fixes typos and a missing reference.
[maxima.git] / share / linearalgebra / lu.lisp
1 ;; Copyright 2005, 2006, 2021 by Barton Willis
3 ;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
5 ;;
7 ;; This software has NO WARRANTY, not even the implied warranty of
10 ($put '$lu 3 '$version)
12 ;; Return the i,j entry of the Maxima matrix m. The rows of m have been permuted according
13 ;; to the Maxima list p.
15 (defun m-elem (m p i j)
16 (if (arrayp m) (aref m (aref p i) j) (nth j (nth (nth i p) m))))
18 ;; Set the i j entry of the Maxima matrix or an array to x.
20 (defun setmatelem (m x i j)
21 (if (arrayp m) (setf (aref m i j) x) (setf (nth j (nth i m)) x)))
23 ;; Return m[perm[i], k] - sum(m[perm[i],s] * m[perm[s],k],s,0,n)
25 (defun partial-matrix-prod (m p i k n fadd fsub fmult add-id fname)
26 (cond ((eq fname '$floatfield)
27 (partial-matrix-prod-float m p i k n))
28 ((eq fname '$complexfield)
29 (partial-matrix-prod-complex-float m p i k n))
31 (let ((l (aref p i)))
32 (loop for s from 0 to n do
33 (setq add-id (funcall fadd add-id (funcall fmult (aref m l s) (aref m (aref p s) k)))))
34 (setf (aref m l k) (funcall fsub (aref m l k) add-id))))))
36 (defun partial-matrix-prod-float (m p i k n)
37 (let ((add-id 0.0))
38 (declare (type flonum add-id))
39 (let ((l (aref p i)))
40 (loop for s from 0 to n do
41 (setq add-id (+ add-id (* (aref m l s) (aref m (aref p s) k)))))
42 (setf (aref m l k) (- (aref m l k) add-id)))))
44 (defun partial-matrix-prod-complex-float (m p i k n)
45 (let ((add-id 0.0))
46 (let ((l (aref p i)))
47 (loop for s from 0 to n do
48 (setq add-id (+ add-id (* (aref m l s) (aref m (aref p s) k)))))
49 (setf (aref m l k) (- (aref m l k) add-id)))))
51 ;; Return the infinity norm (the largest row sum) of the r by c array mat. The function
52 ;; fn coerces matrix elements into flonum floats. The argument 'mat' is a Maxima
53 ;; style matrix; thus mat = (($matrix) ((mlist) a b c) etc).
55 (defun array-infinity-norm (mat fn)
56 (reduce #'max (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (reduce #'+ s))
57 (array-to-row-list mat #'(lambda (s) (abs (funcall fn s)))))))
59 (defun $lu_factor (mat &optional (fld '$generalring))
60 ($require_nonempty_matrix mat '$first '$lu_factor)
61 ($require_square_matrix mat '$first '$lu_factor)
62 (setq fld ($require_ring fld '$second '$lu_factor))
64 (let* ((c ($length mat)) (perm (make-array c)) (cnd) (fn))
65 ;(setq mat (full-matrix-map (mring-maxima-to-mring fld) mat))
66 (setq mat (maxima-to-array mat (mring-maxima-to-mring fld)))
68 (decf c)
69 (loop for i from 0 to c do (setf (aref perm i) i))
71 ;; When the matrix elements can be converted to CL floats, find
72 ;; the infinity norm of m. The norm is used to bound the condition
73 ;; number.
75 (cond ((not (eq nil (mring-coerce-to-lisp-float fld)))
76 (setq fn (mring-coerce-to-lisp-float fld))
77 (setq cnd (array-infinity-norm mat fn)))
78 (t (setq cnd 0.0)))
79 (lu-factor mat perm c fld cnd)))
81 (defun $get_lu_factors (x)
82 (let ((mat ($first x)) (mp) (p ($second x)) (perm) (r) (c) (id) (lower) (upper) (zero))
84 (setq r ($matrix_size mat))
85 (setq c ($second r))
86 (setq r ($first r))
87 (setq id ($args ($identfor mat)))
88 (loop for i from 1 to c do
89 (push (nth (nth i p) id) perm)
90 (push (nth (nth i p) mat) mp))
91 (setq perm (reverse perm))
92 (setq mp (reverse mp))
93 (push '($matrix) perm)
94 (push '($matrix) mp)
96 (setq lower (copy-tree mp))
97 (setq upper (copy-tree mp))
98 (setq id ($identfor ($first ($first mat))))
99 (setq zero ($zerofor ($first ($first mat))))
100 (loop for i from 1 to r do
101 (loop for j from 1 to c do
102 (if (= i j) (setmatelem lower id i j))
103 (if (> i j) (setmatelem upper zero i j))
104 (if (< i j) (setmatelem lower zero i j))))
105 `((mlist) ,($transpose perm) ,lower ,upper)))
107 (defun lu-factor (m perm c fld &optional (cnd 1.0))
108 (let ((pos) (kp1) (mx) (lb) (ub) (save) (fname (mring-name fld))
109 (add-id (funcall (mring-add-id fld))))
110 (flet
111 ((fzerop (a) (funcall (mring-fzerop fld) a))
112 (fadd (a b) (funcall (mring-add fld) a b))
113 (fsub (a b) (funcall (mring-sub fld) a b))
114 (fabs (a) (funcall (mring-abs fld) a))
115 (fmult (a b) (funcall (mring-mult fld) a b))
116 (fdiv (a b) (funcall (mring-div fld) a b))
117 (fgreat (a b) (funcall (mring-great fld) a b)))
119 (loop for k from 0 to c do
120 (loop for i from k to c do (partial-matrix-prod m perm i k (- k 1)
121 #'fadd #'fsub #'fmult add-id fname))
122 (setq mx (fabs (m-elem m perm k k)))
123 (setq pos k)
124 (loop for s from k to c do
125 (if (fgreat (fabs (m-elem m perm s k)) mx) (setq pos s mx (fabs (m-elem m perm s k)))))
127 (setq save (aref perm k))
128 (setf (aref perm k) (aref perm pos))
129 (setf (aref perm pos) save)
131 (setq kp1 (+ 1 k))
132 (loop for i from kp1 to c do
133 (when (not (fzerop (m-elem m perm k k)))
134 (setmatelem m (fdiv (m-elem m perm i k) (m-elem m perm k k)) (aref perm i) k)
135 (partial-matrix-prod m perm k i (- k 1) #'fadd #'fsub #'fmult add-id fname))))
137 (cond ((not (eq nil (mring-coerce-to-lisp-float fld)))
138 (multiple-value-setq (lb ub) (mat-cond-by-lu m perm c (mring-coerce-to-lisp-float fld)))
139 (setq m (array-to-maxima-matrix m (mring-mring-to-maxima fld)))
140 (setq lb ($limit (mul lb cnd)))
141 (setq ub ($limit (mul ub cnd)))
142 (setq perm (array-to-maxima-list perm #'(lambda (s) (+ s 1))))
143 `((mlist) ,m ,perm ,(mring-name fld) ,lb ,ub))
145 (setq perm (array-to-maxima-list perm #'(lambda (s) (+ s 1))))
146 (setq m (array-to-maxima-matrix m (mring-mring-to-maxima fld)))
147 `((mlist) ,m ,perm ,(mring-name fld)))))))
149 ;; The first argument should be a matrix in packed LU form. The Maxima list perm
150 ;; specifies the true row ordering. When r is false, reflect the matrix horizontally
151 ;; and vertically.
153 (defun m-elem-reflect (mat perm n r i j)
154 (cond ((and r (= i j)) 1)
155 ;;(r (m-elem mat perm (+ n (- i) 1) (+ n (- j) 1)))
156 (r (m-elem mat perm (+ n (- i)) (+ n (- j))))
157 (t (m-elem mat perm i j))))
159 ;; The first argument mat should be a matrix in the packed LU format.
160 ;; When l-or-u is lower, return the i,j element of the lower triangular
161 ;; factor; when l-or-u is upper, return the j, i element of upper triangular
162 ;; factor. The first argument mat should be a matrix in the packed LU format.
164 (defun mat-cond-by-lu (mat perm n fn)
165 (let ((lb0) (ub0) (lb1) (ub1))
166 (multiple-value-setq (lb0 ub0) (triangular-mat-cond mat perm n fn t))
167 (multiple-value-setq (lb1 ub1) (triangular-mat-cond mat perm n fn nil))
168 (values ($limit (mul lb0 lb1)) ($limit (mul ub0 ub1)))))
170 ;; Return lower and upper bounds for the infinity norm condition number of the lower or
171 ;; upper triangular part of the matrix mat. The function fn coerces the matrix
172 ;; elements to flonum floats. When the matrix is singular, return infinity.
173 ;; This code is based on pseudo-code (algorithm 2.1) in ``Survey of condition
174 ;; number estimation,'' by Nicholas J. Higham, SIAM Review, Vol. 29, No. 4, December,
175 ;; 1987. The lower and upper bounds can differ from the true value by arbitrarily
176 ;; large factors.
178 (defun triangular-mat-cond (mat perm n fn r)
179 (let ((z) (d-max 0.0) (z-max 0.0) (s) (d))
180 (setq z (make-array (+ 1 n)))
182 (catch 'singular
183 (loop for i from n downto 0 do
184 (setq d (abs (funcall fn (m-elem-reflect mat perm n r i i))))
185 (if (= 0.0 d) (throw 'singular (values '$inf '$inf)) (setq d (/ 1 d)))
186 (setq d-max (max d-max (abs (funcall fn d))))
187 (setq s 1.0)
188 (loop for j from (+ 1 i) to n do
189 (incf s (* (abs (funcall fn (m-elem-reflect mat perm n r i j))) (aref z j))))
190 (setf (aref z i) (* d s))
191 (setq z-max (max z-max (aref z i))))
192 (values d-max z-max))))
194 (defun $lu_backsub(m b1)
195 ($require_list m '$first '$lu_backsub)
196 (when (< ($length m) 3)
197 (merror (intl:gettext "The first argument to 'lu_backsub' must be a list with at least 3 members")))
199 (let* ((mat) (n) (r) (c) (bb) (acc) (perm) (id-perm) (b)
200 (fld (get (mfuncall '$ev (fourth m)) 'ring)) (cc)
201 (fadd (mring-add fld))
202 (fsub (mring-sub fld))
203 (fmult (mring-mult fld))
204 (fdiv (mring-rdiv fld))
205 (add-id (funcall (mring-add-id fld))))
207 (setq mat (copy-tree ($first m)))
208 (setq perm ($second m))
209 (setq n ($matrix_size mat))
210 (setq r ($first n))
211 (setq c ($second n))
213 (setq mat (matrix-map (mring-maxima-to-mring fld) mat))
214 (setq b (copy-tree b1))
215 (setq c ($second ($matrix_size mat)))
217 (setq cc ($second ($matrix_size b)))
218 (setq b (matrix-map (mring-maxima-to-mring fld) b))
220 (setq bb (copy-tree b))
221 (loop for i from 1 to r do
222 (loop for j from 1 to cc do
223 (setmatelem bb (m-elem b perm i j) i j)))
225 (setq id-perm (mfuncall '$makelist 'i 'i 1 r))
227 (loop for q from 1 to cc do
228 (loop for i from 2 to c do
229 (setq acc add-id)
230 (loop for j from 1 to (- i 1) do
231 (setq acc (funcall fadd acc (funcall fmult (m-elem mat perm i j) (m-elem bb id-perm j q)))))
232 (setmatelem bb (funcall fsub (m-elem bb id-perm i q) acc) i q)))
234 (loop for q from 1 to cc do
235 (loop for i from r downto 1 do
236 (setq acc (m-elem bb id-perm i q))
237 (loop for j from (+ 1 i) to c do
238 (setq acc (funcall fsub acc (funcall fmult (m-elem mat perm i j) (m-elem bb id-perm j q)))))
239 (setmatelem bb (funcall fdiv acc (m-elem mat perm i i)) i q)))
241 (setq bb (matrix-map (mring-mring-to-maxima fld) bb))
242 bb))
244 (defun $invert_by_lu (m &optional (fld '$generalring))
245 ($require_square_matrix m '$first '$invert_by_lu)
246 ($lu_backsub ($lu_factor m fld) ($identfor m)))
248 ;; Return a Lisp list of two elements, the determinant, and the inverse of M.
249 (defun invert-by-lu-with-determinant (m fld-name)
250 (let*
251 ((i ($identfor m))
252 (m1 ($lu_factor m fld-name))
253 (fld (get fld-name 'ring))
254 (d (determinant-by-lu-factors m1 fld)))
255 (list d ($lu_backsub m1 i))))
257 (defun $determinant_by_lu (m &optional (fld-name '$generalring))
258 ($require_square_matrix m '$first '$determinant_by_lu)
260 (let ((fld ($require_ring fld-name '$second '$determinant_by_lu)))
261 (setq m ($lu_factor m fld-name))
262 (determinant-by-lu-factors m fld)))
264 ;; Assume that M has already been factored by $LU_FACTOR
265 ;; and FLD is some field (not a field name).
266 (defun determinant-by-lu-factors (m fld)
268 (let* ((acc (funcall (mring-mult-id fld)))
269 (fmult (mring-mult fld))
270 (fconvert (mring-maxima-to-mring fld))
271 (n ($first ($matrix_size ($first m))))
272 (perm) (d))
274 (setq perm ($second m))
276 (setq m ($first m))
277 (loop for i from 1 to n do
278 (setq d (funcall fconvert (m-elem m perm i i)))
279 ;;(if ($matrixp d) (setq d ($determinant_by_lu d fld)))
280 (setq acc (funcall fmult acc d)))
281 (multiple-value-bind (perm-sorted perm-sign) (bbsort1 (cdr perm))
282 (declare (ignore perm-sorted))
283 (funcall (mring-mring-to-maxima fld)
284 (if perm-sign (funcall (mring-negate fld) acc) acc)))))
286 (defun $mat_cond (m p)
287 ($require_square_matrix m '$first '$mat_cond)
288 (mul (mfuncall '$mat_norm m p) (mfuncall '$mat_norm ($invert_by_lu m) p)))
290 (defun $linsolve_by_lu (m b &optional (fld '$generalring))
291 ($require_square_matrix m '$first '$linsolve_by_lu)
292 (setq b (if ($listp b) ($transpose b) b))
293 ($require_matrix b '$second '$linsolve_by_lu)
294 ($require_ring fld '$third '$linsolve_by_lu)
295 (if (= ($second ($matrix_size m)) ($first ($matrix_size b))) t
296 (merror (intl:gettext "Incompatible matrix sizes")))
298 (setq m ($lu_factor m fld))
299 `((mlist) ,($lu_backsub m b) ,(if (floatp ($last m)) ($last m) nil)))
301 (defun invertible-matrixp (mat fld)
302 (let ((OK t) (n))
303 (cond (($matrixp mat)
304 (setq n ($matrix_size mat))
305 (cond ((not (eql ($first n) ($second n))) ;nonsquare matrices aren't invertiable
306 nil)
308 (setq mat (fourth ($get_lu_factors ($lu_factor mat fld))))
309 (setq n ($first n))
310 (while (and OK (> n 0))
311 (setq OK (and OK (not ($zeromatrixp ($inpart mat n n)))))
312 (decf n 1))
313 OK)))
314 (t (not ($zeromatrixp mat))))))