Support RETURN-FROM in DEF%TR forms
[maxima.git] / interfaces / xmaxima / Tkmaxima / Plotconf.tcl
1 ############################################################
2 # Plotconf.tcl #
3 # Copyright (C) 1998 William F. Schelter #
4 # For distribution under GNU public License. See COPYING. #
5 # #
6 # Modified by Jaime E. Villate #
7 # Time-stamp: "2022-04-02 10:25:09 villate" #
8 ############################################################
10 proc makeFrame { w type } {
11 # If the plot was produced by Xmaxima's console, it will be in a frame
12 # inserted in the console. Otherwise it will be a toplevel window
13 global writefile doExit fontSize buttonfont maxima_priv
14 set win $w
15 if { "$w" == "." } {
16 set w ""
17 } else {
18 catch { destroy $w}
19 if { [regexp {^\.(plot|versust)} $w] } {
20 tk::toplevel $w
21 } else {
22 ttk::frame $w
25 # hide the parent window and destroy it when the canvas is destroyed
26 set dismiss "destroy $win"
27 catch { set parent [winfo parent $w]
28 if { "$parent" == "." } {
29 set dismiss "destroy ."
31 if { [regexp {^\.(plot|versust)} [winfo toplevel $win]] } {
32 set top [winfo parent $win]
33 set dismiss "destroy $top"
34 wm withdraw $top
37 if { "$doExit" != "" } {set dismiss $doExit }
38 set dismiss [concat $dismiss "; clearLocal $win "]
40 # Win is the name of the window and w its name without a final period
41 oset $win type $type
42 set c $w.c
43 oset $win c $c
44 bboxToRadius $win
45 set buttonFont $buttonfont
46 oset $win buttonFont $buttonfont
48 # widgets for the menu buttons and (x, y) coordinates label
49 if { $type == {df} } {
50 set ltext [mc "Click on the graph to trace a curve"]
51 } else {
52 set ltext [mc "Pointer Coordinates"]
54 ttk::label $w.position -text $ltext -background white -font $buttonFont
55 set mb [frame $w.menubar]
56 pack $mb -fill x
57 ttk::button $mb.close -text [mc "Close"] -command $dismiss
58 ttk::button $mb.config -text [mc "Config"] -command "doConfig$type $win"
59 ttk::button $ -text [mc "Save"] \
60 -command "mkPrintDialog .dial -canvas $c -buttonfont $buttonFont "
61 pack $mb.close $mb.config $ -side left
62 set buttonsLeft 1
64 # c is the canvas where the plot will be drawn
65 tk::canvas $c -cursor arrow -background white \
66 -width [oget $win width] -height [oget $win height]
67 pack $c -side top -expand 1 -fill both
68 bind $c <Motion> "showPosition $w %x %y"
69 bind $c <Configure> "reConfigure %W %w %h"
71 $w.position config -background [$c cget -background]
72 place $w.position -in $w.c -relx 0.03 -rely 0.99 -anchor sw
73 raise $w.position
74 focus $w
75 addSliders $win
76 if { [regexp {^\.(plot|versust)} [winfo toplevel $win]] } {
77 pack [ttk::sizegrip $w.szgr] -side bottom -anchor se
78 bind $win <Control-w> $dismiss
79 wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW $dismiss
81 return $win
84 proc mkentry { newframe textvar text buttonFont } {
85 frame $newframe
86 set parent $newframe
87 set found 0
88 while { !$found } {
89 set parent [winfo parent $parent]
90 if { "$parent" == "" } { break }
91 if { ![catch { set type [oget $parent type] } ] } {
92 global plot[set type]Options
93 foreach v [set plot[set type]Options] {
94 if { "[oloc $parent [lindex $v 0]]" == "$textvar" } {
95 setBalloonhelp $parent $newframe [lindex $v 2]
96 set found 1
97 break
103 label $newframe.lab1
104 label $newframe.lab -text "$text:" -font $buttonFont -width 0
105 entry $newframe.e -width 20 -textvariable $textvar -font $buttonFont
106 pack $newframe.lab1 -side left -expand 1 -fill x
107 pack $newframe.lab -side left
108 pack $newframe.e -side right -padx 3 -fill x
109 # pack $newframe.lab $newframe.e -side left -padx 3 -expand 1 -fill x
112 proc pushBind { win key action } {
113 pushl [bind $win $key] [list $win $key ]
114 bind $win $key $action
117 proc popBind { win key } {
118 set binding [popl [list $win $key] {}]
120 bind $win $key $binding
123 # exit if not part of openmath browser
124 proc maybeExit { n } {
125 if { "[info proc OpenMathOpenUrl]" != "" } {
126 uplevel 1 return
127 } else {
128 exit 0
132 proc showPosition { win x y } {
133 # global position c
134 makeLocal $win c
135 # we catch so that in case have no functions or data..
136 catch {
137 $win.position config -text \
138 "[format {(%.6g,%.6g)} [storx$win [$c canvasx $x]] [story$win [$c canvasy $y]]]"
142 proc reConfigure { c width height } {
143 set win [winfo parent $c]
144 set w [oget $win width]
145 set h [oget $win height]
146 set wscale [expr double($width)/$w]
147 set hscale [expr double($height)/$h]
148 $c scale all 0 0 $wscale $hscale
149 oset $win width $width
150 oset $win height $height
151 set_xy_transforms $win
154 proc writePostscript { win } {
155 global printOption argv
156 makeLocal $win c transform transform0 xmin ymin xmax ymax
157 set rtosx rtosx$win ; set rtosy rtosy$win
158 drawPointsForPrint $c
159 if { "[$c find withtag printrectangle]" == "" } {
160 $c create rectangle [$c canvasx 0] [$c canvasy 0] \
161 [$c canvasx [$c cget -width ]] [$c canvasy [$c cget -height ]] \
162 -tags printrectangle -outline white
165 set bbox [eval $c bbox [$c find withtag printrectangle]]
166 desetq "x1 y1 x2 y2" $bbox
167 # set title "unknown plot"
168 # catch { set title [eval $printOption(maintitle)] }
169 # $c create text [expr {($x1 + $x2)/2}] [expr {$y1 + .04 * ($y2 - $y1)}] \
170 # -anchor center -text $title -tag title
172 update
173 #set diag [vectorlength [expr {$y1-$x1}] [expr {$y2-$x2}]]
174 # get rid of little arrows that creep onto the outside, ie let
175 # the blank rectangle cover them.
176 #set x1 [expr {$x1+.01 * $diag}]
177 #set x2 [expr {$x2-.01 * $diag}]
178 #set y1 [expr {$y1+.01 * $diag}]
179 #set y2 [expr {$y2-.01 * $diag}]
181 # Set up font replacement list
182 catch {set fontMap([font create -family {BitstreamVeraSansMono} -size 10]) [list Courier 14]}
183 catch {set fontMap([font create {helvetica 16 normal}]) [list Helvetica 16]}
184 set com "$c postscript \
185 -x [expr {($x1 - 35)}] -y [expr {($y1 -25)}] \
186 -width [expr {($x2 - $x1 + 60)}] \
187 -height [expr {($y2 - $y1 + 45)}] \
188 -fontmap fontMap \
189 [getPageOffsets [expr {($x2 - $x1 + 55)/(1.0*($y2 - $y1 + 45))}] ]"
191 #puts com=$com
192 set output [eval $com]
193 set fi [open $printOption(psfilename) w]
194 puts $fi $output
195 close $fi
200 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
202 # ftpDialog -- open up a dialog to send ftpInfo(data) to a file
203 # via http and ftp. The http server can be specified.
205 # Results:
207 # Side Effects:
209 #----------------------------------------------------------------
212 proc ftpDialog { win args } {
213 global ftpInfo buttonFont fontSize
214 set fr ${win}plot
215 set usefilename [assoc -filename $args 0]
216 if { "$usefilename" != "0"} {
217 set ftpInfo(filename) $usefilename
218 set usefilename 1
220 catch { destroy $fr }
221 set ftpInfo(percent) 0
223 frame $fr -borderwidth 2 -relief raised
224 if { [catch { set ftpInfo(directory) } ] } { set ftpInfo(directory) homework }
225 label $fr.title -text [mc "Ftp Dialog Box"]
226 mkentry $ ftpInfo(host) [mc "host to write file on"] $buttonFont
227 mkentry $fr.viahost ftpInfo(viahost) [mc "host to write to via"] $buttonFont
228 mkentry $fr.username ftpInfo(username) [mc "Your User ID on host"] $buttonFont
229 mkentry $fr.password ftpInfo(password) [mc "Your password on host"] $buttonFont
230 $fr.password.e config -show *
231 mkentry $ ftpInfo(directory) [mc "remote subdirectory for output"] $buttonFont
233 if { $usefilename } {
234 mkentry $fr.filename ftpInfo(filename) [mc "filename "] $buttonFont
235 } else {
236 mkentry $fr.chapter ftpInfo(chapter) [mc "chapter "] $buttonFont
237 mkentry $fr.section ftpInfo(section) [mc "section"] $buttonFont
238 mkentry $fr.problemnumber ftpInfo(number) [mc "Problem number"] $buttonFont
240 scale $fr.scale -orient horizontal -variable ftpInfo(percent) -length 100
241 button $fr.doit -text [mc "Send it"] -command "doFtpSend $fr" -font $buttonFont
242 button $fr.cancel -text [mc "Cancel"] -command "destroy $fr" -font $buttonFont
243 set ftpInfo(message) ""
244 label $fr.message -width 30 -height 3 -textvariable ftpInfo(message) -font $buttonFont
245 eval pack [winfo children $fr] -side top
246 raise $fr
247 place $fr -in $win -relx .5 -rely .5 -anchor center
250 proc doFtpSend { fr } {
251 global ftpInfo om_ftp
253 set error ""
254 if { [winfo exists $fr.filename] } {
255 set filename $ftpInfo(filename)
256 set check "host username directory filename"
257 } else {
258 set check "host username directory chapter section number"
260 foreach v $check {
261 if { $ftpInfo($v) == "" } {
262 if { "$error" == "" } { set error [concat [mc "Failed to specify"] "$v " } else {
263 append error ", $v"}
266 if { "$error" != "" } {
267 set ftpInfo(message) $error
268 return -1
270 if { [winfo exists $fr.chapter] } {
271 set filename "$ftpInfo(chapter).$ftpInfo(section)-$ftpInfo(number).ps"
275 set res [submitFtp $ftpInfo(viahost) $ftpInfo(host) $ftpInfo(username) $ftpInfo(password) $ftpInfo(directory) $filename]
276 if { "$res" == 1 } {
277 after 1000 "destroy $fr"
279 return $res
281 # set counter [ ftp $ftpInfo(host) $ftpInfo(username) $ftpInfo(password)]
282 # if { $counter < 0 } {
283 # set ftpInfo(message) [concat "Failed:" $om_ftp($counter,log)]
284 # return -1
287 # if { [ftpDoCd $counter $ftpInfo(directory)] < 0 &&
288 # [ftpDoMkdir $counter $ftpInfo(directory)] > -10 &&
289 # [ftpDoCd $counter $ftpInfo(directory)] < 0 } {
290 # set ftpInfo(message) [concat "Failed:" $om_ftp($counter,log)]
291 # return -1
295 # set res [ftpDoStore $counter $ftpInfo(chapter).$ftpInfo(section)-$ftpInfo(number).ps $ftpInfo(data)]
296 # if { $res < 0 } {
297 # set ftpInfo(message) "Failed: $om_ftp($counter,log)"
298 # return -1
299 # } else {
300 # set ftpInfo(message) "Wrote $ftpInfo(directory)/$ftpInfo(chapter).$ftpInfo(section)-$ftpInfo(number).ps"
301 # after 1000 destroy $fr
303 # ftpClose $counter
306 proc vectorlength { a b } {
307 return [expr {sqrt($a*$a + $b * $b)} ]
310 proc setupCanvas { win } {
311 makeLocal $win xcenter xradius ycenter yradius
313 oset $win xmin [expr {$xcenter - $xradius}]
314 oset $win xmax [expr { $xcenter + $xradius}]
315 oset $win ymin [expr { $ycenter - $yradius}]
316 oset $win ymax [expr { $ycenter + $yradius} ]
322 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
324 # compose -- A and B are transformations of the form "origin scalefac"
325 # and composing them means applying first b then a, as in a.b.x
326 # "o s" . x ==> (x-o)*s + o
327 # Results: the "origin scalefac" which corresponds to the composition.
329 # Side Effects:
331 #----------------------------------------------------------------
333 proc compose { a b } {
334 return "[expr {-[lindex $a 1]*[lindex $b 0]*[lindex $b 1] \
335 +[lindex $a 1]*[lindex $b 0]-[lindex $a 0]*[lindex $a 1] \
336 +[lindex $a 0]}] [expr {[lindex $a 1]*[lindex $b 1]}]"
339 proc sparseListWithParams { form variables paramlist } {
340 set tem [parseConvert $form -doall 1]
341 #puts tem=$tem
342 set params [splitParams $paramlist]
343 if { [catch {set res [substParams [lindex $tem 0] $variables $params] }\
344 err ] } {
345 set vars [lindex $tem 1]
346 set all $variables
347 foreach { v val } $params { lappend all $v}
348 foreach v $vars { if { [lsearch $all [string range $v 1 end]] < 0 } {
349 error [M [mc "The variable %s appeared in %s but was not in allowed variables: %s or in parameters: %s"] "`[string range $v 1 end]'" "$form" "{$variables}" "{$paramlist}" ]
352 error [M [mc "The form %s may involve variables other than %s or the parameters %s, or the latter may have invalid expressions: %s"] "$form" "{$variables}" "{$paramlist}" "$err" ]
354 return $res
357 proc sparseWithParams { form variables params } {
358 set tem [sparseListWithParams $form $variables $params]
359 if { [llength $tem ] > 1 } { error [concat [mc "only wanted one function:"] "$form"]}
360 lindex $tem 0
364 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
366 # myVarSubst -- into FORM substitute where
367 # listVarsVals where each element of this list may mention
368 # the previous values eg "k 7 ll sin(k+8)"
369 # eg:
370 #myVarSubst [lindex [parseConvert "k*x+l" -doall 1] 0] {x $x k 27+4 l 93+k^3}
371 # ==> {((31 * $x) + 29884.0)}
373 # Results: FORM with the substitutions done
375 # Side Effects:
377 #----------------------------------------------------------------
379 proc myVarSubst { form listVarsVals } {
380 foreach {_u _v} $listVarsVals {
381 if { "\$$_u" == "$_v" } {
382 set $_u $_v
383 } else {
384 set _f1 [lindex [parseConvert $_v -doall 1] 0]
385 set $_u [expr [lindex $_f1 0]]
386 # puts "$_u = [set $_u]"
389 subst -nobackslashes -nocommands $form
393 proc splitParams { paramlist } {
394 set params ""
395 foreach v [split $paramlist ,] {
396 set tem [split $v =]
397 if { [llength $tem] == 2 } {
398 lappend params [lindex $tem 0] [lindex $tem 1]
401 return $params
404 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
406 # substParams -- substitute into FORM keeping VARIABLES as they are
407 # and the PARAMLIST (of the form k=23, l=k+7,...) into FORM
409 # Results: substituted FORM
411 # Side Effects: none
413 #----------------------------------------------------------------
415 proc substParams { form variables params } {
416 foreach v $variables { lappend params $v \$$v}
417 set res [myVarSubst $form $params]
418 return $res
421 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
423 # set_xy_region -- set up the bounds of the x and y coordinates
424 # that will appear on the plot and the part of the window that will
425 # be filled by the plot (fac, a number between 0 and 1).
427 #----------------------------------------------------------------
429 proc set_xy_region { win fac } {
430 makeLocal $win xcenter ycenter xradius yradius c
432 set xmin [expr {$xcenter - $xradius}]
433 set xmax [expr {$xcenter + $xradius}]
434 set ymin [expr {$ycenter - $yradius}]
435 set ymax [expr {$ycenter + $yradius}]
437 oset $win fac $fac
438 oset $win xmin $xmin
439 oset $win xmax $xmax
440 oset $win ymin $ymin
441 oset $win ymax $ymax
444 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
446 # set_xy_transforms -- set up transformations for the canvas of WINDOW
447 # so that the plot is a fraction of the window (fac).
448 # these transformations are used to convert from real values of x and y
449 # to screen coordinates in pixels and vice versa.
451 # Side Effects: transform functions rtosx$win rtosy$win storx$win story$win
452 # are defined.
454 #----------------------------------------------------------------
456 proc set_xy_transforms { win } {
457 makeLocal $win xmin ymin xmax ymax width height fac
458 if { [oget $win type] == {3d} } {
459 set f1 [expr {(1 - $fac)/2.0}]
460 set x1 [expr {$f1 *$width}]
461 } else {
462 set f1 [expr {(1 - $fac)/3.0}]
463 set x1 [expr {2* $f1 *$width}]
465 set y1 [expr {$f1 *$height}]
466 set x2 [expr {$x1 + $fac*$width}]
467 set y2 [expr {$y1 + $fac*$height}]
469 set transform [makeTransform "$xmin $ymin $x1 $y2" "$xmin $ymax $x1 $y1 " \
470 "$xmax $ymin $x2 $y2"]
471 oset $win transform $transform
472 oset $win transform0 $transform
474 getXtransYtrans $transform rtosx$win rtosy$win
475 getXtransYtrans [inverseTransform $transform] storx$win story$win
478 proc inputParse { in } {
479 if { [regexp -indices \
480 {D\[([a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z]*[ ]*),([a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z]*[ ]*)\] *=} \
481 $in all1 i1 i2] } {
482 set v1 [getOneMatch $in $i1]
483 set v2 [getOneMatch $in $i2]
484 set s1 [string range $in [lindex $all1 1] end]
486 if { [regexp -indices {,[ \n]*D\[([a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z]*[ ]*),([a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z]*[ ]*)\] *=} \
487 $s1 all2 i1 i2] } {
488 set v3 [getOneMatch $s1 $i1]
489 set v4 [getOneMatch $s1 $i2]
490 set end [string first \} $s1 ]
491 set form2 [string range $s1 [expr {1 + [lindex $all2 1]}] [expr {$end -1}]]
492 if { "$v4" != "$v2" } {error [concat [mc "different variables"] "$v2" [mc "and"] "$v4"]}
494 set form1 [string range $in [expr {1 + [lindex $all1 1]}] [expr {[lindex $all2 0] + -1 + [lindex $all1 1]}]]
495 return [list $v2 $v1 $v3 $form1 $form2]
496 # puts "v1=$v1,form1=$form1,form2=$form2"
501 proc composeTransform { t1 t2 } {
502 desetq "a11 a12 a21 a22 e1 e2" $t1
503 desetq "b11 b12 b21 b22 f1 f2" $t2
504 return [list \
505 [expr {$a11*$b11+$a12*$b21}] \
506 [expr {$a11*$b12+$a12*$b22}] \
507 [expr {$a21*$b11+$a22*$b21}] \
508 [expr {$a22*$b22+$a21*$b12}] \
509 [expr {$a11*$f1+$a12*$f2+$e1}] \
510 [expr {$a21*$f1+$a22*$f2+$e2}] ]
516 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
518 # makeTransform -- Given three points mapped to three other points
519 # write down the affine transformation (A.X+B) which performs this.
520 # the arguments are of the form "x1 y1 u1 v1" "x2 y2 u2 v2" "x3 y3 u3 v3"
521 # where (x1,y1) --> (u1,v1) etc.
522 # Results: an affine transformation "a b c d e f" which is
523 # [ a b ] [ x1 ] + [ e ]
524 # [ c d ] [ y1 ] [ f ]
525 # Side Effects: none
527 #----------------------------------------------------------------
529 proc makeTransform { P1 P2 P3 } {
530 desetq "X1 Y1 U1 V1" $P1
531 desetq "X2 Y2 U2 V2" $P2
532 desetq "X3 Y3 U3 V3" $P3
533 set tem [expr {double((($X2-$X1)*$Y3+($X1-$X3)*$Y2+($X3-$X2)*$Y1))}]
534 set A [expr {(($U2-$U1)*$Y3+($U1-$U3)*$Y2+($U3-$U2)*$Y1) \
535 /$tem}]
536 set B [expr {-(($U2-$U1)*$X3+($U1-$U3)*$X2+($U3-$U2)*$X1) \
537 /$tem}]
538 set E [expr {(($U1*$X2-$U2*$X1)*$Y3+($U3*$X1-$U1*$X3)*$Y2+($U2*$X3-$U3*$X2)*$Y1) \
539 /$tem}]
540 set C [expr {(($V2-$V1)*$Y3+($V1-$V3)*$Y2+($V3-$V2)*$Y1) \
541 /$tem}]
542 set D [expr {-(($V2-$V1)*$X3+($V1-$V3)*$X2+($V3-$V2)*$X1) \
543 /$tem}]
544 set F [expr {(($V1*$X2-$V2*$X1)*$Y3+($V3*$X1-$V1*$X3)*$Y2+($V2*$X3-$V3*$X2)*$Y1) \
545 /$tem}]
546 set xf ""
547 set yf ""
548 if { $B == 0 && $C == 0 } {
549 set xf "$A*\$X+$E"
550 set yf "$D*\$Y+$F"
552 return [list $A $B $C $D $E $F]
557 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
559 # getXtransYtrans -- If the x coordinate transforms independently
560 # of the y and vice versa, give expressions suitable for building a
561 # proc.
562 # Results:
564 # Side Effects:
566 #----------------------------------------------------------------
568 proc getXtransYtrans { transform p1 p2 } {
569 desetq "a b c d e f" $transform
570 if { $b == 0 && $c == 0 } {
571 proc $p1 { x } "return \[expr {$a*\$x+$e}\]"
572 proc $p2 { y } "return \[expr {$d*\$y+$f} \]"
573 return 1
575 return 0
580 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
582 # inverseTransform -- Find the inverse of an affine transformation.
584 # Results:
586 # Side Effects:
588 #----------------------------------------------------------------
590 proc inverseTransform { transform } {
591 desetq "a b c d e f" $transform
592 set det [expr {double($a*$d - $b*$c)}]
593 return [list [expr {$d/$det}] [expr {- $b / $det }] [expr {- $c / $det}] [expr {$a / $det}] [expr {($b*$f-$d*$e)/ $det }] [expr {-($a*$f-$c*$e)/ $det}]]
599 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
601 # getTicks -- given an interval (a,b) subdivide it and
602 # calculate where to put the ticks and what to print there.
603 # we want DESIRED number of ticks, but we also want the ticks
604 # to be at points in the real coords of the form .2*10^i or .5*10^j
605 # Results: the ticks
607 # Side Effects:
609 #----------------------------------------------------------------
612 proc getTicks { a b n } {
613 set len [expr {(($b - $a))}]
614 if { $len < [expr {pow(10,-40)}] } { return ""}
615 set best 0
616 foreach v { .1 .2 .5 } {
617 # want $len/(.1*10^i) == $n
618 set val($v) [expr {ceil(log10($len/(double($n)*$v)))}]
619 set use [expr {$v*pow(10,$val($v))}]
620 set fac [expr {1/$use}]
621 set aa [expr {$a * $fac}]
622 set bb [expr {$b * $fac}]
623 set j [expr {round(ceil($aa)) }]
624 set upto [expr {floor($bb) }]
625 if { $upto-$j > 14} {
626 set step 5
627 } else {
628 set step 2
630 set ticks ""
631 while { $j <= $upto } {
632 set tt [expr {$j / $fac}]
633 if { $j%$step == 0 } {
634 append ticks " { $tt $tt }"
635 } else {
636 append ticks " $tt"
638 incr j
640 set answer($v) $ticks
641 set this [llength $ticks]
642 if { $this > $best } {
643 set best $this
644 set at $v
646 #puts "for $v [llength $ticks] ticks"
648 #puts "using $at [llength $answer($at)]"
650 return $answer($at)
653 proc axisTicks { win c } {
654 $c delete axisTicks
655 if { ![catch {oget $win noaxisticks}] } { return }
656 set swid [$c cget -width]
657 set shei [$c cget -height]
658 set x1 [storx$win [$c canvasx 0]]
659 set y1 [story$win [$c canvasy 0]]
660 set x2 [storx$win [$c canvasx $swid]]
661 set y2 [story$win [$c canvasy $shei]]
662 #puts "x1=$x1,y1=$y1,y2=$y2,x2=$x2"
663 if { $y1 > 0 && $y2 < 0 } {
664 set ticks [getTicks $x1 $x2 [expr {$swid/50}] ]
665 #puts "ticks=$ticks"
666 set eps [expr {.005 * abs($y1 - $y2)}]
667 set neps [expr {-.005 * abs($y1 - $y2)}]
668 set donext 0
669 foreach v $ticks {
670 set x [lindex $v 0]
671 set text [lindex $v 1]
672 if { $donext } {set text [lindex $v 0] ; set donext 0 }
673 if { [lindex $v 0] == 0 } { set text "" ; set donext 1 }
674 #puts " drawTick $c $x 0 0 $neps 0 $eps $text axisTicks"
675 drawTick $c $x 0 0 $neps 0 $eps $text axisTicks
678 if { 0 < $x2 && 0 > $x1 } {
679 set ticks [getTicks $y2 $y1 [expr {$shei/50}]]
680 set eps [expr {.005 * ($x2 - $x1)}]
681 set neps [expr {-.005 * ($x2 - $x1)}]
682 set donext 0
683 foreach v $ticks {
684 set y [lindex $v 0]
685 set text [lindex $v 1]
686 if { $donext } {set text [lindex $v 0] ; set donext 0}
687 if { [lindex $v 0] == 0 } { set text "" ; set donext 1}
689 drawTick $c 0 $y $neps 0 $eps 0 $text axisTicks
697 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
699 # marginTicks -- draw ticks around the border of window
700 # x1,y1 top left x2,y2 bottom right.
702 # Results:
704 # Side Effects:
706 #----------------------------------------------------------------
708 proc marginTicks { c x1 y1 x2 y2 tag } {
709 global printOption
710 set win [winfo parent $c]
712 if { ![catch {oget $win noaxisticks}] } { return }
713 $c delete marginTicks
714 set ticks [getTicks $x1 $x2 $printOption(xticks)]
715 # puts "x=$x1 $x2"
716 set eps [expr {.008 * ($y1 - $y2)}]
717 set neps [expr {-.008 * ($y1 - $y2)}]
718 foreach v $ticks {
719 set x [lindex $v 0]
720 set text [lindex $v 1]
721 drawTick $c $x $y1 0 0 0 $eps $text $tag
722 drawTick $c $x $y2 0 0 0 $neps {} $tag
725 #puts "y=$y2,$y1"
726 set ticks [getTicks $y1 $y2 $printOption(yticks)]
727 set eps [expr {.005 * ($x2 - $x1)}]
728 set neps [expr {-.005 * ($x2 - $x1)}]
729 set donext 0
730 foreach v $ticks {
731 set y [lindex $v 0]
732 set text [lindex $v 1]
733 drawTick $c $x1 $y 0 0 $neps 0 $text $tag
734 drawTick $c $x2 $y 0 0 $eps 0 {} $tag
738 proc drawTick {c x y dx dy ex ey n tags} {
739 global axisGray fontCourier8
740 set win [winfo parent $c]
741 set rtosx rtosx$win ; set rtosy rtosy$win
742 set it [$c create line [$rtosx [expr {$x +$dx}]] [$rtosy [expr {$y +$dy}]] [$rtosx [expr {$x +$ex}]] [$rtosy [expr {$y +$ey}]] -fill $axisGray -tags $tags]
743 $c lower $it
745 if { "$n" != "" } {
746 if { $ey > 0 } { set anch s
747 } elseif { $ex > 0 } {set anch w
748 } elseif { $ex < 0 } {set anch e
749 } elseif { $ey < 0 } {set anch n}
751 $c create text [$rtosx [expr {$x +1.5*$ex}]] [$rtosy [expr {$y +1.5*$ey}]] \
752 -text [format "%.8g" $n] -font $fontCourier8 -tags $tags \
753 -anchor $anch
757 proc doConfig { win } {
758 makeLocal $win c buttonFont
759 $c delete configoptions
760 set canv $c
761 # set w $c.config
762 set w $win.config
763 catch {destroy $w}
764 frame $w -borderwidth 2 -relief raised
766 label $w.msg -wraplength 600 -justify left -text [mc "Plot Setup"] -font $buttonFont
767 pack $w
768 pack $w.msg -side top
769 set wb1 $w.choose1
770 frame $wb1
771 set wb2 $w.choose2
772 frame $wb2
773 pack $wb1 $wb2 -side left -fill x -pady 2m
774 set item [$canv create window [$canv canvasx 10] [$canv canvasy 10] -window $w -anchor nw -tags configoptions]
775 button $wb1.dismiss -command "$canv delete $item; destroy $w " -text "ok" -font $buttonFont
776 # button $wb1.printoptions -text [mc "Print Options"] -command "mkPrintDialog .dial -canvas $c -buttonfont $buttonFont " -font $buttonFont
778 pack $wb1.dismiss -side top
779 return "$wb1 $wb2"
781 # mkentry { newframe textvar text }
783 # turn off the horrible show_balloons by default.
784 global show_balloons
785 set show_balloons 0
787 proc balloonhelp { win subwin msg } {
788 global show_balloons
790 if { $show_balloons == 0 } {return}
791 linkLocal [oget $win c] helpPending
792 if { [info exists helpPending] } {after cancel $helpPending}
793 set helpPending [after 1000 [list balloonhelp1 $win $subwin $msg]]
796 proc balloonhelp1 { win subwin msg } {
797 if { ![winfo exists $win] } { return }
798 makeLocal $win c buttonFont
799 set x0 [winfo rootx $win]
800 set y0 [winfo rooty $win]
803 set atx [expr {[winfo rootx $subwin] + [winfo width $subwin] - $x0} ]
804 set aty [expr {[winfo rooty $subwin] + [winfo height $subwin] - $y0} ]
806 set wid [$c cget -width]
807 set wid2 [expr {round ($wid /2.0)}]
808 set wid10 [expr {round ($wid /10.0)}]
810 if { $aty <=1 } { set aty 30 }
811 incr aty 10
812 incr atx 10
813 set atx [$c canvasx $atx]
814 set aty [$c canvasy $aty]
815 #puts "$atx $aty"
816 $c delete balloon
817 $c create text $atx $aty -anchor nw -text $msg -font $buttonFont -width $wid2 -fill white -fill black -tags "balloon btext"
818 desetq "x1 y1 x2 y2" [$c bbox btext]
820 set x1 [expr {$x1 - .3*($x2-$x1)}]
821 set x2 [expr {$x2 + .3*($x2-$x1)}]
823 set y1 [expr {$y1 - .3*($y2-$y1)}]
824 set y2 [expr {$y2 + .3*($y2-$y1)}]
826 eval $c create polygon $x1 $y1 $x2 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x1 $y2 -fill beige -tags balloon -smooth 1
827 $c raise btext
831 proc setBalloonhelp { win subwin msg } {
832 makeLocal $win c
833 bind $subwin <Enter> "balloonhelp $win $subwin [list $msg]"
834 bind $subwin <Leave> "deleteBalloon $c"
837 proc deleteBalloon { c } {
838 linkLocal $c helpPending
839 if { [info exists helpPending] } {
840 after cancel $helpPending
841 unset helpPending
843 $c delete balloon
848 #-----------------------------------------------------------------
850 # minMax -- Compute the max and min of the arguments, which may
851 # be vectors or numbers
853 # Results: list of MIN and MAX
855 # Side Effects: none
857 #----------------------------------------------------------------
859 proc minMax { args } {
860 set max [lindex [lindex $args 0] 0] ; set min $max ;
861 foreach vec $args {
862 foreach v $vec {
863 if { $v > $max } {set max $v }
864 if { $v < $min} {set min $v }
867 return [list $min $max]
870 proc matrixMinMax { list } {
871 # compute the min max of the list
872 set min +10e300
873 set max -10e300
874 foreach mat $list {
875 foreach row $mat {
876 foreach v [ldelete nam $row] {
877 if { $v > $max } {catch { set max [expr {$v + 0}] }}
878 if { $v < $min} {catch { set min [expr {$v + 0}] }}
882 list $min $max
885 proc omPlotAny { data args } {
886 # puts "data=<[lindex $data 0]>"
887 set command [list [lindex [lindex $data 0] 0] -data [lindex $data 0] ]
888 if { "[lindex $command 0]" == "plot2d" } {
889 lappend command -xfun {}
891 foreach v $args { lappend command $v }
892 eval $command
893 #eval [lindex [lindex $data 0] 0] -xfun [list {}] -data [list [lindex $data 0]] $args
896 proc resizeSubPlotWindows { win wid height } {
897 set at [$win yview "@0,0"]
898 foreach w [winfo children $win] {
899 if { [string match plot* [lindex [split $w .] end]] } {
900 resizePlotWindow $w [winfo width $w] $height
903 if { "$at" != "" } { $win yview $at}
906 proc resizePlotWindow { w width height } {
907 if { [winfo width $w.c] <= 1 } {
908 after 100 update ;
909 return }
910 if { ![catch { set tem [oget $w lastResize] } ] && [expr {[clock seconds] - $tem }] < 2 } { return
911 } else {
912 oset $w lastResize [clock seconds ]
914 #puts "resizePlotWindow $w $width $height"
916 # return
917 set par [winfo parent $w]
918 set facx 1.0
919 set facy 1.0
920 set wid [winfo width $par]
921 set hei [winfo height $par]
923 if { "[winfo class $par]" == "Text" } {
924 set dif 10
926 set wid1 $wid ; set hei1 $hei
927 #puts "now w=$w"
928 #set wid1 [getPercentDim [oget $w widthDesired] width $par]
929 catch {set wid1 [getPercentDim [oget $w widthDesired] width $par] }
930 catch {set hei1 [getPercentDim [oget $w heightDesired] height $par] }
931 set wid [expr {($wid1 > $wid - 30 ? $wid - 30 : $wid1 )}]
932 set hei [expr {($hei1 > $hei - 30 ? $hei - 30 : $hei1 )}]
933 } else {
934 set dif 10
938 # if { $width > $wid -20 || $wid > $width -20 }
939 if { (abs($width-$wid) > $dif || abs($height-$hei) > $dif)
940 && [winfo width $w.c] > 1 } {
941 set eps [expr {2 * [$w.c cget -insertborderwidth] + [$w.c cget -borderwidth] }]
942 set epsx $eps
943 set epsy $eps
944 set extrawidth [expr {([winfo width $w] - [winfo width $w.c]) +$epsx}]
945 set extraheight [expr {([winfo height $w] - [winfo height $w.c]) +$epsy}]
946 set nwidth [expr {$wid - ($extrawidth > 0 ? $extrawidth : 0)}]
947 set nheight [expr {$hei - ($extraheight > 0 ? $extraheight : 0)}]
949 #puts "$w.c config -width $nwidth -height $nheight, extraheight=$extraheight,epsy=$epsy"
950 $w.c config -width $nwidth -height $nheight
956 proc bboxToRadius { win } {
957 makeLocal $win bbox
958 if { "$bbox" != "" } {
959 linkLocal $win xradius yradius xcenter ycenter
960 set i 0
961 foreach v { x y z } {
962 set min [lindex $bbox $i]
963 set max [lindex $bbox [expr {$i+2}]]
964 if { "$min" != "" } {
965 if { $min >= $max } {error "bad bbox $bbox since $min >= $max"}
966 set ${v}radius [expr { ($max - $min) /2.0}]
967 set ${v}center [expr { ($max + $min) /2.0}]
973 proc updateParameters { win var value} {
974 linkLocal $win parameters
975 # puts "$win $var $value"
976 set ans ""
977 set comma ""
979 foreach {v val} [splitParams $parameters] {
980 if { "$v" == "$var" } {
981 set val $value
983 append ans $comma $v=$val
984 set comma ","
986 # puts "parameters=$ans"
987 set parameters $ans
990 proc addSliders { win } {
991 linkLocal $win sliders c width parameters
992 set i 0
993 if { "$sliders" == "" } { return }
994 catch { destroy $c.sliders }
995 set bg "#22aaee"
996 set trough "#22ccff"
997 frame $c.sliders -relief raised -highlightthickness 2 -highlightbackground $trough
998 foreach v [split $sliders ,] {
999 if { [regexp {([a-zA-Z0-9]+)[ ]*=?(([---0-9.]+):([---0-9.]+))?} $v junk var junk x0 x1] } {
1000 incr i
1001 if { "$x0" == "" } { set x0 -5 ; set x1 5}
1003 set fr $$i
1004 frame $fr -background $bg
1005 label $fr.lab -text $var: -background $bg
1006 label $fr.labvalue -textvariable [oloc $win slidevalue$i] -background $bg -relief sunken -justify left
1007 scale $fr.scale -command "sliderUpdate $win $var" \
1008 -from "$x0" -to $x1 -orient horizontal \
1009 -resolution [expr ($x1 - $x0) < 1 ? ($x1-$x0)/100.0 : .01] \
1010 -length [expr {$width/2}] -showvalue 0 -variable [oloc $win slidevalue$i] -background $bg -troughcolor "#22ccff" -highlightthickness 0
1011 pack $fr.lab -side left -expand 1 -fill x
1012 pack $fr.labvalue $fr.scale -side left
1013 pack $fr -side top -expand 1 -fill x
1014 set found 0
1015 set val [assoc $var [splitParams $parameters] no]
1016 if { "$val" == "no" } {
1017 set val [expr ($x1 + $x0)/2.0]
1018 if { "$parameters" != "" } { append parameters , }
1019 append parameters $var=$val
1021 $fr.scale set $val
1025 place $c.sliders -in $c -x 4 -rely 1.0 -y -4 -anchor sw
1030 proc sliderUpdate { win var val } {
1031 linkLocal $win sliderCommand parameters
1032 set params $parameters
1033 updateParameters $win $var $val
1034 if { "$params" != "$parameters" &&
1035 [info exists sliderCommand] } {
1037 $sliderCommand $win $var $val
1044 ## endsource plotconf.tcl