Merge branch 'rtoy-mathjax-for-lapack'
[maxima.git] / share / numeric / fft-core.lisp
1 ;; -*- Lisp -*-
3 (in-package :maxima-fft)
4 (use-package :maxima)
6 (defun mgetarray (marg)
7 "Return the lisp array which is somehow attached to MARG."
8 (or (and (symbolp marg) (symbol-array (mget marg 'maxima::array)))
9 (and ($listp marg) (make-array ($length marg) :initial-contents (rest marg)))
10 (and (arrayp marg) marg)))
12 (defun fft-arg-check (user-fcn-name ary)
13 ;; I don't check here if this is really a floating point array. For maxima
14 ;; arrays which are symbols this would be no problem since the type is on
15 ;; the property list. On the other hand, for "fast" arrays (i.e. lisp
16 ;; arrays), using ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE might not be too useful.
17 (or (mgetarray ary)
18 (merror "~M: argument must a list or array; instead found ~:M" user-fcn-name ary)))
20 (defun make-empty-copy (a)
21 (cond
22 (($listp a)
23 (cons '(mlist) (make-list ($length a) :initial-element 0e0)))
24 ((arrayp a)
25 (make-array (length a) :initial-element 0e0))
26 ((symbolp a)
27 (meval
28 `(($array)
29 ,(intern (symbol-name (gensym "$G")))
30 $float
31 ,(1- (length (mgetarray a))))))))
33 (defun complex-to-polar (re im)
34 (dotimes (k (min (length re) (length im)))
35 (let ((rp (aref re k))
36 (ip (aref im k)))
37 (setf (aref re k) (abs (complex rp ip)))
38 (setf (aref im k) (atan ip rp)))))
40 (defun polar-to-complex (mag phase)
41 (dotimes (k (min (length mag) (length phase)))
42 (let ((r (aref mag k))
43 (p (aref phase k)))
44 (setf (aref mag k) (* r (cos p)))
45 (setf (aref phase k) (* r (sin p))))))
47 (declaim (inline log-base2))
48 (defun log-base2 (n)
49 "Return the M such that 2^m <= N. If N is a power of two, M =
50 log2(N). Expected usage is for the case of N a power of two."
51 (declare (type (and fixnum (integer 0)) n)
52 (optimize (speed 3)))
53 ;; Just find m such that 2^m <= n < 2^(m+1). It's up to the caller
54 ;; to make sure that n is a power of two. (The previous
55 ;; implementation using (/ (log n) (log 2)) has roundoff errors.
56 ;; This doesn't.)
57 (1- (integer-length n)))
59 (defvar *sincos-tables*
60 (make-hash-table)
61 "Hash table mapping log2 of the FFT size to an
62 array of exp(2*pi*i/N), where N is the FFT size.")
64 (defun sincos-table (m)
65 "For an FFT order of M, return an array of complex twiddle factors
66 for the FFT. The array contains the values exp(i*pi*k/2^(m-1))."
67 (declare (type (and fixnum unsigned-byte) m))
68 (cond ((gethash m *sincos-tables*))
70 ;; Need to create the sincos table. Only need to have a half
71 ;; period.
72 (let* ((n (ash 1 (1- m)))
73 (p (/ #+(and cmu flonum-double-double) kernel:dd-pi
74 #-flonum-double-double (coerce pi 'double-float)
75 n))
76 (table (make-array n :element-type
77 #+(and cmu flonum-double-double) '(complex double-double-float)
78 #-flonum-double-double '(complex double-float))))
79 (dotimes (k n)
80 (setf (aref table k) (cis (* k p))))
81 ;; Make the half point exactly correct
82 (when (> n 1)
83 (setf (aref table (ash n -1))
84 (coerce #c(0 1) #+(and cmu flonum-double-double) '(complex double-double-float)
85 #-flonum-double-double '(complex double-float))))
86 (setf (gethash m *sincos-tables*) table)
87 table))))
89 (defun mlist->complex-cl-vector (object)
90 "Convert Maxima list to a (simple-array (complex double-float) (*))
91 with the same values."
92 (let ((z (make-array (1- (length object)) :element-type '(complex double-float))))
93 (loop for k of-type fixnum from 0
94 for x in (cdr object)
95 while x
97 (let ((fl (risplit ($float x))))
98 (setf (aref z k) (complex (car fl) (cdr fl)))))
99 z))
101 (defun complex-cl-vector->mlist (array)
102 "Convert a CL array of complex values to a Maxima list containing
103 the same values."
104 (declare (type (simple-array (complex double-float) (*)) array))
105 (cons '(mlist simp)
106 (loop for w of-type (complex double-float) across array
107 collect (add (realpart w)
108 (mul (imagpart w) '$%i)))))
110 (defun array->complex-cl-vector (array)
111 "Convert a CL vector of maxima values to a (simsple-array (complex
112 double-float) (*)) with the same complex values."
113 (let* ((n (length array))
114 (z (make-array n :element-type '(complex double-float))))
115 (dotimes (k n)
116 (let ((fl (risplit ($float (aref array k)))))
117 (setf (aref z k) (complex (car fl) (cdr fl)))))
120 (defun complex-cl-vector->vector (array)
121 "Convert (simple-array (complex double-float) (*)) to a CL vector of
122 maxima expressions of the same value."
123 (declare (type (simple-array (complex double-float) (*)) array))
124 (let* ((n (length array))
125 (z (make-array n)))
126 (dotimes (k n)
127 (let ((item (aref array k)))
128 (setf (aref z k) (add (realpart item)
129 (mul '$%i (imagpart item))))))
132 (defun find-complex-fft-converters (object &optional (maxima-function-name "fft"))
133 "Convert a Maxima OBJECT to a specialized CL vector suitable for the
134 complex FFT routines. Two values are returned: The specialized
135 vector and a function that will convert the result of the FFT
136 routine to a Maxima object of the same type as
137 OBJECT. MAXIMA-FUNCTION-NAME is a string to use for error messages."
138 ;;(format t "object = ~S~%" object)
139 ;;(format t "arrayp = ~S~%" (arrayp object))
140 ;;(describe 'arrayp)
141 (cond (($listp object)
142 (values
143 (mlist->complex-cl-vector object)
144 #'complex-cl-vector->mlist))
145 ((arrayp object)
146 (values
147 (array->complex-cl-vector object)
148 #'complex-cl-vector->vector))
149 ((and (symbolp object) (symbol-array (mget object 'maxima::array)))
150 (values
151 (let* ((sym-array (symbol-array (mget object 'maxima::array))))
152 (array->complex-cl-vector sym-array))
153 #'(lambda (array)
154 (let ((ar (complex-cl-vector->vector array))
155 (sym (meval `(($array)
156 ,(intern (symbol-name (gensym "$G")) "MAXIMA")
157 $float
158 ,(1- (length array))))))
159 (setf (symbol-array (mget sym 'maxima::array))
161 sym))))
163 (merror "~A: input is not a list or an array: ~M." maxima-function-name object))))
165 ;; Fast Fourier Transform using a simple radix-2 implementation with
166 ;; inputs and outputs in natural order. The definition of the forward
167 ;; FFT follows Maxima's definition of the forward FFT.
168 (defun fft-r2-nn (x &key (inverse-fft-p nil))
169 "Compute the FFT of X which MUST be a specialzed vector of complex
170 double-float's whose length MUST be a power of 2. If INVERSE-FFT-P
171 is non-NIL, the inverse FFT is computed. The scaling by 1/N is
172 included in the inverse FFT.
174 The contents of the input X may be destroyed."
175 (declare (type (simple-array (complex double-float) (*)) x))
176 (let* ((n (length x))
177 (half-n (ash n -1))
178 (pairs-in-group (ash n -1))
179 (number-of-groups 1)
180 (distance (ash n -1))
181 (not-switch-input t)
182 (sincos (sincos-table (maxima-fft:log-base2 n)))
183 (a x)
184 (b (make-array (length x) :element-type '(complex double-float))))
185 (declare (fixnum n half-n pairs-in-group number-of-groups distance)
186 (type (simple-array (complex double-float) (*)) a b sincos))
187 (flet ((fft ()
188 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
189 (let ((index 0))
190 (declare (fixnum index))
191 (dotimes (k number-of-groups)
192 (declare (fixnum k))
193 (let* ((jfirst (* 2 k pairs-in-group))
194 (jlast (+ jfirst pairs-in-group -1))
195 (jtwiddle (* k pairs-in-group))
196 (w (let ((w (aref sincos jtwiddle)))
197 (if inverse-fft-p
198 (conjugate w)
199 w))))
200 (declare (fixnum jfirst jlast jtwiddle)
201 (type (complex double-float) w))
202 #+nil
203 (format t "k = ~D, jfirst/last = ~D ~D jtwiddle = ~D dist ~D index ~D, W ~S~%"
204 k jfirst jlast jtwiddle distance index w)
205 (loop for j of-type fixnum from jfirst upto jlast do
206 (let ((temp (* w (aref a (+ j distance)))))
207 (setf (aref b index) (+ (aref a j) temp))
208 (setf (aref b (+ index half-n)) (- (aref a j) temp))
209 (incf index))))))))
210 (loop while (< number-of-groups n) do
211 (fft)
213 #+nil
214 (progn
215 (format t "number-of-groups = ~D~%" number-of-groups)
216 (format t "Output = ~S~%" b))
218 (rotatef a b)
219 (setf not-switch-input (not not-switch-input))
220 (setf pairs-in-group (ash pairs-in-group -1))
221 (setf number-of-groups (ash number-of-groups 1))
222 (setf distance (ash distance -1)))
224 (if inverse-fft-p
226 (dotimes (k n a)
227 (declare (fixnum k)
228 (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
229 (let ((w (aref a k)))
230 (setf (aref a k) (/ w n))))))))
232 ;;; RFFT
234 ;;; The FFT of a real signal of length N can be computed using complex
235 ;;; FFT of length N/2. For large values of N, this can represent
236 ;;; significant savings in computation.
238 ;;; See
240 (defun mlist->rfft-vector (object)
241 "Convert Maxima list to a (simple-array (complex double-float) (*))
242 with the same values suitable for as the input for the RFFT routine.
243 The maxima list is assumed to consist only of real values."
244 (let* ((n (length (cdr object)))
245 (z (make-array (ash n -1) :element-type '(complex double-float))))
246 (loop for k from 0
247 for (re im) on (cdr object) by #'cddr
248 while im
250 (setf (aref z k) (complex ($float re) ($float im))))
253 (defun array->rfft-vector (array)
254 "Convert CL array of real (Maxima) values to a (simple-array
255 (complex double-float) (*)) with the same values suitable for as the
256 input for the RFFT routine. The CL array is assumed to consist only
257 of real values."
258 (let* ((n (length array))
259 (z (make-array (ash n -1) :element-type '(complex double-float))))
260 (loop for k from 0 below n by 2
261 for m from 0
263 (setf (aref z m) (complex ($float (aref array k))
264 ($float (aref array (1+ k))))))
267 (defun find-rfft-converters (object)
268 "Convert a Maxima OBJECT to a specialized CL vector suitable for the
269 RFFT routines. Two values are returned: The specialized vector and
270 a function that will convert the result of the RFFT routine to a
271 Maxima object of the same type as OBJECT. MAXIMA-FUNCTION-NAME is a
272 string to use for error messages."
273 (cond (($listp object)
274 (values
275 (mlist->rfft-vector object)
276 #'complex-cl-vector->mlist
277 (1- (length object))))
278 ((arrayp object)
279 (values
280 (let ((z (make-array (length object) :element-type '(complex double-float))))
281 (loop for k of-type fixnum from 0
282 for x across object
284 (let ((fl (risplit ($float x))))
285 (setf (aref z k) (complex (car fl) (cdr fl)))))
287 #'complex-cl-vector->vector
288 (length object)))
289 ((and (symbolp object) (symbol-array (mget object 'maxima::array)))
290 (let ((sym-array (symbol-array (mget object 'maxima::array))))
291 (values
292 (array->rfft-vector sym-array)
293 #'(lambda (array)
294 (let ((ar (complex-cl-vector->vector array))
295 (sym (meval `(($array)
296 ,(intern (symbol-name (gensym "$G")))
297 $float
298 ,(1- (length array))))))
299 (setf (symbol-array (mget sym 'maxima::array))
300 ar)))
301 (length sym-array))))
303 (merror "real_fft: input is not a list or an array: ~M." object))))
305 (defun find-irfft-converters (object)
306 "Convert a Maxima OBJECT to a specialized CL vector suitable for the
307 inverse RFFT routines. Two values are returned: The specialized
308 vector and a function that will convert the result of the inverse
309 RFFT routine to a Maxima object of the same type as
310 OBJECT. MAXIMA-FUNCTION-NAME is a string to use for error messages."
311 (cond (($listp object)
312 (values
313 (mlist->complex-cl-vector object)
314 #'(lambda (obj)
315 (let (result)
316 (map nil #'(lambda (z)
317 (push (realpart z) result)
318 (push (imagpart z) result))
319 obj)
320 (cons '(mlist simp) (nreverse result))))))
321 ((arrayp object)
322 (values
323 (array->complex-cl-vector object)
324 #'(lambda (obj)
325 (let ((result (make-array (* 2 (length obj)))))
326 (loop for k from 0 by 2
327 for z across obj
329 (progn
330 (setf (aref result k) (realpart z))
331 (setf (aref result (1+ k)) (imagpart z))))
332 result))))
334 (merror "inverse_real_fft: input is not a list or an array: ~M." object))))
337 ;;; Bigfloat FFT
339 ;;; The same set of FFT routines as for floats, but modified to return
340 ;;; a bigfloat result.
342 ;; Convert a sequence to an array of complex bigfloat numbers. These
343 ;; probably don't have to be very fast because the conversions to
344 ;; bigfloat and back are relatively slow.
345 (defun seq->bfft-vector (seq)
346 (map 'vector #'(lambda (z)
347 (destructuring-bind (rp . ip)
348 (risplit ($bfloat z))
349 (bigfloat:bigfloat rp ip)))
350 seq))
352 (defun mlist->bfft-vector (mlist)
353 (seq->bfft-vector (cdr mlist)))
355 (defun lisp-array->bfft-vector (arr)
356 (seq->bfft-vector arr))
358 (defun bfft-vector->seq (arr seqtype)
359 (map seqtype #'to arr))
361 (defun bfft-vector->mlist (arr)
362 (cons '(mlist simp) (bfft-vector->seq arr 'list)))
364 (defun bfft-vector->lisp-array (arr)
365 (bfft-vector->seq arr 'vector))
367 (defun bfft-vector->maxima-symbol-array (arr)
368 "Outputs a Maxima array as does Maxima's 'array()' function."
369 (let ((lisp-array (bfft-vector->lisp-array arr))
370 (maxima-symbol (meval `(($array)
371 ,(intern (symbol-name (gensym "$G")))
372 $float
373 ,(1- (length arr))))))
374 (setf (symbol-array (mget maxima-symbol 'maxima::array)) lisp-array)
375 maxima-symbol))
377 (defun find-bf-fft-converter (input &optional (name "bf_fft"))
378 (cond (($listp input)
379 (values
380 (mlist->bfft-vector input)
381 #'bfft-vector->mlist))
382 ((arrayp input)
383 (values
384 (lisp-array->bfft-vector input)
385 #'bfft-vector->lisp-array))
386 ((and (symbolp input) (symbol-array (mget input 'maxima::array)))
387 (values
388 (lisp-array->bfft-vector (symbol-array (mget input 'maxima::array)))
389 #'bfft-vector->maxima-symbol-array))
391 (merror "~A: input is not a list or an array: ~M." name input))))
395 (defun mlist->bf-rfft-vector (object)
396 (let* ((n (length (cdr object)))
397 (z (make-array (ash n -1))))
398 (loop for k from 0
399 for (re im) on (cdr object) by #'cddr
400 while im
402 (setf (aref z k) (complex ($float re) ($float im))))
405 (defun lisp-array->bf-rfft-vector (object)
406 (let ((z (make-array (length object))))
407 (loop for k of-type fixnum from 0
408 for x across object
410 (let ((fl (risplit ($float x))))
411 (setf (aref z k) (complex (car fl) (cdr fl)))))
414 (defun find-bf-rfft-converters (object)
415 (cond (($listp object)
416 (values
417 (mlist->bf-rfft-vector object)
418 #'bfft-vector->mlist))
419 ((arrayp object)
420 (values
421 (lisp-array->bf-rfft-vector object)
422 #'bfft-vector->lisp-array))
423 ((and (symbolp object) (symbol-array (mget object 'maxima::array)))
424 (values
425 (lisp-array->bf-rfft-vector (symbol-array (mget object 'maxima::array)))
426 #'(lambda (array)
427 (let ((ar (bfft-vector->lisp-array array))
428 (sym (meval `(($array)
429 ,(intern (symbol-name (gensym "$G")))
430 $float
431 ,(1- (length array))))))
432 (setf (symbol-array (mget sym 'maxima::array))
433 ar)))))
435 (merror "bf_rfft: input is not a list or an array: ~M." object))))
437 (defun find-bf-irfft-converters (object)
438 (cond (($listp object)
439 (values
440 (mlist->bfft-vector object)
441 #'(lambda (obj)
442 (let (result)
443 (map nil #'(lambda (z)
444 (push (to (bigfloat:realpart z)) result)
445 (push (to (bigfloat:imagpart z)) result))
446 obj)
447 (cons '(mlist simp) (nreverse result))))))
448 ((arrayp object)
449 (values
450 (lisp-array->bfft-vector object)
451 #'(lambda (obj)
452 (let ((result (make-array (* 2 (length obj)))))
453 (loop for k from 0 by 2
454 for z across obj
456 (progn
457 (setf (aref result k) (realpart z))
458 (setf (aref result (1+ k)) (imagpart z))))
459 result))))
461 (merror "bf_inverse_real_fft: input is not a list or an array: ~M." object))))
463 ;;; Bigfloat implementation of Fast Fourier Transform using a radix-2
464 ;;; algorithm with inputs and outputs in natural order.
465 (in-package "BIGFLOAT")
467 ;; This is an equal hash table with a key being a list of the order of
468 ;; the FFT and fpprec. We need fpprec in case the caller changes the
469 ;; requested precision.
470 (defvar *bf-sincos-tables*
471 (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
472 "Hash table mapping log2 of the FFT size to an
473 array of exp(2*pi*i/N), where N is the FFT size.")
475 (defun sincos-table (m)
476 "For an FFT order of M, return an array of complex bigfloat twiddle
477 factors for the FFT. The array contains the values
478 exp(i*pi*k/2^(m-1))."
479 (cond ((gethash (list m maxima::fpprec) *bf-sincos-tables*))
481 ;; Need to create the sincos table. Only need to have a half
482 ;; period.
483 (let* ((n (ash 1 (1- m)))
484 (p (/ (%pi (bigfloat:bigfloat 1))
486 (table (make-array n)))
487 (dotimes (k n)
488 (setf (aref table k) (cis (* k p))))
489 ;; Make the half point exactly correct
490 (when (> n 1)
491 (setf (aref table (ash n -1))
492 (bigfloat:bigfloat 0 1)))
493 (setf (gethash (list m maxima::fpprec) *bf-sincos-tables*)
494 table)
495 table))))
498 ;; Fast Fourier Transform using a simple radix-2 implementation with
499 ;; inputs and outputs in natural order. The definition of the forward
500 ;; FFT follows Maxima's definition of the forward FFT. The input and
501 ;; output are assumed to be bigfloats objects.
502 (defun fft-r2-nn (x &key (inverse-fft-p nil))
503 "Compute the FFT of X which MUST be a specialzed vector of complex
504 bigfloat's whose length MUST be a power of 2. If INVERSE-FFT-P is
505 non-NIL, the inverse FFT is computed. The scaling by 1/N is
506 included in the inverse FFT.
508 The contents of the input X may be destroyed."
509 (let* ((n (length x))
510 (half-n (ash n -1))
511 (pairs-in-group (ash n -1))
512 (number-of-groups 1)
513 (distance (ash n -1))
514 (not-switch-input t)
515 (sincos (sincos-table (maxima-fft:log-base2 n)))
516 (a (copy-seq x))
517 (b (make-array (length x))))
519 (flet ((fft ()
520 (let ((index 0))
521 (dotimes (k number-of-groups)
522 (let* ((jfirst (* 2 k pairs-in-group))
523 (jlast (+ jfirst pairs-in-group -1))
524 (jtwiddle (* k pairs-in-group))
525 (w (let ((w (aref sincos jtwiddle)))
526 (if inverse-fft-p
527 (conjugate w)
528 w))))
530 (loop for j from jfirst upto jlast do
531 (let ((temp (* w (aref a (+ j distance)))))
532 (setf (aref b index) (+ (aref a j) temp))
533 (setf (aref b (+ index half-n)) (- (aref a j) temp))
534 (incf index))))))))
535 (loop while (< number-of-groups n) do
536 (fft)
537 (rotatef a b)
538 (setf not-switch-input (not not-switch-input))
539 (setf pairs-in-group (ash pairs-in-group -1))
540 (setf number-of-groups (ash number-of-groups 1))
541 (setf distance (ash distance -1)))
542 (if inverse-fft-p
544 (map-into a #'(lambda (z)
545 (/ z n))
546 a)))))