Add note that the lapack package needs to loaded to get the functions.
[maxima.git] / share / linearalgebra / linalg-extra.lisp
1 ;; Copyright 2006 by Barton Willis
3 ;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
5 ;;
7 ;; This software has NO WARRANTY, not even the implied warranty of
10 (in-package :maxima)
11 ($put '$linalgextra 1 '$version)
13 (defun $circulant (lst)
14 ($require_list lst '$first '$circulant)
15 (let ((q) (n ($length lst)))
16 (setq lst (rest lst))
17 (setq q (list lst))
18 (decf n)
19 (dotimes (i n)
20 (setq lst `(,@(rest lst) ,(car lst)))
21 (push lst q))
22 (setq q (mapcar #'(lambda(s) (cons '(mlist) s)) q))
23 (push '($matrix) q)))
25 (defun $cauchy_matrix (p &optional q)
26 ($require_list p '$first '$cauchy_matrix)
27 (if q ($require_list q '$second '$cauchy_matrix) (setq q p))
28 (let ((row) (mat))
29 (setq p (margs p))
30 (setq q (margs q))
31 (dolist (pj p)
32 (setq row nil)
33 (dolist (qj q)
34 (push (div 1 (add pj qj)) row))
35 (setq row (nreverse row))
36 (push '(mlist) row)
37 (push row mat))
38 (setq mat (nreverse mat))
39 (push '($matrix) mat)))
41 (defun $hessian (e vars)
42 (cond (($listp vars)
43 (let ((z) (mat nil))
44 (setq vars (margs vars))
45 (dolist (vi vars)
46 (setq z ($diff e vi))
47 (push (cons '(mlist) (mapcar #'(lambda (s) ($diff z s)) vars)) mat))
48 (cons '($matrix) (reverse mat))))
49 (t `(($hessian) ,e ,vars))))
51 (defun $jacobian (e vars)
52 (cond ((and ($listp vars) ($listp e))
53 (setq e (margs e))
54 (setq vars (margs vars))
55 (let ((mat nil))
56 (dolist (ei e)
57 (push (cons '(mlist) (mapcar #'(lambda (s) ($diff ei s)) vars)) mat))
58 (cons '($matrix) (reverse mat))))
59 (t `(($jacobian) ,e ,vars))))
61 (defun $vandermonde_matrix (l)
62 (let ((x) (q) (row) (acc nil) (n))
63 (setq l (require-list l '$vandermonde_matrix))
64 (setq n (- (length l) 1))
65 (while l
66 (setq q 1)
67 (setq x (pop l))
68 (setq row (list 1))
69 (dotimes (j n)
70 (setq q (mul q x))
71 (push q row))
72 (setq row (cons '(mlist) (nreverse row)))
73 (push row acc))
74 (simplify (cons '($matrix) (nreverse acc)))))
76 ;; Use Sylvester's criterion to decide if the self-adjoint part of a matrix is
77 ;; negative definite (neg) or positive definite (pos). For all other cases, return
78 ;; pnz. This algorithm is unable to determine if a matrix is negative semidefinite
79 ;; or positive semidefinite. The argument to this function must be a selfadjoint
80 ;; matrix.
82 (defun matrix-sign-sylvester (m)
83 (let ((n) (det) (p-sgn nil) (n-sgn nil))
84 (setq n ($first ($matrix_size m)))
86 (loop for i from 1 to n do
87 (setq det (ratdisrep (newdet m i nil)))
88 (push (csign det) p-sgn)
89 (push (csign (mul (power -1 i) det)) n-sgn))
91 (cond ((every #'(lambda (s) (eq s '$pos)) p-sgn) '$pos)
92 ((every #'(lambda (s) (eq s '$pos)) n-sgn) '$neg)
93 (t '$pnz))))
95 (defun order-of-root (p x pt)
96 (let ((order 0))
97 (setq p ($expand p))
98 (while (and (alike 0 ($substitute pt x p)) (not (alike 0 p)))
99 (incf order)
100 (setq p ($expand ($diff p x))))
101 order))
103 ;; Let M be the self-adjoint part of mat. By the self-adjoint part
104 ;; of a matrix M, I mean (M + M^*) / 2, where ^* is the conjugate transpose
105 ;; Return
107 ;; (a) neg if M is negative definite,
108 ;; (b) nz if M is negative semidefinite,
109 ;; (c) pz if M is positive semidefinite,
110 ;; (d) pos if M is positive definite,
111 ;; (e) pnz if M isn't a--d or if Maxima isn't able determine the matrix sign.
113 ;; When M is a matrix of rational numbers, look at the zeros of the characteristic polynomial;
114 ;; otherwise, use Sylvester's criterion.
116 (defun $matrix_sign (mat)
117 (let ((z (gensym)) (p) (n) (nbr-zero-roots) (nbr-neg-roots) (nbr-pos-roots))
119 ($require_square_matrix mat '$first '$matrix_sign)
120 (setq mat (div (add mat ($ctranspose mat)) 2))
121 (cond (($some '((lambda) ((mlist) $s) ((mnot) (($ratnump) $s))) mat)
122 (matrix-sign-sylvester mat))
124 (setq n ($first ($matrix_size mat)))
125 (cond (($zeromatrixp mat) '$zero)
127 (setq p ($charpoly mat z))
129 ;; number of roots of characteristic poly in {0}
130 (setq nbr-zero-roots (order-of-root p z 0))
132 ;; number of roots of characteristic poly in (-inf,0)
133 (setq nbr-neg-roots (- ($nroots p '$minf 0) nbr-zero-roots))
135 ;; number of roots of characteristic poly in (0,inf)
136 (setq nbr-pos-roots ($nroots p 0 '$inf))
138 (cond ((= n nbr-neg-roots) '$neg)
139 ((= 0 nbr-pos-roots) '$nz)
140 ((= n nbr-pos-roots) '$pos)
141 ((= n (+ nbr-pos-roots nbr-zero-roots)) '$pz)
142 (t '$pnz))))))))
144 (defun $sylvester_matrix (p q z)
145 (let ((p-coeff nil) (q-coeff nil) (mat nil) (p-deg) (q-deg))
146 (if (or (not ($polynomialp p `((mlist) ,z) `((lambda) ((mlist) c) (($freeof) ,z c))))
147 (not ($polynomialp q `((mlist) ,z) `((lambda) ((mlist) c) (($freeof) ,z c)))))
148 (merror "The first two arguments to 'sylvester_matrix' must be polynomials"))
150 (setq p ($ratexpand p))
151 (setq q ($ratexpand q))
153 (setq p-deg ($hipow p z))
154 (setq q-deg ($hipow q z))
156 (dotimes (k (- q-deg 1))
157 (push 0 p-coeff))
159 (dotimes (k (+ p-deg 1))
160 (push ($ratcoef p z k) p-coeff))
162 (dotimes (k (- p-deg 1))
163 (push 0 q-coeff))
165 (dotimes (k (+ 1 q-deg))
166 (push ($ratcoef q z k) q-coeff))
168 (dotimes (k q-deg)
169 (push (cons '(mlist) p-coeff) mat)
170 (setq p-coeff (butlast p-coeff))
171 (push 0 p-coeff))
173 (dotimes (k p-deg)
174 (push (cons '(mlist) q-coeff) mat)
175 (setq q-coeff (butlast q-coeff))
176 (push 0 q-coeff))
178 (simplify `(($matrix) ,@(reverse mat)))))
180 (defun $krylov_matrix (v mat &optional (n 'no-value))
181 ($require_square_matrix mat '$second '$krylov_matrix)
182 (and ($listp v) (setq v ($transpose v)))
183 (if (not
184 (and ($matrixp v)
185 (= ($first ($matrix_size v)) ($second ($matrix_size mat)))))
186 (merror "Incompatible matrix sizes"))
187 (if (eq n 'no-value) (setq n ($first ($matrix_size mat))))
188 ($require_posinteger n '$third '$krylov_matrix)
189 (let ((acc v))
190 (decf n 1)
191 (dotimes (k n)
192 (setq v (ncmul mat v))
193 (setq acc ($addcol acc v)))
194 acc))