Kill some variables in rtest_translator
[maxima.git] / src / transs.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; The data in this file contains enhancments. ;;;;;
4 ;;; ;;;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984,1987 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
6 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
7 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 ;;; (c) Copyright 1980 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ;;;
9 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
11 (in-package :maxima)
13 (macsyma-module transs)
15 ;;; User-hacking code, file-io, translator toplevel.
16 ;;; There are various macros to cons-up filename TEMPLATES
17 ;;; which to mergef into. The filenames should be the only
18 ;;; system dependent part of the code, although certain behavior
19 ;;; of RENAMEF/MERGEF/DELETE-FILE is assumed.
21 (defmvar $tr_file_tty_messagesp nil
22 "It TRUE messages about translation of the file are sent
23 to the TTY also.")
25 (defvar *translation-msgs-files* nil
26 "Where the warning and other comments goes.")
28 (defmvar transl-file nil "output stream of $compfile")
30 (defmvar $compgrind t "If `true' lisp output will be pretty-printed.")
32 (defmvar $tr_true_name_of_file_being_translated nil
33 "This is set by TRANSLATE_FILE for use by user macros
34 which want to know the name of the source file.")
36 (defmvar $tr_state_vars
37 '((mlist)
38 $translate_fast_arrays
39 $tr_function_call_default
40 $tr_bound_function_applyp
41 $tr_array_as_ref
42 $tr_numer
43 $tr_float_can_branch_complex
44 $define_variable))
46 (defmspec $compfile (forms)
47 (setq forms (cdr forms))
48 (if (eql 1 (length forms))
49 (merror (intl:gettext "compfile: no functions specified; I refuse to create an empty file.")))
50 (bind-transl-state
51 (setq *in-compfile* t)
52 (let
53 ((out-file-name (namestring (maxima-string (meval (car forms)))))
54 (t-error nil)
55 (*translation-msgs-files* nil))
56 (pop forms)
57 (unwind-protect
58 (with-maxima-io-syntax
59 (setq transl-file (open out-file-name :direction :output :if-exists :overwrite :if-does-not-exist :create :element-type 'character))
60 (cond ((or (member '$all forms :test #'eq)
61 (member '$functions forms :test #'eq))
62 (setq forms (mapcar #'caar (cdr $functions)))))
63 (do ((l forms (cdr l))
64 (tr-abort nil nil)
65 (item)
66 (t-item)) ;
67 ((null l))
68 (setq item (car l))
69 (cond ((not (atom item))
70 (print* (dconvx (translate item))))
72 (setq t-item (compile-function (setq item ($verbify item))))
73 (cond (tr-abort
74 (setq t-error (print-abort-msg item 'compfile)))
76 (when $compgrind
77 (mformat transl-file (intl:gettext "~2%;; Function ~:@M~%") item))
78 (print* t-item))))))
79 out-file-name)
80 ;; unwind-protected
81 (if transl-file (close transl-file))
82 (if t-error (delete-file transl-file))))))
84 (defun compile-function (f)
85 (tr-format (intl:gettext "~%Translating ~:@M") f)
86 (let ((fun (tr-mfun f)))
87 (cond (tr-abort nil)
88 (t fun))))
90 (defmfun $compile_file (input-file &optional bin-file translation-output-file &aux result)
91 (setq input-file (maxima-string input-file))
92 (and bin-file(setq bin-file (maxima-string bin-file)))
93 (and translation-output-file
94 (setq translation-output-file (maxima-string translation-output-file)))
95 (cond ((string-equal (pathname-type input-file) "LISP")
96 (setq result (list '(mlist) input-file)))
97 (t (setq result (translate-file input-file translation-output-file))
98 (setq input-file (third result))))
99 #+(or cmu scl sbcl clisp allegro openmcl lispworks ecl)
100 (multiple-value-bind (output-truename warnings-p failure-p)
101 (if bin-file
102 (compile-file input-file :output-file bin-file)
103 (compile-file input-file))
104 (declare (ignore warnings-p))
105 ;; If the compiler encountered errors, don't set bin-file to
106 ;; indicate that we found errors. Is this what we want?
107 (unless failure-p
108 (setq bin-file output-truename)))
109 #-(or cmu scl sbcl clisp allegro openmcl lispworks ecl)
110 (setq bin-file (compile-file input-file :output-file bin-file))
111 (when bin-file
112 (setq bin-file (namestring bin-file)))
113 (append result (list bin-file)))
115 (defun maxima-string (symb)
116 (print-invert-case symb))
118 (defmfun $translate_file (input-file &optional output-file)
119 (setq input-file (maxima-string input-file))
120 (cond (output-file (setq output-file (maxima-string output-file))))
121 (translate-file input-file output-file))
123 (defvar *pretty-print-translation* t)
125 ;; Define a pprinter for defmtrfun.
127 #-gcl
128 (defun pprint-defmtrfun (stream s)
129 (pprint-logical-block (stream s :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
130 (write (pprint-pop) :stream stream)
131 (write-char #\space stream)
132 (write (pprint-pop) :stream stream)
133 (pprint-indent :block 4 stream)
134 (pprint-newline :mandatory stream)
135 (write (pprint-pop) :stream stream)
136 (pprint-indent :block 2 stream)
137 (pprint-newline :mandatory stream)
138 (loop
139 (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
140 (write (pprint-pop) :stream stream)
141 (write-char #\space stream)
142 (pprint-newline :linear stream))))
144 (defun call-batch1 (in-stream out-stream &aux expr transl)
145 (cleanup)
146 ;; we want the thing to start with a newline..
147 (newline in-stream)
148 (with-maxima-io-syntax
149 (loop while (and (setq expr (mread in-stream)) (consp expr))
150 do (setq transl (translate-macexpr-toplevel (third expr)))
151 (cond
152 (*pretty-print-translation*
153 (pprint transl out-stream))
155 (format out-stream "~a" transl))))))
158 (defvar trf-start-hook nil)
160 (defun alter-pathname (pathname &rest options)
161 (apply 'make-pathname :defaults (pathname pathname) options))
163 (defun delete-with-side-effects-if (test list)
164 "Rudimentary DELETE-IF which, however, is guaranteed to call
165 the function TEST exactly once for each element of LIST, from
166 left to right."
167 (loop while (and list (funcall test (car list)))
168 do (pop list))
169 (loop with list = list
170 while (cdr list)
171 if (funcall test (cadr list))
172 do (pop (cdr list))
173 else
174 do (pop list))
175 list)
177 (defun insert-necessary-function-declares (stream)
178 "Write to STREAM two lists: The functions which are known to be
179 translated without actually being in the list passed to
180 $DECLARE_TRANSLATED, and those which are not known to be
181 translated."
182 (let (translated hint)
183 (setq *untranslated-functions-called*
184 (delete-with-side-effects-if
185 #'(lambda (v)
186 (prog1
187 (or (setq translated
188 (or (get v 'once-translated)
189 (get v 'translated)))
190 (and (fboundp v)
191 ;; might be traced
192 (not (mget v 'mexpr)))
193 (get v 'mfexpr*))
194 (when (and translated
195 (not (member v *declared-translated-functions* :test #'eq)))
196 (push v hint))))
197 *untranslated-functions-called*))
198 (when hint
199 (format stream
200 (intl:gettext "~2%/* The compiler might be able to optimize some function calls if you prepend the following declaration to your Maxima code: */~%"))
201 (mgrind `(($eval_when) $translate (($declare_translated) ,@hint))
202 stream)
203 (format stream "$"))
204 (when *untranslated-functions-called*
205 (format stream (intl:gettext "~2%/* The following functions are not known to be translated:~%"))
206 (mgrind `((mlist) ,@(nreverse *untranslated-functions-called*)) stream)
207 (format stream "$ */"))
208 (fresh-line stream)
209 (when (or hint *untranslated-functions-called*)
210 (format t (intl:gettext "~&translator: see the 'unlisp' file for possible optimizations.~%")))))
212 (defun translate-file (in-file-name out-file-name
213 &aux warn-file translated-file *translation-msgs-files*
214 *untranslated-functions-called* *declared-translated-functions*)
215 (bind-transl-state
216 (setq *in-translate-file* t)
217 (setq translated-file (alter-pathname (or out-file-name in-file-name) :type "LISP"))
218 (setq warn-file (alter-pathname in-file-name :type "UNLISP"))
219 (with-open-file (in-stream in-file-name)
220 (with-open-file (out-stream translated-file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
221 (with-open-file (warn-stream warn-file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
222 (setq *translation-msgs-files* (list warn-stream))
223 (if $tr_file_tty_messagesp
224 (setq *translation-msgs-files* (cons *standard-output* *translation-msgs-files*)))
225 (format out-stream ";;; -*- Mode: Lisp; package:maxima; syntax:common-lisp ;Base: 10 -*- ;;;~%")
226 (flet ((timezone-iso8601-name (dst tz)
227 ;; This function was borrowed from CMUCL.
228 (let ((tz (- tz)))
229 (if (and (not dst) (= tz 0))
231 (multiple-value-bind (hours minutes)
232 (truncate (if dst (1+ tz) tz))
233 (format nil "~C~2,'0D:~2,'0D"
234 (if (minusp tz) #\- #\+)
235 (abs hours)
236 (abs (truncate (* minutes 60)))))))))
237 (multiple-value-bind (secs mins hours day month year dow dst tz)
238 (decode-universal-time (get-universal-time))
239 (declare (ignore dow))
240 (format out-stream (intl:gettext ";;; Translated on: ~D-~2,'0D-~2,'0D ~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D~A~%")
241 year month day hours mins secs (timezone-iso8601-name dst tz))))
242 (format out-stream (intl:gettext ";;; Maxima version: ~A~%") *autoconf-version*)
243 (format out-stream (intl:gettext ";;; Lisp implementation: ~A~%") (lisp-implementation-type))
244 (format out-stream (intl:gettext ";;; Lisp version: ~A~%") (lisp-implementation-version))
245 (format out-stream "(in-package :maxima)~%")
246 (format warn-stream (intl:gettext "This is the unlisp file for ~A~%")
247 (namestring (pathname in-stream)))
248 (mformat out-stream
249 (intl:gettext ";;** Translator flags were: **~%~%"))
250 (loop for v in (cdr $tr_state_vars)
251 do (mformat out-stream ";; ~:M: ~:M;~%" v (symbol-value v)))
252 (mformat *terminal-io* (intl:gettext "translator: begin translating ~A.~%")
253 (pathname in-stream))
254 (call-batch1 in-stream out-stream)
255 (insert-necessary-function-declares warn-stream)
256 ;; BATCH1 calls TRANSLATE-MACEXPR-toplevel on each expression read.
257 (cons '(mlist)
258 (mapcar 'namestring
259 (mapcar 'pathname (list in-stream out-stream warn-stream)))))))))
261 (defun print* (p)
262 (unless (atom p)
263 (let ((*print-pretty* (or $compgrind *print-pretty*)))
264 (prin1 p transl-file))
265 (terpri transl-file)))
267 (defun print-abort-msg (fun from)
268 (tr-format (intl:gettext "compfile: failed to translate ~:@M.~%~
269 ~A will continue, but file output will be aborted.~%") ;; WTF DOES THIS MEAN ???
270 fun from))
272 (defmspec $translate (functs)
273 (setq functs (cdr functs))
274 (cond ((and functs (stringp (car functs)))
275 (merror (intl:gettext "translate: call 'translate_file' to translate a file; found: ~M") (car functs)))
277 (cond ((or (member '$functions functs :test #'eq)
278 (member '$all functs :test #'eq))
279 (setq functs (mapcar 'caar (cdr $functions)))))
280 (do ((l functs (cdr l))
281 (v nil))
282 ((null l) `((mlist) ,@(nreverse v)))
283 (cond ((atom (car l))
284 (let ((it (translate-function ($verbify (car l)))))
285 (if it (push it v))))
287 (tr-format (intl:gettext "error: 'translate' argument must be an atom; found: ~M~%") (car l))))))))
289 (defmspec $compile (form)
290 (let ((l (meval `(($translate) ,@(cdr form)))))
291 (flet ((safe-compile (f)
292 (when (fboundp f)
293 (compile f))))
294 (dolist (f (cdr l) l)
295 ; First compile the named translated function.
296 (safe-compile f)
297 ; If DEFMFUN was used to define the function, then compile
298 ; the impl function defined by DEFMFUN if it exists. The
299 ; impl function actually contains the translated user code
300 ; that we want to compile.
301 (let ((impl (get f 'impl-name)))
302 (safe-compile impl))))))