Kill some variables in rtest_translator
[maxima.git] / src / newdet.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; The data in this file contains enhancments. ;;;;;
4 ;;; ;;;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984,1987 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
6 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
7 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 ;;; (c) Copyright 1980 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ;;;
9 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
11 (in-package :maxima)
13 (macsyma-module newdet)
18 ;; RJF 5/2/73
20 (declare-top (special vlist varlist genvar aryp))
22 ;;these are general type arrays
24 (defvar *i*)
25 (defvar *minor1*)
26 (defvar *binom*)
27 (defvar *input*)
30 Notes by Michel Talon, 2019-02-05.
32 The algorithm in newdet:
33 condider computing the determinant of the 4x4 matrix. The essence of the algorithm
34 is to store as much intermediary results as possible to avoid recomputation and
35 group stuff to minimise the number of multiplications. The idea is that when
36 matrix elements are rationsl functions, multiplication is expensive, and one first
37 needs to minimize them.
39 [ a a a a ]
40 [ 1, 1 1, 2 1, 3 1, 4 ]
41 [ ]
42 [ a a a a ]
43 [ 2, 1 2, 2 2, 3 2, 4 ]
44 (%o1) [ ]
45 [ a a a a ]
46 [ 3, 1 3, 2 3, 3 3, 4 ]
47 [ ]
48 [ a a a a ]
49 [ 4, 1 4, 2 4, 3 4, 4 ]
50 First one focuses on the first column. One stores the 4 elements
51 a[1,1],a[2,1],a[3,1],a[4,1] somewhere.
52 Then one focuses on the first and second column and one computes the 6 minors
53 2x2 which are:
54 [ a a ]
55 [ 1, 1 1, 2 ]
56 (%o2) [ ]
57 [ a a ]
58 [ 2, 1 2, 2 ]
60 [ a a ]
61 [ 1, 1 1, 2 ]
62 (%o3) [ ]
63 [ a a ]
64 [ 3, 1 3, 2 ]
65 etc. There are 6 =C(4,2) minors because there are 6 ways to choose 2 rows between 4.
66 Ech minor is computed developing on the last column. So for example the first one is
67 - a[1,2]*a[2,1] + a[2,2]*a[1,1]
68 where a[1,1] and a[2,1] are already stored. This takes 2 multiplications hence in total
69 2*6=12 mukltiplications.
70 Then one focuses on the columns 1,2,3 and compute and store the 4 minors of type 3x3
71 such as
72 [ a a a ]
73 [ 1, 1 1, 2 1, 3 ]
74 [ ]
75 (%o4) [ a a a ]
76 [ 2, 1 2, 2 2, 3 ]
77 [ ]
78 [ a a a ]
79 [ 3, 1 3, 2 3, 3 ]
80 For each one develop on the last column, which gives 3 multiplications of
81 a[1,3], a[2,3], a[3,3] by 2x2 minors already computed and stored. In total
82 3*4=12 multiplications. Finally we develop the original determinant on the last column
83 giving 4 multiplications by already stored 3x3 minors.
85 Finally the determinant is computed using 12+12+4=28 multiplications that is
86 n*(2^(n-1)-1) multiplications with n=4. It is easy to see that this formula is general.
87 This has to be compared with the straightforward computation of the determinant in which
88 we have 4! = 24 terms each one requiring 3 multiplications thus 72 multiplications.
89 The gain comes from the fact that intermediate multiplications are hidden in the minors
90 and stored by the algorithm. The algorithm has to manage storing the values of the
91 intermediate minors in arrays of size 4 then 6 then 4 in which one recognizes the fourth row
92 of the Pascal triangle. It also has to keep track of the alternating + and - signs when
93 developing on last column. Finally all computations are done using rational algorithms
94 in maxima in the few following lines:
95 (rattimes (aref *minor1* old loc)
96 (cond ((or (= sign 1) perm)
97 (aref *input* (1+ m) (1+ k)))
98 (t (ratminus (aref *input* (1+ m) (1+ k)))))
100 where *minor1* keeps the precomputed minors, and rattimes does the product. As to
101 Gentleman and Johnson paper, its aim is to show the the procedure described above is optimal
102 with the choice of possible different strategies of grouping.
105 (defmfun $newdet (mat)
106 (cond ((not (or (mbagp mat) ($matrixp mat)))
107 (if ($scalarp mat) mat (list '(%newdet simp) mat)))
109 (setq mat (check mat))
110 (unless (= (length mat) (length (cadr mat)))
111 (merror
112 (intl:gettext
113 "newdet: Matrix must be square; found ~M rows, ~M columns.")
114 (length (cdr mat))
115 (length (cdadr mat))))
116 (newdet mat (length (cdr mat)) nil))))
118 (defmfun $permanent (mat)
119 (cond ((not (or (mbagp mat) ($matrixp mat)))
120 (if ($scalarp mat) mat (list '(%permanent simp) mat)))
122 (setq mat (check mat))
123 (unless (= (length mat) (length (cadr mat)))
124 (merror
125 (intl:gettext
126 "permanent: Matrix must be square; found ~M rows, ~M columns.")
127 (length (cdr mat))
128 (length (cdadr mat))))
129 (newdet mat (length (cdr mat)) t))))
131 (defun newdet (a n perm)
132 (prog (rr k j old new vlist m loc addr sign)
133 (when (> n 50)
134 (merror (intl:gettext "newdet: matrix must be 50 by 50 or smaller; found size: ~M") n))
135 (setq *binom* (make-array (list (1+ n) (1+ n)) :element-type 'integer))
136 (setq *minor1* (make-array (list 2 (1+ (setq rr (pascal n))))))
137 (setq *i* (make-array (+ 2 n)))
138 (do ((k 0 (1+ k)))
139 ((> k 1))
140 (do ((j 0 (1+ j)))
141 ((> j rr))
142 (setf (aref *minor1* k j) '(0 . 1))))
143 (do ((k 0 (1+ k)))
144 ((> k (1+ n)))
145 (setf (aref *i* k) -1))
146 (setq *input* (make-array (list (1+ n) (1+ n))))
147 (do ((k 1 (1+ k)))
148 ((> k n))
149 (do ((j 1 (1+ j)))
150 ((> j n))
151 (newvar1 (setf (aref *input* k j) (let ((aryp t)) (maref a k j))))))
152 (newvar (cons '(mtimes) vlist))
153 (do ((k 1 (1+ k)))
154 ((> k n))
155 (do ((j 1 (1+ j)))
156 ((> j n))
157 (setf (aref *input* k j) (cdr (ratrep* (aref *input* k j))))))
158 (setq new 1)
159 (setq old 0)
160 (setf (aref *i* 0) n)
161 (do ((loc 1 (1+ loc)))
162 ((> loc n))
163 (setf (aref *minor1* old (1- loc)) (aref *input* 1 loc)))
164 (setq m 1)
165 g0193 (when (> m (1- n)) (go ret))
166 (setq loc 0)
167 (setq j 1)
168 g0189 (when (> j m) (go nextminor))
169 (setf (aref *i* j) (- m j))
170 (incf j)
171 (go g0189)
172 nextminor
173 (cond ((not (equal (aref *minor1* old loc) '(0 . 1)))
174 (setq k (1- n))
175 (setq j 0)
176 (setq addr (+ loc (aref *binom* k (1+ m))))
177 (setq sign 1))
178 (t (go over)))
179 nextuse
180 (cond
181 ((equal k (aref *i* (1+ j)))
182 (incf j)
183 (setq sign (- sign)))
185 (setf (aref *minor1* new addr)
186 (ratplus
187 (aref *minor1* new addr)
188 (rattimes (aref *minor1* old loc)
189 (cond ((or (= sign 1) perm)
190 (aref *input* (1+ m) (1+ k)))
191 (t (ratminus (aref *input* (1+ m) (1+ k)))))
192 t)))))
193 (when (> k 0)
194 (decf k)
195 (decf addr (aref *binom* k (- m j)))
196 (go nextuse))
197 (setf (aref *minor1* old loc) '(0 . 1))
198 over (incf loc)
199 (setq j m)
200 back (when (> 1 j)
201 (incf m)
202 (setq old (- 1 old))
203 (setq new (- 1 new))
204 (go g0193))
205 (setf (aref *i* j) (1+ (aref *i* j)))
206 (if (> (aref *i* (1- j)) (aref *i* j))
207 (go nextminor)
208 (setf (aref *i* j) (- m j)))
210 (decf j)
211 (go back)
213 (return (cons (list 'mrat 'simp varlist genvar) (aref *minor1* old 0)))))
215 (defun pascal (n)
216 (setf (aref *binom* 0 0) 1)
217 (do ((h 1 (1+ h)))
218 ((> h n) (1- (aref *binom* n (ash n -1))))
219 (setf (aref *binom* h 0) 1)
220 (setf (aref *binom* (1- h) h) 0)
221 (do ((j 1 (1+ j)))
222 ((> j h))
223 (setf (aref *binom* h j) (+ (aref *binom* (1- h) (1- j)) (aref *binom* (1- h) j))))))