Description of maxima_unicode_display in reference manual,
[maxima.git] / interfaces / xmaxima / xmaxima-trailer.tcl
1 # xmaxima-trailer.tcl
2 # Time-stamp: "2021-03-28 11:05:43 villate"
4 # Attach this at the bottom of the xmaxima code to start up the interface.
6 setMaxDir
7 cMAXINITBeforeIni
9 cMAXINITAfterIni
11 if { [llength $maxima_priv(plotfile)] > 0 } {
12 set fptr [open [lindex $maxima_priv(plotfile) 0] r]
13 regsub -all -- {/\*.*?\*/} [read $fptr] {} inputdata
14 close $fptr
15 regsub -all -- {[[:space:]]+} $inputdata { } inputdata
16 string trim $inputdata
17 if {[catch {eval $inputdata}]} {
18 bgerror [mc "Input file has syntax errors"]
19 exit
21 } else {
22 MAXTkmaxima tkmaxima
23 rename exit tkexit
24 proc exit {{val "0"}} {tkmaxima exit "" $val}
25 tkmaxima install