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[maxima.git] / share / affine / polybas.lisp
1 ;;; -*- mode: lisp; package: cl-maxima; syntax: common-lisp -*-
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; ;;;;;
4 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
5 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
6 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 (in-package :maxima)
10 (defvar *varlist* nil)
11 (defvar *genvar* nil)
13 (defun affine-polynomialp (x)
14 (cond ((numberp x))
15 ((atom x) nil)
16 ((and (atom (car x)) (symbolp (car x)) (get (car x) 'disrep)))
17 (t nil)))
19 (Defun header-poly (expr)
20 (cond ((numberp expr) expr)
21 ((and (numberp (car expr))
22 (numberp (cdr expr)))
23 (cond ((zerop (car expr))0)
24 (t (list '(rat simp) (car expr) (cdr expr)))))
25 ((affine-polynomialp expr)(cons (list 'mrat 'simp *varlist* *genvar*) (cons expr 1)))
26 ((rational-functionp expr)(cons (list 'mrat 'simp *varlist* *genvar* ) expr ))
27 (t expr)))
29 (defun $zerop ( n &aux type-of-n tem )
30 (cond ((numberp n) (zerop n))
31 ((atom n) nil)
32 ((affine-polynomialp n) nil)
33 ((rational-functionp n)(rzerop n))
34 (($bfloatp n) (eql (car n) 0))
35 (t (setf type-of-n (caar n))
36 (cond ((member type-of-n '(mrat rat) :test #'eq)
37 (equal (cdr n) (rzero)))
38 (t (and (numberp (setq tem ($ratsimp n)))(zerop tem)))))))
40 (defun rational-functionp (x)
41 (cond ((numberp x))
42 ((atom x) nil)
43 (t (and (affine-polynomialp (car x))
44 (affine-polynomialp (cdr x))))))
46 (defun psublis (a-list denom poly &key degree vars-to-sub)
47 "does a general sublis : a-list of form (list (cons old-var repl-poly)....)
48 denom is a poly "
49 (let ((tem (cond (vars-to-sub vars-to-sub)
50 (t (loop for v in a-list collecting (car v)))))
51 deg)
52 (cond ((affine-polynomialp poly)
53 (cond (degree (setq deg degree))
54 (t (setq deg (poly-degree poly tem))))
55 (psublis1 a-list denom poly
56 deg tem))
57 ((rational-functionp poly) (rsublis a-list denom poly :degree degree :vars-to-sub
58 vars-to-sub :reduce t))
59 ((atom poly) poly)
60 (t (loop for v in poly collecting (psublis a-list denom v :degree degree
61 :vars-to-sub vars-to-sub))))))
63 ;;should take into account when the variables don't need replacing.
64 (defun psublis1 (a-list denom poly degree varl)
65 (cond ((atom poly) (ptimes poly (pexpt denom degree)))
66 ((member (p-var poly) varl :test #'eq)
67 (loop for (deg cof) on (cdr poly) by #'cddr
68 with answer = 0
69 do (setq answer
70 (pplus answer
71 (ptimes
72 (psublis1 a-list denom cof
73 (- degree deg) varl)
74 (pexpt (cdr (assoc (p-var poly) a-list :test #'equal))
75 deg))))
77 finally (return answer)))
78 ((> (valget (p-var poly))
79 (loop for v in varl minimize (valget v)))
80 (loop for (deg cof) on (cdr poly ) by #'cddr
81 with answer = 0
82 with mon = (list (p-var poly ) 1 1)
83 do (setq answer (pplus answer
84 (ptimes
85 (pexpt mon deg)
86 (psublis1 a-list denom cof degree varl))))
88 finally (return answer)))
89 (t (ptimes (pexpt denom degree) poly))))
91 (defun zero-sublis (poly &rest list-vars)
92 (pcoeff poly 1 list-vars))
94 (defun pcomplexity (poly)
95 (cond ((atom poly) 0)
96 (t (loop for (deg cof) on (cdr poly) by #'cddr
97 summing (+ deg (pcomplexity cof))))))
99 (defun $numerator (expr)
100 (cond ((atom expr) expr)
101 ((mbagp expr) (cons (car expr) (mapcar '$numerator (cdr expr))))
102 (($ratp expr) (cons (car expr) (cons (car (cdr expr)) 1)))
103 (($totaldisrep (header-poly (cons (num (new-rat expr)) 1))))))
105 (defmacro allow-rest-argument (new-funct binary-op answer-for-null-argument rest-arg)
106 `(cond ((null ,rest-arg) ,answer-for-null-argument)
107 (t (case (length ,rest-arg)
108 (,2 (,binary-op (first ,rest-arg)(second ,rest-arg)))
109 (,1 (car ,rest-arg))
110 (otherwise (apply ',new-funct (,binary-op (first ,rest-arg)
111 (second ,rest-arg)) (cddr ,rest-arg)))))))
113 (defmacro polyop (x y identity-x identity-y number-op poly-op rat-op &optional rat-switch )
114 (cond (rat-switch (setq rat-switch '(t))))
115 `(cond
116 ((and (numberp ,x)(numberp ,y))(,number-op ,x ,y))
117 ((eq ,x ,identity-x) ,y)
118 ((eq ,y ,identity-y) ,x)
120 (let ((xx (poly-type ,x)) answer
121 (yy (poly-type ,y)))
123 ; (cond ((or (eq xx '$rat)(eq yy '$rat))(with-vgp(check-vgp-correspond))));;remove later
124 (cond ((null xx)(setq ,x (cdr ($new_rat ,x)) xx ':rational-function))
125 ((eq xx ':$rat)
126 (setq ,x (cdr ,x) xx ':rational-function))
127 ((eq xx ':rat ) (setq ,x (cons (second ,x) (third ,x))
128 xx ':rational-function)))
130 (cond
131 ((null yy)(setq ,y (cdr ($new_rat ,y)) yy ':rational-function))
132 ((eq yy ':$rat)(setq ,y (cdr ,y) yy ':rational-function))
133 ((eq yy ':rat ) (setq ,y (cons (second ,y) (third ,y))
134 yy ':rational-function)))
135 (cond ((and (eq xx ':rational-function) (eql (denom ,x) 1))
136 (setq ,x (car ,x) xx :polynomial)))
137 (cond ((and (eq yy ':rational-function) (eql (denom ,y) 1))
138 (setq ,y (car ,y) yy :polynomial)))
139 (setq answer
140 (case xx
141 (:number (case yy
142 (:number (,number-op ,x ,y))
143 (:polynomial (,poly-op ,x ,y))
144 (:rational-function
145 (,rat-op (cons ,x 1) ,y ,@ rat-switch))))
146 (:polynomial
147 (case yy
148 (:number (,poly-op ,x ,y))
149 (:polynomial (,poly-op ,x ,y))
150 (:rational-function (,rat-op (cons ,x 1) ,y,@ rat-switch))
151 (otherwise (merror "unknown type for polyop "))))
152 (:rational-function
153 (case yy
154 (:number (,rat-op ,x (cons ,y 1) ,@ rat-switch))
155 (:polynomial (,rat-op ,x (cons ,y 1) ,@ rat-switch))
156 (:rational-function (,rat-op ,x ,y ,@ rat-switch))))
157 (otherwise (merror "unknown arg"))))
158 (cond ((affine-polynomialp answer) answer)
159 ((rational-functionp answer)
160 (cond ((eq 1 (cdr answer))(car answer))
161 (t answer)))
162 (t answer))))))
164 (defun n* (&rest l)
165 (case (length l)
166 (0 1)
167 (1 (car l))
168 (2 (n1* (car l) (second l)))
169 (t (n1* (car l) (apply 'n* (cdr l))))))
171 (defun n+ (x y)
172 (polyop x y 0 0 + pplus ratplus ))
174 (defun n1* (x y)
175 (polyop x y 1 1 * ptimes rattimes t))
177 (defun n- (x y)
178 (polyop x y nil 0 - pdifference ratdifference))
180 (defun nred (x y &aux answer)
181 (setq answer (polyop x y nil 1 ratreduce ratreduce ratquotient))
182 (setq answer (rationalize-denom-zeta3 answer))
183 (cond ((numberp answer) answer)
184 ((eql (denom answer) 1) (car answer))
185 (t answer)))
187 (defun new-disrep (expr)
188 (cond ((atom expr) expr)
190 (let ((type (poly-type expr)))
191 (case type
192 (:number expr)
193 (:polynomial ($ratdisrep (header-poly expr)))
194 (:rational-function
195 (cond (($numberp expr)
196 (cond ((zerop (num expr)) 0)
198 (list '(rat simp) (num expr) (denom expr)))))
200 ($ratdisrep (header-poly expr)))))
201 (otherwise (cond ((mbagp expr)(cons (car expr) (mapcar 'new-disrep expr)))
202 (($ratp expr)($ratdisrep expr))
203 (t expr))))))))
204 (defun poly-degree (poly varl)
205 (cond ((atom poly) 0)
206 ((member (p-var poly) varl :test #'eq)
207 (loop for (deg cof) on (cdr poly) by #'cddr
208 maximize (+ deg (poly-degree cof varl))))
210 (loop for (deg cof) on (cdr poly) by #'cddr
211 maximize (poly-degree cof varl)))))
213 (defun shl (l)
214 (cond ($display2d (mapcar 'sh l))
215 (t (loop for v in l
216 for i from 0
217 initially (format t "~%[")
218 when (numberp v) do (princ v)
219 else
220 do (sh (header-poly v))
221 when (< i (1- (length l))) do(format t ",~%")
222 finally (format t "]")))))
224 (defun sh (expr &optional (stream *standard-output*) &aux (disp 'string-grind) answ)
225 (declare (special *fake-rat*))
226 (cond ( $display2d (setq disp 'displa)))
227 (let ((*standard-output* stream))
228 (setq answ(cond ((numberp expr) (funcall disp expr))
229 ((affine-polynomialp expr)(funcall disp (cons *fake-rat* (cons expr 1))))
230 ((rational-functionp expr)(funcall disp (cons *fake-rat* expr)))
231 (t (funcall disp expr))))
232 (cond (answ (format t "~A" answ)))))
234 (defmacro setq-num-den (num den expr &aux form .expr.)
235 (cond ((symbolp expr) (setq .expr. expr))
236 (t (setq .expr. '.expr.)))
237 (setq form
238 `(cond ((affine-polynomialp , .expr.) (setq ,num , .expr. , den 1))
239 ((rational-functionp , .expr.) (setq ,num (num , .expr.) ,den (denom , .expr.)))
240 (t (fsignal "expr is supposed to be poly or rational-functionp"))))
241 (cond ((symbolp expr)
242 form)
243 (t `(let ((.expr. ,expr))
244 ,form))))
246 (defun splice-in (after-nth item a-list )
247 (cond ((eql after-nth -1)(cons item a-list))
248 (t (nconc (subseq a-list 0 (1+ after-nth))
249 (cons item (cdr (nthcdr after-nth a-list)))))))
252 (defun nsplice-in (after-nth item a-list &aux tem)
253 (cond ((eql after-nth -1)(cons item a-list))
255 ; (rplacd (setq tem (nthcdr after-nth a-list))
256 ; (cons item (cdr tem)))
257 (setf (cdr (setq tem (nthcdr after-nth a-list)))
258 (cons item (cdr tem)))
260 a-list)))
262 (defun nc-equal (p1 p2)
263 (or (and (atom p1) (eql p1 p2))
264 (and (listp p1) (listp p2) (equal (cdr p1 ) (cdr p2)))))
266 (defvar *check-order* nil)
268 (defun find-in-ordered-list (x a-list &optional (order-function (function alphalessp))
269 (order-equal #'nc-equal)
270 &aux (offset 0)
271 (leng 0) tem (after 0)
272 (mid 0) (ub 0) (lbound 0) already-there)
273 (declare (fixnum leng mid ub lbound after))
274 (setq leng (length a-list))
276 (cond ((funcall order-function x (car a-list))(setq after -1))
277 ((funcall order-equal x (car a-list))(setq after 0)(setq already-there a-list))
278 ((funcall order-equal x (car(setq tem (last a-list))))(setq after (1- leng))
279 (setq already-there tem))
280 ((not (funcall order-function x (car tem)))(setq after (1- leng)))
282 (t (setq offset 0 lbound 0 ub (1- leng))
283 (loop while (> (- ub lbound) 1)
285 (setq mid (truncate (+ ub lbound) 2))
286 (cond ((funcall order-function x (car(setq tem
287 (nthcdr mid a-list))))(setq ub mid))
288 ((funcall order-equal (car tem) x)(setq after (+ offset mid)
289 already-there tem)(return 'done))
290 (t (setq offset (+ mid offset)
291 a-list tem
292 ub (- ub mid))))
293 finally(setq after offset))))
294 (and *check-order*
295 (cond ((setq tem (member x a-list :test order-equal))
296 (iassert (eql (not already-there) (not t)))
297 (iassert (eql after (- leng (length tem )))))))
298 (values after already-there a-list))
300 (defun disrep-list (expr)
301 "Just substitutes the any disrep property for a symbol for the symbol"
302 (cond ((atom expr)(cond ((symbolp expr)(get expr 'disrep))
303 (t expr)))
304 (t (cons (disrep-list (car expr)) (disrep-list (cdr expr))))))
306 ;;Perhaps we should have our own prep1 function
307 ;;It just goes through a general form converting it to cre, and
308 ;;when it comes to a symbol it can't find in genpairs it
309 ;;calls newsym which is much like our add-newvar . We could
310 ;;have it look things up in a hash table rather than genpairs
311 ;;The checking for being on tellratlist is done by the ratsetup2
312 ;;One has to be careful with the with-vgp form since nested ones
313 ;;will cause havoc. Also if inside one you must refer to varlist
314 ;;not *varlist* yet outside you may want *varlist*. So for example
315 ;;in
318 (defun check-repeats (varl)
319 (loop for v on varl
320 when (member (car v) (cdr v) :test 'nc-equal)
321 do (show (car v) ) (fsignal "repeat in varlist")))
323 (defun check-order (varl)
324 (declare (special $order_function))
325 (loop for (v w) on varl
326 while w
327 when (not (funcall $order_function v w))
328 do (fsignal "bad order ~A and ~A " v w )))
331 (defun generate-new-variable-gensym (variable &aux tem)
332 (setq tem (gensym))
333 (putprop tem variable 'disrep)
334 (push (cons variable (rget tem)) genpairs )
335 tem )
337 (defmacro with-vg (&rest body)
338 `(let ((varlist *varlist*)
339 (genvar *genvar*))
340 ,@body
341 (setq *varlist* varlist)
342 (setq *genvar* genvar)))
344 (defmacro with-vgp (&rest body)
345 `(let ((varlist *varlist*)
346 (genvar *genvar*)
347 (genpairs *genpairs*))
348 (prog1 (progn ,@ body)
349 (setq *varlist* varlist *genpairs* genpairs)
350 (setq *genvar* genvar))))
352 (defun zl-union (&rest l)
353 (case (length l)
354 (1 (loop for v on (car l) unless (member (car v) (cdr v))
355 collect (car v)))
356 (2 (loop for v in (car l) with sec = (second l)
357 unless (member v sec)
358 collect v into result
359 finally (return (nconc result (zl-union sec)))))
360 (t (zl-union (car l) (apply #'zl-union (cdr l))))))