fixes typos and a missing reference.
[maxima.git] / share / graphs / spring_embedding.lisp
1 ;;;
2 ;;; GRAPHS - graph theory package for Maxima
3 ;;;
4 ;;; Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Andrej Vodopivec <>
5 ;;;
6 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
10 ;;;
11 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
15 ;;;
16 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 ;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
19 ;;;
22 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
23 ;;;
24 ;;; force-based graph embedding algorithm
25 ;;;
26 ;;; Based on:
27 ;;; T.M.J. Fruchterman, E.M. Reingold, Graph drawing by force-directed
28 ;;; placement, Software practice and experience 21 (1991), 11, 1129--1164.
29 ;;;
30 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
32 (in-package :maxima)
34 (defvar *vertex-position*)
35 (defvar *optimal-distance*)
37 (defvar *epsilon-distance* 0.5)
38 (defvar *frame-width* 10.0)
40 (defvar *fixed-vertices* nil)
42 (defun attractive-force (d)
43 (/ (* d d) *optimal-distance*))
45 (defun repulsive-force (d)
46 (let ((d (max d *epsilon-distance*)))
47 (/ (* *optimal-distance* *optimal-distance*) d 100)))
49 (defun distance (p1 p2)
50 (let ((d (mapcar #'- p1 p2)))
51 (sqrt (apply #'+ (mapcar #'* d d)))))
53 (defun random-positions (v-list dimension)
54 (when *fixed-vertices*
55 (let ((n (length *fixed-vertices*)))
56 (dotimes (i (length *fixed-vertices*))
57 (let ((v (nth i *fixed-vertices*))
58 (x (* *frame-width* ($sin (/ (* 2 i pi) n))))
59 (y (* *frame-width* ($cos (/ (* 2 i pi) n)))))
60 (setf (gethash v *vertex-position*)
61 (list x y))))))
62 (dolist (v v-list)
63 (unless (member v *fixed-vertices*)
64 (let* ((x (- *frame-width* (random (* 2 *frame-width*))))
65 (y (- *frame-width* (random (* 2 *frame-width*))))
66 (z (- *frame-width* (random (* 2 *frame-width*)))))
67 (setf (gethash v *vertex-position*)
68 (if (= dimension 3)
69 (list x y z)
70 (list x y)))))))
72 (defmfun $spring_embedding (g depth fixed-vertices dimension continue)
73 (let ((*vertex-position* (make-hash-table))
74 (vertex-displacement (make-hash-table))
75 (*fixed-vertices* (cdr fixed-vertices))
76 (*optimal-distance* (/ (* 2 *frame-width*)
77 (sqrt ($graph_order g)))))
79 ;; Start with current positions if we already have some.
80 (if (and continue
81 (> (length ($get_positions g)) 1)
82 (= ($length ($first ($get_positions g))) dimension))
83 (dolist (v (cdr ($get_positions g)))
84 (setf (gethash (cadr v) *vertex-position*) (cdaddr v)))
85 (random-positions (vertices g) dimension))
87 (let* ((step (/ *frame-width* 5))
88 (d-step (/ step (1+ depth))))
89 (dotimes (i depth)
90 (setq step (- step d-step))
92 (dolist (v (vertices g))
93 (setf (gethash v vertex-displacement) (if (= dimension 2) (list 0 0) (list 0 0 0))))
95 ;; calculate repulsive forces
96 (when (null *fixed-vertices*)
97 (let ((v-vrt (vertices g)))
98 (loop while v-vrt do
99 (let* ((v (car v-vrt))
100 (u-vrt (cdr v-vrt))
101 (v-pos (gethash v *vertex-position*)))
102 (loop while u-vrt do
103 (let* ((u (car u-vrt))
104 (u-pos (gethash u *vertex-position*))
105 (delta (mapcar #'- v-pos u-pos))
106 (delta-abs (distance v-pos u-pos))
107 (force (repulsive-force delta-abs))
108 (vu-disp (mapcar
109 #'(lambda (u) (* (/ u (max delta-abs *epsilon-distance*)) force))
110 delta))
111 (v-disp (gethash v vertex-displacement))
112 (u-disp (gethash u vertex-displacement)))
113 (setf (gethash v vertex-displacement)
114 (mapcar #'+ v-disp vu-disp)
115 (gethash u vertex-displacement)
116 (mapcar #'- u-disp vu-disp))
117 (setq u-vrt (cdr u-vrt)))))
118 (setq v-vrt (cdr v-vrt)))))
120 ;; calculate attractive forces
121 (dolist (e (edges g))
122 (let* ((v (first e))
123 (u (second e))
124 (v-pos (gethash v *vertex-position*))
125 (u-pos (gethash u *vertex-position*))
126 (delta (mapcar #'- v-pos u-pos))
127 (delta-abs (distance v-pos u-pos))
128 (v-disp (gethash v vertex-displacement))
129 (u-disp (gethash u vertex-displacement))
130 (force (attractive-force delta-abs))
131 (vu-disp (mapcar
132 #'(lambda (u)
133 (* (/ u (max delta-abs *epsilon-distance*)) force))
134 delta)))
135 (setf (gethash v vertex-displacement)
136 (mapcar #'- v-disp vu-disp)
137 (gethash u vertex-displacement)
138 (mapcar #'+ u-disp vu-disp))))
140 ;; Limit the displacement
141 (dolist (v (vertices g))
142 (unless (member v *fixed-vertices*)
143 (let* ((v-disp (gethash v vertex-displacement))
144 (v-disp (mapcar #'(lambda (u) (/ u 2)) v-disp))
145 (v-disp-abs (sqrt (apply #'+ (mapcar #'* v-disp v-disp))))
146 (v-pos (gethash v *vertex-position*)))
147 (if (> v-disp-abs step)
148 (setq v-pos (mapcar #'(lambda (u v)
149 (+ u (* (/ v v-disp-abs) step)))
150 v-pos v-disp))
151 (setq v-pos (mapcar #'+ v-pos v-disp)))
152 (setq v-pos (mapcar #'(lambda (u) (min *frame-width* (max u (- *frame-width*))))
153 v-pos))
154 (setf (gethash v *vertex-position*) v-pos))))
157 (let (result)
158 (maphash #'(lambda (vrt pos)
159 (setq result
160 (cons `((mlist simp) ,vrt ((mlist simp) ,@pos))
161 result)))
162 *vertex-position*)
163 (cons '(mlist simp) result)) ))