2 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3 c Demonstration program for the DLSODAR package.
4 c This is the version of 14 June 2001.
6 c This version is in double precision.
8 c The DLSODAR package is used to solve two simple problems,
9 c one nonstiff and one intermittently stiff.
10 c If the errors are too large, or other difficulty occurs,
11 c a warning message is printed. All output is on unit lout = 6.
12 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
13 external f1
, gr1
, f2
, jac2
, gr2
14 integer iopt
, iout
, istate
, itask
, itol
, iwork
, jroot
, jt
15 1 kroot
, leniw
, lenrw
, liw
, lrw
, lout
, neq
, nerr
, ng
16 2 nfe
, nfea
, nge
, nje
, nst
17 double precision atol
, er
, ero
, errt
, rtol
, rwork
18 1 t
, tout
, tzero
, y
, yt
19 dimension y
(2), atol
(2), rwork
(57), iwork
(22), jroot
20 dimension neq
(1), rtol
24 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
26 c The initial value problem is:
27 c dy/dt = ((2*log(y) + 8)/t - 5)*y, y(1) = 1, 1 .le. t .le. 6
28 c The solution is y(t) = exp(-t**2 + 5*t - 4)
29 c The two root functions are:
30 c g1 = ((2*log(y)+8)/t - 5)*y (= dy/dt) (with root at t = 2.5),
31 c g2 = log(y) - 2.2491 (with roots at t = 2.47 and 2.53)
32 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
33 c Set all input parameters and print heading.
48 write (lout
,110) itol
49 110 format(/' Demonstration program for DLSODAR package'////
51 2 ' Problem is dy/dt = ((2*log(y)+8)/t - 5)*y, y(1) = 1'//
52 3 ' Solution is y(t) = exp(-t**2 + 5*t - 4)'//
53 4 ' Root functions are:'/
54 5 10x
,' g1 = dy/dt (root at t = 2.5)'/
55 6 10x
,' g2 = log(y) - 2.2491 (roots at t = 2.47 and t = 2.53)'//
56 7 ' itol =',i3
,' rtol =',d10
,' atol =',d10
59 c Call DLSODAR in loop over tout values 2,3,4,5,6.
63 call dlsodar
64 1 iopt
66 c Print y and error in y, and print warning if error too large.
67 yt
= exp
+ 5.0d0*t
- 4.0d0
69 write (lout
,130) t
70 130 format(' At t =',d15
,'y =',d15
,'error =',d12
71 if (istate
. 0) go to 185
72 er
= abs
(1)) + atol
74 if (er
. 1000.0d0
) then
76 140 format(//' Warning: error exceeds 1000 * tolerance'//)
79 if (istate
. 3) go to 175
81 c If a root was found, write results and check root location.
82 c Then reset istate to 2 and return to DLSODAR call.
83 write (lout
,150) t
84 150 format(/' Root found at t =',d15
,'jroot =',2i5
85 if (jroot
(1) .eq
. 1) errt
= t
- 2.5d0
86 if (jroot
(2) .eq
. 1 .and
. t
. 2.5d0
) errt
= t
- 2.47d0
87 if (jroot
(2) .eq
. 1 .and
. t
. 2.5d0
) errt
= t
- 2.53d0
89 160 format(' Error in t location of root is',d12
90 if (abs
) .gt
. 1.0d
-3) then
92 170 format(//' Warning: root error exceeds 1.0d-3'//)
98 c If no root found, increment tout and loop back.
99 175 tout
= tout
+ 1.0d0
102 c Problem complete. Print final statistics.
104 if (istate
. 0) nerr
= nerr
+ 1
112 if (jt
. 2) nfea
= nfe
- neq
113 write (lout
,190) lenrw
114 190 format(//' Final statistics for this run:'/
115 1 ' rwork size =',i4
,' iwork size =',i4
116 2 ' number of steps =',i5
117 3 ' number of f-s =',i5
118 4 ' (excluding j-s) =',i5
119 5 ' number of j-s =',i5
120 6 ' number of g-s =',i5
121 7 ' error overrun =',d10
123 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
124 c Second problem (Van der Pol oscillator).
125 c The initial value problem is (after reduction of 2nd order ODE):
126 c dy1/dt = y2, dy2/dt = 100*(1 - y1**2)*y2 - y1,
127 c y1(0) = 2, y2(0) = 0, 0 .le. t .le. 200
128 c The root function is g = y1.
129 c An analytic solution is not known, but the zeros of y1 are known
130 c to 15 figures for purposes of checking the accuracy.
131 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
132 c Set tolerance parameters and print heading.
137 write (lout
,200) itol
138 200 format(////80('*')//' Second problem (Van der Pol oscillator)'//
139 1 ' Problem is dy1/dt = y2, dy2/dt = 100*(1-y1**2)*y2 - y1'/
140 2 ' y1(0) = 2, y2(0) = 0'//
141 3 ' Root function is g = y1'//
142 4 ' itol =',i3
,' rtol =',d10
,' atol =',2d10
144 c Loop over jt = 1, 2. Set remaining parameters and print jt.
158 210 format(///' Solution with jt =',i2
160 c Call DLSODAR in loop over tout values 20,40,...,200.
163 call dlsodar
164 1 iopt
167 write (lout
,230) t
168 230 format(' At t =',d15
,'y1 =',d15
,'y2 =',d15
169 if (istate
. 0) go to 275
170 if (istate
. 3) go to 265
172 c If a root was found, write results and check root location.
173 c Then reset istate to 2 and return to DLSODAR call.
175 240 format(/' Root found at t =',d15
176 kroot
= int
+ 0.5d0
177 tzero
= 81.17237787055d0
+ (kroot
179 write (lout
,250) errt
180 250 format(' Error in t location of root is',d12
181 if (abs
) .gt
. 1.0d
-1) then
183 260 format(//' Warning: root error exceeds 1.0d-1'//)
189 c If no root found, increment tout and loop back.
190 265 tout
= tout
+ 20.0d0
193 c Problem complete. Print final statistics.
195 if (istate
. 0) nerr
= nerr
+ 1
203 if (jt
. 2) nfea
= nfe
- neq
204 write (lout
,280) lenrw
205 280 format(//' Final statistics for this run:'/
206 1 ' rwork size =',i4
,' iwork size =',i4
207 2 ' number of steps =',i5
208 3 ' number of f-s =',i5
209 4 ' (excluding j-s) =',i5
210 5 ' number of j-s =',i5
211 6 ' number of g-s =',i5
214 write (lout
,300) nerr
215 300 format(///' Total number of errors encountered =',i3
219 subroutine f1
, t
, y
, ydot
221 double precision t
, y
, ydot
222 dimension y
(1), ydot
224 ydot
(1) = ((2.0d0*log
(1)) + 8.0d0
- 5.0d0
228 subroutine gr1
, t
, y
, ng
, groot
230 double precision t
, y
, groot
231 dimension y
(1), groot
233 groot
(1) = ((2.0d0*log
(1)) + 8.0d0
- 5.0d0
234 groot
(2) = log
(1)) - 2.2491d0
238 subroutine f2
, t
, y
, ydot
240 double precision t
, y
, ydot
241 dimension y
(2), ydot
244 ydot
(2) = 100.0d0*
- y
(2) - y
248 subroutine jac2
, t
, y
, ml
, mu
, pd
, nrowpd
249 integer neq
, ml
, mu
, nrowpd
250 double precision t
, y
, pd
251 dimension y
(2), pd
255 pd
(2,1) = -200.0d0*y
(2) - 1.0d0
256 pd
(2,2) = 100.0d0*
- y
260 subroutine gr2
, t
, y
, ng
, groot
262 double precision t
, y
, groot
263 dimension y
(2), groot