Support RETURN-FROM in DEF%TR forms
[maxima.git] / interfaces / xmaxima / Tkmaxima / Tryftp2.tcl
1 # -*-mode: tcl; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*-
3 # $Id: Tryftp2.tcl,v 1.2 2002-09-07 05:21:42 mikeclarkson Exp $
5 ###### Tryftp2.tcl ######
6 ############################################################
7 # Netmath Copyright (C) 1998 William F. Schelter #
8 # For distribution under GNU public License. See COPYING. #
9 ############################################################
10 if { "[info commands vwait]" == "vwait" && "[info commands myVwait]" == "" } {
11 proc myVwait { x } {uplevel 1 vwait $x }
14 proc submitFtp { viahost host name password directory filename} {
15 global ftpInfo
17 if { [catch { set sock [socket $viahost 80] } ] } {
18 set sock [socket $viahost 4080]
20 set ftpInfo($sock,done) 0
21 set len [string length $ftpInfo(data)]
22 set ftpInfo($sock,data) $ftpInfo(data)
24 # set sock [open /tmp/jim w+]
25 fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 -translation {lf lf}
26 # global billy ;lappend billy [list [fconfigure $sock]]
27 puts $sock "POST /cgi-pub/wfs/submitftp HTTP/1.0"
28 puts $sock "MIME-Version: 1.0"
29 puts $sock "Accept: text/html"
30 puts $sock "Accept: text/plain"
31 puts $sock "Content-type: text/plain"
32 puts $sock "Content-length: $len"
33 puts $sock "Username: $name"
34 puts $sock "Password: $password"
35 puts $sock "Remote-host: $host"
36 puts $sock "Remote-directory: $directory"
37 puts $sock "Remote-filename: $filename"
38 puts $sock ""
39 flush $sock
40 # puts $sock $ftpInfo(data) ; flush $sock
41 # puts sock=$sock
42 set ftpInfo(message) ""
44 set after_id [after 10000 "set ftpInfo($sock,done) -1"]
46 set ftpInfo($sock,datalength) $len
47 set ftpInfo($sock,datanext) 0
48 set ftpInfo($sock,log) "none.."
49 # puts $sock $ftpInfo(data) ; flush $sock
50 fileevent $sock writable "ftp2SendData $sock"
51 fileevent $sock readable "ftp2WatchReturn $sock"
52 myVwait ftpInfo($sock,done)
53 set res $ftpInfo($sock,done)
54 set ftpInfo(message) $ftpInfo($sock,log)
56 after cancel $after_id
58 # puts $ftpInfo($sock,return)
59 ftp2Close $sock
60 return $res
63 proc ftp2Close { sock } {
64 global ftpInfo
65 close $sock
66 foreach v [array names ftpInfo $sock,*] {
67 unset ftpInfo($v)
71 proc ftp2WatchReturn { sock } {
72 global ftpInfo
74 append ftpInfo($sock,return) " watching ..."
75 set new [read $sock ]
76 #global billy ; lappend billy [list return $new]
77 if { [eof $sock] } {fileevent $sock readable {}}
78 # puts "$new" ; flush stdout
79 append ftpInfo($sock,return) $new
80 if { [regexp "Succeeded: (\[^\n]*)\n" $ftpInfo($sock,return) junk msg]} {
81 set ftpInfo($sock,done) 1
82 set ftpInfo($sock,log) $msg
83 } elseif { [regexp "Failed: (\[^\n]*)\n" $ftpInfo($sock,return) junk msg] } {
84 set ftpInfo($sock,done) -1
85 set ftpInfo($sock,log) $msg
87 #mike FIXME: this is a wrong use of after cancel
88 after cancel "set ftpInfo($sock,done) -1"
89 after 3000 "set ftpInfo($sock,done) -1"
91 # set billy {}
92 proc ftp2SendData { sock } {
93 global ftpInfo
95 set dn $ftpInfo($sock,datanext)
96 set dl $ftpInfo($sock,datalength)
97 #global billy ; lappend billy [list $dn $dl]
98 set ftpInfo(percent) [expr {($dn >= $dl ? 100.0 : 100.0 * $dn/$dl)}]
99 # puts "storing data to $sock $percent %"
100 if { $ftpInfo($sock,datanext) >= $ftpInfo($sock,datalength) } {
101 #mike FIXME: this is a wrong use of after cancel
102 after cancel "set ftpInfo($sock,done) -1"
103 after 10000 "set ftpInfo($sock,done) -1"
104 fileevent $sock writable ""
105 # puts $sock "abcdefghijklmno"
106 # flush $sock
107 return
109 set amtToSend 4000
110 puts -nonewline $sock [string range $ftpInfo($sock,data) $ftpInfo($sock,datanext) [expr {$ftpInfo($sock,datanext) + $amtToSend -1}]]
111 # puts $sock $tosend
112 flush $sock
114 set ftpInfo($sock,datanext) [expr {$ftpInfo($sock,datanext) + $amtToSend}]
115 #mike FIXME: this is a wrong use of after cancel
116 after cancel "set ftpInfo($sock,done) -1"
117 after 10000 "set ftpInfo($sock,done) -1"
122 ## endsource tryftp2.tcl