Support RETURN-FROM in DEF%TR forms
[maxima.git] / interfaces / xmaxima / Tkmaxima / Matrix.tcl
1 # -*-mode: tcl; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*-
3 # $Id: Matrix.tcl,v 1.4 2006-10-01 23:58:29 villate Exp $
5 ###### Matrix.tcl ######
6 ############################################################
7 # Netmath Copyright (C) 1998 William F. Schelter #
8 # For distribution under GNU public License. See COPYING. #
9 ############################################################
11 # In this file a matrix is represented by a list of M*N entries together
12 # with an integer N giving the number of columns: {1 0 0 1} 2 would give
13 # the two by two identity
15 proc comment {args } {
17 global mee
18 set mee " } \] \[ expr { "
20 proc mkMultLeftExpr { mat n prefix { constant "" } } {
21 #create a function body that does MAT (prefix1,prefix2,..) + constant
22 global mee
23 set all ""
25 set vars ""
26 for { set i 0} { $i < $n} {incr i} { append vars " $prefix$i" }
27 set j 0
28 set k 0
30 foreach v $mat {
31 if { $j == 0 } {
32 set ro ""
33 # append ans ""
34 set op ""
36 append ro " $op $v*\$$prefix$j"
37 set op "+"
38 if { $j == [expr {$n -1}] } {
39 append ans " "
40 if { "[lindex $constant $k]" != "" } {
41 append ro " + [lindex $constant $k] "
43 incr k
44 append ans [concat \[ expr [list $ro] \]]
45 set j -1
47 incr j
49 # puts [list $vars $ans]
50 return [list $vars $ans]
53 proc mkMultLeftFun { mat n name { constant ""} } {
54 set expr [mkMultLeftExpr $mat $n _a $constant]
55 set bod1 [string trim [lindex $expr 1] " "]
56 # set bod "return \"$bod1\""
57 set bod [concat list [lindex $expr 1]]
58 proc $name [lindex $expr 0] $bod
61 proc rotationMatrix { th ph } {
62 return [list \
63 [expr {cos($ph)*cos($th)}] [expr {- cos($ph)*sin($th)}] [expr {sin($ph)}] \
64 [expr {sin($th)}] [expr {cos($th)}] 0.0 \
65 [expr {- sin($ph)*cos($th)}] [expr {sin($ph)*sin($th)}] [expr {cos($ph)}]]
68 proc rotationMatrix { thx thy thz } {
69 return \
70 [list \
71 [expr { cos($thy)*cos($thz) } ] \
72 [expr { cos($thy)*sin($thz) } ] \
73 [expr { sin($thy) } ] \
74 [expr { sin($thx)*sin($thy)*cos($thz)-cos($thx)*sin($thz) } ] \
75 [expr { sin($thx)*sin($thy)*sin($thz)+cos($thx)*cos($thz) } ] \
76 [expr { -sin($thx)*cos($thy) } ] \
77 [expr { -sin($thx)*sin($thz)-cos($thx)*sin($thy)*cos($thz) } ] \
78 [expr { sin($thx)*cos($thz)-cos($thx)*sin($thy)*sin($thz) } ] \
79 [expr { cos($thx)*cos($thy) } ] ]
82 # cross [a,b,c] [d,e,f] == [B*F-C*E,C*D-A*F,A*E-B*D]
83 # cross_product([a,b,c],[d,e,f]):=[B*F-C*E,C*D-A*F,A*E-B*D]
84 # cross_product(u,v):=sublis([a=u[1],b=u[2],c=u[3],d=v[1],e=v[2],f=v[3]],[B*F-C*E,C*D-A*F,A*E-B*D]);
85 # the rotation by azimuth th, and elevation ph
89 proc rotationMatrix { th ph {ignore {} } } {
90 return \
91 [list \
92 [ expr {cos($th) } ]\
93 [expr {sin($th) } ]\
94 0 \
95 [expr {-cos($ph)*sin($th) } ]\
96 [expr {cos($ph)*cos($th) } ]\
97 [expr {sin($ph) } ]\
98 [expr {sin($ph)*sin($th) } ]\
99 [expr {-sin($ph)*cos($th) } ]\
100 [expr {cos($ph) } ]]
103 proc setMatFromList {name lis n} {
104 set i 1
105 set j 1
106 foreach v $lis {
107 uplevel 1 set [set name]($i,$j) $v
108 if { $j == $n } {set j 1; incr i} else { incr j}
112 proc matRef { mat cols i j } {
113 [lindex $mat [expr {$i*$cols + $j}]]
116 proc matTranspose { mat cols } {
117 set j 0
118 set m [expr {[llength $mat ] / $cols}]
119 while { $j < $cols} {
120 set i 0
121 while { $i < $m } {
122 append ans " [lindex $mat [expr {$i*$cols + $j}]]"
123 incr i
125 incr j
127 return $ans
131 proc matMul { mat1 cols1 mat2 cols2 } {
132 mkMultLeftFun $mat1 $cols1 __tem
133 set tr [matTranspose $mat2 $cols2]
134 set rows1 [expr {[llength $mat1] / $cols1}]
135 #puts "tr=$tr"
136 set upto [llength $tr]
137 set j 0
138 set ans ""
139 set i 0
140 while { $j < $cols2 } {
141 append ans " [eval __tem [lrange $tr $i [expr {$i+$cols1 -1}]]]"
142 incr i $cols1
143 incr j
145 # return $ans
146 # puts "matTranspose $ans $rows1"
147 return [matTranspose $ans $rows1]
152 proc invMat3 { mat } {
153 setMatFromList xx $mat 3
154 set det [expr { double($xx(1,1))*($xx(2,2)*$xx(3,3)-$xx(2,3)*$xx(3,2))-$xx(1,2)* \
155 ($xx(2,1)*$xx(3,3)-$xx(2,3)*$xx(3,1))+$xx(1,3)*($xx(2,1)*$xx(3,2)\
156 -$xx(2,2)*$xx(3,1)) }]
158 return [list [expr { ($xx(2,2)*$xx(3,3)-$xx(2,3)*$xx(3,2))/$det}] \
159 [expr { ($xx(1,3)*$xx(3,2)-$xx(1,2)*$xx(3,3))/$det}] \
160 [expr { ($xx(1,2)*$xx(2,3)-$xx(1,3)*$xx(2,2))/$det}] \
162 [expr { ($xx(2,3)*$xx(3,1)-$xx(2,1)*$xx(3,3))/$det}] \
163 [expr { ($xx(1,1)*$xx(3,3)-$xx(1,3)*$xx(3,1))/$det}] \
164 [expr { ($xx(1,3)*$xx(2,1)-$xx(1,1)*$xx(2,3))/$det}] \
166 [expr { ($xx(2,1)*$xx(3,2)-$xx(2,2)*$xx(3,1))/$det}] \
167 [expr { ($xx(1,2)*$xx(3,1)-$xx(1,1)*$xx(3,2))/$det}] \
168 [expr { ($xx(1,1)*$xx(2,2)-$xx(1,2)*$xx(2,1))/$det}]]
172 proc vectorOp { a op b} {
173 set i [llength $a]
174 set k 0
175 set ans [expr [list [lindex $a 0] $op [lindex $b 0]]]
176 while { [incr k] < $i } {
177 lappend ans [expr [list [lindex $a $k] $op [lindex $b $k]]]
179 return $ans
181 ## endsource matrix.tcl