Rename *ll* and *ul* to ll and ul in in-interval
[maxima.git] / share / pslq / pslq_integer_relation.lisp
1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2 ;;
3 ;; Integer relations package
4 ;;
5 ;; Copyright: 2006, Andrej Vodopivec
6 ;; Licence: GPL
7 ;;
8 ;; Integer relation package implements pslq algorithm to find integer
9 ;; relations between bigfloat numbers.
11 ;; Description:
13 ;; For a given vector x of floating point numbers we want to find a
14 ;; vector of integers m such that m.x=0 (in given precision).
16 ;; This implementation of PSLQ, to judge by the initialization of s
17 ;; (before it was changed, anyway) and the calculation of the bound M,
18 ;; may be derived from:
20 ;; D.H. Bailey and S. Plouffe. "Recognizing Numerical Constants."
21 ;;
22 ;; See the section titled "The PSLQ Integer Relation Algorithm".
23 ;; The version at the above URL appears to have been published as
24 ;; part of a workshop proceedings on Dec. 11, 1995.
26 ;; A PDF version, possibly identical, dated Dec. 15, 1995:
27 ;;
28 ;; which mentions:
29 ;; Canadian Mathematical Society, vol. 20 (1997), pg. 73-88.
31 ;; Other sources, which might or might not have contributed to this implementation.
33 ;; D.H.Bailey. "Integer relation detection,"
34 ;; Computing in Science and Engineering, Jan-Feb, 2000, pg. 24-28.
35 ;; Preprint published as "Integer Relation Detection and Lattice Reduction":
36 ;;
38 ;; H.R.P. Ferguson, D.H. Bailey, S. Arno. "Analysis of PSLQ,
39 ;; an integer relation finding algorithm."
40 ;; Mathematics of Computation, vol. 68, no. 225 (Jan 1999), pg. 351-369.
41 ;;
43 ;; Armin Straub. "A gentle introduction to PSLQ."
44 ;;
46 ;; Jingwei Chen, Damien Stehle, Gilles Villard.
47 ;; "A New View on HJLS and PSLQ: Sums and Projections of Lattices."
48 ;; Proceedings of ISSAC '13.
49 ;;[CSV13].pdf
51 ;; Yong Feng, Jingwei Chen, Wenyuan Wu.
52 ;; "The PSLQ algorithm for empirical data."
53 ;; Mathematics of Computation
54 ;; DOI: 10.1090/mcom/3356
55 ;;
57 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
59 (in-package :maxima)
60 (macsyma-module pslq_integer_relation)
62 ($put '$pslq_integer_relation 1.0 '$version)
64 (defmfun $pslq_integer_relation (l)
65 (if (not ($listp l))
66 (merror (intl:gettext "pslq_integer_relation: argument must be a list; found: ~M") l))
67 (let* ((n ($length l)) (l (cdr l)) (a (make-array n)) ($float2bf t))
68 (loop for i from 0 to (1- n) do
69 (let ((elm (car l)))
70 (if ($floatnump elm)
71 (setf (aref a i) elm)
72 (progn
73 (setq elm ($bfloat elm))
74 (if (not ($freeof '$%i elm))
75 (return-from $pslq_integer_relation nil))
76 (if (not ($bfloatp elm))
77 (merror (intl:gettext "pslq_integer_relation: element can't be converted to bigfloat: ~M") elm))
78 (setf (aref a i) elm))))
79 (setq l (cdr l)))
80 (let ((ans (pslq-integer-relations a n)))
81 (if ans
82 `((mlist simp) ,@ans)
83 nil))))
85 (defmvar $pslq_precision nil)
86 (defmvar $pslq_threshold nil)
87 (defmvar $pslq_depth nil)
88 (defmvar $pslq_status 0)
90 (defmvar $pslq_fail_norm nil)
92 (defvar *pslq-debugging* nil)
94 (defun pslq-mabs (x)
95 (if (mlsp x 0) (m- x) x))
97 (defun pslq-nearest-integer (x)
98 (let ((nx ($entier x)))
99 (if (mlsp 0.5 (m- x nx))
100 (1+ nx)
101 nx)))
103 (defun my-write-lisp-array (a s &rest args)
104 (declare (ignore args))
105 (let ((d (array-dimensions a)))
106 (if (= (length d) 1)
107 (progn (loop for i from 0 to (1- (first d))
108 do (format s " ~18a" (aref a i)))
109 (write-char #\newline s))
110 (progn (loop for i from 0 to (1- (first d))
111 do (loop for j from 0 to (1- (second d))
112 do (format s " ~18a" (aref a i j)))
113 (write-char #\newline s))
114 (write-char #\newline s)))))
116 (defun pslq-integer-relations (x n)
117 (let ((A (make-array `(,n ,n) :initial-element 0))
118 (B (make-array `(,n ,n) :initial-element 0))
119 (H (make-array `(,n ,(1- n)) :initial-element 0))
120 (gamma (sqrt (/ 4 3)))
121 (s (make-array `(,n) :initial-element 0))
122 (y (make-array `(,n) :initial-element 0))
123 ($pslq_precision (if $pslq_precision $pslq_precision (power 10 (- $fpprec 2))))
124 ($pslq_threshold (if $pslq_threshold $pslq_threshold (power 10 (- 2 $fpprec))))
125 ($pslq_depth (if $pslq_depth $pslq_depth (* 20 n)))
126 (tt))
128 (when *pslq-debugging*
129 (format t "PSLQ-INTEGER-RELATIONS: n = ~a, gamma = ~a, pslq_precision = ~a, pslq_threshold = ~a, pslq_depth = ~a~%" n gamma $pslq_precision $pslq_threshold $pslq_depth))
131 ;; Initialize A, B and s
132 (loop for k from 0 to (1- n) do
133 (setf (aref A k k) 1)
134 (setf (aref B k k) 1)
135 (loop for j from k to (1- n) do
136 (setf (aref s k) (m+ (aref s k) (power (aref x j) 2))))
137 (setf (aref s k) ($sqrt (aref s k))))
138 (setf tt (aref s 0))
140 ;; Initialize y, normalize s
141 (loop for k from 0 to (1- n) do
142 (setf (aref y k) (m// (aref x k) tt))
143 (setf (aref s k) (m// (aref s k) tt)))
145 ;; Initialize H
146 (loop for i from 0 to (1- n) do
147 (if (< i (- n 1))
148 (setf (aref H i i) (m// (aref s (1+ i)) (aref s i))))
149 (loop for j from 0 to (1- i) do
150 (setf (aref H i j) (m- (m// (m* (aref y i) (aref y j))
151 (m* (aref s j) (aref s (1+ j))))))))
153 (when *pslq-debugging*
154 (print "PSLQ-INTEGER-RELATIONS: just before initial reduce h:") (write-char #\newline)
155 (print "A =") (write-char #\newline) (my-write-lisp-array A *terminal-io* '$comma 'text)
156 (print "B =") (write-char #\newline) (my-write-lisp-array B *terminal-io* '$comma 'text)
157 (print "s =") (write-char #\newline) (my-write-lisp-array s *terminal-io* '$comma 'text)
158 (print "y =") (write-char #\newline) (my-write-lisp-array y *terminal-io* '$comma 'text)
159 (print "H =") (write-char #\newline) (my-write-lisp-array H *terminal-io* '$comma 'text))
161 ;; Perform reduction on H, update A, B, y
162 (loop for i from 1 to (- n 1) do
163 (loop for j from (1- i) downto 0 do
164 (setq tt (pslq-nearest-integer (m// (aref H i j) (aref H j j))))
165 (setf (aref y j) (m+ (aref y j) (m* tt (aref y i))))
166 (loop for k from 0 to j do
167 (let* ((bar (aref H i k)) (baz tt) (quux (aref H j k))
168 (foo (m- bar (m* baz quux))))
169 (when *pslq-debugging*
170 (format t "PSLQ-INTEGER-RELATIONS: assign ~a = ~a - ~a * ~a to H[~d, ~d]~%" foo bar baz quux i k))
171 (setf (aref H i k) foo)))
172 (loop for k from 0 to (1- n) do
173 (setf (aref A i k) (m- (aref A i k) (m* tt (aref A j k))))
174 (setf (aref B k j) (m+ (aref B k j) (m* tt (aref B k i)))))))
176 (do ((r 1 (1+ r))) ((= r $pslq_depth))
177 (let ((m 0) (mm 0) (s 1))
179 (when *pslq-debugging*
180 (print "PSLQ-INTEGER-RELATIONS: just before bound check:") (write-char #\newline)
181 (print "A =") (write-char #\newline) (my-write-lisp-array A *terminal-io* '$comma 'text)
182 (print "B =") (write-char #\newline) (my-write-lisp-array B *terminal-io* '$comma 'text)
183 (print "y =") (write-char #\newline) (my-write-lisp-array y *terminal-io* '$comma 'text)
184 (print "H =") (write-char #\newline) (my-write-lisp-array H *terminal-io* '$comma 'text))
186 ;; Find the bound M
187 (let ((maxNorm 0))
188 (loop for j from 0 to (1- n) do
189 (let ((absHj 0))
190 (loop for i from 0 to (- n 2) do
191 (if (mlsp absHj (pslq-mabs (aref H j i)))
192 (setq absHj (aref H j i))))
193 (if (mlsp maxNorm absHj)
194 (setq maxNorm absHj))))
195 (setq $pslq_fail_norm (m// 1 maxNorm))
197 ;; Check to see if we have a relation
198 (loop for j from 0 to (1- n) do
199 (if (mlsp (pslq-mabs (aref y j)) $pslq_threshold)
200 (progn
201 (let ((ans ()))
202 (loop for i from 0 to (1- n) do
203 (setq ans (append ans `(,(aref B i j)))))
204 (setq $pslq_status 1)
205 (return-from pslq-integer-relations ans)))))
207 ;; Check to see if we exhausted the precision
208 (loop for i from 0 to (1- n) do
209 (loop for j from 0 to (1- n) do
210 (if (mlsp $pslq_precision (pslq-mabs (aref A i j)))
211 (progn
212 (setq $pslq_status 2)
213 (return-from pslq-integer-relations nil)))))
216 ;; Find maximal value in H
217 (loop for i from 0 to (m- n 2) do
218 (setq s (* gamma s))
219 (if (mlsp mm (m* s (pslq-mabs (aref H i i))))
220 (progn
221 (setf m i)
222 (setf mm (m* (expt gamma i) (pslq-mabs (aref H i i)))))))
224 ;; Swap entries in y
225 (rotatef (aref y m) (aref y (1+ m)))
226 ;; Swap rows in A and columns in B
227 (loop for i from 0 to (- n 1) do
228 (rotatef (aref A m i) (aref A (1+ m) i))
229 (rotatef (aref B i m) (aref B i (1+ m))))
230 ;; Swap rows in H
231 (loop for i from 0 to (- n 2) do
232 (rotatef (aref H m i) (aref H (1+ m) i)))
234 ;; Update H
235 (if (< m (- n 2))
236 (let* ((t0 ($sqrt (m+ (power (aref H m m) 2) (power (aref H m (1+ m)) 2))))
237 (t1 (m// (aref H m m) t0))
238 (t2 (m// (aref H m (1+ m)) t0))
239 (t3) (t4))
240 (loop for i from m to (1- n) do
241 (setq t3 (aref H i m))
242 (setq t4 (aref H i (1+ m)))
243 (setf (aref H i m) (m+ (m* t1 t3) (m* t2 t4)))
244 (setf (aref H i (1+ m)) (m- (m* t1 t4) (m* t2 t3))))))
246 ;; Block reduction on H
247 (loop for i from (1+ m) to (1- n) do
248 (loop for j from (min (1- i) (1+ m)) downto 0 do
249 (setq tt (pslq-nearest-integer (m// (aref H i j) (aref H j j))))
250 (setf (aref y j) (m+ (aref y j) (m* tt (aref y i))))
251 (loop for k from 0 to j do
252 (setf (aref H i k) (m- (aref H i k) (m* tt (aref H j k)))))
253 (loop for k from 0 to (1- n) do
254 (setf (aref A i k) (m- (aref A i k) (m* tt (aref A j k))))
255 (setf (aref B k j) (m+ (aref B k j) (m* tt (aref B k i)))))))
257 (setq $pslq_status 3)
258 (return-from pslq-integer-relations nil) ))