Merge branch 'rtoy-mathjax-for-lapack'
[maxima.git] / share / affine / new-rat.lisp
1 ;;; -*- mode: lisp; package: cl-maxima; syntax: common-lisp -*-
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; ;;;;;
4 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
5 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
6 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 (in-package :maxima)
10 (declare-top (unspecial p y))
12 ;; These functions can be used to keep an alphabetical masterlist in
13 ;;*genvar* and *varlist* and use them. I think *genpairs* is now
14 ;;redundant second genpairs is much smaller than *genpairs* would be and
15 ;;just keeps the pairs needed for the current form. *varlist* and
16 ;;*genvar* are still the global ones.
19 ;;(ratsetup varlist genvar) does ratsetup1 and ratsetup2. Which map the
20 ;;above over varlist but also do things all the way down the list.
21 ;;could do (ratsetup *varlist* *genvar*) if you want to fix them up. to
22 ;;get latest tellrat info and ratweight level info etc.
24 ;;if new-newvar has been called on x and varlist is *varlist* then
25 ;;new-prep1 should have all the variables it wants in genpairs and so we
26 ;;could use the old prep1. In fact new-newvar must be called first
27 ;;because the newvarmexpt function which handles exponentiation does not
28 ;;have a new- analogue and so will call (newsym) not (add-newvar)
30 ;; IDEAS NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: Change the gensym so that instead
31 ;;of allocating a symbol one uses a number (between 1 and 2^16 say).
32 ;;Instead of using the value cell to record the ordering, this is done
33 ;;in an array : so the function for POINTERGP would look like (> (aref
34 ;;genvar x) (aref genvar y)) the functions VALGET and VALPUT would just
35 ;;need changing to (aref genvar x) etc.
37 ;; Another idea would be to change PTIMES and PPLUS etc. so that their
38 ;;internal calls to themselves would involve another function say
39 ;;NPTIMES which would take as its arguments and values a reusable type
40 ;;of polynomial like a an array etc. Then one would only need the
41 ;;functions to change would be the functions which change the
42 ;;NPOLYNOMIALS back to the polynomials and vice versa.
44 ;;the following are faster than the previous ones in the ratmac
46 (defun safe-putprop ( sym value indicator)
47 (putprop sym value indicator))
49 ;;(defun POINTERGP (A B) (> (VALGET A) (VALGET B)))
50 ;;as a subst it is faster any problems 'wfs
52 (defun new-prep1 (x &aux temp)
53 (cond ((floatp x)
54 (cond ($keepfloat (cons x 1.0)) ((prepfloat x))))
55 ((integerp x) (cons (cmod x) 1))
56 ((typep x 'rational)
57 (cond ((null modulus)(cons
58 (numerator x) (denominator x)))
59 (t (cquotient (numerator x) (denominator x)))))
61 ((atom x)(cond ((assolike x genpairs))
62 (t(format t "***In new-prep1**")
63 (add-newvar-to-genpairs x ))))
64 ((and $ratfac (assolike x genpairs)))
65 ((eq (caar x) 'mplus)
66 (cond ($ratfac
67 (setq x (mapcar #'new-prep1 (cdr x)))
68 (cond ((every #'frpoly? x)
69 (cons (mfacpplus (mapl #'(lambda (x)
70 (rplaca x (caar x)))
71 x))
72 1))
73 (t (do ((a (car x) (facrplus a (car l)))
74 (l (cdr x) (cdr l)))
75 ((null l) a)))))
76 (t (do ((a (new-prep1 (cadr x)) (ratplus a (new-prep1 (car l))))
77 (l (cddr x) (cdr l)))
78 ((null l) a)))))
79 ((eq (caar x) 'mtimes)
80 (do ((a (savefactors (new-prep1 (cadr x)))
81 (rattimes a (savefactors (new-prep1 (car l))) sw))
82 (l (cddr x) (cdr l))
83 (sw (not (and $norepeat (member 'ratsimp (cdar x) :test #'eq)))))
84 ((null l) a)))
85 ((eq (caar x) 'mexpt)
86 (newvarmexpt x (caddr x) t))
87 ((eq (caar x) 'mquotient)
88 (ratquotient (savefactors (new-prep1 (cadr x)))
89 (savefactors (new-prep1 (caddr x)))))
90 ((eq (caar x) 'mminus)
91 (ratminus (new-prep1 (cadr x))))
92 ((eq (caar x) 'rat)
93 (cond (modulus (cons (cquotient (cmod (cadr x)) (cmod (caddr x))) 1))
94 (t (cons (cadr x) (caddr x)))))
95 ((eq (caar x) 'bigfloat)(bigfloat2rat x))
96 ((eq (caar x) 'mrat)
97 (cond ((and *withinratf* (member 'trunc (car x) :test #'eq))
98 (throw 'ratf nil))
99 ((catch 'compatvl
100 (progn (setq temp (compatvarl (caddar x)
101 varlist
102 (cadddr (car x))
103 genvar))
105 (cond ((member 'trunc (car x) :test #'eq)
106 (cdr ($taytorat x)))
107 ((and (not $keepfloat)
108 (or (pfloatp (cadr x)) (pfloatp (cddr x))))
109 (cdr (ratrep* ($ratdisrep x))))
110 ((sublis temp (cdr x)))))
111 (t (cdr (ratrep* ($ratdisrep x))))))
112 ((assolike x genpairs))
113 (t (setq x (littlefr1 x))
114 (cond ((assolike x genpairs))
115 (t (format t "%%in new-prep1")
116 (add-newvar-to-genpairs x))))))
118 ;;because symbolics will assign a common lisp print name only when the symbol is referred to
119 (defun safe-string (symb)
120 (let ()
121 (string symb)))
123 (defun new-ratf (l &aux genpairs)
124 (prog (u *withinratf*)
125 (setq *withinratf* t)
126 (when (eq '%% (catch 'ratf (new-newvar l))) ;;get the new variables onto *varlist*
127 (setq *withinratf* nil) (return (srf l))) ;new-prep1 should not have to add any.
128 (let ((varlist *varlist*)(genvar *genvar*))
130 (setq u (catch 'ratf (new-ratrep* l))) ; for truncation routines
131 (return (or u (prog2 (setq *withinratf* nil) (srf l)))))))
135 (defun new-newvar (l )
136 ; (let (( vlist varlist))
137 (my-newvar1 l))
138 ; (setq varlist (sortgreat vlist))
139 ; vlist))
140 ; (setq varlist (nconc (sortgreat vlist) varlist)))
143 (defun new-ratrep* (x)
144 ;;the ratsetup is done in my-newvar1
145 (xcons (new-prep1 x)
146 (list* 'mrat 'simp *varlist* *genvar*
147 (if (and (not (atom x)) (member 'irreducible (cdar x) :test #'eq))
148 '(irreducible)))))
150 (defun new-rat (x &aux genpairs)
151 (cond
152 ((affine-polynomialp x) (cons x 1))
153 ((rational-functionp x) x)
154 ((and (listp x) (eq (caar x) 'mrat))
155 (cond ((member (car (num (cdr x))) *genvar* :test #'eq)
156 (cdr x))
157 (t (format t "~%disrepping")(new-rat ($totaldisrep x)))))
160 (prog (u *withinratf*)
161 (setq *withinratf* t)
162 (cond ((mbagp x)(return (cons (car x) (mapcar 'new-rat (cdr x)))))
164 (when (eq '%% (catch 'ratf (new-newvar x)))
165 (setq *withinratf* nil)(return (srf x)))
166 (let ((varlist *varlist*)(genvar *genvar*))
167 (setq u (catch 'ratf (new-prep1 x))) ;;truncations
168 (return (or u (prog2 (setq *withinratf* nil) (srf x)))))))))))
171 (defun my-newvar1 (x)
172 (cond ((numberp x) nil)
173 ((assolike x genpairs) nil)
174 ;;; ((memalike x varlist))we 're using *varlist*
175 ; ; ((memalike x vlist) nil)
176 ((atom x) (add-newvar-to-genpairs x )nil)
177 ((member (caar x)
178 '(mplus mtimes rat mdifference
179 mquotient mminus bigfloat) :test #'eq)
180 (mapc #'my-newvar1 (cdr x)))
182 ((eq (caar x) 'mexpt)
183 (my-newvar1 (second x) ))
184 ;; ;(newvarmexpt x (caddr x) nil))
185 ((eq (caar x) 'mrat) (merror " how did you get here Bill?")
186 (and *withinratf* (member 'trunc (cdddar x) :test #'eq) (throw 'ratf '%%))
187 (cond ($ratfac (mapc 'newvar3 (caddar x)))
188 (t (mapc #'my-newvar1 (reverse (caddar x))))))
189 ((eq (caar x) 'mnctimes)(add-newvar-to-genpairs x ))
190 (t (merror "What is x like ? ~A" x))))
192 ;;need this?
193 ; (cond (*fnewvarsw (setq x (littlefr1 x))
194 ; (mapc (function newvar1)
195 ; (cdr x))
196 ; (or (memalike x vlist)
197 ; (memalike x varlist)
198 ;; (putonvlist x)))
199 ;; (t (putonvlist x))))))
201 (defun add-newvar-to-genpairs (va &aux the-gensym)
202 (cond ((assolike va nil) genpairs)
203 (t (setq the-gensym (add-newvar va))
204 (push (cons va (rget the-gensym)) genpairs)
205 (rat-setup1 va the-gensym)(rat-setup2 va the-gensym)))
206 nil)
209 ;;might be worthwhile to keep a resource or list of gensyms so that when
210 ;;you reset-vgp then you don't just discard them you reuse them via the gensym call
212 (defvar *genvar-resemble* t)
214 (defun add-newvar ( va &optional (use-*genpairs* t)&aux the-gensym)
215 "If va is not in varlist ADD-NEWVAR splices va into the varlist and a new gensym
216 into genvar ordering and adds to genpairs"
217 (declare (special $order_function))
218 use-*genpairs* ;;don't use it
219 (cond ((and (symbolp va) (not (eql (aref (safe-string va) 0) #\$))) (merror "doesn't begin with $")))
220 (let ()
221 (multiple-value-bind (after there)
222 (find-in-ordered-list va *varlist* $order_function)
223 (cond ((not there)
224 (setq the-gensym (gensym-readable va))
225 ; (cond ((and (symbolp va) *genvar-resemble*)
226 ; (setq the-gensym (make-symbol (string-trim "$" (safe-string va)))))
227 ; (t
228 ; (setq the-gensym (gensym))))
230 (safe-putprop the-gensym va 'disrep)
231 ; (cond (use-*genpairs* (push (cons va (rget the-gensym)) *genpairs*)))
232 ; (rat-setup1 va the-gensym)(rat-setup2 va the-gensym)
233 (setq *genvar* (nsplice-in after the-gensym *genvar*))
234 (setq *varlist* (nsplice-in after va *varlist*))
235 (when *check-order*
236 ; (check-repeats *varlist*)
237 (check-order *varlist*))
238 (loop for v in (nthcdr (max 0 after) *genvar*)
239 for i from (1+ after)
240 do (setf (symbol-value v) i)))
241 (there
242 (setq the-gensym (nth after *genvar*))
243 (cond ((not (nc-equal (get the-gensym 'disrep) va))
244 (fsignal "bad-correspondence" )))))
245 (values the-gensym (not there)))))
247 (defun rat-setup1 (v g)
248 (and $ratwtlvl
249 (setq v (assolike v *ratweights))
250 (if v (safe-putprop g v '$ratweight) (remprop g '$ratweight))))
254 (defun rat-setup2 (v g)
255 (when $algebraic
256 (cond ((setq v (algpget v))
257 (let ()
258 (safe-putprop g v 'tellrat)))
259 (t (remprop g 'tellrat)))))
263 (defun te (f g)
264 (let* ((genvar (nreverse (sort (union1 (listovars f) (listovars g)) #'pointergp)))
265 (varlist (loop for v in genvar collecting (get v 'disrep))))
266 (break t)
267 (ratreduce f g)))
271 (defun new-pfactor (poly)
272 "returns an alternating list: factor1 expt1 factor2 expt2 ..."
273 (let ((genvar (nreverse (sort (listovars poly) #'pointergp))))
274 (pfactor poly)))
276 (defun multiply-factors-with-multiplicity (a-list &aux ( answer 1))
277 (loop for v in a-list by #'cddr
278 for w in (cdr a-list) by #'cddr
279 do (loop while (> w 0)
280 do (setq answer (n* answer v))
281 (setq w (1- w))))
282 answer)
284 (defun copy-vgp ()
285 (setq *varlist* (copy-list *varlist*))
286 (setq *genvar* (copy-list *genvar*)) nil)
289 (defun q-var (f)(cond ((atom f) nil)
290 (t (aref f 0))))
292 (defun ar-last (aray)
293 (aref aray (1- (length (the cl:array aray)))))
294 (defun ar-second-last (aray)
295 (aref aray (- (length (the cl:array aray)) 2)))
297 (defun set-fill-pointer (aray n)(setf (fill-pointer aray ) n) aray)
298 (defun constant-term-in-main-variable (f)
299 (cond ((czerop (ar-second-last f))
300 (ar-last f))
301 (t 0)))
303 #+debug
304 (progn
305 (defmfun pplus (x y)
306 (cond ((pcoefp x) (pcplus x y))
307 ((pcoefp y) (pcplus y x))
308 ((eq (p-var x) (p-var y))
309 (psimp (p-var x) (ptptplus (p-terms y) (p-terms x))))
310 ((pointergp (p-var x) (p-var y))
311 (psimp (p-var x) (ptcplus y (p-terms x))))
312 (t (psimp (p-var y) (ptcplus x (p-terms y))))))
314 (defmfun ptimes (x y)
315 (cond ((pcoefp x) (if (pzerop x) 0 (pctimes x y)))
316 ((pcoefp y) (if (pzerop y) 0 (pctimes y x)))
317 ((eq (p-var x) (p-var y))
318 (palgsimp (p-var x) (ptimes1 (p-terms x) (p-terms y)) (alg x)))
319 ((pointergp (p-var x) (p-var y))
320 (psimp (p-var x) (pctimes1 y (p-terms x))))
321 (t (psimp (p-var y) (pctimes1 x (p-terms y))))))
322 (defun ptimes (x y)
323 (cond ((atom x)
324 (cond ((and (numberp x)
325 (zerop x))
327 (t (pctimes x y))))
328 ((atom y)
329 (cond ((and (numberp y)
330 (zerop y))
332 (t (pctimes y x))))
333 ((eq (car x) (car y))
334 (palgsimp (car x) (ptimes1 (cdr x) (cdr y)) (alg x)))
335 ((> (symbol-value (car x)) (symbol-value (car y)))
336 (psimp (car x) (pctimes1 y (cdr x))))
337 (t (psimp (car y) (pctimes1 x (cdr y))))))
339 (defmfun pdifference (x y)
340 (cond ((pcoefp x) (pcdiffer x y))
341 ((pcoefp y) (pcplus (cminus y) x))
342 ((eq (p-var x) (p-var y))
343 (psimp (p-var x) (ptptdiffer (p-terms x) (p-terms y))))
344 ((pointergp (p-var x) (p-var y))
345 (psimp (p-var x) (ptcdiffer-minus (p-terms x) y)))
346 (t (psimp (p-var y) (ptcdiffer x (p-terms y))))))
349 (defun pfactor (p &aux ($algebraic algfac*))
350 (cond ((pcoefp p) (cfactor p))
351 ($ratfac (pfacprod p))
352 (t (setq p (factorout p))
353 (cond ((equal (cadr p) 1) (car p))
354 ((numberp (cadr p)) (append (cfactor (cadr p)) (car p)))
355 (t ((lambda (cont)
356 (nconc
357 (cond ((equal (car cont) 1) nil)
358 (algfac*
359 (cond (modulus (list (car cont) 1))
360 ((equal (car cont) '(1 . 1)) nil)
361 ((equal (cdar cont) 1)
362 (list (caar cont) 1))
363 (t (list (caar cont) 1 (cdar cont) -1))))
364 (t (cfactor (car cont))))
365 (pfactor11 (psqfr (cadr cont)))
366 (car p)))
367 (cond (modulus (list (leadalgcoef (cadr p))
368 (monize (cadr p))))
369 (algfac* (algcontent (cadr p)))
371 (t (pcontent (cadr p))))))))))
374 (defun fullratsimp (l)
375 (let (($expop 0) ($expon 0) (inratsimp t) $ratsimpexpons)
376 (setq l ($totaldisrep l)) (fr1 l varlist))))
379 ;;the following works but is slow see projective
380 (defmfun $gcdlist (&rest fns)
381 (cond ((and (eql (length fns) 1)
382 ($listp (car fns))
383 (setq fns (cdr (car fns))))))
384 (let (varlist gcd-denom gcd-num rat-fns )
385 (cond ((eql (length fns) 1) (car fns))
387 (loop for v in fns
388 do (newvar v))
389 (setq rat-fns (loop for v in fns collecting (cdr (ratrep* v))))
390 (setq gcd-num (num (car rat-fns)))
391 (loop for w in (cdr rat-fns)
393 (setq gcd-num (pgcd gcd-num (num w))))
394 (setq gcd-denom (denom (car rat-fns)))
395 (loop for w in (cdr rat-fns)
396 do (setq gcd-denom (pgcd gcd-denom (denom w))))
397 (ratdisrep (cons (list 'mrat 'simp varlist genvar)
398 (cons gcd-num gcd-denom)))))))
400 ;;;;the following works but seems slower than factoring
401 ;(defun $projective ( vector)
402 ; (check-arg vector '$listp nil)
403 ; (let ( VARLIST (fns (cdr vector))
404 ; answer gcd-num factor lcm-denom rat-fns )
405 ; (loop for v in fns
406 ; do (newvar v))
407 ; (setq rat-fns (loop for v in fns
408 ; collecting (cdr (ratrep* v))))
409 ; (setq gcd-num (num (car rat-fns)))
410 ; (loop for w in (cdr rat-fns)
411 ; do
412 ; (setq gcd-num (pgcd gcd-num (num w))))
413 ; (setq lcm-denom (denom (car rat-fns)))
414 ; (loop for w in (cdr rat-fns)
415 ; do (setq lcm-denom (plcm lcm-denom (denom w))))
416 ; (setq factor (cons lcm-denom gcd-num))
417 ; (setq answer (loop for v in rat-fns
418 ; collecting (rattimes v factor t)))
419 ; (setq header (list 'mrat 'simp varlist genvar))
420 ; (loop for v in answer
421 ; collecting (ratdisrep (cons header v)) into tem
422 ; finally (return (cons '(mlist) tem)))))
424 (defun factoredp (poly)
425 (cond ((atom poly) t)
426 (t (member 'factored (car poly) :test #'eq))))
428 (defun exponent (expr prod)
429 (cond ((atom prod) 0)
430 ((eq (caar prod) 'mexpt)(cond ((eq (second prod) expr)(third prod))
431 (t 0)))
432 (t(check-arg prod '$productp nil)
433 (loop for v in (cdr prod) do
434 (cond
435 ((equal expr v) (return 1))
436 ((numberp v))
437 ((atom v))
438 ((and (equal (caar v) 'mexpt)
439 (equal (second v) expr))
440 (return (third v))))
441 finally (return 0)))))
443 (defun $projective (vector &aux factors first-one factored-vector expon lcm-denom tem fac where proj)
444 (setq factored-vector (loop for v in (cdr vector)
445 when (factoredp v) collecting v
446 else collecting ($factor v)))
447 (loop for v in factored-vector
448 for i from 0
449 when (not ($zerop v))
450 do (setq first-one v)(setq where i) (return 'done))
451 (cond ((null where) 'image_not_in_projective_space)
453 (setq factored-vector (delete first-one factored-vector :count 1 :test #'equal))
454 (setq proj (loop for w in factored-vector collecting (div* w first-one)))
455 (loop for term in proj
456 when (not (numberp term) )
458 (cond ((atom term)(setq fac term))
460 (loop for v in (cdr term) do
461 (cond ((atom v) (setq fac v))
462 ((eq (caar v) 'mexpt) (setq fac (second v)))
463 ((eq (caar v) 'mplus) (setq fac v)))
464 (cond ((not (member fac factors :test #'equal)) (push fac factors)))))))
465 (loop for w in factors
466 do (setq expon 0)
467 (setq expon (loop for v in proj
468 when (< (setq tem (exponent w v)) 0)
469 minimize tem))
470 (cond ((not (eql expon 0))
471 (push `((mexpt simp) ,w ,expon) lcm-denom))))
472 (cond (lcm-denom (push '(mtimes simp) lcm-denom))
473 (t (setq lcm-denom 1)))
474 (loop for v in proj
475 collecting (div* v lcm-denom) into tem
476 finally (return
477 (cons '(mlist) (nsplice-in (1- where)
478 (div* 1 lcm-denom) tem)))))))
479 (defun $zeta3_ratsimp (expr &aux answer)
480 (setq answer (new-rat expr))
481 (setq answer (rationalize-denom-zeta3 answer))
482 (new-disrep answer))
484 (defun rationalize-denom-zeta3 (expr &aux the-denom the-num the-gen)
485 (setq the-gen (add-newvar '$%zeta3))
486 (cond ((affine-polynomialp expr) expr)
487 ((variable-in-polyp (denom expr) the-gen)
488 (setq the-denom (denom expr))
489 (setq the-num (num expr))
490 (setq the-denom (conj-zeta3 the-denom the-gen))
491 (ratreduce (ptimes the-num the-denom) (ptimes the-denom (denom expr))))
492 (t expr)))
494 (defun conj-zeta3 (expr the-gen &aux answer)
495 (cond ((atom expr) expr)
496 ((eq (car expr) the-gen)
497 (setq expr (copy-list expr))
498 (setf (second expr) 2)
499 (palgsimp the-gen (cdr expr) (alg expr)))
500 (t (setq answer (copy-list expr))
501 (do ((r (cddr answer) (cddr r)))
502 ((not (consp r)) answer)
503 (rplaca r (conj-zeta3 (car r) the-gen))))))
505 (defun variable-in-polyp (poly gen)
506 (catch 'its-in
507 (variable-in-polyp1 poly gen)))
508 (defun variable-in-polyp1 (poly gen)
509 (cond ((atom poly) nil)
510 ((eq (car poly) gen) (throw 'its-in t))
512 (do ((r (cddr poly) (cddr r)))
513 ((not (consp r)) nil)
514 (variable-in-polyp1 (car r) gen)))))
516 (defun $zeta3_factor (poly)
517 ($factor poly `((mplus) ((mexpt) $%zeta3 2) $%zeta3 1))) ; %zeta3^2+%zeta3+1
519 (defun new-newvarmexpt (x e flag)
520 (declare (special radlist expsumsplit vlist))
521 ;; when flag is t, call returns ratform
522 (prog (topexp)
523 (cond ((and (fixnump e) (not flag))
524 (return (newvar1 (cadr x)))))
525 (setq topexp 1)
526 top (cond
528 ;; x=b^n for n a number
529 ((fixnump e)
530 (setq topexp (* topexp e))
531 (setq x (cadr x)))
532 ((atom e) nil)
534 ;; x=b^(p/q) for p and q integers
535 ((eq (caar e) 'rat)
536 (cond ((or (minusp (cadr e)) (greaterp (cadr e) 1))
537 (setq topexp (* topexp (cadr e)))
538 (setq x (list '(mexpt)
539 (cadr x)
540 (list '(rat) 1 (caddr e))))))
541 (cond ((or flag (numberp (cadr x)) ))
542 (*ratsimp*
543 (cond ((memalike x radlist) (return nil))
544 (t (setq radlist (cons x radlist))
545 (return (newvar1 (cadr x))))) )
546 ($algebraic (newvar1 (cadr x)))))
547 ;; x=b^(a*c)
548 ((eq (caar e) 'mtimes)
549 (cond
550 ((or
552 ;; x=b^(n *c)
553 (and (atom (cadr e))
554 (fixnump (cadr e))
555 (setq topexp (* topexp (cadr e)))
556 (setq e (cddr e)))
558 ;; x=b^(p/q *c)
559 (and (not (atom (cadr e)))
560 (eq (caaadr e) 'rat)
561 (not (equal 1 (cadadr e)))
562 (setq topexp (* topexp (cadadr e)))
563 (setq e (cons (list '(rat)
565 (caddr (cadr e)))
566 (cddr e)))))
567 (setq x
568 (list '(mexpt)
569 (cadr x)
570 (setq e (simplify (cons '(mtimes)
571 e)))))
572 (go top))))
574 ;; x=b^(a+c)
575 ((and (eq (caar e) 'mplus) expsumsplit) ;switch controls
576 (setq ;splitting exponent
577 x ;sums
578 (cons
579 '(mtimes)
580 (mapcar
581 #'(lambda (ll)
582 (list '(mexpt)
583 (cadr x)
584 (simplify (list '(mtimes)
585 topexp
586 ll))))
587 (cdr e))))
588 (cond (flag (return (new-prep1 x)))
589 (t (return (newvar1 x))))))
590 (cond (flag nil)
591 ((equal 1 topexp)
592 (cond ((or (atom x)
593 (not (eq (caar x) 'mexpt)))
594 (newvar1 x))
595 ((or (memalike x varlist) (memalike x vlist))
596 nil)
597 (t (cond ((or (atom x) (null *fnewvarsw))
598 (putonvlist x))
599 (t (setq x (littlefr1 x))
600 (mapc #'newvar1 (cdr x))
601 (or (memalike x vlist)
602 (memalike x varlist)
603 (putonvlist x)))))))
604 (t (newvar1 x)))
605 (return
606 (cond
607 ((null flag) nil)
608 ((equal 1 topexp)
609 (cond
610 ((and (not (atom x)) (eq (caar x) 'mexpt))
611 (cond ((assolike x genpairs))
612 ; *** should only get here if called from fr1. *fnewvarsw=nil
613 (t (setq x (littlefr1 x))
614 (cond ((assolike x genpairs))
615 (t (new-newsym x))))))
616 (t (new-prep1 x))))
617 (t (ratexpt (new-prep1 x) topexp))))))
620 (defun new-newsym (e)
621 (prog (g p)
622 (cond ((setq g (assolike e genpairs))
623 (return g)))
624 (setq g (gensym))
625 (putprop g e 'disrep)
626 (add-newvar e)
627 ; (push e varlist)
628 ; (push (cons e (rget g)) genpairs)
629 ; (valput g (if genvar (1- (valget (car genvar))) 1))
630 ; (push g genvar)
631 (cond ((setq p (and $algebraic (algpget e)))
632 ; (algordset p genvar)
633 (putprop g p 'tellrat)))
634 (return (rget g))))
638 ;; the tellrat must be compatible with *genvar*
640 (defun tellrat1 (x &aux varlist genvar $algebraic $ratfac algvar)
641 (setq x ($totaldisrep x))
642 (and (not (atom x)) (eq (caar x) 'mequal)
643 (newvar (cadr x)))
644 (newvar (setq x (meqhk x)))
645 (or varlist (merror "Improper polynomial"))
646 (setq x (primpart (cadr ($new_rat x))))
647 (setq algvar (if (symbolp (car x)) (get (car x) 'disrep)))
648 (setq x (p-terms x))
649 (if (not (equal (pt-lc x) 1)) (merror "Minimal polynomial must be monic"))
650 (do ((p (pt-red x) (pt-red p))) ((ptzerop p)) (setf (pt-lc p) (pdis (pt-lc p))))
651 (setq algvar (cons algvar x))
652 (if (setq x (assol (car algvar) tellratlist))
653 (setq tellratlist (remove x tellratlist :test #'equal)))
654 (push algvar tellratlist))