45 which together with SARAG is available for download at
47 http://perso.univ-rennes1.fr/marie-francoise.roy/bpr-ed2-posted3.html
49 ---------------------------------------------------------------
50 ---------------------------------------------------------------
53 ---------------------------------------------------------------
55 This is a free open source Maxima library for
56 real algebraic geometry.
57 As of this version it focuses on
58 univariate real root counting and isolation,
59 topology of bivariate polynomials and
60 certificates of positivity (computer-generated simple proof
61 for the positivity/negativity of a univariate and multivariate
65 In particular SARAG provides functions for
67 (2) theory of subresultants,
68 (3) Cauchy Index and its application to real root counting,
69 (4) isolation of real roots,
70 (5) sign determination and Thom encodings,
71 (6) study of the topology of bivariate polynomials
72 (7) certificate of positivity for univariate and
73 multivariate polynomials
75 ---------------------------------------------------------------
76 ---------------------------------------------------------------
79 ---------------------------------------------------------------
81 - MAXIMA (5.9.2 or above)
82 The library has been developed and tested
83 with Maxima version 5.9.2 and 5.9.3.
84 SARAG with the only exception of plotting
85 (e.g., "drawTopology") also works on Maxima 5.9.1.
86 The latest version of Maxima is available on line at
87 http://maxima.sourceforge.net/
89 - GNUPLOT (5.0 or above for SARAG 1.3 and 3.7.x, 4.0.x for previous versions of SARAG)
90 The function "drawTopology" in this library uses
91 Gnuplot for plotting graphs
92 and it has been tested successfully on Gnupolot 5.0.
95 ---------------------------------------------------------------
96 ---------------------------------------------------------------
100 ---------------------------------------------------------------
102 The library is contained in the following files:
104 sarag.mac (it loads all the files)
106 settings.mac (general settings)
108 sarag_initialization.mac
109 aliases.mac (name conventions)
110 lowLevel.mac (low level routines)
111 sarag_linear_algebra.mac (linear algebra and matrix manipulation)
112 rootCounting.mac (real root counting)
113 rootIsolation.mac (root isolation by De Casteljau method)
114 signDetermination.mac (sign determination)
115 quickSignDetermination.mac (quick sign determination)
116 intervalArithmetic.mac (interval arithmetic)
117 topology.mac (topology of curves)
118 certificateOfPositivity.mac (univariate certificate of positivity)
119 multiCertificateOfPositivity.mac (multivariate certificate of positivity)
121 rtest_arag.mac (test file for "Alg. in Real Alg. Geom.")
122 rtest_arag_hard.mac (heavy test files with mostly topology computations)
123 other_test.mac (test of functions not included in the book)
125 readme.txt (this manual)
127 This library is included in the latest versions of Maxima
128 and it is simply loaded by the command
131 The last version on line can be found on
132 http://perso.univ-rennes1.fr/marie-francoise.roy/bpr-ed2-posted3.html
133 in the compressed directory saragcur and loaded by
134 load("./saragcur/saragcur.mac").
137 In order to test the library use:
138 batch(<path>/rtest_arag.mac,test);
140 batch(<path>/rtest_arag_hard.mac,test);
142 batch(<path>/other_test.mac,test);
144 ---------------------------------------------------------------
145 ---------------------------------------------------------------
149 ---------------------------------------------------------------
151 This manual describes the high level functions ("main functions")
152 of the SARAG library and the most important auxiliary functions.
154 For more details and for the theory behind the algorithms
155 we refer to "Algorithms in Real Algebraic Geometry"
156 by S. Basu, R. Pollack, M.-F. Roy
157 which together with SARAG is available for download at
158 http://perso.univ-rennes1.fr/marie-francoise.roy/bpr-ed2-posted3.html
159 or to a few specific papers quoted inside the text.
161 A more detailed manual with examples, saragmanuel.pdf, can also be
166 (-) Items marked with this symbol are not fully tested
167 or are missing some minor features.
169 (--) These items are not available, yet, but will
172 ---------------------------------------------------------------
173 ---------------------------------------------------------------
177 ---------------------------------------------------------------
179 The library contains some settings in the file "settings.mac".
181 The main settings and their default values are:
183 - DEFAULT_VERBOSITY [0 (non-verbose)] (--)
184 Verbosity level of the commands.
186 - LINEAR_SOLVER [linsolve (built-in Maxima linear solver)]
187 Solver of linear systems used in some routines.
190 Prime used in some modular tests.
192 - NORM_ALGORITHM [lambda([x],ratexpand)]
193 Normal form computed in "sSubRes" and related algorithms
195 - ASSUME_EXPANDED [false]
196 Assunption on whether the polynomial input of the main functions
203 Assumption on the generic position of curves
205 - PLOT_STYLE ["set noxtics; set noytics; set nokey;"]
206 Preamble to be fed to gnuplot to set its style
209 Printable file output for "drawTopology"
211 - PS_OUTPUT_FILE_NAME ["test.eps"]
212 Name of the postscript file output for "drawTopology"
215 For the other settings we refer to file
218 ---------------------------------------------------------------
219 ---------------------------------------------------------------
223 ---------------------------------------------------------------
225 The names of main functions are formed by adding
226 prefixes to specify the method/algorithm to be used and
227 suffixes to specify an alternative version of the
229 Auxiliary functions may not follow such conventions.
231 Therefore the general name convention for the names
232 of the high level functions is the following:
236 When a prefix is added capitalization
237 of the function is used to distinguish the
238 parts of the new name.
240 When no prefix or no suffix is used the
241 default version of function with the
242 default method/algorithm will be called
243 as set in the file: "aliases.mac"
246 In this manual some possible modifiers will appear
251 tarskiQuery [computes the Tarski query over all R with
252 the default algorithm]
254 sRemTarskiQueryBetween [computes the Tarski query
255 over an interval using the signed remainder sequence]
257 det [computes the determinant of a matrix with the
260 bareissDet [computes the determinant of a matrix
261 by using Bareiss method]
263 sSubRes [computes the signed subresultant sequence]
265 sSubResExt [computes the extended signed subresultant sequence]
268 ---------------------------------------------------------------
269 ---------------------------------------------------------------
271 ---------------------------------------------------------------
273 Here we describe the most important functions:
274 all the "main functions" and some
275 important "auxiliary functions".
278 Our naming conventions and the
280 only apply to "main functions".
282 When multiple methods are available for a
283 main function we list all of them.
284 They are accessible by adding the name
285 of the method as a prefix and by capitalizing
286 the first letter of the name of the function.
287 For more details on names of functions read
288 the section on naming conventions.
293 -------------------------------------------------
294 Polynomial Input in Expanded Form
296 If ASSUME_EXPANDED is set to TRUE then
297 whenever the input of a main function contains polynomials
298 we are always assuming that they are in EXPANDED FORM.
300 Independently on the value of ASSUME_EXPANDED
301 we will always assume that the polynomial
302 input of auxiliary functions is in EXPANDED FORM.
304 Therefore, in these cases,
305 when defining a polynomial use for instance:
309 -------------------------------
312 The output of all functions of the library is a Maxima expression.
313 Maxima uses brakets "[", "]" to describe couples and lists
314 (e.g. an open interval (a,b) is described by a couple
315 containing the ends, which in Maxima is "[a,b]")
318 ---------------------------------------------------------------
321 sarag_linear_algebra.mac
322 ---------------------------------------------------------------
324 This file contains functions related to Gaussian elimination
325 and matrix manipulations.
327 ---------------------------------------------------------------
332 INPUT : a and b are lists of lists representing the rows
333 of two matrices such that a has the same number of columns
335 OUTPUT : the row-column product matrix of a, b
337 ---------------------------------------------------------------
341 INPUT : m is a list of lists representing the rows of a matrix
343 -- gauss [basic Gaussian elimination],
344 -- bareiss [Bareiss method]
345 OUTPUT : the determinant
349 INPUT : m is a list of lists representing the rows of a matrix
351 -- gauss [Gaussian elimination with no pivot optimization],
352 -- bareiss [Bareiss method] (--)
355 1) t is an upper triangular equivalent form of m
356 with possibly some zero rows computed by Gaussian
357 elimination with divisions and columns exchanges
358 2) c is the list of couples describing the columns
360 3) z is the list of zero rows
363 -----------------------------------------------------------------
366 sarag_linear_algebra.mac
367 -----------------------------------------------------------------
369 -----------------------------------------------------------------
372 - getCoeffFromNewton(ns)
373 INPUT : a list containing the the Newton sums of
375 OUTPUT : an array containing the coefficients of the
376 corresponding polynomial
378 -----------------------------------------------------------------
382 INPUT : A is a list of lists representing the rows of a matrix,
385 -- gauss [basic Gaussian elimination], (--)
386 -- bareiss [Bareiss method], (--)
387 -- babyGiant [baby step, giant step trace-based method]
388 OUTPUT : the characteristic polynomial of A in the indeterminate var
391 -----------------------------------------------------------------
395 -----------------------------------------------------------------
397 -----------------------------------------------------------------
401 INPUT : a, b polynomials in the x indeterminate
402 OUTPUT : list containing signed remainder sequence
405 INPUT : a, b polynomials in the x indeterminate
406 OUTPUT : [r,u,v] forming the extended signed remainder sequence
407 where r is the signed remainder sequence and u and v are
408 the corresponding sequences of cofactors
410 -----------------------------------------------------------------
414 -----------------------------------------------------------------
416 -----------------------------------------------------------------
420 INPUT : a,b polynomials in the x indeterminate with deg(a)>deg(b)
421 OUTPUT : [sSubRes,s] where
422 1) sSubRes is a list containing the signed subresultant sequence
423 2) s is the list of the corresponding coefficients
426 - sSubResExt(a,b,var)
427 INPUT : a,b polynomials in the x indeterminate with deg(a)>deg(b)
428 OUTPUT : [sSubRes,s,u,v] where
429 1) sSubRes is a list containing the signed subresultant sequence
430 2) s is the list of the corresponding coefficients
431 3) u, v are the corresponding cofactors
433 --------------------------------------
434 GCD and GCD-free part by subresultants
436 - gcdFreePart(P,Q,var) (-)
437 INPUT : polynomials P,Q in var
438 OUTPUT : a couple [g,f]
439 where g is gcd(P,Q) and
440 f is the gcd-free part of P with respect to Q,
441 both the gcd and the gcd-free are considered up
442 to a constant multiple
444 -----------------------------------------------------------------
448 rootIsolation.mac (De Casteljau-based method)
449 -----------------------------------------------------------------
452 -----------------------------------------------------------------
456 INPUT : polynomial p in the x indeterminate
457 OUTPUT : the Sturm sequence of p
459 -----------------------------------------------------------------
463 ----------------------------------------------
464 Cauchy Index on the real line
467 INPUT : q,p polynomials in the x indeterminate,
469 -- sRem [signed remainder sequence]
470 -- sSubRes [signed subresultants]
471 OUTPUT : Cauchy index of q/p in the whole real line
474 INPUT : q,p polynomials in the x indeterminate,
476 -- sRem [signed remainder sequence]
477 -- sSubRes [signed subresultants]
478 OUTPUT : Tarski query of q,p in the whole real line
481 INPUT : p polynomials in the x indeterminate
483 -- sRem [signed remainder sequence]
484 -- sSubRes [signed subresultants]
485 -- deCasteljau [De Casteljau method for isolation]
486 -- monomial [monomial method for isolation] (--)
487 OUTPUT : number of real roots of p
489 --------------------------------------------------
490 Cauchy Index on an open interval
492 Remark: Here we assume that a and b are not roots
493 of the denominator of the rational function
496 - cauchyIndexBetween(num,den,x,a,b)
497 INPUT : num,den polynomials in the x indeterminate,
498 a,b are either real or -INFINITY or +INFINITY
500 -- sRem [signed remainder sequence]
501 -- sSubRes [signed subresultants]
502 OUTPUT : Cauchy index of num/den in the interval ]a,b[
504 - tarskiQueryBetween(q,p,x,a,b)
505 INPUT : q,p polynomials in the x indeterminate,
506 a,b are either real or -INFINITY or +INFINITY
508 -- sRem [signed remainder sequence]
509 -- sSubRes [signed subresultants]
510 OUTPUT : Tarski query of q,p in ]a,b[
512 - numberOfRootsBetween(p,x,a,b)
513 INPUT : p polynomials in the x indeterminate,
514 a,b are either real or -INFINITY or +INFINITY
516 -- sRem [signed remainder sequence]
517 -- sSubRes [signed subresultants]
518 -- deCasteljau [De Casteljau method for isolation] (--)
519 -- monomial [monomial method for isolation] (--)
520 OUTPUT : number of real roots of p in the interval ]a,b[
525 - hankelSignature(seq) (-)
526 INPUT : sequence seq of odd length of elements of an integral domain
527 OUTPUT : signature of the Hankel quadratic form for seq
530 Complex Roots with positive/negative real part
533 INPUT : polynomial p in x
534 OUTPUT : difference between the number of roots of p with
535 positive real part and those with negative real part
541 INPUT : p,q polynomials in var, variables x,y
542 OUTPUT : Bezoutian of p,q with respect to x,y
544 -----------------------------------------------------------------
548 -----------------------------------------------------------------
550 The routines contained in this files deal with
551 the problem of isolation of real roots by
552 using the conversion to the Bernstein basis
553 and De Casteljau's method.
555 -----------------------------------------------------------------
558 --------------------------
561 - cauchyRootUpperBound(pol,x)
562 INPUT : polynomial pol in x
563 OUTPUT : upper bound for the absolute values of all its real roots
565 - cauchyRootLowerBound(pol,x)
566 INPUT : polynomial pol in x
567 OUTPUT : lower bound for the absolute values of
568 all its non-zero real roots
570 - primeCauchyRootUpperBound(pol,x)
571 INPUT : polynomial pol in x
572 OUTPUT : (alternative) upper bound for the
573 absolute values of all its real roots
575 - primeCauchyRootLowerBound(pol,x)
576 INPUT : polynomial pol in x
577 OUTPUT : (alternative) lower bound for the
578 absolute values of all its non-zero real roots
580 ---------------------------
583 - convert2Bernstein(p,d,x,l,r)
584 INPUT : polynomial p in the x indeterminate of degree at most d, parameters l,r
585 OUTPUT : list containing the coefficients of p in the
586 Bernstein basis of degree d for l,r
588 - bernsteinCoeffList(p,x,l,r)
589 INPUT : polynomial p in the x indeterminate, parameters l,r
590 OUTPUT : list containing the coefficients of p in the
591 Bernstein basis of degree deg(P) for l,r
593 - bernsteinSplit(coeffList, l,r,m)
594 INPUT : list coeffList containing the coefficients of a polynomial
595 in the Bernstein basis of degree d for l,r
597 OUTPUT : [bern_lm, bern_mr]
599 1) bern_lm is a list containing the coefficients
600 in the Bernstein basis of degree d for l,m and
601 2) bern_mr is a list containing the coefficients
602 in the Bernstein basis of degree d for m,r
604 - specialBernsteinSplit(coeffList,l,r)
605 INPUT : list coeffList containing the coefficients of a polynomial P
606 in the Bernstein basis of degree deg(P) for l,r,
608 OUTPUT : [bern_first,bern_second]
610 bern_first is a list containing the coefficients
611 in the Bernstein basis for l,(l+r)/2 of 2^deg(P) P
612 bern_second is a list containing the coefficients
613 in the Bernstein basis for (l+r)/2,r of 2^deg(P) P
615 -----------------------------------------------------------------
618 - isolateRoots[withZ](pol,x)
619 INPUT : polynomial pol in x
621 -- deCasteljau [De Casteljau method for root isolation]
622 -- monomial [root isolation in the monomial basis] (--)
624 -- withZ : it only computes integer Bernstein coefficients
625 OUTPUT : list of elements
628 describing the real root pt
631 describing the open interval "(a,b)"
634 - isolateRootsBetween[withZ](pol,x,search_interval)
635 INPUT : polynomial pol in x, the open interval search_interval
637 -- deCasteljau [De Casteljau method for root isolation]
638 -- monomial [root isolation in the monomial basis] (--)
640 -- withZ : it only computes integer Bernstein coefficients
641 OUTPUT : list of elements
642 describing roots in the interval search_interval
645 describing the real root pt
648 describing the open interval "(a,b)"
653 - findRoots[withZ](pol,x,threshold)
654 INPUT : polynomial pol in x, threshold for the intervals
656 -- deCasteljau [De Casteljau method for root isolation]
657 -- monomial [root isolation in the monomial basis] (--)
659 -- withZ : it only computes integer Bernstein coefficients
660 OUTPUT : list of elements
663 describing the real root pt
666 describing the open interval (a,b) smaller then threshold
669 - findRootsBetween[withZ](pol,x,threshold)
670 INPUT : polynomial pol in x, threshold for the intervals
672 -- deCasteljau [De Casteljau method for root isolation]
673 -- monomial [root isolation in the monomial basis] (--)
675 -- withZ : it only computes integer Bernstein coefficients
676 OUTPUT : list of elements describing roots in the
677 open interval search_interval
680 describing the real root pt
683 describing the open interval "(a,b)" smaller then threshold
686 - rootsSign(isInt,p,q,x)
687 INPUT : polynomials p,q in x,
688 isolating list isInt for the real roots of p in the
689 same form as in the output of "isolateRealRoots"
691 -- deCasteljau [De Casteljau method for root isolation]
692 -- monomial [root isolation in the monomial basis] (--)
693 OUTPUT : [[nCPtList,nCIntList],[cPtList,cIntList]]
695 1) nCPtList, cPtList are lists of couples
696 describing a real root and the sign of q
698 2) nCIntList,cIntList are lists of couples
699 describing an open interval containing exactly one
700 the real-root of p, and describing the sign of q
703 - compareRoots(p,q,x)
704 INPUT : polynomials p,q in x
706 -- deCasteljau [De Casteljau method for root isolation]
707 -- monomial [root isolation in the monomial basis] (--)
708 OUTPUT : [com,signNComP,signNComQ]
710 1) com is an isolating list for the common real roots
712 2) signNComP is an isolating list with signs of q for the
713 real roots of p that are not roots of q
714 3) signNComQ is an isolating list with signs of p for the
715 real roots of q that are not roots of p
716 Remark: all these one intervals and points isolate
717 the union of the zeros of p and q, i.e. also have
718 empty intersection among themselves.
720 -----------------------------------------------------------------
723 signDetermination.mac
724 quickSignDetermination.mac
725 -----------------------------------------------------------------
727 NOTE: When we refer to an algorithm that computes the
728 Tarski query of polynomials we assume that it has
729 the same input/output format as
730 "tarskiQuery" (see "ROOT COUNTING")
732 -----------------------------------------------------------------
735 - matrixOfSigns(adaExpList,signCondList)
736 INPUT : list adaExpList of t-uples of exponents,
737 list of of t-uples signs (-1,0,1), where adaExpList is adapted to sign
738 determination for a set of t elements (polynomials) on signCondList
739 OUTPUT : the corresponding matrix of signs
741 - tarskiQueryVector(adaExpList,polList,var,SQ,ptSet)
742 INPUT : list adaExpoList of t-uples of exponents,
743 list of polynomials in var,
744 description of a finite set of points ptSet,
745 algorithm SQ to compute
746 the Tarski query with respect to ptSet
747 OUTPUT : vector containing the Tarski Queries
748 with respect to ptSet of
749 the polynomials in polList with exponents given
752 -----------------------------------------------------------------
755 - signDetermination(polList,ptSet,sqAlg,var)
756 INPUT : list polList of polynomials in var,
757 a description of a finite set of points,
758 an algorithm sqAlg to compute the Tarski query of polynomials
760 with respect to ptSet
762 -- naive [brute force method on a huge matrix of signs]
763 -- smart [a method that uses much smaller matrices of signs]
764 -- quick [an optimization of smart]
765 OUTPUT : a list representing
766 a subset of the all elements of {0,-1,1}^polList
767 describing the possible signs of the polynomials
770 And similar functions for zero-nonzero determination
771 based on results in D. Perrucci, M.-F. Roy. Zero-nonzero and real-nonreal sign determination, Linear
772 Algebra and Its Applications 439 (2013), no. 10, pp. 3016-3030 (preliminary version,arXiv:1305.4131).
775 - invertibilityQuery(q,p,x)
776 INPUT : q,p polynomials in the x indeterminate,
779 OUTPUT : number of complex roots of p where q is nonzero
781 - zerononzeroDetermination(polylist,p,Qu,var)
782 INPUT : list polList of polynomials in var, a description of a finite set of points, an algorithm Qu to compute the Invertibility
784 OUTPUT : a list representing a subset of the all elements of {0,-1,1}^polList describing the possible zero nonzero conditions
785 of the polynomials in polList at the complex zeroes of p
787 - zerononzeroDeterminationwithcardinals(polylist,p,Qu,var)
788 INPUT : list polList of polynomials in var, a description of a finite set of points, an algorithm Qu to compute the Invertibility
790 OUTPUT : a list representing a subset of the all elements of {0,-1,1}^polList describing the possible zero nonzero conditions
791 of the polynomials in polList at the complex zeroes of p and the corresponding cardinals
793 -----------------------------------------------------------------
796 signDetermination.mac
797 -----------------------------------------------------------------
799 Note: Here we refer to "extended Thom-encoding" for P with
800 respect to Q as to the sign determination for Q, all the
801 derivatives of Q, all the derivatives of P at the roots of P
803 -----------------------------------------------------------------
807 INPUT : Thom encodings lhs, rhs
808 OUTPUT : TRUE if lhs<rhs, FALSE otherwise
811 INPUT : list of Thom-encodings
812 OUTPUT : order list of Thom-encodings
814 - extThomEncoding(P,Q,var)
815 INPUT : polynomials P,Q in var
816 OUTPUT : a list of "extended Thom-encodings" for P w.r.t. Q,
818 - extThomMerge(lhs,lhsDeg,rhs,rhsDeg)
819 INPUT : lhs, rhs are "extended Thom-encodings" for two polynomials
820 one with respect to the other,
821 lhsDeg, rhsDeg are the degrees of the polynomials
822 OUTPUT : a list containing
823 elements of the form [owner,thomInf] with
824 the following possibilities
826 for a common root of P
827 with Thom encoding thomP
828 and of Q with Thom encoding thomQ
830 for a root of P not of Q with Thom encoding thomP
832 for a root of Q not of P
833 with Thom encoding thomQ
834 -----------------------------------------------------------------
837 - thomEncoding(P,var)
838 INPUT : polynomial P in var
839 OUTPUT : a list containing the Thom encoding of the real roots of P
841 - thomCompare(P,Q,var)
842 INPUT : polynomials P,Q in var
843 OUTPUT : a list containing
844 elements of the form [owner,thomInf] with
845 the following possibilities
847 for a common root of P
848 with Thom encoding thomP
849 and of Q with Thom encoding thomQ
851 for a root of P not of Q with Thom encoding thomP
853 for a root of Q not of P
854 with Thom encoding thomQ
857 - thomSignsAtRoots(P,Q,var)
858 INPUT : polynomials P,Q in var
859 OUTPUT : a list of couples containing
860 for each root of P its Thom encodings
861 and the corresponding sign of q
864 -----------------------------------------------------------------
868 -----------------------------------------------------------------
870 NOTE: When we refer to an algorithm for isolating real roots
871 in an archimedean real closed field we assume
872 that has the same input/output format as
873 "isolateRoots" (see ROOT ISOLATION).
875 -----------------------------------------------------------------
878 - archimedeanTopology(P,isolAlg,x,y)
879 INPUT : a square free polynomial P in x and y,
880 algorithm "isolAlg" for the
881 isolation of real roots in an archimedean real closed field
882 FLAG: "DRAW_TOPOLOGY" (set to false by default) when set to true it will trigger "drawTopology" to display the topology diagram automatically. Remark: if a diagram is displayed, you need to close the pop-up window to get the result.
883 OUTPUT : a couple containing
885 i) the number "a" of changes of
886 system of coordinates in order to obtain a
887 curve in generic position, i.e. we assume that the
888 system has been changed by x -> x+a*y,
890 ii) the topology with respect to the x-axis
891 of the curve, which is represented as a sequence
892 alternating numbers and couples
895 ii.1) the numbers describe the number of intersections
896 of the curve with projections to the x-axis in intervals
897 between critical points
899 ii.2) the couples (numInt, critPos) contain:
900 ii.2.1) the number of intersections numInt
901 with projections to the x-axis on critical points
902 ii.2.2) the position critPos of the critical point on the projection
903 (in bottom-up order).
906 -drawTopology(tpg) (-)
907 INPUT : the topology of the curve (as in the second
908 element of the output of archimedean topology or alternatively since SARAG 1.3 as the full output of archimedean topology)
909 OUTPUT : number of critical points
910 EFFECT: it uses gnuplot (3.7.x, 4.0.x or above) to draw the topological graph
911 corresponding to description in tpg
914 -----------------------------------------------------------------
917 intervalArithmetic.mac (-)
918 -----------------------------------------------------------------
920 - evaluatePolAt(P,var,interval)
921 INPUT : polynomial P in var, an interval describing a root of P
922 OUTPUT : an interval describing the value of P at the root
923 described by the input
925 -----------------------------------------------------------------
928 certificateOfPositivity.mac
929 -----------------------------------------------------------------
930 Based on F. Boudaoud, F. Caruso M.-F. Roy Certificates of positivity in the
931 Bernstein basis, Discrete and Computational Geometry 39 4 639-655 (2008)
935 [0] A certificate is an elementrary proof of the positivity
936 of a given polynomial in a given interval.
938 [1] A certificate of positivity/negativity for a polynomial
939 P in a given interval R is
941 [<sub-interval of R>, C, <Bernstein basis of C P>]
942 where the sub-intervals cover entirely R.
945 [2] The output of the main functions for a given polynomial P
946 are of the following form:
948 (a) When the polynomial P has a root in the considered interval:
950 <interval [a,b] such that Q(a)Q(b)<0 for a polynomial divisor Q>,
951 <A polynomial divisor Q of P>]
953 (b) When the polynomial P is positive/negative in the given interval:
955 <list of certificates covering the considered interval>]
958 -----------------------------------------------------------------
962 - sqFreeCertificate(pol,var)
964 INPUT : square-free polynomial in var
965 MODIFIER :sqFreeCertificateBetween(pol,var,search_interval)
966 OUTPUT : list of local "certificates" of positivity/negativity
967 that cover the default interval ([-1]).
970 - bernsteinMerge(lhsBern, rhsBern)
972 INPUT : certificates lhsBern, rhsBern
973 OUTPUT : a certificate for the interval covering both lhsBern and rhsBern
976 - compressCertificate(cert_list)
978 INPUT : a list of certificates
979 OUTPUT : a possibly shorter and equivalent list of certificates
981 -----------------------------------------------------------------
985 - certificate(pol,var)
986 INPUT : polynomial in var
988 - if 3 parameters are used, the third parameter specifies the interval;
989 - if 4 parameters are used they are interpreted as the left and right end of the interval;
990 OUTPUT : list of local "certificates" of positivity/negativity
991 that cover entirely the default interval ([-1,1]).
994 - certificateProof(pol,var,search_interval)
995 INPUT : a polynomial in var, a search interval (ex. [-1,-1])
996 OUTPUT : number of subintervals used for proving the positivity/negativity
997 EFFECT : it prints a formal proof of positivity/negativity of pol in
998 search_interval or of the existence of a root.
1001 -----------------------------------------------------------------
1004 multivariateCertificateOfPositivity.mac
1006 Based on R. Leroy, Certificats de positivité et minimisation polynomiale dans
1007 la base de Bernstein multivariée http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00349444/fr/
1008 -----------------------------------------------------------------
1010 - multiCertificate(P,V,vars,d,sub,cert)
1012 polynomial P in vars,
1014 list of variables "vars",
1016 subdivision algorithm "sub",
1017 type of certificate "cert"
1019 f:9*y^2-24*x*y+12*y+16*x^2-16*x+5;
1020 Cf:certificate(f,[[0,0],[1,0],[0,1]],[x,y],2,bisection,pos);
1022 - (wx)drawMultiCertificate(C,sc)
1023 INPUT: output of "multiCertificate", scale sc
1024 EFFECT: it draws the subdivision corresponding to the certificate C