Add some simple tests for catch and throw to rtest_translator
[maxima.git] / src / trans1.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; The data in this file contains enhancments. ;;;;;
4 ;;; ;;;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984,1987 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
6 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
7 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
9 ;;; 1001 TRANSLATE properties for everyone. ;;;
10 ;;; (c) Copyright 1980 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ;;;
11 ;;; Maintained by GJC ;;;
12 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
14 (in-package :maxima)
16 ;;; This file handles System FSUBR translation properties that were not handled in TRANSL.
18 (macsyma-module trans1)
20 ;;;;;;;; THE FOLLOWING ARE MOSTLY FROM JPG MLISP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
22 ;;; APPLY(F,[X]) is an idiom for funcall.
24 (defun quoted-symbolp (form)
25 (and (consp form)
26 (eq 'quote (car form))
27 (symbolp (cadr form))))
29 (def%tr $apply (form)
30 (let* ((fun (dtranslate (cadr form)))
31 (mode (cond ((symbolp fun)
32 (function-mode-@ fun))
33 ((quoted-symbolp fun)
34 (function-mode (cadr fun)))
35 ('else
36 '$any))))
37 (cond (($listp (caddr form))
38 (let ((args (tr-args (cdr (caddr form)))))
39 (call-and-simp mode
40 'mfuncall
41 `(,fun ,@args))))
43 (let ((arg (dtranslate (caddr form))))
44 (call-and-simp mode 'mapply-tr
45 `(,fun ,arg)))))))
47 (def%tr $map (form)
48 (destructuring-let (((fun . args) (tr-args (cdr form))))
49 (call-and-simp '$any 'map1 `((getopr ,fun) . ,args))))
51 (def%tr $maplist (form)
52 (destructuring-let (((fun . args) (tr-args (cdr form))))
53 `($any . (maplist_tr ,fun ,@args))))
55 (def%tr $fullmap (form)
56 (destructuring-let (((fun . args) (tr-args (cdr form))))
57 (call-and-simp '$any 'fmap1 `((getopr ,fun) (list . ,args) nil))))
59 (def%tr $matrixmap (form)
60 (destructuring-let (((fun . args) (tr-args (cdr form))))
61 (call-and-simp '$any `(lambda (fmaplvl)
62 (fmapl1 (getopr ,fun) . ,args))
63 '(2))))
65 (def%tr $fullmapl (form)
66 (destructuring-let (((fun . args) (tr-args (cdr form))))
67 (call-and-simp '$any 'fmapl1 `((getopr ,fun) . ,args))))
69 (def%tr $outermap (form)
70 (destructuring-let (((fun . args) (tr-args (cdr form))))
71 (call-and-simp '$any (cond ((= (length args) 1) 'fmapl1)
72 (t 'outermap1))
73 `((getopr ,fun) ,@args))))
76 (def%tr $scanmap (form)
77 (destructuring-let (((fun . args) (tr-args (cdr form))))
78 (call-and-simp '$any 'scanmap1 `((getopr ,fun) ,@args))))
80 (def%tr $qput (form)
81 `($any $put ',(cadr form) ',(caddr form) ',(cadddr form)))
83 (def%tr $subvar (form)
84 (translate (cons '(mqapply array) (cdr form))))
86 ;;; If the evaluation of the first argument does not depend on the
87 ;;; setting of the special variable PIECE, then it need not be
88 ;;; evaluated inside of PART1. If the PIECE feature is used, then
89 ;;; we must send down an expression to PART1 which when evaluated has
90 ;;; the proper environment for the compiled-away variable names in the
91 ;;; environment of the calling function.
92 ;;; It is possible to get unbelivebly strange results from the order of
93 ;;; evaluation of the arguments to $SUBSTPART, these crocks shall not
94 ;;; be supported.
95 ;;; The PIECE feature is not as often used as say,
96 ;;; SUBSTPART("*",EXP,0) is.
98 (def%tr $substpart (form)
99 (substpart-translation form t nil '$inflag '$substpart))
101 (def%tr $substinpart (form)
102 (substpart-translation form t nil t '$substinpart))
104 (defun for-eval-then-mquote-simp-argl (l)
105 ;; (MAPCAR #'(LAMBDA (U) ;;; consing not important here.
106 ;; `(LIST '(MQUOTE SIMP) ,U))
107 ;; L)
108 ;; JONL broke the fucking compiler. So I re-write this as=>
109 (prog (v)
110 loop
111 (if (null l) (return (nreverse v)))
112 (push `(list '(mquote simp) ,(pop l)) v)
113 (go loop)))
115 (defun substpart-translation (form flag1 flag2 flag3 fn)
116 (let* ((subst-item (dtranslate (cadr form)))
117 (freevars (free-lisp-vars subst-item))
118 (argl (tr-args (cddr form))))
119 (cond ((null (assoc '$piece freevars :test #'eq))
120 ; this code is just to screw the people who
121 ; would use $PIECE non lexicaly. Not really, the
122 ; closure hacking is a lot slower at run time than
123 ; this easy case, so no sense screwing the people who
124 ; don't use $PIECE in foolish ways.
125 `($any . (simplify
126 (part1
127 (list ,@(for-eval-then-mquote-simp-argl
128 (cons subst-item argl)))
130 ,flag1 ,flag2 ,flag3 ',fn))))
132 (setq freevars (tbound-free-vars freevars))
133 (side-effect-free-check (cadr freevars) (cadr form))
134 `($any . (simplify
135 (part1 (list (fungen&env-for-meval
136 ,(delete '$piece (car freevars) :test #'equal)
137 ($piece) ,subst-item)
138 ,@(for-eval-then-mquote-simp-argl argl))
139 ,flag1 ,flag2 ,flag3 ',fn)))))))
141 (def%tr $errcatch (form)
142 (destructuring-bind (mode . body) (translate `((mprogn) ,@(cdr form)))
143 (declare (ignore mode))
144 (cons '$any `(cons '(mlist) (errcatch ,body)))))
146 ;;; The MODE of a CATCH could either be the MODE of the last of the PROGN
147 ;;; or the mode of the THROW. The THROW may be hard to find, so this goes
148 ;;; on the assumption that the mode of the PROGN is enough to tell.
150 (def%tr $catch (form)
151 (destructuring-let (((mode . body) (translate `((mprogn) . ,(cdr form)))))
152 `(,mode . ((lambda (mcatch)
153 (prog1
154 (catch 'mcatch ,body)
155 (errlfun1 mcatch)))
156 (cons bindlist loclist)))))
158 (def%tr $throw (form)
159 (destructuring-let (((mode . exp) (translate (cadr form))))
160 `(,mode . ((lambda (x)
161 (when (null mcatch)
162 (merror (intl:gettext "throw: not within 'catch'; expression: ~M") x))
163 (throw 'mcatch x))
164 ,exp))))
166 ;;; Makelist is a very sorry FSUBR. All these FSUBRS are just to avoid
167 ;;; writing LAMBDA. But lots of users use MAKELIST now.
168 ;;; MAKELIST(EXP,X,0,N) with 4 args it is an iteration, with three it
169 ;;; is a mapping over a list (the third argument).
171 (def%tr $makelist (form)
172 (setq form (cdr form))
173 (cond
174 ((= (length form) 0) '($any . '((mlist))))
175 ((= (length form) 1)
176 (destructuring-let
177 (((exp) form))
178 `($any . (list '(mlist) ,(cdr (tr-local-exp exp))))))
179 ((= (length form) 2)
180 (destructuring-let
181 (((exp n) form) (sum (tr-gensym)) (nn (tr-gensym)) (|0| (tr-gensym)))
182 (setq n (dtranslate n))
183 `($any .
184 ((lambda (,nn)
185 (setq ,nn ($float ,nn))
186 (if (numberp ,nn)
187 (do ((,|0| 1 (add 1 ,|0|)) (,sum nil))
188 ((> ,|0| ,nn) (cons '(mlist) ,sum))
189 (setq ,sum
190 (cons ,(cdr (tr-local-exp exp)) ,sum)))
191 (merror
192 (intl:gettext "makelist: second argument must evaluate to a number; found: ~M") ,nn)))
193 ,n))))
194 ((= (length form) 3)
195 (destructuring-let
196 (((exp x n) form) (sum (tr-gensym)) (nn (tr-gensym)) (lil (tr-gensym)))
197 (setq n (dtranslate n))
198 `($any .
199 ((lambda (,nn)
200 (if ($listp ,nn)
201 (do ((,lil (cdr ,nn) (cdr ,lil))
202 (,sum nil) (,x))
203 ((null ,lil) (cons '(mlist) (nreverse ,sum)))
204 (setq
205 ,x (car ,lil)
206 ,sum
207 (cons ,(cdr (tr-local-exp exp x (value-mode x))) ,sum)))
208 (progn
209 (setq ,nn ($float ,nn))
210 (if (numberp ,nn)
211 (do ((,x 1 (add 1 ,x))
212 (,sum nil
213 (cons
214 ,(cdr (tr-local-exp exp x (value-mode x)))
215 ,sum)))
216 ((> ,x ,nn)
217 (cons '(mlist) (nreverse ,sum)))
218 (declare (special ,x)))
219 (merror
220 (intl:gettext "makelist: third argument must be a number or a list; found: ~M") ,nn)))))
221 ,n))))
222 ((= (length form) 4)
223 (destructuring-let
224 (((exp x |0| n) form) (|00| (tr-gensym)) (nn (tr-gensym))
225 (sum (tr-gensym)) (ii (tr-gensym)))
226 (setq |0| (dtranslate |0|) n (dtranslate n))
227 `($any .
228 ((lambda (,|00| ,nn)
229 (setq ,nn ($float (sub ,nn ,|00|)))
230 (if (numberp ,nn)
231 (do ((,x ,|00| (add 1 ,x)) (,ii 0 (add 1 ,ii))
232 (,sum nil
233 (cons
234 ,(cdr (tr-local-exp exp x (value-mode x)))
235 ,sum)))
236 ((> ,ii ,nn) (cons '(mlist) (nreverse ,sum)))
237 (declare (special ,x)))
238 (merror
239 (intl:gettext "makelist: the fourth argument minus the third one must evaluate to a number; found: ~M")
240 ,nn)))
241 ,|0| ,n))))
242 ((= (length form) 5)
243 (destructuring-let
244 (((exp x |0| n s) form) (|00| (tr-gensym)) (nn (tr-gensym))
245 (ss (tr-gensym)) (sum (tr-gensym)) (ii (tr-gensym)))
246 (setq |0| (dtranslate |0|) n (dtranslate n) s (dtranslate s))
247 `($any .
248 ((lambda (,|00| ,nn ,ss)
249 (setq ,nn ($float (div (sub ,nn ,|00|) ,ss)))
250 (if (numberp ,nn)
251 (do ((,x ,|00| (add ,ss ,x)) (,ii 0 (add 1 ,ii))
252 (,sum nil
253 (cons
254 ,(cdr (tr-local-exp exp x (value-mode x)))
255 ,sum)))
256 ((> ,ii ,nn) (cons '(mlist) (nreverse ,sum)))
257 (declare (special ,x)))
258 (merror
259 (intl:gettext "makelist: the fourth argument minus the third one, divided by the fifth one must evaluate to a number; found: ~M")
260 ,nn)))
261 ,|0| ,n ,s))))
263 (tr-format (intl:gettext "makelist: maximum 5 arguments allowed; found: ~M.~%makelist: to create a list with sublists, use nested makelist commands.~%")
264 (length form))
265 (setq tr-abort t)
266 '($any . '$**error**))))
268 (def%tr $kill (form)
269 `($any . (mapply '$kill ',(cdr form) nil)))
271 ;;; Macsyma arrays are the biggest crock since STATUS PUNT NIL days.
272 ;;; The basic idea of ARRAY(<frob>,type,dims...) is that
273 ;;; if type is of
275 ;;; ($FLOAT . FLONUM) ($FLONUM . FLONUM)))
276 ;;; then the dims are evaluated. But, if type is not one of those,
277 ;;; it "must" be a dim spec! Of course, I must make this "analysis"
278 ;;; at translate time, in order to preserve referential transparency
279 ;;; in compiled code.
281 (def%tr $array (form)
282 (setq form (cdr form))
283 (let ((name (car form))
284 (specp (assoc (cadr form)
285 '(($complete . t) ($integer . fixnum) ($fixnum . fixnum)
286 ($float . flonum) ($flonum . flonum)) :test #'eq)))
287 (cond
288 (specp
289 `($any . (mapply
290 '$array
291 (list ',name ',(cadr form) ,@(tr-args (cddr form)))
292 '$array)))
294 `($any . (mapply
295 '$array
296 (list ',name ,@(tr-args (cdr form)))
297 '$array))))))
300 ;;; it seems TRANSL has all sorts of code for hacking some kind of
301 ;;; $CRE mode. somehow there is no translate property for MRAT. who
302 ;;; knows. anyway here is something in the mean time before this
303 ;;; I have time to do up TRANSL correctly.
305 ;;; ((LAMBDA (VARLIST)
308 ;;; (RATF (MEVAL ($RATDISREP X))))
309 ;;; (T X)))
310 ;;; (CADDAR X)))
311 ;;; EVP is a hack for $EV I think. The MEVAL down the varlist is to see if the
312 ;;; variables have any values, if not, then the result of (ratf (meval ($ratdisrep)))
313 ;;; will be alike to what you started with, so it is an efficiency hack! What a
314 ;;; joke!
317 (def%tr mrat (form)
318 (let ((t-form (translate ($ratdisrep form))))
319 (cond ((member (car t-form) '($float $fixnum $number) :test #'eq) t-form)
320 (t `($any . (ratf ,(cdr t-form)))))))
323 ;;; The following special forms do not call the evaluator.
325 (def%tr $alias (form)
326 `($any . (meval ',form)))
327 ;;most of these will lose in common since a local variable will not
328 ;;have its value accessible to the mfexpr*. They should
329 ;;be redone as macros with any necessary info passed along.
331 (def%tr $batch $alias)
332 (def%tr $batchload $alias)
333 (def%tr $closefile $alias)
334 (def%tr $compfile $alias)
335 (def%tr $demo $alias)
336 (def%tr $dependencies $alias)
337 (def%tr $describe $alias)
338 (def%tr $dispfun $alias)
339 (def%tr $disprule $alias)
340 (def%tr $fundef $alias)
341 (def%tr $gradef $alias)
342 (def%tr $labels $alias)
343 (def%tr $loadarrays $alias)
344 (def%tr $loadfile $alias)
345 (def%tr $numerval $alias)
346 (def%tr $options $alias)
347 (def%tr $ordergreat $alias)
348 (def%tr $orderless $alias)
349 (def%tr $printfile $alias)
350 (def%tr $printprops $alias)
351 (def%tr $product $alias)
352 (def%tr %product $alias)
353 (def%tr $properties $alias)
354 (def%tr $propvars $alias)
355 (def%tr $rearray $alias)
356 (def%tr $remarray $alias)
357 (def%tr $remfunction $alias)
358 (def%tr $remove $alias)
359 (def%tr $remvalue $alias)
360 (def%tr $setup_autoload $alias)
361 (def%tr $sum $alias)
362 (def%tr %sum $alias)
363 (def%tr $translate $alias)
364 (def%tr $writefile $alias)
366 ;; Local Modes:
367 ;; Mode: LISP
368 ;; Comment Col: 40
369 ;; END: