Support RETURN-FROM in DEF%TR forms
[maxima.git] / interfaces / xmaxima / Tkmaxima / Printops.tcl
1 # -*-mode: tcl; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*-
3 # $Id: Printops.tcl,v 1.11 2006-08-24 07:03:23 vvzhy Exp $
5 ###### Printops.tcl ######
6 ############################################################
7 # Netmath Copyright (C) 1998 William F. Schelter #
8 # For distribution under GNU public License. See COPYING. #
9 ############################################################
11 ### FIXME: fix a4 size !
12 global paperSizes printOptions
13 set paperSizes {{letter 8.5 11} { A4 8.5 11} {legal 8.5 13}}
15 set printOptions {
16 { landscape 0 "Non zero means use landscape mode in printing"}
17 { papersize letter "letter, legal or A4"}
18 { hoffset 0.5 "Left margin for printing"}
19 { voffset 0.5 "Top margin for printing"}
20 { xticks 20 "Rough number of ticks on x axis"}
21 { yticks 20 "Rough number of ticks on y axis"}
22 # { title "" "Title"}
23 { psfilename "~/" "Postscript filename"}
24 { centeronpage 1 ""}
27 # proc getPageOffsets { widthbyheight} {
28 # global printOption paperSizes
29 # puts "wbh=$widthbyheight"
30 # set pwid 8.5
31 # set phei 11.0
33 # foreach v $paperSizes {
34 # if { "[lindex $v 0]" == "$printOption(papersize)" } {
35 # set pwid [lindex $v 1]
36 # set phei [lindex $v 2]
37 # }
38 # }
39 # set wid [expr {$pwid - 2* $printOption(hoffset)}]
40 # set hei [expr {$phei - 2* $printOption(voffset)}]
41 # # if { $printOption(landscape) } {set widthbyheight [expr {1.0 /$widthbyheight}]}
42 # # set w $wid ; set hei $wid ; set wid $w
44 # puts "pw=$wid,ph=$hei,w/h=$widthbyheight,hh=[expr {$hei * $widthbyheight}], ww=[expr {$wid / $widthbyheight}]"
46 # set fac $widthbyheight
47 # puts "fac=$fac"
48 # if { $fac * $hei < $wid } {
49 # set iwid [expr {$fac *$hei}]
50 # set ihei $hei
52 # } else {
53 # set ihei [expr {$wid / $fac}]
55 # set iwid $wid
57 # }
59 # if { $printOption(landscape) } { set fac1 [expr {1/$fac}] }
60 # if { $wid/$hei > $fac } {
61 # set ihei $hei
62 # set iwid [expr {$hei / $fac }]
64 # } else {
65 # set iwid $wid
66 # set ihei [expr {$wid * $fac }]
67 # }
69 # #-pagex = left margin (whether landscape or not)
70 # #-pagey = right margin (whether landscape or not)
71 # #-pagewidth becomes vertical height if landscape
72 # #-pageheight becomes horiz width if landscape
74 # set xoff [expr {($pwid-$iwid)/2.0}]
75 # set yoff [expr {($phei-$ihei)/2.0}]
77 # if { $printOption(landscape) } {
78 # set h $ihei
79 # set ihei $iwid
80 # set iwid $h
81 # }
83 # puts "phei=$phei,ihei=$ihei,yoff=$yoff,voff=$printOption(voffset)"
84 # set ans "-pagex [set xoff]i -pagey [set yoff]i \
85 # -pagewidth [set iwid]i -pageheight [set ihei]i"
86 # set ans "-pagex [set xoff]i -pagey [set yoff]i \
87 # -pagewidth [set iwid]i -pageheight [set ihei]i"
88 # return $ans
89 # }
91 proc swap { a b } {
92 set me [uplevel 1 set $b]
93 uplevel 1 set $b \[set $a\]
94 uplevel 1 set $a [list $me]
97 proc getPageOffsets { widthbyheight} {
98 global printOption paperSizes
99 #puts "wbh=$widthbyheight"
100 set pwid 8.5
101 set phei 11.0
103 foreach v $paperSizes {
104 if { "[lindex $v 0]" == "$printOption(papersize)" } {
105 set pwid [lindex $v 1]
106 set phei [lindex $v 2]
109 set wid [expr {$pwid - 2* $printOption(hoffset)}]
110 set hei [expr {$phei - 2* $printOption(voffset)}]
111 if { $printOption(landscape) } {
112 swap wid hei
113 # swap pwid phei
115 if { $wid / $hei < $widthbyheight } {
116 # width dominates
117 set iwid $wid
118 set ihei [expr {$wid / $widthbyheight }]
119 append opts " -pagewidth [set wid]i"
120 } else {
121 set ihei $hei
122 set iwid [expr {$hei * $widthbyheight }]
123 append opts " -pageheight [set hei]i"
126 #-pagex = left margin (whether landscape or not)
127 #-pagey = right margin (whether landscape or not)
128 #-pagewidth becomes vertical height if landscape
129 #-pageheight becomes horiz width if landscape
131 append opts " -pagex [expr {$pwid / 2.0}]i -pagey [expr {$phei / 2.0}]i "
133 if { $printOption(landscape) } {
134 append opts " -rotate $printOption(landscape)"
136 return $opts
139 global printOption
140 set printOption(setupDone) 0
142 proc getEnv { name } {
143 global env
144 if { [catch { set tem $env($name) } ] } { return "" }
145 return $tem
147 proc setPrintOptions { lis } {
148 global browser_version
149 global printOptions printOption printSetUpDone
150 if { !$printOption(setupDone) } {
151 set printOption(setupDone) 1
152 getOptions $printOptions $lis -allowOtherKeys 1 \
153 -setdefaults [catch { source [getEnv HOME]/.printOptions }] -usearray printOption
157 proc mkentryPr { w var text buttonFont } {
158 set fr $w ; frame $fr
159 uplevel 1 append topack [list " $fr"]
160 label $fr.lab1
161 label $fr.lab -text "$text:" -font $buttonFont -width 0
162 entry $fr.e -width 20 -textvariable $var -font $buttonFont
163 pack $fr.lab1 -side left -expand 1 -fill x
164 pack $fr.lab -side left
165 pack $fr.e -side right -padx 3 -fill x
169 proc mkPrintDialog { name args } {
170 global printSet argv env printOptions printOption printSetUpDone paperSizes buttonfont
172 set canv [assoc -canvas $args ]
173 set buttonFont [assoc -buttonfont $args $buttonfont]
174 catch { destroy $name }
175 set dismiss "destroy $name"
176 if { "$canv" == "" } {
177 catch {destroy $name}
178 toplevel $name
179 wm geometry $name -0+20
181 } else {
182 $canv delete printoptions
183 set name [winfo parent $canv].printoptions
184 # set name $canv.fr1
185 catch {destroy $name}
186 frame $name -borderwidth 2 -relief raised
188 set item [$canv create window [$canv canvasx 10] [$canv canvasy 10] -window $name -anchor nw -tags printoptions]
189 $canv raise printoptions
190 set dismiss "$canv delete $item; destroy $name "
193 frame $
195 set w $
196 label $w.msg -wraplength 600 -justify left -text [mc "Encapsulated PostScript File Options"] -font $buttonFont
197 pack $w
198 pack $w.msg
199 set wb $w.buttons
200 frame $wb
201 pack $wb -side left -fill x -pady 2m
202 set topack ""
203 catch { set printOption(psfilename) \
204 [file nativename $printOption(psfilename)]}
205 set win [winfo parent $canv]
206 button $ -text [mc "Save"] -font $buttonFont -command "destroy $name; writePostscript $win; $canv delete printoptions"
207 button $wb.cancel -text [mc "Cancel"] -font $buttonFont -command "destroy $name ; $canv delete printoptions"
208 set writefile "Save"
209 mkentryPr $wb.psfilename printOption(psfilename) [mc "Postscript filename"] $buttonFont
210 mkentryPr $wb.hoffset printOption(hoffset) [mc "Left margin (inches)"] $buttonFont
211 mkentryPr $wb.voffset printOption(voffset) [mc "Top margin (inches)"] $buttonFont
212 eval pack $topack -expand 1
214 foreach v $paperSizes {
215 set papersize [lindex $v 0]
216 set lower [string tolower $papersize]
217 radiobutton $wb.$lower -text [lindex $v 0] -variable printOption(papersize) \
218 -value [lindex $v 0] -font $buttonFont -highlightthickness 0
219 pack $wb.$lower -pady 2 -anchor w -fill x
222 checkbutton $wb.b1 -text [mc "Center on Page"] -variable printOption(centeronpage) -relief flat -font $buttonFont
223 checkbutton $wb.b2 -text [mc "Landscape Mode"] -variable printOption(landscape) -relief flat -font $buttonFont
224 pack $wb.b1 $wb.b2
226 frame $w.grid
227 pack $w.grid -expand yes -fill both -padx 1 -pady 1
228 pack $ $wb.cancel
229 grid rowconfig $w.grid 0 -weight 1 -minsize 0
230 grid columnconfig $w.grid 0 -weight 1 -minsize 0
233 proc markToPrint { win tag title } {
234 # puts "$win $tag"
235 # bind $win <1> "bindBeginDrag $win %x %y $tag [list $title]"
236 pushBind $win <1> "$win delete printrectangle ; popBind $win <1>"
237 pushBind $win <1> "bindBeginDrag $win %x %y $tag [list $title]; popBind $win <1>"
240 proc bindBeginDrag { win x y tag title } {
241 $win delete $tag printrectangle
242 set beginRect "[$win canvasx $x] [$win canvasy $y]"
243 set it1 [eval $win create rectangle $beginRect $beginRect -tags $tag -width 3]
244 set old [bind $win <B1-Motion>]
245 set new "eval $win coords $it1 \
246 $beginRect \[$win canvasx %x\] \[$win canvasy %y\]; \
248 if { "$old" == "$new" } {set old ""}
249 #mike FIXME: rip this out
250 bind $win <B1-Motion> $new
251 bind $win <ButtonRelease-1> "bind $win <B1-Motion> [list $old];\
252 bind $win <ButtonRelease-1> {} ; unbindAdjustWidth $win $tag [list $title];"
255 proc unbindAdjustWidth { canv tag title } {
256 set win [winfo parent $canv]
257 global printOption
259 set it [$canv find withtag $tag]
260 set co1 [$canv coords $tag]
261 set co [$canv coords $it]
262 # if { "$co" != "$co1" } {puts differ,$co1,$co}
263 desetq "x1 y1 x2 y2" $co
264 set center [expr { ($x1+$x2 )/2}]
265 set h [expr {$y2 - $y1}]
266 set it [$canv find withtag $tag]
267 set new [$canv create rectangle $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -outline white -width [expr {$h* .04}] -tags [concat $tag bigger] ]
269 # puts "<marginTicks $canv $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 printrectangle>"
270 marginTicks $canv [storx$win $x1] [story$win $y2] [storx$win $x2] [story$win $y1] "printrectangle marginticks"
271 desetq "a1 b1 a2 b2" [$canv bbox $new]
272 set textit [$canv create text $center [expr {$y1 - $h *.03}] \
273 -font [font create -family Courier -size 14 -weight bold] -text "$title" \
274 -anchor s -tags [concat $tag bigger title]]
276 set bb [$canv bbox $textit]
277 $canv create rectangle $a1 [lindex $bb 1] $a2 [expr {$y1 - 0.02 * $h}] -tags $tag -fill white -outline {}
278 $canv itemconfig $it -width [expr {$h *.002}]
279 $canv raise $it
280 $canv raise $textit
281 $canv raise marginticks
282 if { $printOption(domargin) == 0 } {
283 $canv delete marginticks
286 $canv create text [expr {($a1 + $a2)/2.0}] [expr {$y2 + .01*$h }] -anchor nw -tag $tag
287 # puts h=$h
292 proc getPSBbox { } {
293 set fi [open /home/wfs/ r]
294 set me [read $fi 500]
295 regexp {BoundingBox: (-*[0-9]+) (-*[0-9]+) (-*[0-9]+) (-*[0-9]+)} $me junk x1 y1 x2 y2
296 set w [expr {72 * 8.5}]
297 set h [expr {72 * 11}]
298 # puts "hei=[expr {$y2-$y1}],tm=[expr {$h - $y2}],bm=$y1"
299 # puts "wid=[expr {$x2-$x1}],lm=$x1,rm=[expr {$w - $x2}]"
300 # puts "hei=[expr {($y2-$y1)/72.0}],tm=[expr {($h - $y2)/72.0}],bm=([expr {$y1/72.0}])"
301 #puts "wid=[expr {($x2-$x1)/72.0}],lm=([expr {$x1/72.0}]),rm=[expr {($w - $x2)/72.0}]"
302 close $fi
306 ## endsource printops.tcl