Use %%PRETTY-FNAME in more quadpack error messages
[maxima.git] / share / affine / dim4-help.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode:Lisp; Package:CL-MAXIMA; Base:10 -*-
2 (in-package :maxima)
4 (defun $complexity(v &optional sum)
5 (cond ((eql v 0)(if sum -1 '$z))
6 ((mbagp v)
7 (cond (sum
8 (loop for u in (cdr v)
9 sum ($complexity u sum)))
10 (t (cons (car v) (mapcar '$complexity (cdr v))))))
11 (t (gen-pcomplexity (st-rat v)))))
13 (defun complexity-difference1 (x y)
14 (cond ((eq x '$z) (setq x -1)))
15 (cond ((eq y '$z) (setq y -1)))
16 (cond ((numberp x)
17 (- x y))
18 ((mbagp x)
19 (loop for v in (cdr x) for w in (cdr y)
20 sum (complexity-difference1 v w)))))
23 (defun $complexity_difference(a-list v )
24 (cond ((eql v 0) -1)
25 ((let ((x ($complexity ($psublis a-list v)))
26 (y ($complexity v)))
27 (complexity-difference1 y x)))))
29 (defun $pdegree(v va)
30 (cond ((eql v 0) '$z)
31 ((mbagp v)
32 (cons (car v)
33 (loop for w in (cdr v) collect ($pdegree w va))))
34 (t (pdegree (st-rat v) (car (st-rat va))))))
37 (defun $delete_matrix_row(mat i)
38 (cons (car mat)
39 (loop for v in (cdr mat) for j from 1
40 unless (eql j i) collect v)))
42 (defun $complexity_less_p (x y) (< ($complexity x t) ($complexity y t)))
44 (defun $my_rat (x)
45 (cond ((mbagp x)
46 (cons (car x) (mapcar '$my_rat (cdr x))))
47 (t (header-poly (st-rat x)))))
49 (defun $mat_entry(mat i j)
50 (nth j (nth i mat)))
52 (defvar $pivot_list '((mlist)))
54 (defun $eliminate_pivot (mat i j)
55 (setq mat ($my_rat mat))
56 (let ((pivot ($mat_entry mat i j))
57 (pivot-row (nth i mat)))
58 (format t "~%Using pivot:")
59 (sh pivot)
60 (setq $pivot_list ($append $pivot_list `((mlist) ,(header-poly pivot) ,i ,j)))
61 (cons (car mat)
62 (loop for v in (cdr mat) for ii from 1
63 when (not (eql i ii))
64 collect
65 (let* ((this (st-rat (nth j v))))
66 (cond ((eql 0 this) v)
67 (t (let ((quot (nred this pivot)))
68 (cons (car v)
69 (loop for u in (cdr v)
70 for a in (cdr pivot-row)
71 collect
72 (header-poly
73 (n- (n* (function-numerator quot) a)
74 (n* (function-denominator quot) u)))))))))))))
77 (defun $psublis (a-list poly &optional(denom 1) palist)
78 "use psublis([y=x^2,v=u^3],denom,poly)"
79 (or palist
80 (setq palist
81 (loop for (u v repl) in (cdr a-list) by 'cdr
82 do (check-arg u (eq (car u) 'mequal) "Type a=repl")
83 collecting
84 (cons (p-var (st-rat v))
85 (st-rat repl)))))
86 (cond ((mbagp poly) (cons (car poly)
87 (loop for v in (cdr poly) collect
88 ($psublis a-list v denom palist))))
89 (t (header-poly(psublis palist (st-rat denom) (st-rat poly))))))
92 (defun $eliminate_pivot_list_hack (matrix pivot-list)
93 (loop for (piv i j) on (cdr pivot-list) by 'cdddr
95 (format t "~%Pivot in list was :") (displa ($matrix_entry matrix i j))
96 (setq matrix ($eliminate_pivot matrix i j))
97 finally (return matrix)))
100 (defun $get_relation_matrix(relations mons)
101 (setq mons (st-rat mons))
102 (cons '($matrix)
103 (loop for v in (cdr relations)
104 do (setq v (st-rat v))
105 collect
106 (cons '(mlist)
107 (loop for w in mons
108 collect (header-poly (pcoeff v w)))))))
110 (defun $switch_rows(mat i j)
111 (let ((nmat (copy-list mat)))
112 (setf (nth i nmat) (nth j mat))
113 (setf (nth j nmat) (nth i mat))
114 nmat))
116 (defun number_zeros(a)
117 (loop for v in a when (eql v '$z) count t))
119 (defun $row_less (a b) (> (number_zeros a) (number_zeros b)))
121 (defun $row_sort (mat pred)
122 (cons '($matrix) (sort (copy-list (cdr mat)) pred)))
124 (defun $reorder_matrix(mat &aux rows)
125 (setq rows
126 (loop for u in (cdr mat)
127 collect (cons (loop for v in (cdr u) sum (gen-pcomplexity (st-rat v))) u)))
128 (setq rows (sort rows #'< :key #'car))
129 (cons '($matrix) (mapcar 'cdr rows)))
131 (defun $best_row(mat &aux tem at)
132 (loop for u in (cdr mat) for i from 1
133 minimize(setq tem (loop for v in (cdr u) sum (gen-pcomplexity (st-rat v)))) into the-min
134 when (eql tem the-min)
135 do (setq at i)
136 finally (return at)))
139 (defun $best_piv (row &aux tem at )
140 (loop for v in (cdr row) for i from 1
141 unless (eql (setq v (st-rat v)) 0)
142 minimize (setq tem (gen-pcomplexity (st-rat v))) into the-min
144 when (eql tem the-min) do (setq at i)
145 finally (return at)))
147 (defvar $current nil)
149 ;;sort by column.
150 (defun $invertible_pivots(mat g &aux pivs)
151 (setq g (st-rat g))
152 (loop for ro in (cdr ($transpose mat)) for i from 1
153 append
154 (loop for u in (cdr ro) for j from 1
155 do (setq u (st-rat u))
156 when (may-invertp u g)
157 collect (list '(mlist) (header-poly u) j i ($complexity ro t) (pcomplexity u)))
158 into all
159 finally (setq pivs (sort all '< :key #'(lambda (x) (nth 4 x))))
160 (return (cons '(mlist) pivs))))
162 ;(defun $invertible_pivots(mat g &aux pivs)
163 ; (setq g (st-rat g))
164 ; (loop for ro in (cdr mat) for i from 1
165 ; append
166 ; (loop for u in (cdr ro) for j from 1
167 ; do (setq u (st-rat u))
168 ; when (may-invertp u g)
169 ; collect (list '(mlist) (header-poly u) i j ($complexity ro t) (pcomplexity u)))
170 ; into all
171 ; finally (setq pivs (sort all '< :key '(lambda (x) (nth 4 x))))
172 ; (return (cons '(mlist) pivs))))
174 (defun $reduce_by_complexity (&optional mat )
175 (setq $current (or mat $current))
176 (let* ((i ($best_row mat))
177 (j ($best_piv (nth i mat))))
178 (print (list i j))
179 (setq $current ($eliminate_pivot mat i j))))
182 (defun $sort_complexity(list)
183 (loop for v in (cdr list)
184 collect (cons (pcomplexity (st-rat v)) v) into all
185 finally (setq all (sort all '< :key 'car))
186 (return (cons (car list) (mapcar 'cdr all)))))
188 (defvar $gcds_used '((mlist)))
190 (defun $p_projective (lis &optional agcd &aux (zero-row t))
191 "Cancel a gcd of AGCD and The rest of the elements of LIS. If LIS is a
192 list of lists call this function on each of the lists independently."
193 (assert (mbagp lis))
194 (and agcd (setq agcd (st-rat agcd)))
195 (cond ((mbagp (second lis))
196 (cons (car lis)
197 (loop for w in (cdr lis)
198 collect ($p_projective w agcd))))
200 (loop for v in (cdr lis)
201 do (setq v (st-rat v))
202 (assert (affine-polynomialp v))
203 (cond ((and zero-row (not (pzerop v)) (setq zero-row nil))))
204 (setq agcd (cond (agcd (pgcd agcd v))
205 (t v)))
206 finally (return
207 (cond ((numberp agcd) lis)
208 (zero-row lis)
211 (setq $gcds_used ($append $gcds_used `((mlist) ,(header-poly agcd))))
212 (format t "~%Found a non trivial factor:") (sh agcd)
213 (cons '(mlist)
214 (loop for vv in (cdr lis)
215 collect (header-poly (pquotient (st-rat vv) agcd)))))))))))
219 (defun $cancel_pivot(lis piv)
220 (setq piv (st-rat piv))
221 (assert (affine-polynomialp piv))
222 (cond ((mbagp lis)
223 (cons (car lis) (loop for w in (cdr lis) collect($cancel_pivot w piv))))
225 (setq lis (st-rat lis))
226 (assert (affine-polynomialp lis))
227 (let ((tem (pgcd lis piv)))
228 (cond ((numberp tem) (header-poly lis))
229 (t (header-poly (pquotient lis tem))))))))
231 (defun $linearize_nc (x)
232 (cond ((consp x)
233 (cond ((and (consp (car x)) (eq (caar x) 'mnctimes))
234 (setf (car x) '(mtimes))
235 (loop for v on (cdr x)
236 for term in (cdr x)
237 for i from 1
238 do (setf (car v) (intern (format nil "~a~d" term i)))))
239 (t (cons ($linearize_nc (car x)) ($linearize_nc (cdr x))))))
240 (t x)))
242 (defun $linearize_nc_to_nc (x)
243 (cond ((consp x)
244 (cond ((and (consp (car x)) (eq (caar x) 'mnctimes))
245 (loop for v on (cdr x)
246 for term in (cdr x)
247 for i from 1
248 do (setf (car v) (intern (format nil "~a~d" term i)))))
249 (t (cons ($linearize_nc_to_nc (car x)) ($linearize_nc_to_nc (cdr x)))))
251 (t x)))
253 (defun times_4_n (n)
254 (if (zerop n)
256 (* 4 n)))
258 (defun hilbert_4(n)
259 (round ($binomial (+ n 3) 3)))
261 (push 'hilbert_4 *all-rank-functions*)
263 ;(loop for i below 10 collect (list i (hilbert_tem i)))
265 (defun $minors2_2 (mat cols)
266 (let ((nmat (apply '$submatrix mat (cdr cols))))
267 (cons '(mlist)
268 (loop for ro in (list-tableaux 2 (1- (length nmat)))
269 do (show ro)
270 collect (cons '($matrix) (loop for i in ro
271 collect (nth i nmat)))))))
273 (defun $minors (n mat cols)
274 (let ((nmat (apply '$submatrix mat (cdr cols))))
275 (cons '(mlist)
276 (loop for ro in (list-tableaux n (1- (length nmat)))
277 do (show ro)
278 collect (cons '($matrix) (loop for i in ro
279 collect (nth i nmat)))))))
281 (loop for i below 5 collect i)
283 ;(setq he '(1 2))
286 (defun sublist (l pred)
287 (loop for v in l when (apply pred v) collect v))
289 (defun lis (l)
290 (cons '(mlist) (loop for w in l collect (cons '(mlist) w))))
292 ;(setq $lis1 (lis (sublist (cartesian-product he he he he) #'(lambda ( i j l m) (and (< i j) (<= m l))))))
294 ;(setq $lis2 (lis (sublist (cartesian-product he he he he) #'(lambda ( i j l m) (and (<= i j) (< m l))))))
296 ;; POLYS is a list of polynomials and a parallel list DEGS of degrees.
297 ;; We compute all monomials in POLYS of deg l
298 (defun monoms (polys degs &optional (cross '(nil)))
299 (cond ((null polys) '(1))
301 (loop for v in (monoms (cdr polys) (cdr degs))
302 append
303 (loop for j to (car degs)
304 collect (n* (pexpt (car polys) j) v))))))
306 (defun $extract_c_equations(poly vars-to-exclude)
307 (let ((monoms (st-rat vars-to-exclude))
308 (vars1 (mapcar 'car (st-rat vars-to-exclude))))
309 (assert ($listp poly))
310 (let (ans all-monoms some-monoms)
311 (setq ans
312 (loop for v in (cdr poly)
313 do (setq v (function-numerator (st-rat v)))
314 (setq degs (loop for w in vars1
315 collect (pdegree v w)))
316 (setq some-monoms (monoms monoms degs))
317 (setq all-monoms (append all-monoms some-monoms))
318 nconc
319 (loop for w in some-monoms
320 collect (new-disrep (pcoeff v w vars1)))))
321 (list '(mlist)
322 (cons '(mlist) ans)
323 (cons '(mlist) (mapcar 'new-disrep all-monoms))))))
325 (defun $pb ()
326 (save-linenumbers :file "/tmp/lines"))