Handle specreps in STRIP-LINEINFO
[maxima.git] / archive / src / fortdef.lsp
1 (in-package "MAXIMA")
2 ;; see example of specification at end of this file.
4 ;;for maxima g(t,u) == (($g simp) $t $u)
5 ;; (coerce-call-lisp '(($g simp) $t $u)) --> ($g $t $u)
6 (defun coerce-call-lisp (fcall)
7 (cond ((atom fcall) fcall)
8 ((and (consp fcall)
9 (consp (car fcall)))
10 (cond ((eq (caar fcall) 'mlist)
11 (mapcar 'coerce-call-lisp (cdr fcall)))
12 (t (cons (caar fcall) (cdr fcall)))))
13 (t fcall)))
15 (defvar *fortran-types*)
16 (setq *fortran-types* '(($integer . "int")
17 ($double . "double")
18 ($dimension . "dimension")
19 ($external . "void *")
23 (defun get-fortran-type (type)
24 (or (cdr (assoc type *fortran-types*)) (error "unrecognized type ~a " type)))
26 ;; if true then
27 (defvar $fortran_force_new_compile nil)
28 (defvar $fortran_path '((mlist) "./" "/usr/local/lib/linpack/"))
32 (defmacro $make_fortran (fun declarations &rest l &aux path tem locals)
33 (let ((keys (parse_keys l '($defaults $result $assertions $locals $requires_subroutines
34 $libs)
35 nil nil)))
36 (setq fun (coerce-call-lisp fun))
37 (setq declarations (coerce-call-lisp declarations))
39 (let ((result (coerce-call-lisp (cadr (assoc '$result keys))))
40 (defaults (cadr (assoc '$defaults keys)))
41 (assertions (cadr (assoc '$assertions keys)))
42 (locals (cadr (assoc '$locals keys)))
43 (name (with-output-to-string (*fortran-out*)(wt (car fun))))
44 (requires_subroutines (cadr (assoc '$requires_subroutines)))
45 (libs (if (assoc '$libs)
46 (coerce (mstring(cadr (assoc '$libs))) 'string)
47 "-llinpack -lblass")
52 (when
53 (or $fortran_force_new_compile
54 (not
55 (dolist (v (cdr $fortran_path))
56 (if (probe-file (setq tem (si::string-concatenate v name
57 ".exe")))
58 (return (setq path (namestring (truename tem))))))))
60 (make-fortran-fun fun declarations result name locals)
62 (compiler::safe-system
63 (si::string-concatenate
64 "cc -c -O " name".c ; "
65 "cc -L/usr/local/lib " libs
66 " -L/usr/lang/SC1.0 -lF77 -lm fony.o -o " name".exe " name ".o"
67 ;";rm -f " name ".o " name ".c "
69 (setq path (namestring
70 (truename (si::string-concatenate name ".exe")))))
71 (define-maxima-function fun declarations defaults result path assertions)
72 (list 'quote (car fun)))))
74 (defstruct fortran args requireds decls defaults results exec-path assertions
75 subroutines
76 libs
77 locals)
79 (defun default-type-value (type) (or (cdr (assoc type '(($integer . 0)
80 ($double . 0.0d0)
81 ($float . 0.0s0))))
82 (error "no default for ~a" type)))
84 (defun $default_array (type dim1 &optional dim2 &aux res)
85 (or (and (typep dim1 'fixnum)
86 (or (null dim2) (typep dim2 'fixnum)))
87 (error "dimension not fixnum"))
88 (cond ((null dim2) (cons '(mlist)(make-list dim1 :initial-element
89 (default-type-value type))))
90 (t `(($matrix),@
91 (dotimes (i dim1 res)
92 (push ($default_array type dim2) res))))))
94 (defun maxima-defaults (deflt )
95 (declare (special *decls*))
96 (cond ((and (consp deflt)
97 (consp (car deflt))
98 (eq (caar deflt) 'mequal))
99 deflt)
100 ((and (symbolp deflt)
101 (let* ((type (cdr (get-arg-decl deflt *decls*)))
102 (tem (if (atom type) (default-type-value type)
103 `(($default_array) ,@ type))))
104 (and tem (list '(mequal) deflt tem)))))
106 (error "don't know how to give default to ~a" deflt))))
108 (defun define-maxima-function (fun declarations defaults results path
109 assertions)
110 (let (args (*decls* declarations))
111 (declare (special *decls*))
112 (setq defaults (mapcar 'maxima-defaults (cdr defaults)))
113 (dolist (v (cdr fun) (setq args (nreverse args)))
114 (or (find v defaults :key 'cadr) (push v args)))
115 (setf (get (car fun) 'fortran) (make-fortran :args (cdr fun)
116 :requireds args
117 :decls declarations
118 :defaults
119 defaults
120 :results (or results (cdr fun))
121 :exec-path path
122 :assertions assertions
123 :locals locals
125 (setf (get (car fun) 'mfexpr*)
129 (defvar $tmp_prefix nil)
130 (defun get-temp-path (prefix suffix &aux tem)
131 (dotimes (i 10000)
132 (unless (probe-file (setq tem (format nil "~a~a" prefix i suffix)))
133 (return tem))))
136 (defun link-with-subroutines (f arg-values &aux fun name)
137 (let ((subrs (fortran-subroutines f)))
138 (sloop for v in (cdr (fortran-subroutines f))
139 do (or ($listp v) (error "subr decl should be list ~M" v))
140 (setq fun (nth 1 v))
141 (or (and (consp fun)
142 (symbolp (caar fun)))
143 (merror "bad declaration ~M" v))
144 (setq name (caar fun))
145 (let* ((keys (parse_keys (cddr v) '($decls) nil nil))
146 (decls (nth 2 (assoc '$decls keys)))
147 (val (nth (position name (fortran-args f)) arg-values)))
148 (cond ((symbolp f)
149 (setq def (mget '$ff 'mexpr)))
151 )))))
158 (defun maxima-fortran-invoke (arg &aux arg-values tem io-path exec-path)
159 (or $tmp_prefix (setq $tmp_prefix (format nil "/tmp/~a_fort"
160 (si::getenv "USER"))))
161 (let* ((f (get (caar arg) 'fortran))
162 (arg-values-c)
163 (default-pos
164 (+ (length (fortran-requireds f)) 1))
165 exec-path
167 (defaults
168 (cond ((eql (length arg) default-pos)
169 (fortran-defaults f))
170 ((eql (length arg) (+ 1 default-pos))
171 (or ($listp (nth default-pos arg))
172 (error "defaults not a list"))
173 (prog1
174 (append (mapcar 'maxima-defaults
175 (cdr(nth default-pos arg)))
176 (fortran-defaults f))
177 (setq arg (butlast arg))))
178 (t (error "~a needs ~a or ~a args" (caar arg)(- default-pos 1)
179 (- default-pos 2))))))
180 (progv (fortran-requireds f)
181 (mapcar 'meval* (cdr arg))
182 ;;eval defaults
183 (setq defaults (parse_keys defaults (Fortran-args f)
184 t nil))
185 (dolist (v (fortran-args f))
186 (if (setq tem (assoc v defaults))
187 (push (list v (second tem)) arg-values)
188 (push (list v (symbol-value v)) arg-values))))
189 (setq arg-values (nreverse arg-values))
190 (setq exec-path
191 (if (fortran-subroutines f)
192 (link-with-subroutines f arg-values )
193 (fortran-exec-path f)))
195 (with-open-file (st (setq io-path (get-temp-path $tmp_prefix "Fw"))
196 :direction :output)
197 (let ((xdr (si::xdr-open st)))
198 (dolist (v arg-values)
199 (push (maxima-coerce-to-xdr
200 (second v)
201 (cdr (get-arg-decl (car v)
202 (fortran-decls f))))
203 arg-values-c)
204 (si::xdr-write xdr (car arg-values-c)))))
205 (setq arg-values-c (nreverse arg-values-c))
206 (system
207 (format nil " ~a < ~a > ~ao ; rm -f ~a"
208 exec-path
209 io-path io-path io-path
211 (unwind-protect
212 (with-open-file (st (setq io-path (concatenate 'string io-path "o")))
213 (let ((xdr (si::xdr-open st))
214 (pairs (pairlis (fortran-args f) arg-values-c))
215 result)
216 (dolist (v (fortran-results f))
217 (push (si::xdr-read xdr (cdr (assoc v pairs))) result))
218 (setq result (nreverse result))
219 (cons '(mlist)
220 (sloop::sloop for v in result
221 for na in (fortran-results f)
222 collect
223 (coerce-maxima-from-xdr v
224 (nth
225 (position na
226 (fortran-args f))
227 arg-values))))
230 (delete-file io-path)
234 #+when-run-process-deallocates
235 (defun maxima-fortran-invoke (arg &aux arg-values tem)
236 (let* ((f (get (caar arg) 'fortran))
237 (arg-values-c)
238 (default-pos
239 (+ (length (fortran-requireds f)) 1))
240 (defaults
241 (cond ((eql (length arg) default-pos)
242 (fortran-defaults f))
243 ((eql (length arg) (+ 1 default-pos))
244 (or ($listp (nth default-pos arg))
245 (error "defaults not a list"))
246 (prog1
247 (append (mapcar 'maxima-defaults
248 (cdr(nth default-pos arg)))
249 (fortran-defaults f))
250 (setq arg (butlast arg))))
251 (t (error "~a needs ~a or ~a args" (caar arg)(- default-pos 1)
252 (- default-pos 2))))))
253 (progv (fortran-requireds f)
254 (mapcar 'meval* (cdr arg))
255 ;;eval defaults
256 (setq defaults (parse_keys defaults (Fortran-args f)
257 t nil))
258 (dolist (v (fortran-args f))
259 (if (setq tem (assoc v defaults))
260 (push (list v (second tem)) arg-values)
261 (push (list v (symbol-value v)) arg-values))))
262 (setq arg-values (nreverse arg-values))
263 (let* ((tem (si::run-process (fortran-exec-path f) nil))
264 (out (si::fp-output-stream tem))
265 (in (si::fp-input-stream tem)))
266 (let ((xdr (si::xdr-open out)))
267 (dolist (v arg-values)
268 (push (maxima-coerce-to-xdr (second v)
269 (cdr (get-arg-decl (car v)
270 (fortran-decls f))))
271 arg-values-c)
273 (si::xdr-write xdr (car arg-values-c))))
274 (setq arg-values-c (nreverse arg-values-c))
275 ;; invoked
276 (force-output out)
277 (let ((xdr (si::xdr-open in))
278 (pairs (pairlis (fortran-args f) arg-values-c))
279 result)
280 (dolist (v (fortran-results f))
281 (push (si::xdr-read xdr (cdr (assoc v pairs))) result))
282 (setq result (nreverse result))
283 (cons '(mlist)
284 (sloop::sloop for v in result
285 for na in (fortran-results f)
286 collect
287 (coerce-maxima-from-xdr v
288 (nth (position na
289 (fortran-args f))
290 arg-values))))))))
292 (defun meval-* (lis &aux tem)
293 (cond ((null lis) lis)
294 (t (progv (list (caar lis))
295 (list (setq tem (meval* (second (car lis)))))
296 (cons (list (caar lis) tem)
297 (meval-* (cdr lis)))))))
300 ;; return an list of (list keys value)
301 ;; where each value is meval* in with previous keys bound to
302 ;; previous values.
303 (defun parse_keys (list keys meval done &aux sym tem)
304 (cond ((null list) done)
305 ((and (consp list)
306 (consp (setq tem (car list)))
307 (consp (car tem))
308 (eq (caar tem) 'mequal)
309 (or (eq keys '$allow_any_key)
310 (and (consp keys)
311 (member (setq sym (second tem)) keys)))
312 (symbolp sym))
313 (cond ((assoc sym done)
314 (parse_keys (cdr list) keys meval done))
316 (progv (list sym)
317 (list
318 (setq tem (if meval (meval* (third (car list)))
319 (third (car list)))))
320 (setq done (nconc done (list (list sym tem))))
321 (parse_keys (cdr list) keys meval done)))))
322 ((error "unrecognized key = ~a" (or sym tem)))))
325 (defvar *lisp-types* '(($double . long-float) ($integer . fixnum)
326 ($single . short-float)))
328 (defun maxima-coerce-to-xdr (v decl)
329 (case decl
330 ($integer v)
331 ($double (coerce v 'long-float))
332 ($single (coerce v 'short-float))
333 ($external (coerce v 'fixnum))
334 (t (cond ((consp decl)
335 (let* ((dim (cond ((atom (second v)) ($length v))
336 (t (* ($length v) ($length (second v))))))
337 (ar (lisp::make-array dim :static t
338 :element-type (cdr (assoc (car decl)
339 *lisp-types*)))))
340 (or (numberp (aref ar 0)) (error "bad array type"))
341 (maxima-flatten ($transpose v) ar 0)
342 ar))
343 (t (error "unknown type"))))))
345 (defun maxima-flatten (v ar i)
346 (declare (fixnum i))
347 (cond ((mbagp v)
348 (cond ((mbagp (second v))
349 (dolist (w (cdr v))
350 (setq i (maxima-flatten w ar i))))
351 (t (dolist (u (cdr v))
352 (setf (aref ar i) u)
353 (incf i))
354 i)))
355 (t (error "bad elt"))))
357 (defun coerce-maxima-from-xdr (v elt)
358 (setq elt (second elt))
359 (cond ((numberp v)
361 ((arrayp v)
362 (cond ((and ($listp elt) (numberp (second elt)))
363 (cons '(mlist) (coerce v 'list)))
364 (($matrixp elt)
365 (let ((n (length (cdr elt)))
366 ans)
367 (setq ans
368 (cons '($matrix)
369 (sloop for i below (floor (length v) n)
370 with ind = 0
371 declare (fixnum ind)
372 collect
373 (cons '(mlist)
374 (sloop for j below n
375 collect (aref v ind)
376 do (incf ind))))))
377 (setq ans ($transpose ans))))
378 (t (error "unkown type"))))))
383 ;; variables to forget from names
384 (defvar *forget* '(#\$))
385 (defvar *fortran-out* nil)
386 (defun wt1 (x &aux (ch #\a))
387 (declare (character ch))
388 (cond ((symbolp x)
389 (dotimes (i (length (symbol-name x)))
390 (declare (fixnum i))
391 (setq ch (schar (symbol-name x) i))
392 (if (member ch *forget*) nil
393 (princ (char-downcase ch) *fortran-out*))))
394 ((stringp x)
395 (princ x *fortran-out*))
396 (t (princ x *fortran-out*))))
398 (defmacro wt (&rest l &aux lis)
399 `(progn ,@ (dolist (v l (nreverse lis)) (push `(wt1 ,v) lis))))
401 (defmacro wt-nl (&rest l)
402 `(progn (terpri *fortran-out*)(wt1 " ") (wt ,@l)))
405 (defun get-arg-decl (arg decls &aux size tem)
406 (cond ((setq tem (assoc '$dimension decls))
407 (dolist (v (cdr tem))
408 (when (and (consp v) (eq (car v) arg))
409 (setq size (cdr v))
410 (return nil)))))
411 (dolist (v decls)
412 (dolist (u (cdr v))
413 (cond ((atom u)
414 (if (eq u arg) (return-from get-arg-decl
415 (cons arg
416 (if size
417 (cons (car v) size)
418 (car v))))))
419 ((eq (car u) arg)
420 (return-from get-arg-decl(cons arg (cons (car v) (cdr u))))))))
421 (error "undeclared arg ~a" arg))
423 (defun xdr-fun (type)
424 (if (consp type) "array"
425 (or (cdr (assoc type '(($integer . "int")
426 ($double . "double")
427 ($complex . "double")
428 ($single . "float")
429 ($external . "int")
431 (error "unknown type ~a" type))))
433 (defun wt-xdr (v stream)
434 (wt-nl "CHECK(xdr_" (xdr-fun (cdr v))"(" stream ",")
435 (wt "&" (car v))
436 (cond ((consp (cdr v))
437 (wt ",&" (car v)"_length, MAX_ARRAY("(car v)"_length),")
438 (wt-nl " sizeof(" (get-fortran-type (second v)) "),xdr_"
439 (xdr-fun (cadr v)))))
440 (wt "));"))
443 (defun make-fortran-fun (fun+args decls results name locals)
444 (let ((file (concatenate 'string name ".c"))
445 (args (cdr fun+args)))
446 (or results (setq results (cdr fun+args)))
447 (with-open-file (*fortran-out* file :direction :output)
448 (wt "
449 #include <stdio.h>
450 #ifdef AIX3
451 #include <sys/select.h>
452 #endif
453 #include <rpc/rpc.h>
454 #define MAX_ARRAY(x) (x ? x : 20000)
455 #define CHECK(x) if (!x) {fprintf(stderr,\"xdr failed\"); exit(1);}
458 (wt-nl)
459 (wt "main()
460 {XDR xdrs;
461 int invoked=0;
462 xdrstdio_create(&xdrs, stdin, XDR_DECODE);
464 (let (res)(dolist (v args (setq args (nreverse res)))
465 (push (get-arg-decl v decls) res)))
466 (dolist (v args)
467 (cond ((atom (cdr v)) (wt-nl (get-fortran-type(cdr v)) " " (car v) ";"))
468 (t (wt-nl (get-fortran-type(cadr v)) " *" (car v) "= 0 ;")
469 (wt-nl "u_int " (car v) "_length = 0;"))))
471 (wt-nl "xdrstdio_create(&xdrs, stdin, XDR_DECODE);")
472 (terpri *fortran-out*)
473 (wt "DO_ARGS:")
474 (dolist (v args)
475 (wt-xdr v "&xdrs")
476 (unless (atom (cdr v))
477 (if (and (numberp (third v))
478 (null (cdddr v)))
479 (wt-nl "if ("(car v)"_length != " (third v)")"
480 "fprintf(stderr,\"Wrong length for " (car v)" \");")
482 (if (eq results (cdr fun+args))
483 (wt-nl "if (invoked) exit(0);"))
484 (dolist (v (cdr (assoc '$external decls)))
485 (wt-nl "{extern int "v "_ext_();" v "="v "_ext_;}"))
487 ;; call the routine:
488 (wt-nl "/* invoke the function */
490 (wt-nl (car fun+args) "_" "(")
491 (do ((v args (cdr v)))
492 ((null v))
493 (or (consp (cdar v))
494 (wt "&"))
495 (wt (caar v))
496 (if (cdr v) (wt ",")))
497 (wt ");
499 (wt-nl "/* write the results out */")
500 (wt-nl "xdrstdio_create(&xdrs, stdout, XDR_ENCODE);")
501 (cond ((equal results (cdr fun+args))
502 (wt-nl "invoked=1 ; goto DO_ARGS;}}"))
504 (dolist (v results)
505 (wt-xdr (get-arg-decl v decls) "&xdrs"))
506 (wt-nl "exit(0);}}"))))))
507 #+debug
508 (defun try-xdr (lis)
509 (with-open-file (st "joe" :direction :output)
510 (let ((xdrs (si::xdr-open st)))
511 (dolist (v lis) (si::xdr-write xdrs v))))
512 (with-open-file (st "joe" )
513 (let ((xdrs (si::xdr-open st)))
514 (sloop::sloop for w in lis collect (si::xdr-read xdrs w)))))
517 /* example of specification of routine */
518 make_fortran(dtrdi(t,ldt,n,det,job,info),
519 [[ integer ,ldt,n,job,info],
520 [double, t(ldt,1),det(2)]],
521 defaults=
522 [ldt=length(t[1]),
523 det, info,
524 n = ldt,
525 job = 100 + if (t[1,2]=0) then 10 else 11],
526 result=[t,det,info]);
528 make_fortran(dgedi(a,lda,n,ipvt,det,work,job),
529 [ [integer, lda,n,ipvt(n),job],
530 [ double , a(lda,1),det(2),work(n)]],
531 defaults=[lda=length(a),n=length(a[1]),ipvt=dgeco(a)[2],det,job=11,work],
532 result=[a,det,ipvt])$
534 make_fortran(dgeco(a,lda,n,ipvt,rcond,z),
535 [[ integer, lda,n,ipvt(n)],
536 [ double , a(lda,1),z(n)],
537 [ double, rcond]],
538 defaults=[lda=length(a),n=length(a[1]),ipvt,rcond=0.0,z],
539 result=[a,ipvt,rcond,z])
542 >(run)
543 Maxima 4.130 Sun Nov 12 15:59:51 CST 1989 (with enhancements by W. Schelter).
544 (C1) make_fortran(dtrdi(t,ldt,n,det,job,info),
545 [[ integer ,ldt,n,job,info],
546 [double, t(ldt,1),det(2)]],
547 defaults=
548 [ldt=length(t[1]),
549 det, info,
550 n = ldt,
551 job = 100 + if (t[1,2]=0) then 10 else 11],
552 result=[t,det,info]);
554 (D1) DTRDI
555 (C2) dtrdi(matrix([11.00,12.0],[0.0,13.0]));
557 [ 0.090909090909090912 - 0.083916083916083919 ]
558 (D2) [[ ],
559 [ 0.0 0.076923076923076927 ]
561 [1.4300000000000002, 2.0], 0]