draw: avoid lisp error when region's expr doesn't evaluate to boolean
[maxima.git] / share / fftpack5 / fftpack5-interface.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: lisp -*-
3 (in-package #-gcl #:maxima #+gcl "MAXIMA")
5 (in-package :fftpack5)
7 (defun mlist->complex-cl-vector (object)
8 "Convert Maxima list to a (simple-array (complex double-float) (*))
9 with the same values."
10 (let ((z (make-array (1- (length object)) :element-type '(complex double-float))))
11 (loop for k of-type fixnum from 0
12 for x in (cdr object)
13 while x
15 (let ((fl (maxima::risplit (maxima::$float x))))
16 (setf (aref z k) (complex (car fl) (cdr fl)))))
17 z))
19 (defun complex-cl-vector->mlist (array)
20 "Convert a CL array of complex values to a Maxima list containing
21 the same values."
22 (declare (type (simple-array (complex double-float) (*)) array))
23 (cons '(maxima::mlist maxima::simp)
24 (loop for w of-type (complex double-float) across array
25 collect (maxima::add (realpart w)
26 (maxima::mul (imagpart w) 'maxima::$%i)))))
28 (defun array->complex-cl-vector (array)
29 "Convert a CL vector of maxima values to a (simsple-array (complex
30 double-float) (*)) with the same complex values."
31 (let* ((n (length array))
32 (z (make-array n :element-type '(complex double-float))))
33 (dotimes (k n)
34 (let ((fl (maxima::risplit (maxima::$float (aref array k)))))
35 (setf (aref z k) (complex (car fl) (cdr fl)))))
36 z))
38 (defun complex-cl-vector->vector (array)
39 "Convert (simple-array (complex double-float) (*)) to a CL vector of
40 maxima expressions of the same value."
41 (declare (type (simple-array (complex double-float) (*)) array))
42 (let* ((n (length array))
43 (z (make-array n)))
44 (dotimes (k n)
45 (let ((item (aref array k)))
46 (setf (aref z k) (maxima::add (realpart item)
47 (maxima::mul 'maxima::$%i (imagpart item))))))
48 z))
50 (defun find-complex-fft-converters (object &optional (maxima-function-name "fftpack5"))
51 "Convert a Maxima OBJECT to a specialized CL vector suitable for the
52 complex FFT routines. Two values are returned: The specialized
53 vector and a function that will convert the result of the FFT
54 routine to a Maxima object of the same type as
55 OBJECT. MAXIMA-FUNCTION-NAME is a string to use for error messages."
56 ;;(format t "object = ~S~%" object)
57 ;;(format t "arrayp = ~S~%" (arrayp object))
58 ;;(describe 'arrayp)
59 (cond ((maxima::$listp object)
60 (values
61 (mlist->complex-cl-vector object)
62 #'complex-cl-vector->mlist))
63 ((arrayp object)
64 (values
65 (array->complex-cl-vector object)
66 #'complex-cl-vector->vector))
67 ((and (symbolp object) (maxima::symbol-array (maxima::mget object 'maxima::array)))
68 (values
69 (let* ((sym-array (maxima::symbol-array (maxima::mget object 'maxima::array))))
70 (array->complex-cl-vector sym-array))
71 #'(lambda (array)
72 (let ((ar (complex-cl-vector->vector array))
73 (sym (maxima::meval `((maxima::$array)
74 ,(intern (symbol-name (gensym "$G")) "MAXIMA")
75 maxima::$float
76 ,(1- (length array))))))
77 (setf (maxima::symbol-array (maxima::mget sym 'maxima::array))
78 ar)
79 sym))))
81 (maxima::merror "~A: input is not a list or an array: ~M." maxima-function-name object))))
83 (defun mlist->rfft-vector (object)
84 "Convert Maxima list to a (simple-array (complex double-float) (*))
85 with the same values suitable for as the input for the RFFT routine.
86 The maxima list is assumed to consist only of real values."
87 (let* ((n (length (cdr object)))
88 (z (make-array n :element-type 'double-float)))
89 (loop for k from 0
90 for x in (cdr (maxima::$float object))
92 (setf (aref z k) x))
93 z))
95 (defun array->rfft-vector (array)
96 "Convert CL array of real (Maxima) values to a (simple-array
97 (complex double-float) (*)) with the same values suitable for as the
98 input for the RFFT routine. The CL array is assumed to consist only
99 of real values."
100 (let* ((n (length array))
101 (z (make-array n :element-type 'double-float)))
102 (loop for k from 0 below n
103 for m from 0
105 (setf (aref z m) (maxima::$float (aref array k))))
108 (defun find-rfft-converters (object)
109 "Convert a Maxima OBJECT to a specialized CL vector suitable for the
110 RFFT routines. Two values are returned: The specialized vector and
111 a function that will convert the result of the RFFT routine to a
112 Maxima object of the same type as OBJECT. MAXIMA-FUNCTION-NAME is a
113 string to use for error messages."
114 (cond ((maxima::$listp object)
115 (values
116 (mlist->rfft-vector object)
117 #'complex-cl-vector->mlist))
118 ((arrayp object)
119 (values
120 (let ((z (make-array (length object) :element-type '(complex double-float))))
121 (loop for k of-type fixnum from 0
122 for x across object
124 (let ((fl (maxima::risplit (maxima::$float x))))
125 (setf (aref z k) (complex (car fl) (cdr fl)))))
127 #'complex-cl-vector->vector))
128 ((and (symbolp object) (maxima::symbol-array (maxima::mget object 'maxima::array)))
129 (let ((sym-array (maxima::symbol-array (maxima::mget object 'maxima::array))))
130 (values
131 (array->rfft-vector sym-array)
132 #'(lambda (array)
133 (let ((ar (complex-cl-vector->vector array))
134 (sym (maxima::meval `((maxima::$array)
135 ,(intern (symbol-name (gensym "$G")))
136 maxima::$float
137 ,(1- (length array))))))
138 (setf (maxima::symbol-array (maxima::mget sym 'maxima::array))
139 ar))))))
141 (maxima::merror "real_fft: input is not a list or an array: ~M." object))))
143 (defun find-irfft-converters (object)
144 "Convert a Maxima OBJECT to a specialized CL vector suitable for the
145 inverse RFFT routines. Two values are returned: The specialized
146 vector and a function that will convert the result of the inverse
147 RFFT routine to a Maxima object of the same type as
148 OBJECT. MAXIMA-FUNCTION-NAME is a string to use for error messages."
149 (cond ((maxima::$listp object)
150 (values
151 (mlist->complex-cl-vector object)
152 #'(lambda (obj)
153 (let (result)
154 (map nil #'(lambda (z)
155 (push z result))
156 obj)
157 (cons '(maxima::mlist maxima::simp) (nreverse result))))))
158 ((arrayp object)
159 (values
160 (array->complex-cl-vector object)
161 #'(lambda (obj)
162 (let ((result (make-array (length obj))))
163 (loop for k from 0 by 2
164 for z across obj
166 (progn
167 (setf (aref result k) z)))
168 result))))
170 (maxima::merror "inverse_real_fft: input is not a list or an array: ~M." object))))
172 (in-package :maxima)
174 (defmfun $fftpack5_fft (input)
175 "fftpack5_fft(z)
177 Computes the FFT of the complex-valued vector <input>. The <input>
178 may have any length, but the FFT is most efficient if the length has
179 the form 2^r*3^s*5^t.
181 Let x be the input and y be the transformed value. Then the FFT is
182 defined by
184 y[k] = (1/n) sum(x[j] exp(+2 %i %pi j k / n), j, 0, n - 1)"
186 (multiple-value-bind (z from-lisp)
187 (fftpack5::find-complex-fft-converters input)
188 ;; To match the fft package, we want to do the inverse FFT here
189 ;; and then we need to scale the result by 1/N.
190 (fftpack5:inverse-cfft z)
191 (let* ((n (length z)) (n-float (coerce n 'double-float)))
192 (dotimes (k n)
193 (setf (aref z k) (/ (aref z k) n-float)))
194 (funcall from-lisp z))))
196 (defmfun $fftpack5_inverse_fft (input)
197 "fftpack5_inverse_fft(z)
199 Computes the inverse FFT of the complex-valued vector <input>. The <input>
200 may have any length, but the FFT is most efficient if the length has
201 the form 2^r*3^s*5^t.
203 Let y be the input and x be the inverse-transformed value. Then the
204 inverse FFT is defined by
206 x[j] = sum(y[k] exp(-2 %i %pi j k / n), k, 0, n - 1)"
208 (multiple-value-bind (z from-lisp)
209 (fftpack5::find-complex-fft-converters input)
210 ;; To match the fft package, we want to do the forward FFT here
211 ;; and scale the result by N.
212 (fftpack5:cfft z)
213 (let* ((n (length z)) (n-float (coerce n 'double-float)))
214 (dotimes (k n)
215 (setf (aref z k) (* n-float (aref z k))))
216 (funcall from-lisp z))))
218 (defmfun $fftpack5_real_fft (input)
219 "fftpack5_real_fft(input)
221 Computes the FFT of the real-valued vector <input>. The <input>
222 may have any length, but the FFT is most efficient if the length has
223 the form 2^r*3^s*5^t.
225 No check is made to ensure that the input contains only real values.
227 Let x be the input and y be the transformed value. Then the FFT is
228 defined by
230 y[k] = (1/n) sum(x[j] exp(+2 %i %pi j k / n), j, 0, n - 1)
232 for k = 0, 1, ... floor(n/2). Because of the symmetries of the FFT,
233 y[0] is real. If n is even y[n/2] is real. If n is odd,
234 y[floor(n/2)] may be complex.
236 Use fftpack5_inverse_rfft to compute the inverse FFT"
238 (multiple-value-bind (z from-lisp)
239 (fftpack5::find-rfft-converters input)
240 (funcall from-lisp (fftpack5::rfft z))))
242 (defmfun $fftpack5_inverse_real_fft (input len)
243 "fftpack5_inverse_real_fft(input, len)
245 Computes the inverse FFT of <input>. The <input> must be in the
246 form returned by fftpack5_real_fft. Note that <len> MUST be
247 provided and should be the length of the inverse transform (which
248 must be the length of the original vector that was transformed).
249 This is needed because the length of <input> cannot not uniquely
250 determine the length of the output.
253 (multiple-value-bind (z from-lisp)
254 (fftpack5::find-irfft-converters input)
255 (funcall from-lisp (fftpack5::inverse-rfft z len))))