Use %%PRETTY-FNAME in more quadpack error messages
[maxima.git] / share / affine / polyc.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- mode: lisp; package: cl-maxima; syntax: common-lisp; -*-
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; ;;;;;
4 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
5 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
6 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 (in-package :maxima)
11 ;;(newvar expr) will add in a sorted manner all the new variables to the beginning
12 ;;of the varlist.
14 (defvar *genpairs* nil)
16 (defun reset-vgp () (setq *genpairs* nil *genvar* nil *varlist* nil)
17 (setq *xxx*
18 (let (*print-radix*)
19 (loop for i from 1 to 30 collecting
20 (add-newvar (intern (format nil "$X~A" i))))))
21 'done)
24 (defun show-vgp ()
25 (show *genpairs* genpairs *genvar* genvar *varlist* varlist))
27 (defvar vlist nil)
29 (defun put-tellrat-property (va the-gensym)
30 (loop for v in tellratlist
31 when (equal va (car v))
32 do (putprop the-gensym (cdr v) 'tellrat)))
35 (defun poly-ncmul1 (mon poly mon1 &aux monom new-monom tem gen-sym)
36 (cond ((null mon)(setq mon 1))
37 ((null mon1) (setq mon1 1)))
38 (cond ((not (affine-polynomialp poly))(break t)))
40 (cond ((and (numberp mon)(numberp mon1))
41 (n* poly (n* mon mon1)))
42 ((or (numberp poly)($scalarp (setq monom (get (car poly) 'disrep))))
43 (setq gen-sym (add-newvar (setq monom (ncmul* mon mon1))))
44 (n* (list gen-sym 1 1) ;;(assolike monom *genpairs*);;might be long list to look in
45 poly))
46 (t (setq new-monom (ncmul* mon monom mon1))
47 (cond ((contains-a-zero-replacement new-monom)
48 (cond ((and (eql (second poly) 1)(eql (fourth poly) 0))
49 (poly-ncmul1 mon (fifth poly) mon1))
50 ((eql (second poly) 1) 0)
51 (t (merror "There is a bad order in nc polynomial ~A" poly))))
53 (setq gen-sym (add-newvar new-monom))
54 (cond ((and (eql (second poly) 1)(eql (fourth poly) 0))
55 (setq tem (poly-ncmul1 mon (fifth poly) mon1))
56 (cond
57 ((eql tem 0)(list gen-sym 1 (third poly)))
59 (list gen-sym 1 (third poly) 0
60 tem))))
61 ((eql (second poly) 1)
62 (list gen-sym 1 (third poly)))
63 (t (merror "There is a bad order in nc polynomial ~A" poly))))))))
66 ;the above checks for terms in the radical and zero simplifications.
67 ;(defun poly-ncmul1 (mon poly mon1 &aux monom new-monom gen-sym)
68 ; (cond ((null mon)(setq mon 1))
69 ; ((null mon1) (setq mon1 1)))
70 ; (cond ((not (affine-polynomialp poly))(break t)))
72 ; (cond ((and (numberp mon)(numberp mon1))
73 ; (n* poly (n* mon mon1)))
74 ; ((or (numberp poly)($scalarp (setq monom (get (car poly) 'disrep))))
75 ; (setq gen-sym (add-newvar (setq monom (ncmul* mon mon1))))
76 ; (n* (list gen-sym 1 1) ;;(assolike monom *genpairs*);;might be long list to look in
77 ; poly))
78 ; (t (setq new-monom (ncmul* mon monom mon1))
80 ; (setq gen-sym (add-newvar new-monom))
81 ; (cond ((and (eql (second poly) 1)(eql (fourth poly) 0))
82 ; (list gen-sym 1 (third poly) 0 (poly-ncmul1 mon (fifth poly) mon1)))
83 ; ((eql (second poly) 1)
84 ; (list gen-sym 1 (third poly)))
85 ; (t (merror "There is a bad order in nc polynomial ~A" poly))))))
86 ;(defun new-rat-ncmul (a nc-rat-expr c)
87 ; (cons (poly-ncmul1 a (num nc-rat-expr) c) (denom nc-rat-expr)))
89 (defun poly-ncmul (&rest ll)
90 "broken"
91 (loop for v in ll when (not (affine-polynomialp v))do (break t))
92 (cond ((null ll) 1)
93 ((eql (length ll) 1) (car ll))
94 ((numberp (car ll))(n* (car ll) (apply 'poly-ncmul (cdr ll))))
95 ((affine-polynomialp (car ll))
96 (apply
97 'poly-ncmul (poly-ncmul1 1 (car ll) (second ll))
98 (nthcdr 2 ll)))
99 ((affine-polynomialp (second ll))
100 (cond ((affine-polynomialp (third ll)) (merror "poly-ncmul can't have two 'affine-polynomialp objects in its arg yet"))
101 (t (apply 'poly-ncmul
102 (poly-ncmul1 (car ll) (second ll) (third ll))
103 (nthcdr 3 ll)))))))
105 (defun reset-gen () (setq genvar nil varlist nil genpairs nil))
107 (defun show-vg (&optional (varl *varlist* ) (genv *genvar*))
108 (loop for v in varl
109 for w in genv
110 do (format t "~%~A ~A disrep ~A value ~A" w v (get w 'disrep) (symbol-value w))
111 when (not (equal (get w 'disrep) v))do (format t" **** bad disrep ***")
112 when (not (equal (get-genvar v) w)) do (format t" **** bad *genpair***~A" (assolike v *genpairs*)))
113 (format t "~%~A and ~A are the lengths of genv and varl " (length genv) (length varl)))
116 (defun last2 (a-list)
117 (loop for v on a-list
118 while (cddr v)
119 finally (return v)))
121 (defun lastn (n a-list)
122 (loop for v on a-list
123 while (nthcdr n v)
124 finally (return v)))
128 (defun choose (m n)
129 (quotient (factorial m) (* (factorial n) (factorial (- m n)))))
131 (defun polynomial-ring-1-1-1 (deg)
132 (choose (+ deg 2) deg))
134 (defun three-times-n (n) (* 3 n))
136 (defun list-equations1 (expr)
137 "converts a single macsyma equation into a lisp list of cons's suitable for sublis"
138 (cond ((and (listp (car expr))(eq (caar expr) 'mequal))(setq expr (cdr expr)))
139 (t (merror "not a equation ~A " expr)))
140 (cond ((atom (first expr))(list (cons (first expr) (second expr))))
141 ((member (caar (first expr)) '($matrix mlist) :test #'eq)
142 (loop for v in (cdr (first expr))
143 for w in (cdr (second expr))
144 appending (list-equations1 (list v w))))))
146 (defun list-equations-macsyma1 (expr)
147 (cond ((and (listp (car expr))(eq (caar expr) 'mequal))
148 (cond ((atom (second expr)) (list expr))
149 ((not (member (caar (second expr)) '($matrix mlist) :test #'eq)) (list expr))
150 (t (setq expr (cdr expr))
151 (cond ((member (caar (first expr)) '($matrix mlist) :test #'eq)
152 (cond ((or (atom (second expr))(not (eql (caar (first expr))
153 (caar (second expr)))))
154 (loop for v in (cdr (first expr))
155 appending (list-equations-macsyma1
156 (list '(mequal) v (second expr)))))
158 (loop for v in (cdr (first expr))
159 for w in (cdr (second expr))
160 appending (list-equations-macsyma1
161 (list '(mequal) v w))))))))))))
164 (defun $list_factors(poly)
165 (cond
166 ((atom poly ) poly)
167 ((mbagp poly) (cons (car poly) (mapcar #'$list_factors (cdr poly))))
168 ((eq (caar poly) 'mtimes)
169 (cons '(mlist) (cdr poly)))
170 (t poly)))
172 (defun $list_equations (a-list)
173 (check-arg a-list '$listp "macsyma list")
174 (loop for v in (cdr a-list)
175 appending (list-equations-macsyma1 v) into tem
176 finally (return (cons '(mlist) tem))))
178 (defun $sub_list (eqns expr)
179 (check-arg eqns '$listp "macsyma list")
180 (setq eqns ($list_equations eqns))
181 ($sublis eqns expr))
183 ; (setq eqns (loop for v in (cdr eqns)
184 ; appending (list-equations1 v) ))
185 ; (new-sublis eqns expr))
187 (defun new-sublis (subs expr &aux rat-form answer)
188 (cond (($ratp expr)(setq expr ($ratdisrep expr)) (setq rat-form t)))
189 (cond ((mbagp expr)(cons (car expr)(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (new-sublis subs x))
190 (cdr expr))))
191 (t (setq answer (sublis subs expr))(cond (rat-form ($new_rat answer))
192 (t (meval* expr))))))
194 (defun remove-from-*genpairs* (expr)
195 (setq *genvar* (delete (get-genvar expr) *genvar* :test #'equal))
196 (loop for v in *genpairs*
197 for i from 0
198 when (equal (car v) expr)
200 (cond ((eql i 0)(setq *genpairs* (cdr *genpairs*)))
201 (t (setq *genpairs* (delete v *genpairs* :test #'equal)))))
202 (setq *varlist* (delete expr *varlist* :test #'equal)))
205 ;(defmacro must-replacep (symbol-to-set rat-poly)
206 ; `(let ((.chang.))
207 ; (multiple-value (,symbol-to-set .chang.)
208 ; (rat-polysimp ,rat-poly))
209 ; .chang.))
212 (defun pe (&aux tem)
213 (format t "Enter a Macsyma expression:")
214 (setq tem (mread-noprompt *standard-input*))
215 (cdr ($new_rat (meval* tem))))
217 (defvar *fake-rat* '(mrat nil nil nil))
219 ;(defun sh (expr)
220 ; (cond ((numberp expr)(displa expr))
221 ; ((affine-polynomialp expr)(displa (cons *fake-rat* (cons expr 1))))
222 ; ((rational-functionp expr)(displa (cons *fake-rat* expr)))
223 ; (t (displa expr)))
224 ; expr)
227 (defvar $homework_done '((mlist)))
228 (defquote $homework ( a-list &aux answer work )
229 (loop for v in (cdr a-list)
230 when (symbolp v)
231 do (setq $homework_done (append $homework_done (list (setq work (meval* v)) )))
232 else
233 do (setq $homework_done (append $homework_done (list (setq work v))))
234 do (format t "~%Working on ...") (displa work)
235 do (setq $homework_done (append $homework_done (list (setq answer(meval* work)))))
236 (displa answer))
237 $homework_done)
239 (defun $eij (n i j)
240 ($setelmx 1 i j ($ident n)))
242 (defun $unipotent_invariant_vectors (representation n1 n2 &aux answer eqns)
243 "representation should take two arguments a (size n1) and b (size n2) where a is
244 in GLn1 and b is a macsyma list of length n2. It returns the general vector b left invariant by the upper triangular (unipotent) matrices."
245 (loop for i from 1 below n1
246 appending (cdr ($list_equations
247 (list '(mlist)
248 (list '(mequal)
249 (mfuncall representation ($eij n1 i (1+ i))
250 ($firstn n2 $aaaa))
251 ($firstn n2 $aaaa))))) into tem
252 finally (setq answer ($fast_linsolve (setq eqns (cons '(mlist) tem)) ($firstn n2 $aaaa))))
254 ($separate_parameters ($sublis answer ($firstn n2 $aaaa))))
255 (defun $matrix_from_list (a-list &aux tem)
256 (let ((n (round (setq tem (expt ($length a-list) .5)))))
257 (cond ((eql (expt n 2) ($length a-list)) 'fine)
258 (t (merror "The length of list is not a square")))
259 (setq a-list (cdr a-list))
260 (loop while a-list
261 collecting (cons '(mlist) (subseq a-list 0 n)) into tem1
262 do (setq a-list (nthcdr n a-list))
263 finally (return (cons '($matrix ) tem1)))))
265 (defun kronecker-row-product (a b)
266 (loop for v in (cdr b)
267 appending
268 (loop for w in (cdr a)
269 collecting (mul* v w))
270 into tem
271 finally (return (cons '(mlist) tem))))
273 (defun $kronecker_product (m n)
274 (loop for row in (cdr n)
275 appending
276 (loop for rowm in (cdr m)
277 collecting (kronecker-row-product rowm row))
278 into tem1
279 finally (return (cons '($matrix) tem1))))
281 (defun $standard_rep (mat v)($list_matrix_entries(ncmul* mat v)))
283 (defun $unlist_matrix_entries (vect &optional size )
284 (cond (size nil)
285 (t (setq size (round (expt (length vect) .5)))))
286 (setq vect (cdr vect))
287 (loop for i below size
288 collecting (cons '(mlist) (subseq vect 0 size)) into tem
289 do (setq vect (nthcdr size vect))
290 finally (return (cons '($matrix) tem))))
292 (defun sub-list (a-list expr)
293 (loop for v on a-list by 'cddr
294 collecting `((mequal) ,(car v) ,(second v)) into tem
295 finally (return ($sub_list (cons '(mlist) tem) expr))))
296 (defmacro defrep (name argu &rest body &aux v mat)
297 (setq mat (first argu) v (second argu))
298 (setq body (sublis (list (cons v 'gen-vector )(cons mat 'gen-mat )) body))
299 `(defun ,name (,mat ,v &aux info gen-mat gen-vector image)
300 (remprop ',name 'representation)
301 (cond ((setq info (get ',name 'representation))
302 (sub-list (list (first info) ,mat
303 (second info) ,v)
304 (third info)))
305 (t (setq gen-mat ($general_matrix (1- (length (second ,mat))) '$p))
306 (setq gen-vector (subseq $aaaa 0 (length ,v)))
307 (setq image (progn ,@body))
308 (putprop '$tensor4 (list gen-mat gen-vector image) 'representation)
309 ($tensor4 mat v)))))
311 ;(defrep sta (ma va)
312 ; (ncmul* ma va))
314 (defun $tensor4 (mat v &aux info gen-mat gen-vector image)
315 (cond ((setq info (get '$tensor4 'representation))
317 (sub-list (list (first info) mat
318 (second info) v)
319 (third info)))
320 (t (setq gen-mat ($general_matrix (1- (length (second mat))) '$p))
321 (setq gen-vector (subseq $aaaa 0 (length v)))
323 (setq image ($tensor_product_representation
324 '$tensor2
326 '$tensor2
328 gen-mat gen-vector))
329 (putprop '$tensor4 (list gen-mat gen-vector image) 'representation)
330 ($tensor4 mat v))))
333 (defun $tensor4 (mat v)($tensor_product_representation
334 '$tensor2
336 '$tensor2
338 mat v))
340 (defun $tensor2 (mat v)($tensor_product_representation
341 '$standard_rep
343 '$standard_rep
345 mat v))
347 (defun $tensor3 (mat v)($tensor_product_representation
349 '$tensor2
351 '$standard_rep
353 mat v))
357 (defun $tensor2 (mat v)($tensor_product_representation
358 '$standard_rep
360 '$standard_rep
362 mat v))
364 (defun $tensor3 (mat v)($tensor_product_representation
366 '$tensor2
368 '$standard_rep
371 mat v))
373 (defun $tensor3 (mat v)($tensor_product_representation
374 '$standard_rep
376 '$tensor2
378 mat v))
383 (defun $sum5_standard_rep(mat v)
384 (let ((size ($length mat)))
385 (loop for i below 5
386 appending (cdr ($standard_rep mat ($firstn size v))) into tem
387 do (setq v (cons '(mlist) (nthcdr size (cdr v))))
388 finally (return (cons '(mlist) tem)))))
390 ;;The representation of ei^Vej^Vek as a list is done by varying the first
391 ;;index fastest thus if dim V = 2 then get
392 ;;[e1^Ve1^Ve1,
393 ; e2^Ve1^Ve1,
394 ; e1^Ve2^Ve1,
395 ; e2^Ve2^Ve1,
396 ; e1^Ve1^Ve2,
397 ; e2^Ve1^Ve2,
398 ; e1^Ve2^Ve2,
399 ; e2^Ve2^Ve2]
402 ;;the first two are in the above representation and the second two are for reversed
403 ;;indexing where the subscripts vary the fastest at the right.(as usual in zeta lisp)
405 (defun list-ind-to-tensor-ind (dimv tensor-power ind)
406 (setq ind (1- ind))
407 (loop for i below tensor-power
408 collecting (1+ (mod ind dimv) )
409 do (setq ind (quotient ind dimv))))
412 (defun tensor-ind-to-list-ind (dimv &rest ll)
413 (loop for m in ll
414 for i from 0
415 summing (* (expt dimv i) (1- m)) into tem
416 finally (return (1+ tem))))
418 (defun tensor-ind-to-list-ind (dimv &rest ll)
419 (loop for m in ll
420 for i to 0 downfrom (1- (length ll))
421 summing (* (expt dimv i) (1- m)) into tem
422 finally (return (1+ tem))))
424 (defun list-ind-to-tensor-ind (dimv tensor-power ind)
425 (setq ind (1- ind))
426 (loop for i below tensor-power
427 collecting (1+ (mod ind dimv) ) into tem
428 do (setq ind (quotient ind dimv))
429 finally (return (nreverse tem))))
432 (defun $tensor_product_representation (rep1 d1 rep2 d2 p w &aux mm1 mm2 )
433 (setq mm1 ($find_matrix_of_operator
434 `(lambda (v) (mfuncall ',rep1 ',p v))
435 ($standard_basis d1)))
436 (setq mm2 ($find_matrix_of_operator
437 `(lambda (v) (mfuncall ',rep2 ',p v))($standard_basis d2)))
438 ($list_matrix_entries (ncmul* (mfuncall '$kronecker_product mm1 mm2) w)))
439 (defvar $binary_quartic_monomials
440 ($ratsimp (subst 'mtimes 'mnctimes ($commutative_dot_monomials '((mlist) $x $y) 4))))
442 (defun $find_matrix_of_operator (operator basis )
443 "operator acts on the space spanned by basis"
444 (let (answer zero-b unknowns gen-a gen-sum gen-b)
445 (setq gen-b ($firstn ($length basis) $bbbb))
446 (setq gen-sum ($general_sum basis $bbbb))
447 (setq answer ($fast_linsolve
448 ($list_equations
449 (list '(mlist)
450 (list '(mequal)
451 (mfuncall operator gen-sum)
452 ($general_sum basis (setq unknowns
453 (subseq $aaaa 0 (length basis)))))))
454 unknowns))
455 (setq gen-a ($sublis answer unknowns))
456 (setq zero-b (loop for w in (cdr gen-b)
457 collecting (cons w 0)))
459 (loop for v in (cdr gen-b)
460 collecting (meval* (sublis zero-b (subst 1 v gen-a)))
461 into tem
462 finally (return
463 ($transpose (cons '($matrix simp) tem))))))
465 (defun $find_matrix_of_operator (operator basis &aux answer zero-b
466 unknowns gen-a gen-sum gen-b rhs lhs eqns)
467 "operator acts on the space spanned by basis"
468 (setq gen-b ($firstn ($length basis) $bbbb))
469 (setq gen-sum ($general_sum basis $bbbb))
470 (setq lhs (mfuncall operator gen-sum))
471 (setq rhs ($general_sum basis (setq unknowns (subseq $aaaa 0 (length basis)))))
473 (setq eqns ($list_equations (list '(mlist) (list '(mequal) lhs rhs))))
474 (setq answer ($fast_linsolve eqns unknowns))
475 (setq gen-a ($sublis answer unknowns))
476 (setq zero-b (loop for w in (cdr gen-b) collecting (cons w 0)))
477 (loop for v in (cdr gen-b)
478 collecting (meval* (sublis zero-b (subst 1 v gen-a)))
479 into tem
480 finally (return
481 ($transpose (cons '($matrix simp) tem)))))
483 (defun $restriction_representation (repr elt-gln vector sub-basis)
484 (let ((repr-of-p ($find_matrix_of_operator `(lambda (x) (mfuncall ',repr ',elt-gln x))
485 sub-basis)))
486 (ncmul* repr-of-p vector)))
487 (defun $standard_basis (n)
488 (cons '(mlist) (cdr ($ident n))))
490 (defun $find_highest_weight_vectors (rep n1 n2 &aux uni-vectors answer)
492 (setq uni-vectors ($unipotent_invariant_vectors rep n1 n2))
493 (setq answer ($diagonalize_torus rep n1 n2 uni-vectors))
494 (list '(mlist) uni-vectors answer))
496 (defvar *some-primes* '(2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37))
498 (defun $diagonalize_torus (representation n1 n2 basis &aux diag tem mat cpoly answer eigen-values weight-vector)
499 "here operator has args a and b where a is in torus and b is a sum of elements of basis"
500 (setq diag ($ident n1))
501 (loop for i from 1 to n1
503 (setq diag ($setelmx (nth (1- i) *some-primes*) i i diag)))
505 (setq tem `(lambda (x)
506 (mfuncall ',representation ',diag x)))
507 (setq mat ($find_matrix_of_operator tem basis))
508 (setq cpoly ($charpoly mat '$x))
509 (setq answer ($solve cpoly '$x) )
510 (setq eigen-values (loop for u in (cdr answer)
511 collecting (third u)))
512 (loop for u in eigen-values
513 collecting ($find_eigenvectors mat u) into part-basis
514 collecting (setq weight-vector (exponent-vector u n1)) into weight-vectors
515 do (show weight-vector)
516 finally (return (list '(mlist) (cons '(mlist) part-basis)
517 (cons '(mlist) weight-vectors)))))
518 (defun $find_eigenvectors (mat eigenvalue &aux answer eqns)
519 (let* ((row-length ($length (second mat)))
520 (gen-vector ($firstn row-length $aaaa)))
521 (setq eqns ($list_equations
522 (list '(mlist)
523 (list '(mequal) (ncmul* (sub* mat
524 (mul* eigenvalue
525 ($ident row-length)))
526 gen-vector)
527 0))))
528 (setq answer ($fast_linsolve eqns gen-vector))
529 ($separate_parameters ($sublis answer gen-vector))))
531 (defun $rank_of_representation (rep n1 list-of-generators &aux mat)
532 (setq mat ($general_matrix n1 $cccc))
533 ($find_rank_of_list_of_polynomials
534 (loop for v in (cdr list-of-generators)
535 appending (cdr (mfuncall rep mat v))
536 into tem
537 finally (return (cons '(mlist) tem)))))
539 (defun $general_matrix (n a-list)
540 (cond ((listp a-list)
541 ($unlist_matrix_entries a-list n))
542 (t (loop for i from 1 to n
543 appending
544 (loop for j from 1 to n
545 collecting (new-concat a-list i j))
546 into tem
547 finally (return ($unlist_matrix_entries (cons '(mlist ) tem) n ))))))
549 (defun exponent-vector (n &optional (length-vector 10) &aux wnum denom num wdnom)
550 (cond ((numberp n)
551 (loop for u in *some-primes*
552 for j below length-vector
553 collecting
554 (loop for i from 1
555 when (not (zerop (mod n (expt u i))))
556 do (return (1- i)))))
557 ((equal (caar n) 'rat)(setq num (second n) denom (third n))
558 (setq wnum (exponent-vector num length-vector))
559 (setq wdnom (exponent-vector denom length-vector))
560 (loop for v in wnum
561 for w in wdnom
562 collecting (- v w)))))
565 (defun replace-parameters-by-aa (expr &aux unknowns parameters tem1)
566 (setq unknowns ($list_variables expr "aa" "par"))
567 (setq parameters (loop for vv in (cdr unknowns)
568 when (search "par" (string vv) :test #'char-equal)
569 collecting vv))
570 (setq tem1 (cdr $aaaa))
572 (loop for vv in parameters
573 appending (loop while tem1
574 when (not (member (car tem1) unknowns :test #'eq))
575 collecting (cons vv (car tem1)) into subs1
576 and do
577 (let ((*print-level* 3))
578 (format t "~%Replacing ~A by ~A in ~A." vv (car tem1) expr))
579 (setq tem1 (cdr tem1)) (return subs1)
580 else
581 do (setq tem1 (cdr tem1)))
583 into subs
584 finally
585 (show subs)
586 (setq expr (sublis subs expr))
587 (setq unknowns (sublis subs unknowns)))
588 (values expr unknowns))
590 (defun function-denominator (pol)
591 (cond ((numberp pol) (denominator pol))
592 ((affine-polynomialp pol) 1)
593 ((rational-functionp pol) (denom pol))
594 (t (denom (new-rat pol)))))
596 (defun function-numerator (pol)
597 (cond ((rationalp pol) (numerator pol))
598 ((affine-polynomialp pol) pol)
599 ((rational-functionp pol) (car pol))
600 (t (car (new-rat pol)))))
602 (defun poly-type (x )
603 (cond ((numberp x) ':number)
604 ((affine-polynomialp x) ':polynomial)
605 ((rational-functionp x) ':rational-function)
606 (($ratp x) ':$rat)
607 ((and (listp x) (eq (caar x) 'rat)) ':rat)
608 (t nil)))
610 (defun check-rat-variables(expr)
611 (let ((varlist (varlist expr))
612 (genvar (genvar expr)))
613 (check-vgp-correspond)))
615 (defun check-vgp-correspond()
616 (loop for v in varlist
617 for w in genvar
618 when (or (not (equal v (get w 'disrep)))
619 (not (eq w (get-genvar v))))
620 do (merror "bad ~A and ~A" v w)))
623 (defun $slow_gcdlist (&rest ll)
624 (cond ((null ll) 1)
625 (($listp (car ll)) (apply '$gcdlist (cdar ll)))
627 (case (length ll)
628 (1 (car ll))
629 (2 ($gcd (car ll) (second ll)))
630 (otherwise ($gcd (car ll) (apply '$gcdlist (cdr ll))))))))
632 (defun $slow_projective (l)
633 ($ratsimp (simplifya (list '(mquotient) l ($slow_gcdlist l)) nil)))
636 ;(defmacro allow-rest-argument (new-funct binary-op answer-for-null-argument rest-arg)
637 ; `(cond ((null ,rest-arg) ,answer-for-null-argument)
638 ; (t (case (length ,rest-arg)
639 ; (,2 (,binary-op (first ,rest-arg)(second ,rest-arg)))
640 ; (,1 (car ,rest-arg))
641 ; (otherwise (apply ',new-funct (,binary-op (first ,rest-arg)
642 ; (second ,rest-arg)) (cddr ,rest-arg)))))))
646 ;(defmacro polyop (x y identity-x identity-y number-op poly-op rat-op &optional rat-switch )
647 ; (cond (rat-switch (setq rat-switch '(t))))
648 ; `(cond
649 ; ((and (numberp ,x)(numberp ,y))(,number-op ,x ,y))
650 ; ((eq ,x ,identity-x) ,y)
651 ; ((eq ,y ,identity-y) ,x)
652 ; (t
653 ; (let ((xx (poly-type ,x)) answer
654 ; (yy (poly-type ,y)))
656 ;; (cond ((or (eq xx '$rat)(eq yy '$rat))(with-vgp(check-vgp-correspond))));;remove later
657 ; (cond ((null xx)(setq ,x (cdr ($new_rat ,x)) xx ':rational-function))
658 ; ((eq xx ':$rat)
659 ; (setq ,x (cdr ,x) xx ':rational-function))
660 ; ((eq xx ':rat ) (setq ,x (cons (second ,x) (third ,x))
661 ; xx ':rational-function)))
663 ; (cond
664 ; ((null yy)(setq ,y (cdr ($new_rat ,y)) yy ':rational-function))
665 ; ((eq yy ':$rat)(setq ,y (cdr ,y) yy ':rational-function))
666 ; ((eq yy ':rat ) (setq ,y (cons (second ,y) (third ,y))
667 ; yy ':rational-function)))
668 ; (cond ((and (eq xx ':rational-function) (eq (denom ,x) 1))
669 ; (setq ,x (car ,x) xx :polynomial)))
670 ; (cond ((and (eq yy ':rational-function) (eq (denom ,y) 1))
671 ; (setq ,y (car ,y) yy :polynomial)))
672 ; (setq answer
673 ; (case xx
674 ; (:number (case yy
675 ; (:number (,number-op ,x ,y))
676 ; (:polynomial (,poly-op ,x ,y))
677 ; (:rational-function
678 ; (,rat-op (cons ,x 1) ,y ,@ rat-switch))))
679 ; (:polynomial
680 ; (case yy
681 ; (:number (,poly-op ,x ,y))
682 ; (:polynomial (,poly-op ,x ,y))
683 ; (:rational-function (,rat-op (cons ,x 1) ,y,@ rat-switch))
684 ; (otherwise (merror "unknown type for polyop "))))
685 ; (:rational-function
686 ; (case yy
687 ; (:number (,rat-op ,x (cons ,y 1) ,@ rat-switch))
688 ; (:polynomial (,rat-op ,x (cons ,y 1) ,@ rat-switch))
689 ; (:rational-function (,rat-op ,x ,y ,@ rat-switch))))
690 ; (otherwise (merror "unknown arg"))))
691 ; (cond ((affine-polynomialp answer) answer)
692 ; ((rational-functionp answer)
693 ; (cond ((eq 1 (cdr answer))(car answer))
694 ; (t answer)))
695 ; (t answer))))))
697 ;(defun n* (&rest l)
698 ; (case (length l)
699 ; (0 1)
700 ; (1 (car l))
701 ; (2 (n1* (car l) (second l)))
702 ; (t (n1* (car l) (apply 'n* (cdr l))))))
704 ;(defun n+ (x y) (polyop x y 0 0 + pplus ratplus ))
705 ;(defun n1* (x y)(polyop x y 1 1 * ptimes rattimes t))
706 ;(defun n- (x y)(polyop x y nil 0 - pdifference ratdifference))
707 ;(defun nred (x y &aux answer)
708 ; (setq answer (polyop x y nil 1 ratreduce ratreduce ratquotient))
709 ; (setq answer (rationalize-denom-zeta3 answer))
710 ; (cond ((numberp answer) answer)
711 ; ((eq (denom answer) 1) (car answer))
712 ; (t answer)))
716 ;(defun new-disrep (expr)
717 ; (cond ((atom expr) expr)
718 ; (t
719 ; (let ((type (poly-type expr)))
720 ; (case type
721 ; (:number expr)
722 ; (:polynomial ($ratdisrep (header-poly expr)))
723 ; (:rational-function
724 ; (cond (($numberp expr)
725 ; (cond ((zerop (num expr) 0))
726 ; (t
727 ; (list '(rat simp) (num expr) (denom expr)))))
728 ; (t
729 ; ($ratdisrep (header-poly expr)))))
730 ; (otherwise (cond ((mbagp expr)(cons (car expr) (mapcar 'new-disrep expr)))
731 ; (($ratp expr)($ratdisrep expr))
732 ; (t expr))))))))
736 (defun sp-add* (&rest llist)
737 (let ((varlist))
738 (apply 'add* llist)))
740 (defun sp-minus* (a)
741 (let ((varlist))
742 (simplifya (list '(mminus) a) nil)))
744 (defun sp-sub* (a b )
745 (sp-add* a (sp-minus* b)))
748 (defun sp-mul* (&rest a-list)
749 (let ((varlist ))
750 (cond ((< (length a-list) 3)(apply 'mul* a-list))
751 (t (sp-mul* (car a-list) (apply 'sp-mul* (cdr a-list)))))))
753 (defun sp-div* (a b)
754 (let ((varlist))
755 (simplifya (list '(mquotient) a b) nil)))
758 ;;the following don't always seem to work
759 (defun sp-add* (&rest l)(allow-rest-argument sp-add* n+ 0 l))
760 (defun sp-mul* (&rest l)(allow-rest-argument sp-mul* n* 1 l))
761 (defun sp-div* (a b) (nred a b))
762 (defun sp-minus* ( b)(n- 0 b))
763 (defun sp-sub* (a b)(n- a b))
766 (defun $numberp (n)
767 "we changed this to allow polynomial-type"
768 (cond ((numberp n) t)
769 ((atom n) nil)
770 ((and (numberp (car n))(numberp (cdr n))) t)
771 ((atom (car n)) nil)
772 ((eq (caar n) 'rat))
773 ((eq (caar n) 'mrat)(and (numberp (cadr n)) (numberp (cddr n))))
774 (($floatnump n))
775 (($bfloatp n))))
777 (defun poly-scalarp (a &aux tem)
778 (cond ((numberp a))
779 ((atom a)($scalarp a))
780 ((setq tem(affine-polynomialp a)) ($scalarp tem))
781 ((and (setq tem(affine-polynomialp (car a))) (affine-polynomialp (cdr a)))
782 ($scalarp tem))))
785 (defun $coefficient_matrix (a-list variables)
786 (check-arg a-list '$listp nil)
787 (check-arg variables '$listp nil)
788 (loop for w in (cdr a-list)
789 collecting
790 (loop for v in (cdr variables)
791 collecting
792 ($nc_coeff w v) into tem
793 finally (return (cons '(mlist) tem)))
794 into bil
795 finally (return (cons '($matrix) bil))))
806 ;(DEFMFUN new-RATREP* (X)
807 ; (LET () ; (GENPAIRS)
808 ;; (ORDERPOINTER VARLIST) ;;creates enough new genvar and numbers them done
810 ; ;which is now in new-ratf
812 ; (MAPC #'(LAMBDA (Y Z) (cond ((assolike y genpairs) nil)
813 ; (t (PUSH (CONS Y (RGET Z)) GENPAIRS))))
817 ; (XCONS (PREP1 X) ; PREP1 changes VARLIST
819 ; (IF (AND (NOT (ATOM X)) (MEMber 'IRREDUCIBLE (CDAR X) :test #'eq))
820 ; '(IRREDUCIBLE))))))
822 ;(DEFMFUN new-RATREP* (X)
823 ; (LET () ; (GENPAIRS)
824 ;; (ORDERPOINTER VARLIST) ;;creates enough new genvar and numbers them done
826 ; ;which is now in new-ratf
828 ;; (MAPC #'(LAMBDA (Y Z) (cond ((assolike y genpairs) nil) ;;do this in new
829 ;; (t (PUSH (CONS Y (RGET Z)) GENPAIRS))))
833 ; (XCONS (PREP1 X) ; PREP1 changes VARLIST
835 ; (IF (AND (NOT (ATOM X)) (MEMber 'IRREDUCIBLE (CDAR X) :test #'eq))
836 ; '(IRREDUCIBLE))))))
838 ;(Defun New-RATF (L &aux tem)
839 ; (with-vgp
842 ; (WHEN (EQ '%% (CATCH 'RATF (new-NEWVAR L)))
844 ; (loop for v in varlist
845 ; for i from 1
846 ; when (setq tem (get-genvar v))
847 ; collecting tem into a-list
848 ; else
849 ; collecting
850 ; (prog1 (setq tem (gensym))
851 ; (putprop tem v 'disrep)
852 ; (show (list tem v 'disrep))
853 ; (push (cons v (rget tem)) genpairs )
855 ; into a-list
856 ; do (setf (symbol-value tem) i)
857 ; finally (setq genvar a-list))
858 ; (SETQ U (CATCH 'RATF (new-RATREP* L))) ; for truncation routines
861 ;(DEFUN new-NEWVAR (L )
862 ; (let (( vlist varlist))
864 ; (NEWVAR1 L)
865 ; (setq varlist (sortgreat vlist))
866 ; vlist))
870 (defun $new_rat (expr)
871 (cond
872 ((and ($ratp expr)(equal *genvar* (genvar expr))(equal *varlist* (varlist expr)))
873 expr)
874 (($ratp expr)(cond ((loop for v in (varlist expr) ;;what about minimize varlist here.
875 for w in (genvar expr) ;or in new-ratf
876 when
877 (not (eq w (get-genvar v)))
879 (return 'bad-order))
880 (new-ratf expr))
881 (t expr)))
882 ((mbagp expr) (cons (car expr) (mapcar #'$new_rat (cdr expr))) ($new_rat expr))
883 ((and (not (atom expr))(not (atom (car expr))))(cond ((equal (caar expr) 'rat) expr)
884 (t (new-ratf expr))))
886 (t (new-ratf expr))))
887 ;(if (mbagp exp) (cons (car exp) (mapcar #'rat0 (cdr exp))) (ratf exp)))
890 (defun $shift (expr &optional (variables $current_variables) &aux tem)
891 (sublis (loop for v on (cdr variables)
892 when (second v)
893 do (setq tem (second v))
894 else do (setq tem (second variables))
896 collecting (cons (car v) tem)) expr))
897 (defun $spur (expr function n &aux (tem expr) (answer 0))
898 (loop for i below n
900 (setq answer (add* answer (setq tem (funcall function tem)))))
901 ($ratsimp answer))
904 (defun $basis_of_invariant_ring (n &optional (variables $current_variables) &aux
905 monoms trace_monoms f new-f eqns solns tem ar sp pivots)
906 (setq monoms ($mono variables n))
907 (setq trace_monoms (loop for u in (cdr monoms)
908 collecting ($spur u '$shift (1- (length variables)) ) into tem
909 finally (return (cons '(mlist ) tem))))
910 (break t)
911 (setq f ($general_sum trace_monoms $aaaa))
912 (setq new-f ($dotsimp f))
913 (setq eqns ($extract_linear_equations (list '(mlist) new-f) monoms))
914 (setq solns ($fast_linsolve eqns (subseq $aaaa 0 (length monoms))))
915 (setq sp(send $poly_vector :the-sparse-matrix))
916 (setq ar (send sp ':column-used-in-row))
917 (setq pivots (loop for i below (length (the cl:array ar))
918 when (setq tem (aref ar i))
919 collecting tem into tem1
920 finally (return tem1)))
921 (loop for i in pivots
922 collecting (nth (1+ i) trace_monoms)
923 into tem1
924 finally (return (cons '(mlist) tem1))))
926 (defvar $mmm)
927 (defvar $conditions_on_q nil)
929 (defun $case_rep (mat vect triple &aux answer subs ($expop 100)
930 ind-used vmmm prod mat.rtx relat-mat)
931 (setq triple (cdr triple))
932 (setq subs (list (cons '$%alpha (first triple))
933 (cons '$%beta (second triple))
934 (cons '$%gamma (third triple))))
936 (let ((mmm (sublis subs $mmm)))
937 (setq mmm ($ratsimp mmm))
938 (displa mmm)
939 (loop for v in (cdr $conditions_on_q)
940 for i from 1
941 when ($zerop ($ratsimp (sublis subs v)))
942 collecting (nth i mmm) into tem
944 collecting i into ind
945 finally (setq ind-used ind)(setq relat-mat tem))
946 (format t "~%Dimension of representation is ~A." (length ind-used))
947 (show ind-used)
948 (setq vmmm
949 (loop for i from 1 to (length ind-used)
950 collecting (mul* (nth i vect)(nth (1- i) relat-mat)) into tem
951 finally (return (meval* (cons '(mplus) tem)))))
952 (setq mat.rtx (ncmul* mat '(($matrix simp)
953 ((mlist simp) $x) ((mlist simp) $y) ((mlist simp) $z))))
955 (setq prod
956 (ncmul* ($transpose mat)
957 ($sub_list `((mlist simp) ((mequal simp) (($matrix simp)
958 ((mlist simp) $x)
959 ((mlist simp) $y)
960 ((mlist simp) $z))
961 ,mat.rtx)) vmmm) mat))
962 (setq answer (mfuncall '$cof prod))
963 (loop for i in ind-used
964 collecting (nth i answer) into tem
965 finally (return (cons '(mlist) tem)))))
967 (defun $make_commutative (expr)
968 (resimplify (subst 'mtimes 'mnctimes expr)))