Use %%PRETTY-FNAME in more quadpack error messages
[maxima.git] / share / affine / dim-3.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode:Lisp; Package:CL-MAXIMA; Syntax:COMMON-LISP; Base:10 -*-
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; ;;;;;
4 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
5 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
6 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 (in-package :maxima)
10 (defun point-of-tensors (special-tensor standard-tensor
11 &key (nc-monomials ($list_nc_monomials standard-tensor)))
12 (let (( st-tensor (st-rat standard-tensor))
13 ( sp-tensor (st-rat special-tensor))
14 (nc-monoms (st-rat nc-monomials)))
15 (setq nc-monoms (sort nc-monoms 'alphalessp))
16 (loop for v in nc-monoms
17 collecting (pcoeff st-tensor v) into variable-names
18 collecting (pcoeff sp-tensor v) into variable-values
19 finally (return
20 (loop for vv in variable-names
21 for ww in variable-values
22 when (and (consp vv) (affine-polynomialp vv)
23 (eql (length vv) 3))
24 collecting (cons (car vv) ww))))))
26 (defun gen-matrix-rows (mat )
27 (cond ((matrix-p mat)(cdr mat))
28 (($matrixp mat) (mapcar 'cdr (cdr mat)))
29 (t (merror "not a matrix"))))
31 (defun point-of-algebras (special-tensor standard-tensor q standard-q &aux tensor-subs)
32 (setq tensor-subs (point-of-tensors special-tensor standard-tensor))
33 (append tensor-subs
34 (loop for v in (mapcar #'st-rat (apply #'append (gen-matrix-rows q)))
35 for w in (mapcar #'st-rat (apply #'append (gen-matrix-rows standard-q)))
36 collecting (cons (car w) v))))
38 (defun $dimensions_for_replacements ($repl-list &optional (degree 7))
39 (let (($dot_simplifications
40 (cons '(mlist) (loop for v in (cdr $repl-list)
41 collecting v collecting 0)))
42 ($current_variables ($list_variables $repl-list)))
43 (loop for i below degree do
44 (format t "~%The dimension in deg ~A is ~A and hilbert is ~A"
45 ($length ($mono $current_variables i))
47 (hilbert i)))))
49 (defun $normalizing_element_p (elmt &aux tem answ eqns solns oth)
50 (loop for v in (cdr $current_variables)
51 do (setq tem (sub* (ncmul* v elmt)
52 (ncmul* elmt (setq oth ($general_sum $current_variables $aaaa )))))
53 (setq answ ($totaldisrep ($numerator ($dotsimp tem))))
54 (setq eqns ($extract_linear_equations (list '(mlist) answ)))
55 (setq solns ($fast_linsolve eqns (subseq $aaaa 0 (length $current_variables))))
56 collecting ($sublis solns oth) into final
57 do (mshow (cons '(mlist)final))
58 finally (return (cons '(mlist) final))))
60 (defmacro while (test &body body)
61 `(loop
62 (when (null ,test) (return))
63 ,@body))
65 (defun collect-atoms (tree &optional (pred #'(lambda (x) t)) &aux result)
66 (declare (special result))
67 (collect-atoms1 tree pred) result)
69 (defun collect-atoms1 (tree pred)
70 (declare (special result))
71 (cond ((atom (car tree))(cond ((funcall pred (car tree))
72 (pushnew (car tree) result :test 'equal))))
73 (t (collect-atoms1 (car tree) pred)))
74 (cond ((atom (cdr tree))(cond ((funcall pred (cdr tree))
75 (pushnew (cdr tree) result :test 'equal))))
76 (t (collect-atoms1 (cdr tree) pred))))
79 (defun $find_coefficients_for_linear_combination( items in-terms-of monoms &optional (cofs $aaaa)
80 &aux (gen-sum 0) rest-monoms final-answ answ tem dif)
81 (setq monoms (nreverse (st-rat monoms)))
82 (while (setq in-terms-of (cdr in-terms-of))
83 (setq cofs (cdr cofs))
84 (setq gen-sum (n+ gen-sum (n* (car cofs) (car in-terms-of)))))
85 (while (setq items (cdr items))
86 (setq dif (n- (car items) gen-sum))
87 (setq answ nil)
88 (setq rest-monoms monoms)
89 (while (and (setq tem (car rest-monoms))(setq rest-monoms (cdr rest-monoms)))
90 (setq tem (gencoeff dif tem))
91 (push (new-disrep tem) answ))
92 (push (cons '(mlist) answ) final-answ))
93 (cons '(mlist) final-answ))
95 (defun $generate_matrix (fun i j)
96 (cons '($matrix)
97 (loop for ii from 1 to i
98 collecting (cons'(mlist)
99 (loop for jj from 1 to j
100 collecting (meval* `((,fun) ,ii ,jj)))))))
103 (defun gen-matrix-row-plus (row1 row2 &key row1-multiple row2-multiple)
104 "form row1+row2 where the multiple you may specify multiples."
105 (cond (row1-multiple (setq row1-multiple (st-rat row1-multiple))))
106 (cond (row1-multiple (setq row2-multiple (st-rat row2-multiple))))
107 (loop for v in (cdr row1) for w in (cdr row2)
108 when row1-multiple do (setq v (n* row1-multiple v))
109 when row2-multiple do (setq w (n* row2-multiple w))
110 collecting (n+ v w) into result
111 finally (return (cons '(mlist) result))))
114 (defun $interchange_matrix_columns (matrix i j &optional copy)
115 (cond (copy (setq matrix
116 (cons (car matrix)
117 (loop for u in (cdr matrix)
118 with max = (1+ (max i j))
119 collecting (nconc (subseq u 0 max) (nthcdr max u)))))))
121 (loop for u in (cdr matrix)
122 do (swapf (nth i u) (nth j u)))
123 matrix)
125 (defun $interchange_matrix_rows (matrix i j &optional copy)
126 "interchange MATRIX rows I and J. If COPY then copy then don't do it destructively"
127 (cond (copy (setq matrix (nconc (subseq matrix 0 (setq copy (1+ (max i j))))
128 (nthcdr copy matrix )))))
129 (swapf (nth i matrix) (nth j matrix))
130 matrix)
132 (defmacro matrix-entry (matrix i j)
133 `(nth ,j (nth ,i ,matrix)))
135 (defun $multiply_row (list factor)
136 (cons (car list) (loop for v in (cdr list) collecting (n* factor v))))
138 ;;still must remove the factors along the diagonal.
139 (defun $decompose_symmetric_matrix (matrix &aux (ident ($ident ($length matrix))) fact
140 ident-pivot-row pivot-row orig )
141 "Write MATRIX as a product of P.DIAGONAL.TRANSPOSE(P). This returns value P."
142 (setq orig matrix)
143 (setq matrix (cons (car matrix) (loop for v in (cdr matrix) collecting (copy-list v))))
144 (loop for ii from 1 below ($length matrix)
146 (loop for i from ii to ($length matrix)
147 when (not (pzerop (matrix-entry matrix i ii)))
149 (cond ((eq i ii) (return))
150 (t (setf (nth ii matrix) (gen-matrix-row-plus (nth i matrix) (nth ii matrix)))
151 (setf (nth ii ident) (gen-matrix-row-plus (nth i ident) (nth ii ident)))
152 (loop for i1 from ii to ($length matrix)
153 do (setf (matrix-entry matrix i1 ii)
154 (n+ (matrix-entry matrix i1 ii) (matrix-entry matrix i1 i))))
155 (return)))
156 finally (fsignal "This implementation assumes the matrix is nonsingular"))
157 (setq pivot-row ($multiply_row (nth ii matrix) (setq fact (nred 1 (matrix-entry matrix ii ii)))))
158 (setf ident-pivot-row ($multiply_row (nth ii ident) fact))
159 (loop for i from (1+ ii) to ($length matrix)
160 do (setf (nth i matrix) (gen-matrix-row-plus (nth i matrix) pivot-row
161 :row2-multiple (setq fact (n* -1 (matrix-entry matrix i ii)))))
162 (setf (nth i ident)(gen-matrix-row-plus (nth i ident) ident-pivot-row
163 :row2-multiple fact))))
164 ;should be diag; (let(( answ ($new_disrep ident))) (show (ncmul* answ orig ($transpose answ))))
165 ($new_disrep ident))
167 (defun $new_disrep (item)
168 (cond ((atom item) (new-disrep item))
169 ((and (listp (car item))(mbagp item)) (cons (car item) (mapcar '$new_disrep (cdr item))))
170 (t (new-disrep item))))
172 (defun $symbol_matrix(symbol rows columns)
173 "Generate the matrix of symbols starting with SYMBOL with ROWS rows
174 and COLUMNS columns."
175 (cons '($matrix simp)
176 (loop for i from 1 to rows
177 collecting (loop for j from 1 to columns
178 collecting
179 ($concat symbol i j) into tem
180 finally (return (cons '(mlist simp) tem))))))
182 (defun replace-symbols (form containing-string &key prefix replacements &aux subs vari)
183 (setq vari ($list_variables form containing-string))
184 (setq subs (cond (prefix (loop for v in (cdr vari)
185 collecting (cons v ($concat prefix v))))
186 (t (check-arg replacements (and (listp replacements)
187 (>= ($length replacements)
188 ($length vari))) "long enough macsyma-list")
189 (cond (prefix (setf (cdr vari) (sort (cdr vari) 'alphalessp))))
190 (pairlis (cdr vari) (subseq (cdr replacements) 0 ($length vari))))))
191 (sublis subs form))
193 (defun check-cases (roots-of-one &aux relats)
194 (loop for v in (cdr roots-of-one)
195 do (setq relats (subst v '$b $relationsb))
196 ($set_up_dot_simplifications relats)
197 (loop for i in '(2 5 10 3 4)
198 do ($check_overlaps (1+ i) t nil)
199 (push ($fast_central_elements $current_variables i) $centrals_so_far)
200 (displa (cons '(mlist) $centrals_so_far)))))
203 (defun check-centrals (in-degree &key relations set_up &aux)
204 (cond (set_up ($set_up_dot_simplifications relations)))
205 (loop for i in in-degree
206 do ($check_overlaps (1+ i) t nil)
207 (push ($fast_central_elements $current_variables i) $centrals_so_far)
208 (displa (cons '(mlist) $centrals_so_far))))
213 (defun $check_transpose_condition_2_1 (mm q &optional (variables $current_variables) &aux he)
214 (setq he (ncmul* variables mm))
215 (sub* he ($transpose (ncmul* q mm ($transpose variables)))))
217 (defun $m_from_f (f &aux n)
218 (loop for v in (cdr f) when (not (numberp v)) do (setq n ($nc_degree v)) (return))
219 (let ((monoms ($mono $current_variables (1- n))))
220 (cons '($matrix)
221 (loop for fi in (cdr f)
222 collecting
223 (cons '(mlist)
224 (loop for v in (cdr $current_variables)
225 collecting
226 (loop for w in (cdr monoms)
227 with answ = 0 with mon
228 do (setq answ (add* answ (mul* ($ratcoef fi (ncmul* w v))
229 w)))
231 finally (return answ))))))))
233 (defun $diagonal (lis)
234 (cons '($matrix simp) (loop for v in (cdr lis)
235 for i from 0
236 with tem
237 do (setq tem (make-list (length (cdr lis)) :initial-element 0))
238 (setf (nth i tem) v)
239 collecting (cons '(mlist) tem))))
241 ;;checks that the relations of specified type, satisfy the xm=qf rule
242 ;;I did it for all diagonal types and they were ok.
243 ;(defun $dim3_relations_check(type number-variables &aux rels subs-and-relations mat qq)
244 ; (declare (special $relations_2 $relations_3 $rtx $rtx3))
245 ; (setq subs-and-relations
246 ; (case number-variables
247 ; (2 (setq rels $relations_2)
248 ; (setq mat $rtx)
249 ; (setq vars '((mlist) $%alpha $%beta ))
250 ; (case type
251 ; ($a (nth 1 rels))
252 ; ($e (nth 2 rels))
253 ; ($h (nth 3 rels))
254 ; ($s1(nth 4 rels))
255 ; ($s2(nth 5 rels))
256 ; ($s2p(nth 6 rels))
257 ; (t (fsignal "type one of a,b,h,s1,s2,or s2p"))))
258 ; (3 (setq rels $relations_3)
259 ; (setq vars '((mlist) $%alpha $%beta $%gamma))
260 ; (setq mat $rtx3)
261 ; (case type
262 ; ($a (nth 1 rels))
263 ; ($b (nth 2 rels))
264 ; ($e (nth 3 rels))
265 ; ($h(nth 4 rels))
266 ; ($s1(nth 5 rels))
267 ; ($s1p(nth 6 rels))
268 ; ($s1pp(nth 7 rels))
269 ; ($s2(nth 8 rels))
270 ; (t (fsignal "type one of a,b,e,h,s1,s1p,s1pp, or s2p"))))))
271 ; (setq rels ($totaldisrep ($sub_list `((mlist) ((mequal)
272 ; ,vars ,(second subs-and-relations)))
273 ; ($list_matrix_entries
274 ; (ncmul*
275 ; (third subs-and-relations) mat)))))
276 ; (setq qq ($diagonal (second subs-and-relations)))
277 ; ($ratsimp ($check_transpose_condition_2_1 ($m_from_f rels) qq)))
279 (defun $dim3_relations(type number-variables &aux rels subs-and-relations mat)
280 (declare (special $relations_2 $relations_3 $rtx $rtx3))
281 (setq subs-and-relations
282 (case number-variables
283 (2 (setq rels $relations_2)
284 (setq mat $rtx)
285 (setq vars '((mlist) $%alpha $%beta ))
286 (case type
287 ($a (nth 1 rels))
288 ($e (nth 2 rels))
289 ($h (nth 3 rels))
290 ($s1(nth 4 rels))
291 ($s2(nth 5 rels))
292 ($s2p(nth 6 rels))
293 (t (fsignal "type one of a,b,h,s1,s2,or s2p"))))
294 (3 (setq rels $relations_3)
295 (setq vars '((mlist) $%alpha $%beta $%gamma))
296 (setq mat $rtx3)
297 (case type
298 ($a (nth 1 rels))
299 ($b (nth 2 rels))
300 ($e (nth 3 rels))
301 ($h(nth 4 rels))
302 ($s1(nth 5 rels))
303 ($s1p(nth 6 rels))
304 ($s1pp(nth 7 rels))
305 ($s2(nth 8 rels))
306 (t (fsignal "type one of a,b,e,h,s1,s1p,s1pp, or s2p"))))))
307 ($totaldisrep ($sub_list `((mlist) ((mequal)
308 ,vars ,(second subs-and-relations)))
309 ($list_matrix_entries
310 (ncmul*
311 (third subs-and-relations) mat)))))
313 (defun $maybe_ldata_solve (eqns &key (inequality 1) yes &aux ld)
314 (declare (special $answer $last_equations ))
315 (setq $last_equations eqns )
316 (format t "The value of Last_equations is :..")(displa eqns)
317 (cond ((or yes (y-or-n-p "solve the system"))
318 (setq ld (make-ldata :eqns (st-rat eqns)))
319 (setq $answer (simplify-ldata ld :open-g (st-rat inequality)))
320 (setq $answer (delete-redundant-ldata $answer :ignore-ldata-inequalities t))
321 (format t "~%**The final answer is (stored in $answer) :")
322 ($ldata_disrep $answer))
323 (t eqns)))
327 (defun $normalizing_conditions (deg-or-element &optional (auto-data) &aux tem ld eqns )
328 (declare (special $answer gen $current_variables $bbbb))
329 "Find the conditions for an ELEMENT or if element is a number for the
330 general nc-polynomial in that degree to be normalized. You may
331 supply the optional equations for the automorphispm group of the
332 algebra to assist in the computation. The current variables and
333 dotsimps are used."
334 (cond ((numberp deg-or-element)
335 (setq gen ($general_sum ($mono $current_variables deg-or-element) $bbbb)))
336 (t (setq gen deg-or-element)))
337 (setq tem (cons '(mlist) (loop for v in (cdr $current_variables)
338 collecting (sub* (ncmul* v gen)
339 (ncmul* gen ($scalar_sum
340 ($concat '$c (string-grind v))
341 $current_variables))))))
342 (mshow tem)
343 (setq tem ($dotsimp tem))
344 (mshow tem)
345 (setq eqns ($extract_linear_equations ($totaldisrep ($numerator tem))))
346 (cond (auto-data (loop for v in (cdr auto-data )
347 collecting ($maybe_ldata_solve ($append v eqns) :yes t ) into all
348 finally (return (apply '$append all))))
350 ($maybe_ldata_solve eqns))))
353 (defun $ldata_disrep (lis)
354 (cond ((ldatap lis)
355 (cons '(mlist) (loop for v in (ldata-eqns lis)
356 collecting (new-disrep v))))
357 ((ldatap (car lis))
358 (cons '(mlist) (mapcar '$ldata_disrep lis)))
359 (t (fsignal "ldata_disrep only ldata or lists of ldata"))))
361 (defun $linear_automorphism_group (&optional
362 (relations ($relations_from_dot_simps))
363 (set_up_simps nil)
364 (variables $current_variables)
365 &aux mat subs subs-for-sublis eqns
366 image deg)
367 (mshow relations)
368 (or variables (seta $current_variables ($list_nc_variables relations)))
369 (mshow $current_variables)
370 (cond (set_up_simps
371 (setq deg (apply 'max (mapcar '$nc_degree (cdr relations))))
372 ($set_up_dot_simplifications relations deg)))
373 (setq subs (loop for v in (cdr variables)
374 collecting ($scalar_sum
375 ($concat '$c (string-grind v))
376 variables)))
377 (mshow (cons '(mlist)subs))
378 (setq mat ($coefmatrix (cons '(mlist) subs) variables))
379 (setq subs-for-sublis
380 (cons '(mlist)
381 (loop for v in (cdr variables)
382 for w in subs
383 collecting `((mequal) ,v ,w))))
384 (mshow subs-for-sublis)
385 (setq image ($dotsimp ($expand ($sublis subs-for-sublis
386 relations))))
387 (setq eqns ($extract_linear_equations ($totaldisrep ($numerator image))))
388 ($maybe_ldata_solve eqns :inequality ($determinant mat)))
390 (defremember $dotsimp_remember (elmnt &optional ($dot_simplifications $dot_simplifications))
391 ($dotsimp elmnt))
393 (defun $algebra_trace (element basis &aux cof tem rbasis den num)
394 (setq rbasis (st-rat basis))
395 (setq vars (loop for v in rbasis
396 when (listp v) collecting (car v)
397 and do (assert (get (car v) 'disrep))))
398 (loop for v in (cdr basis)
399 for rv in rbasis
400 do (show v rv)
401 with tra = 0
402 do (show v) (setq tem ($dotsimp_remember (ncmul* element v)))
403 (setq den (function-denominator tem))
404 (setq num (function-numerator tem))
405 (setq cof (pcoeff num rv vars))
406 when (not (pzerop cof)) do (mshow num cof)
408 (setq tra (n+ tra (nred cof den)))
409 finally (return (new-disrep tra))))
411 (defun poly-scalar-p (poly)
412 (and (affine-polynomialp poly) (or (atom poly) ($scalarp (get (car poly) 'disrep)))))
414 (defun set-up-trace-subs (basis)
415 (check-arg basis $listp "maxima list")
416 (loop for v in (cdr basis)
417 collecting (add-newvar v) into old
418 collecting ($algebra_trace v basis) into new
419 finally (return (list old new))))
421 (defun $algebra_trace_matrix (basis &aux elt subs ar result simp )
422 (setq subs (set-up-trace-subs basis))
423 (setq tr (make-pairing-function (cdr basis) (second subs) :test 'nc-equal))
424 (check-arg basis $listp "maxima list") (setq basis (cdr basis))
425 (setq ar (make-array (list (length basis) (length basis))))
426 (loop for i from 0
427 for v in basis
429 (loop for j from i below (length basis)
430 do (setq elt (ncmul* (nth i basis) (nth j basis)))
431 (show elt)
432 (setq simp (new-rat ($dotsimp_remember elt)))
433 (setq result (new-disrep (apply-linear-function tr simp)))
434 (setf (aref ar i j) result)
435 (setf (aref ar j i) result)))
436 (values (maxima-matrix-from-array ar) subs tr))
438 (defun $trace_general_element (elt basis basis-trace &aux result simp)
439 (setq tr (make-pairing-function (cdr basis) (cdr basis-trace) :test 'nc-equal))
440 (setq simp (new-rat ($dotsimp_remember elt)))
441 (setq result (new-disrep (apply-linear-function tr simp))))
444 (defun maxima-matrix-from-array (ar &aux (dims (array-dimensions ar)))
445 (cons '($matrix) (loop for i below (car dims)
446 collecting
447 (cons '(mlist) (loop for j below (second dims)
448 collecting (aref ar i j))))))
450 (defun make-pairing-function (domain range &key (test 'alike))
451 #'(lambda (u) (loop for v in domain
452 for w in range
453 when (funcall test u v)
454 do (return w)
455 finally (error "u was not in the domain ~A" domain))))
458 (defun apply-linear-function (fn expr &aux (den 1) result num-answ)
459 "fn should be a function which is defined on the monomials and this extends it to all"
460 (cond ((affine-polynomialp expr) (setq den 1))
461 ((rational-functionp expr) (setq den (denom expr))(setq expr (num expr)))
462 (t (fsignal "expr must be a polynomial or rational function")))
463 (show den)
464 (setq num-answ
465 (cond ((atom expr)(nred (n* expr (funcall fn 1)) den))
466 (t (cond (($scalarp (get (car expr) 'disrep))(show expr)
467 (n* expr (funcall fn 1)))
468 (t (assert (poly-scalar-p (p-cof expr)))
469 (setq result(n* (p-cof expr)
470 (funcall fn (get (car expr) 'disrep))))
471 (cond ((cdddr expr)
472 (assert (and (eql (fourth expr) 0)
473 (null (nthcdr 5 expr))))
474 (n+ (apply-linear-function fn (fifth expr))
475 result))
476 (t result)))))))
477 (nred num-answ den))
479 (defun dual-basis-element (number-of-element-in-basis trace-matrix &optional (basis $basis)
480 &aux result cond0 actual-conditions
481 vari)
482 (declare( special $basis))
483 "if trace-matrix is the <ui,uj> for an inner product, find the elt u, such that
484 <u,ui>=1 and <u,uj>=0 for i not = j, where i= number-of-element-in-basis."
485 (setq cond0 ($list_matrix_entries
486 (ncmul* trace-matrix (setq vari (subseq $aaaa 0 (length basis))))))
487 (setq actual-conditions (cons '(mlist) (loop for v in (cdr cond0 )
488 for i from 1
489 when (eql i number-of-element-in-basis)
490 collecting (sub* v 1)
491 else collecting v)))
492 (setq result ($fast_linsolve actual-conditions vari))
493 ($sublis result ($general_sum basis $aaaa)))
495 (defun $linear_variables (eqns &optional constants &aux tem vari var-eqns)
496 (cond (constants (setq constants (list-variables (st-rat constants)))))
497 (setq eqns (st-rat eqns))
498 (setq vari (list-variables eqns))
499 (setq var-eqns (mapcar 'list-variables eqns))
500 (loop for v in vari
501 with mon = (list nil 1 1)
503 (loop for w in var-eqns
504 for eqn in eqns
505 when (member v w)
506 do (setf (car mon) v) (setq tem (pcoeff eqn mon))
507 (cond ((> (pdegree eqn v) 1)(setq vari (delete v vari)))
509 (cond ((numberp tem))
510 ((and constants (every #'(lambda (var)(member var constants))
511 (list-variables tem))))
513 (setq vari (delete v vari))))))))
514 (values (cons '(mlist) (loop for v in vari collecting (get v 'disrep)))
515 vari))
517 (defun $fast_linsolve_inconsistent_equations ( &optional (disrep t))
518 (let ((eqns (find-extra-conditions (pv-the-sparse-matrix $poly_vector))))
519 (cond (disrep (cons '(mlist) (mapcar 'new-disrep eqns)))
520 (t eqns))))
522 (defun find-extra-conditions (sp-mat)
523 (loop for i below (array-total-size (sp-column-used-in-row sp-mat))
524 when( and (null (aref (sp-column-used-in-row sp-mat) i))
525 (not (new-zerop (aref (sp-constants-column sp-mat) i))))
526 collecting (aref (sp-constants-column sp-mat) i)))
528 (defun $my_phi(form)
529 (setq form ($ratsimp form))
530 (rota1 form))
532 (defun rota1 (form)
533 (cond ((atom form) form)
534 ((eql (caar form) 'mnctimes)
535 (cons (car form) (cons (car (last form)) (butlast (cdr form) 1))))
536 (t (cons (car form) (loop for v in (cdr form ) collect (rota1 v))))))
538 (defun $central_rels( lis)
539 (cons '(mlist) (loop for v in (cdr lis)
540 append
541 (loop for w in (cdr ($append lis $current_variables))
542 collect (new-disrep (n- (n. v w) (n. w v)))))))
544 ;;Make lis1 commute with lis2
546 (defun $centralize_rels (lis1 lis2)
547 (cons '(mlist)
548 (loop for v in (cdr lis1)
549 append
550 (loop for w in (cdr lis2)
551 collect
552 (new-disrep (n- (n. v w) (n. w v)))))))
554 (defun $set_up (rels &optional n)
555 (setq *previously-checked-pairs* nil)
556 ($set_up_dot_simplifications rels)
557 (setq $bil (cons '(mlist) *all-dotsimp-denoms*))
558 (setq *all-dotsimp-denoms* nil)
559 ( format t "~%Beginning check overlaps")
560 (prog1 ($check_overlaps n t nil)
561 (setq $denoms (cons '(mlist) *all-dotsimp-denoms* ))))
563 (defun $half_quantum_rels (rel3 m)
564 (let* ($dot_simplifications
565 (vec ($sort ($list_variables ($list_nc_monomials rel3))))
566 (matt ($generate_matrix '(lambda (i j) ($concat '$u i j)) m m))
567 (joe ($sub_list `((mlist)
568 ((mequal)
569 ,vec ,($list_matrix_entries
570 (ncmul* matt ($transpose vec)))))
571 rel3)))
572 (format t "Using variables:" )(displa vec)
573 (setq joe (simplifya joe nil))
574 (displa joe)
575 (let ((ctls ($centralize_rels ($list_matrix_entries matt) vec))
576 dotted mon)
577 (displa ctls)
578 ($set_up ($append ctls rel3) 4)
579 (setq dotted ($dotsimp joe))
580 (setq mon ($mono vec 2))
581 ($set_up (sub* mon ($firstn ($length mon) $aaaa)) 1)
582 ($print $dot_simplifications)
583 (setq dotted ($dotsimp dotted))
584 (apply '$append (cdr ($separate_parameters dotted "aa"))))))
591 (defvar *nvars* 6)
592 (defun list-ordered-pairs-with-repeat-count(i j n nrepeats)
593 ;; return the list of 2*n integers all less than i
594 ;; such that there are no more than NREPEATS.
595 (let ((*nvars* i))
596 (list-ordered-pairs-with-repeat-count1 i j n nrepeats)))
598 (defun repeat-ok1 (i j lis nrepeats &aux (n 0))
600 ;; return t if (append (list i j) lis) has no more than nrepeats
601 (cond ((eql i j) (setq n 1)))
602 (cond ((member i lis) (setq n (+ n 1))))
603 (cond ((member j lis) (setq n (+ n 1))))
604 (cond ((> n nrepeats) nil)
605 (t (loop for x on lis when (member (car x) (cdr x))
606 do (setq n (1+ n)))
607 (cond ((> n nrepeats) nil)
608 (t t)))))
610 (defun list-ordered-pairs-with-repeat-count1 (i j number-pairs number-repeats)
611 (cond ((<= number-pairs 0) (list nil))
613 (loop for ii to i
614 when ( < ii *nvars*)
615 append
616 (loop for jj below (if (eql ii i) j *nvars* )
617 append
618 (loop for u in (list-ordered-pairs-with-repeat-count1
619 ii jj (- number-pairs 1) number-repeats)
620 when (repeat-ok1 ii jj u number-repeats)
621 collect (append (list ii jj) u)))))))
625 (defun extract_cof1 (f vars)
626 (cond ((atom f) (list f))
627 ((unless (affine-polynomialp f)
628 (progn (setq f (numerator f)) nil)))
629 ((member (car f) vars)
630 (loop for (deg cof) on (cdr f) by #'cddr
631 nconc (extract_cof1 cof vars)))
632 (t (list f))))
634 (defun $extract_linear_from_commutative (form vars)
635 (assert (listp form))
636 (setq form (st-rat form))
637 (setq vars (list-variables (st-rat vars)))
638 (cons '(mlist)
639 (mapcar #'new-disrep
640 (loop for f in form
641 appending
642 (extract_cof1 f vars)))))