Use %%PRETTY-FNAME in more quadpack error messages
[maxima.git] / share / affine / polysmp.lisp
1 ;;;;;; -*- Mode:Lisp; Package:CL-MAXIMA; Syntax:COMMON-LISP; Base:10; -*-
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; ;;;;;
4 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
5 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
6 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 (in-package :maxima)
10 (defun get-altq (item a-list)
11 (loop for v on a-list by #'cddr
12 when (eq item (car v))
13 do (return (second v))))
15 (defun mdegree (monom var)
16 "Degree of a monomial in var Returns nil if var not in monom"
17 (do ((v monom ))
18 (nil)
19 (cond ((numberp v) (return nil)))
20 (cond ((eq (car v) var)(return (second v))))
21 (setq v (caddr v))))
23 (defun part-above-degree (poly monomial-degs &aux tem)
24 "The argument is a Cre polynomial and the
25 monomial degs is an alternating list of the variable and the degree
26 Note these must be ordered in increasing degree for the degree sequence"
28 (cond ((null monomial-degs)poly)
29 ((numberp monomial-degs) poly)
30 ((numberp poly)(cond ((loop for w in (cdr monomial-degs) by #'cddr
31 when (not (eql w 0))
32 do(return t)) nil)
33 (t poly)))
34 (t (let ((deg))
35 (cond ((eq (car monomial-degs)(car poly))
36 (setq deg (1- (second monomial-degs)))
37 (setq monomial-degs (cddr monomial-degs)))
38 (t (setq deg (get-altq (car poly) monomial-degs))
39 (cond (deg (setq deg (1- deg)))
40 (t (setq deg -1)))))
41 (loop for v on (cdr poly) by #'cddr
42 while (> (car v) deg)
43 when (setq tem (part-above-degree (second v) monomial-degs))
44 collecting (car v) into the-cof
45 and
46 collecting tem into the-cof
47 finally (cond (the-cof (setq the-cof (cons (car poly) the-cof))
48 (return the-cof))
49 (t nil)))))))
51 (defun part-above (poly monom)
52 "x^3*y+x^2*u, x^2 ==> x*y+u"
53 (cond ((part-above1 poly monom))
54 (t 0)))
56 (defun part-above1 (poly monom &aux tem (true-deg 0))
57 (cond ((numberp monom) poly)
58 ((numberp poly) nil)
59 (t (let ((deg))
60 (cond ((eq (p-var monom) (p-var poly))
61 (setq deg (1- (second monom)))
62 (setq true-deg (second monom))
63 (setq monom (caddr monom)))
64 (t (setq deg (mdegree monom (car poly)))
65 (cond (deg (setq deg (1- deg)))
66 (t (setq deg -1)))))
67 (loop for v on (cdr poly) by #'cddr
68 while (> (car v) deg)
69 when (setq tem (part-above1 (second v) monom))
70 collecting (- (car v) true-deg)
71 into the-cof
72 and
73 collecting tem into the-cof
74 finally (cond (the-cof (setq the-cof (cons (car poly) the-cof))
75 (return the-cof))
76 (t nil)))))))
78 ;(defmacro push-new (item llist)
79 ; `(cond ((not (member ,item ,llist :test #'eq) )
80 ; (push ,item ,llist))))
83 ;;see polyd
84 ;(defun list-variables (u &aux a-list)
85 ; (declare (special a-list))
86 ; (list-variables2 u)
87 ; a-list)
89 ;(defun list-variables2 (expr)
90 ; (cond ((atom expr) nil)
91 ; ((affine-polynomialp expr) (list-variables1 expr))
92 ; ((rational-functionp expr) (list-variables2 (car expr))
93 ; (list-variables2 (cdr EXPR)))
94 ; (t(loop for v on expr while (listp v) do (list-variables2 (car v))))))
96 ;(defun list-variables1 (u)
97 ; (declare (special a-list))
98 ; (cond ((atom u) niL)
99 ; (t
100 ; (push-new (car u) a-list)
101 ; (loop for (def cof) on (cdr u) by #'cddr
102 ; do (list-variables1 cof)))))
105 (defun pcoeff (poly monom &optional
106 (variables-to-exclude-from-cof (list-variables monom)))
108 "x^3*y+x^2*u, x^2 ==> u . Rule: if a variable appears in monom it must be to
109 the exact power, and if it is in variables to exclude it may not appear unless it
110 was in monom to the exact power. (pcoeff pol 1 ..) will exclude variables like
111 substituting them to be zero."
112 (cond ((eql monom 1) nil)
113 ((atom monom) (setq monom (list monom 1 1))))
114 (check-arg monom (or (listp monom)(eql monom 1)) "1 or a monomial")
115 (cond ((pcoeff1 poly monom variables-to-exclude-from-cof ))
116 (t 0)))
117 (defun pcoeff1 (poly monom &optional
118 (variables-to-exclude-from-cof (list-variables monom))
119 &aux tem (true-deg 0))
120 (cond
121 ((and (numberp monom) (numberp poly)) poly)
122 ((numberp poly) nil)
123 (t (let ( (first-case t) )
124 (cond ((numberp monom)
125 (cond ((member (p-var poly) variables-to-exclude-from-cof :test #'eq)
126 (setq true-deg 0))
127 (t (setq first-case nil))))
128 ((eq (p-var monom) (p-var poly))
129 (setq true-deg (second monom))
130 (setq monom (caddr monom)))
131 ((member (p-var poly) variables-to-exclude-from-cof :test #'eq)
132 (setq true-deg 0))
133 (t (setq first-case nil)))
134 (cond (first-case
135 (loop for (deg cof) on (cdr poly) by #'cddr
136 when (eq deg true-deg)
138 (return (pcoeff1 cof monom
139 variables-to-exclude-from-cof))))
140 ((or (numberp monom)(pointergp (car poly) (car monom)))
141 (loop for (deg cof) on (cdr poly) by #'cddr
142 when (setq tem (pcoeff1 cof monom variables-to-exclude-from-cof))
143 collecting deg into temm
144 and collecting tem into temm
145 finally (cond (temm
146 (cond ((eql (car temm) 0)
147 (return (second temm)))
148 (t (return (cons (car poly) temm)))))))))))))
151 (defun replacements (&optional (simps *poly-simplifications*))
152 (loop for v in simps by #'cddr collecting v))
154 ;;These check for occurrence of seq in poly. But using this seems to
155 ;;be slower than just checking the part-above just in case we will need
156 ;;to replace. The only advantage is this does no consing. But
157 ;;with our new storage techniques..
158 (defun occurs-in (poly seq)
159 (cond ((eq (catch 'its-there (occurs-in1 poly seq)) 'ok)
161 (t nil)))
163 (defun occurs-in1 (poly seq)
164 (catch 'not-in-this-one
165 (cond ((null seq)(throw 'its-there 'ok))
166 ((numberp poly))
167 (t (let ((var (first seq))
168 (deg (second seq)))
169 (cond ((pointergp (car poly) var)
170 (loop for (deg cof) on (cdr poly) by #'cddr
171 do (occurs-in1 cof seq)))
172 ((eq (car poly) var)
173 (cond ((< (second poly ) deg)
174 (throw 'not-in-this-one nil))
175 (t (loop for (degg cof) on (cdr poly) by #'cddr
176 while (>= degg deg)
177 do (occurs-in1 cof (cddr seq))))))
178 (t (throw 'not-in-this-one nil))))))))
180 (defun convert-deg-sequence-to-monomial (sequ &aux tem)
181 (cond ((null sequ) nil)
182 ((numberp sequ) sequ)
183 (t (setq tem (convert-deg-sequence-to-monomial (cddr sequ)))
184 (cond (tem (cond ((not (eql 0 (second sequ))) (list (car sequ) (second sequ) tem))
185 (t tem)))
186 (t (list (car sequ) (second sequ) 1))))))
188 (defun constant-deg-sequencep (seq)
189 (loop for w in seq by #'cddr
190 when (not (eql w 0))
191 do (return nil)
192 finally (return t)))
194 (defun $declare_constant_list( ll)
195 (apply #'declare-constant (cdr ll)))
197 (defun declare-constant (&rest l)
198 (loop for v in l
199 when (get v 'disrep)
200 do (putprop v t 'constant)
201 else do
202 (putprop (car (num (new-rat v))) t 'constant)))
204 (defun show-constants ()
205 (loop for v in *genvar* when (get v 'constant)
206 do (format t "~A disreps to ~A and is constant." v (get v 'disrep))))
208 (defun remove-constant-property (&rest a-list)
209 (loop for u in a-list do
210 (loop for v in *varlist*
211 for w in *genvar*
212 when (or (eq v u) (eq w u))
213 do (remprop w 'constant))))
215 (defvar *use-constants* t)
217 (defun constant-functionp( poly)
218 "Assumes that the variables have been ordered so that
219 the constant variables are the least main"
220 (or (numberp poly)(numberp (car poly))
221 (and *use-constants* (symbolp (car poly)) (get (car poly) 'constant))))
224 (defun find-main-monomial (poly &aux cof seq)
225 (cond ((numberp poly) (values nil poly))
227 (setq seq (loop while poly
228 collecting (car poly)
229 collecting (second poly)
230 do (setq poly (third poly))
231 when (constant-functionp poly) do (setq cof poly poly nil)))
232 (values seq cof))))
234 (defun find-least-main-monomial (poly &aux tem mono-so-far cof)
235 (loop while poly
237 (setq tem (last2 poly))
238 (cond ((not (and (null mono-so-far)(zerop (car tem)) (numberp (second tem))))
239 (cond ((not (zerop (car tem)))
241 (setq mono-so-far (cons (car tem) (cons (car poly)
242 mono-so-far) )))))
243 (t (setq tem (lastn 4 poly))(setq mono-so-far (cons (car tem)
244 (cons (car poly)
245 mono-so-far)))))
246 (cond ((numberp (second tem))(setq poly nil)(setq cof (second tem)))
247 (t (setq poly (second tem)))))
248 (values (nreverse mono-so-far) cof))
250 ;;(defvar *monomial-order-function* 'seq-lessp)
251 ;;(defvar *monomial-order-function* 'xyz-and-degree)
252 (defvar *monomial-order-function* 'xyz-order-sequence)
254 (defun deg-sequence (variables degrees)
255 (loop for v in variables
256 for w in degrees
257 unless (eql w 0)
258 collecting v
260 collecting w))
262 (defun factor-out-monomial (poly monomial-degs copy)
263 (cond (copy (setq poly (copy-tree poly))))
264 (cond ((or (numberp poly) (numberp monomial-degs))
265 poly)
267 (let ((deg (get-altq (car poly) monomial-degs)))
268 (loop
269 for v on poly by #'cddr
270 while (third v)
271 when deg
273 (setf (second v)(sub (second v) deg))
274 do (setf (third v)(factor-out-monomial
275 (third v)
276 monomial-degs
277 nil))
278 finally (return poly))))))
280 (defun replace-monomial (poly replacement monomial-degs
281 &optional part-above &aux to-replace denom-replacement)
282 "replacement is a poly not a rat-poly"
283 (check-arg poly affine-polynomialp "polynomial")
284 (check-arg replacement rational-functionp "rat'l function")
285 (cond (part-above (setq to-replace part-above))
286 (t (setq to-replace (part-above-degree poly monomial-degs))))
287 (let (
288 answer tem )
289 (cond
290 ((and (numberp poly) (zerop poly))(rzero))
291 (to-replace
292 ; (format t "~%Replacing occurrence of ~A in.." (disrep-list monomial-degs))
293 ; (sh poly)
294 ; (format t "~% by the replacement")
295 ; (cond (denom-replacement (sh (cons replacement denom-replacement)))
296 ; (t (sh replacement)))
297 (setq answer (pdifference poly to-replace))
298 (setq denom-replacement (denom replacement))
299 (setq answer (ptimes denom-replacement answer))
300 (setq tem (ptimes
301 (num replacement)
302 (factor-out-monomial to-replace monomial-degs t))) ;copy?
303 (setq answer (pplus answer tem))
304 (setq answer (maybe-ratreduce answer denom-replacement))
305 ; (format t "The result is..")
306 ; (sh answer)
307 answer)
308 (t poly))))
310 (defun replace-monomial-rat (poly replacement monomial-degs
311 &optional part-above &aux to-replace denom-replacement)
312 "replacement is a poly not a rat-poly"
313 (check-arg poly rational-functionp "rat'l function")
314 (check-arg replacement rational-functionp "rat'l function")
315 (cond (part-above (setq to-replace part-above))
316 (t (setq to-replace (part-above-degree (num poly) monomial-degs))))
317 (let (
318 answer tem )
319 (cond
320 ((and (numberp (num poly)) (zerop (num poly)))(rzero))
321 (to-replace
322 ; (format t "~%Replacing occurrence of ~A in.." (disrep-list monomial-degs))
323 ; (sh poly)
324 ; (format t "~% by the replacement")
325 ; (cond (denom-replacement (sh (cons replacement denom-replacement)))
326 ; (t (sh replacement)))
327 (setq answer (pdifference (num poly) to-replace))
328 (setq denom-replacement (denom replacement))
329 (setq answer (ptimes denom-replacement answer))
330 (setq tem (ptimes
331 (num replacement)
332 (factor-out-monomial to-replace monomial-degs t))) ;copy?
333 (setq answer (pplus answer tem))
334 (cond ((eql 1 (denom poly))
335 (setq answer (maybe-ratreduce answer denom-replacement)))
336 (t (setq answer (maybe-ratreduce answer
337 (ptimes (denom poly )
338 denom-replacement)))))
339 answer)
340 (t poly))))
342 (defvar *reduce* t)
343 (defun maybe-ratreduce (a b)(cond (*reduce* (ratreduce a b))
344 (t (cons a b))))
345 (defun $add_to_poly_simplifications (rat-monom)
346 (setq rat-monom ($new_rat rat-monom))
347 (setq rat-monom (cdr rat-monom))
348 (add-to-poly-simplifications rat-monom))
349 (defvar *poly-simplifications* nil)
351 (defvar *degenerate-conditions* nil)
355 (defun add-to-poly-simplifications (rat-monom &optional (simplify t) &aux orig added
356 replacement replacement-num)
357 (setq orig rat-monom)
358 (cond (*simplify-rhs* (setq rat-monom (polysimp rat-monom)))
359 (t (setq rat-monom (new-rat rat-monom))))
360 (cond ((numberp rat-monom)
361 (cond ((or (not (zerop rat-monom))
362 (not ($zerop orig))) (setq *poly-simplifications*
363 (list 1 (rzero))))
364 (t *poly-simplifications*)))
365 ((eql 0 (num rat-monom)) (princ ".")(setq simplify nil) *poly-simplifications*)
366 ((or (numberp rat-monom) (and (listp rat-monom)
367 (constant-functionp (num rat-monom))))
368 (setq *poly-simplifications* (list 1 (rzero)))
369 (let ((*print-level* 2))
370 (format t "There is a constant ~A in the *poly-simplifications*" rat-monom)))
372 (multiple-value-bind (seq cof)(find-main-monomial (num rat-monom))
373 (setq replacement-num (pdifference
374 (ptimes cof
375 (convert-deg-sequence-to-monomial
376 seq))
377 (num rat-monom)
379 (cond ((and (not (numberp (denom rat-monom)))
380 (not (constant-functionp (denom rat-monom))))
381 (format t "Warning: a denominator was discared which might take the value 0" nil)))
382 (setq replacement (ratreduce replacement-num cof))
383 ; (format t "~%Adding to simplifications..")
384 ; (sh (convert-deg-sequence-to-monomial seq))(format t " ==> ") (sh replacement)
385 (cond ((not (numberp cof))
386 (pushnew cof *degenerate-conditions* :test 'equal)))
387 (setq *poly-simplifications* (append *poly-simplifications*
388 (list seq replacement))))
389 (setq added t)
391 (cond (simplify (simplify-poly-simplifications))
392 (t *poly-simplifications*))
393 ; (cond (added (conclusionp))) ;11/30/85, chou
394 *poly-simplifications*
397 (defun grobner-basis (list-polys &key homogeneous)
398 (setq *poly-simplifications* nil)
399 (setq *degenerate-conditions* nil)
400 (loop for v in list-polys
401 do (add-to-poly-simplifications v))
402 (check-overlaps 40 :reset t :homogeneous homogeneous)
403 *poly-simplifications*)
406 ;(defun ideal-subsetp (id1 id2 &key (reset-basis t) &aux tem)
407 ; (cond (reset-basis (grobner-basis id2)))
408 ; (loop for v in id1
409 ; when (not (rzerop (setq tem (polysimp v))))
410 ; do (format t "~A is not zero modulo the second ideal. It is congruent to ~A"
411 ; v tem)
412 ; (return nil)
413 ; finally (return t)))
415 (defun ideal-subsetp (id1 id2 &key ( verbose t) (reset-basis t) &aux tem)
416 (cond (reset-basis (grobner-basis id2)))
417 (loop for v in id1
418 when (not (rzerop (setq tem (polysimp v))))
420 (cond (verbose (format t "~A is not zero modulo the second ideal. It is congruent to ~A"
421 id2 tem)))
422 (return nil)
423 finally (return t)))
425 (defun $set_up_poly_simplifications(a-list)
426 (check-arg a-list '$listp nil)
427 (setq *poly-simplifications* nil)
428 (loop for v in (cdr a-list)
430 (add-to-poly-simplifications (st-rat v))
431 finally (return (convert-poly-simplifications-to-macsyma-form *poly-simplifications*))))
433 (defun $show_simps ()
434 (convert-poly-simplifications-to-macsyma-form *poly-simplifications*))
436 ;;tried using occurs-in instead of part-above-degree but wasted time...
438 (eval-when
439 (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel)
440 (fmakunbound 'must-replacep)
441 (defun must-replacep ( poly &aux part-above monom replace)
442 ; (declare (values part-above monom replace))
443 (loop for (seq repl) on *poly-simplifications* by #'cddr
444 when (setq part-above (part-above-degree poly seq))
445 do (setq monom (convert-deg-sequence-to-monomial seq) replace repl)
446 (return 'found))
447 (setq *must-replace-data* (list part-above monom replace))
448 (values part-above monom replace)))
450 (defvar *must-replace-data* nil)
451 (defun monomial-finish-replace ( )
452 (destructuring-let (((part-above mon repl) *must-replace-data*))
453 (cons (ptimes (num repl) (num (ratreduce part-above mon))) (denom repl))))
455 (defun sort-poly-simplifications ()
456 (setq *poly-simplifications*
457 (sort-grouped-list
458 *poly-simplifications*
459 2 #'(lambda (x y)
460 (cond ((equal x y) nil)
461 (t (funcall *monomial-order-function* y x)))))))
463 (defun check-simp (a simped &optional (tag 'simps-not-equal) )
464 (cond ((not (equal (polysimp a) simped))(break tag))))
465 (defvar *show-grob* nil)
466 (defvar *conclusion* nil)
467 (defun conclusionp ()
468 (cond (*conclusion*
469 (format t "~%Checking conclusion... ")
470 (cond ((zero-modulo-simplifications *conclusion*)
471 (format t "~%The conclusion already follows.")
472 (throw 'its-proven t))
473 (t (format t "no good yet"))))))
475 (defun new-zerop (x)
476 (or (eql x 0)
477 (and (listp x) (eql (car x) 0))))
479 (defvar *simplify-rhs* t)
481 (defun simplify-poly-simplifications (&aux seq repl hi old-simps repl-simp try-conclusion
482 resimplify mono dif leng replacement-of-mono)
483 ;; (if test-all-theorems (check-proof-time))
484 (cond
485 (*show-grob*
486 (setq leng (length *poly-simplifications*))
487 (format t "~%Starting to simplify ~A poly-simplifications " (truncate leng 2))
488 (cond ((> 10 leng )
489 (show-simps))
490 (t (format t "~%Replacements are :") (show-replacements)))))
491 (cond
492 ((loop
493 for v in *poly-simplifications* by #'cddr
494 when (numberp v)
495 do (setq *poly-simplifications*
496 (list 1 (rzero))) (return 'unit-ideal)))
498 (sort-poly-simplifications)
499 (loop
500 ;;for (seq repl) on *poly-simplifications* by #'cddr
501 for i from 2 by 2 while (<= i (length *poly-simplifications*))
503 (setq seq (nth (- i 2) *poly-simplifications*)
504 repl(nth (- i 1) *poly-simplifications*))
505 (setq old-simps *poly-simplifications*)
506 (setq *poly-simplifications* (append ;;;nconac ok..
507 (subseq *poly-simplifications* 0 (- i 2))
508 (nthcdr i *poly-simplifications*)))
509 (cond ((must-replacep (setq mono (convert-deg-sequence-to-monomial seq)))
510 (cond (*show-grob* (sh mono) (format t " is not reduced")))
512 (cond ((equal (setq replacement-of-mono
513 ;; (polysimp mono)
514 (monomial-finish-replace))
515 repl)
516 (setq i (- i 2))
517 (format t "eliminated one")
518 ;; (check-simp mono replacement-of-mono 'a)
520 (t (setq dif
521 (pdifference ;;;just need the numerator...
522 (ptimes (num replacement-of-mono)
523 (denom repl))
524 (ptimes (num repl) (denom replacement-of-mono))))
526 (cond (*simplify-rhs*
527 (setq dif (polysimp dif))))
528 (cond ((not (new-zerop dif))
529 (add-to-poly-simplifications dif nil)
530 (setq try-conclusion t)))
531 (setq resimplify t)
532 ; (format t "~%having to resimplify.." ) (sh dif)
533 (return 'added))))
534 ((and *simplify-rhs*
535 (must-replacep (num repl)))
536 ;;replace the replacement only so monom ok..
537 (setq repl-simp (polysimp (num repl)))
538 (setq repl-simp
539 (ratreduce (num repl-simp)
540 (ptimes (denom repl-simp) (denom repl))))
541 ;(check-simp (nth (1- i) old-simps) repl-simp 'c)
542 (setf (nth (1- i) old-simps ) repl-simp)
543 (setq *poly-simplifications* old-simps))
544 (t (setq *poly-simplifications* old-simps))))))
545 ;;?? this was not in earlier version:
546 (cond (resimplify (simplify-poly-simplifications)))
547 ;; (cond (try-conclusion (conclusionp))) ;;moved to add-to-simps..
548 *poly-simplifications*)
551 (defun seq-op (seqa seqb &optional (op #'-))
552 (cond ((null seqa) seqb)
553 ((null seqb) seqa)
554 ((eq (car seqa) (car seqb))
555 (nconc (list (car seqa ) (funcall op (second seqa) (second seqb)))
556 (seq-op (cddr seqa) (cddr seqb) op)))
557 ((pointergp (car seqa) (car seqb))
558 (nconc (list (car seqa ) (second seqa))
559 (seq-op (cddr seqa) seqb) op))
560 (t (nconc (list (car seqb ) (second seqb))
561 (seq-op seqa (cddr seqb) op)))))
562 (defun seq-lessp (seqa seqb)
563 (cond ((catch 'less (seq-op seqa seqb
564 #'(lambda (x y)
565 (cond ((> x y)(throw 'less t))))))
566 nil)
567 (t t)))
569 (defun seq-minus (seqa)
570 (setq seqa (copy-list seqa))
571 (loop for v on (cdr seqa) by #'cddr
572 do (setf (first v) (- (first v))))
573 seqa)
574 ;;see other one above
575 ;(defun simplify-poly-simplifications ( &aux hi new monom new-simps)
576 ; "This works but is not too quick"
577 ; (setq *poly-simplifications* (sort-grouped-list
578 ; *poly-simplifications*
579 ; 2 '(lambda (x y)
580 ; (cond ((equal x y) nil)
581 ; (t (funcall *monomial-order-function* y x))))))
582 ; (cond (*show-grob* (format t "~%Starting to simplify ..") (show-simps)))
583 ; (loop for (deg repl) on *poly-simplifications* by #'cddr
584 ; for i from 2 by 2
585 ; do
586 ; (setq new-simps nil)
587 ; (let ((*poly-simplifications* (append ;;;nconc ok..
588 ; (firstn (- i 2) *poly-simplifications*)
589 ; (nthcdr i *poly-simplifications*))))
590 ; (cond ((or (must-replacep (setq monom (convert-deg-sequence-to-monomial deg)))
591 ; (must-replacep (num repl)))
592 ; ;;should use values of must-replacep to save time
593 ; (setq new (pdifference (num repl) (ptimes monom (denom repl))))
594 ; (setq new (polysimp new))
595 ; (setq new-simps (add-to-poly-simplifications new nil))
596 ; (show-simps new-simps))))
597 ; (cond (new-simps (setq *poly-simplifications* new-simps)
598 ; (return 'found-one))))
599 ; (cond (new-simps (simplify-poly-simplifications)))
600 ; *poly-simplifications*)
602 (defun basis_from_simps(&optional(simps *poly-simplifications*))
603 (cons '(mlist)
604 (loop for (u v) on simps by #'cddr
605 collecting (n- u v))))
607 (defun convert-poly-simplifications-to-macsyma-form (simps)
608 (loop for (u v) on simps by #'cddr
609 collecting (list '(mlist) (header-poly (convert-deg-sequence-to-monomial u))
610 (header-poly v)) into tem
611 finally (return (cons '(mlist) tem))))
614 (defun overlap-degree (seqa seqb &aux answer temm tem)
615 (setq answer (+ (loop for v on seqa by #'cddr
616 when (and (setq tem (get-altq (car v) seqb))
617 (not (zerop (setq temm (min tem (second v))))))
618 summing (- (second v) temm)
619 else summing (second v))
620 (degree-of-deg-sequence seqb))))
622 (defun overlap (seqa seqb &aux tem)
623 (loop for v on seqa by #'cddr
624 when (and (setq tem (get-altq (car v) seqb))
625 (not (zerop (setq tem (min tem (second v))))))
626 collecting (car v)
628 collecting tem))
629 (defun degree-of-deg-sequence (seq)
630 (loop for v in (cdr seq) by #'cddr
631 summing v))
633 (defun replacement-sequences ()
634 (loop for v in *poly-simplifications* by #'cddr collecting v))
635 (defun show-replacements ()
636 (displa ($poly_replacements)))
637 (defun $polY_replacements()
638 (loop for v in (replacements)
639 collecting (header-poly (convert-deg-sequence-to-monomial v))
640 into tem finally (return (cons '(mlist) tem))))
642 (defun degree-of-worst-monomial (poly)
643 (degree-of-deg-sequence (find-main-monomial poly)))
644 (defun show-simps (&optional (simps *poly-simplifications*))
645 (displa (convert-poly-simplifications-to-macsyma-form simps)))
646 (defvar *overlaps-already-checked* nil)
647 (defvar *homogeneous-relations* nil)
648 (defvar *good-thru-degree* 0)
650 (defvar *timed-grobner-basis* nil)
651 (defun timedbasis (initial-time)
652 (and *timed-grobner-basis*
653 (< *timed-grobner-basis*
654 (- (get-internal-run-time) initial-time)
656 (progn (if-verbose (format t "~%Grobner basis took too long, didn't finish")
657 (show-simps))
659 (throw 'took-too-long 'took-too-long))))
661 (defvar *show-complexity* t)
663 (defun check-overlaps (deg &key reset homogeneous (from-degree 1)
664 (add-to-simps t) (maybe-reset t)
665 (initial-time (get-internal-run-time))
666 &aux tem associator v)
667 (cond (*homogeneous-relations*
668 (show *homogeneous-relations*)
669 (format t "Assuming homogeneous relations")
670 (setq homogeneous t)))
672 (cond (reset (setq *overlaps-already-checked* nil))
673 (maybe-reset
674 (cond ((y-or-n-p "Reset *overlaps-already-checked* to nil")
675 (setq *overlaps-already-checked* nil)))))
676 (loop for i from from-degree to deg do
677 (block big-sue
678 (loop for subl on (nreverse (replacement-sequences))
679 do (setq v (car subl))
680 (loop for (w) on (cdr subl)
681 when
682 (and w
683 (= (overlap-degree v w) i)
684 (setq tem (overlap v w));;could check without consing
685 (not (member (list v w) *overlaps-already-checked* :test #'equal)))
687 (timedbasis initial-time)
688 (setq associator (check-associative v tem w))
689 (push (list v w) *overlaps-already-checked* )
690 (cond ((rzerop associator)
691 (setq initial-time (+ initial-time 30))
692 (if-verbose (show (- (get-internal-run-time) initial-time))
693 (format t " zero associator, ")))
694 (add-to-simps
695 (add-to-poly-simplifications associator)
696 (cond (*show-complexity*
697 (terpri)
698 (loop for v in (cdr *poly-simplifications*) by #'cddr
699 do (format t " . ~a" (+ (pcomplexity (num v))
700 (pcomplexity (denom v)))))))
701 (conclusionp)
702 (cond ((null homogeneous)
703 (setq from-degree (min from-degree (degree-of-worst-monomial (car associator))))))
704 (check-overlaps deg :homogeneous homogeneous
705 :from-degree from-degree :initial-time initial-time
706 :add-to-simps add-to-simps :maybe-reset nil)
707 (return-from big-sue 'done))
708 (t (break 'found-non-associative))))
709 finally (return *poly-simplifications*)))
710 (cond (homogeneous (setq from-degree i))))
711 *poly-simplifications*)
714 (defun $polysimp (f &aux answer)
715 (setq answer (case (poly-type f)
716 (:number f)
717 (:polynomial (polysimp f))
718 (:rational-function (ratquotient (polysimp (num f))
719 (polysimp (denom f))))
720 (t nil)))
721 (cond (answer
722 (header-poly answer))
723 (t (cond ((mbagp f)(cons (car f) (mapcar '$polysimp (cdr f))))
724 (t ($polysimp (new-rat ($totaldisrep f))))))))
726 (defun check-associative (a overlap b &aux answer simpa simpb)
727 (when *show-grob*
728 (format t "Checking overlap ~A for ~A ~A "(disrep-list overlap) (disrep-list a) (disrep-list b)))
729 (let ((ma (convert-deg-sequence-to-monomial a))
730 ( mo (convert-deg-sequence-to-monomial overlap))
731 (mb (convert-deg-sequence-to-monomial b)))
732 ; (setq simpa (polysimp (cons ma 1)))
733 (setq simpa (get-altq a *poly-simplifications*))
734 (setq simpb (get-altq b *poly-simplifications*))
735 ; (setq simpb (polysimp (cons mb 1)))
737 (setq simpa (cons (ptimes (num simpa) (num (ratreduce mb mo))) (denom simpa)))
738 (setq simpb (cons (ptimes (num simpb) (num (ratreduce ma mo))) (denom simpb)))
740 ;;everything you're just shifting a numerator there
741 (cond ((equal simpa simpb)
742 (princ ".")
743 (cond (*show-grob* (format t"..The overlap is associative")(rzero)))
744 (rzero))
746 (setq answer (ratdifference simpa simpb))
747 (cond ((null *simplify-rhs* ) (setq plain-answer answer)
748 (setq answer (nred (polysimp (function-numerator answer))
749 (function-denominator answer)))))
750 (cond ((null *simplify-rhs*)
751 (cond ((new-zerop answer))
752 (t (setq answer plain-answer)))))
753 (cond (*show-grob*
754 (format t "~%The difference is ..")(sh answer)))
755 (cond ((new-zerop answer) (princ ".")(rzero))
756 (t answer))))))
758 (defvar *simplify-simplifications* nil)
760 (defun reverse-z-order-sequence (seqa seqb)
761 (and (not (equal seqa seqb))(not (z-order-sequence seqb seqa))))
763 (defun z-order-sequence (seqa seqb)
764 (loop for v on seqa by #'cddr
765 for w on seqb by #'cddr
766 when (or (< (symbol-value (car v)) (symbol-value (car w)))
767 (< (second v)(second w)))
768 do (return nil)
769 finally (return (not (equal v w)))))
771 (defun n** (&rest l)
772 (case (length l)
773 (0 1)
774 (1 (car l))
775 (2 (n* (car l) (cadr l)))
776 (t (n* (car l) (apply 'n** (cdr l))))))
778 ;(setq me #$[x,x^2,z,z^2,z^2*x,z^2*x*t]$)
779 (defun xyz-order-sequence (seqa seqb)
780 " so x<x^2<z<z^2<z^2*x<z^2*x*t the worst monomial is the most main monomial ie
781 highest degree in z then highest in y etc. "
782 (loop for (var deg) on seqb by #'cddr while seqa
784 (cond ((eq (car seqa) var)
785 (cond ((> (second seqa) deg) (return nil))
786 ((< (second seqa) deg) (return t))
787 (t (setq seqa (cddr seqa)))))
788 ((pointergp (car seqa) var) (return nil))
789 (t (return t)))
790 finally (cond ((null seqa) (return (and seqb)))
791 (t (return nil)))))
794 (defun degree-of-sequence (seq)
795 (loop for v on (cdr seq) by #'cddr
796 summing (car v)))
797 (defun xyz-and-degree (seqa seqb &aux (d1 (degree-of-sequence seqa))
798 (d2 (degree-of-sequence seqb)))
799 (cond ((eq d1 d2)(xyz-order-sequence seqa seqb))
800 ((< d1 d2) t)
801 (t nil)))
803 (defun remove-0 (lis)
804 (loop for (var deg) on lis by #'cddr
805 unless (zerop deg)
806 collecting var and collecting deg))
808 ;(defun xyz-order-sequence (seqa seqb)
809 ; " so x<x^2<z<z^2<z^2*x<z^2*x*t the worst monomial is the most main monomial ie
810 ; highest degree in z then highest in y etc. "
811 ; (loop for v on seqa by #'cddr
812 ; for w on seqb by #'cddr
813 ; do
814 ; (cond ((eq (car v) (car w))
815 ; (cond ((eq (second w)(second v))nil)
816 ; ((< (second v)(second w))(return t))
817 ; (t (return nil))))
818 ; ((< (symbol-value (car v)) (symbol-value (car w)))(return t))
819 ; (t (return nil)))))
821 (defun reverse-xyz-order-sequence (seqa seqb)
822 (and (not (equal seqa seqb))(not (xyz-order-sequence seqb seqa))))
824 ;(defun polysimp (poly &aux (changes t) changed tem repl (replaced-th 0))
825 ; (cond ((affine-polynomialp poly)(setq poly (cons poly 1)))
826 ; ((rational-functionp poly) nil)
827 ; (t (setq poly (new-rat poly))))
828 ; (cond ((constant-functionp poly) (values poly nil))
829 ; (t
830 ; (loop while changes
831 ; do (setq changes nil)
832 ; (loop for v on *poly-simplifications* by #'cddr
833 ; for i from 0 by 2
834 ; when (setq tem (part-above-degree (num poly) (car v)))
835 ; do (setq changes t changed t)
836 ; (cond ((< i replaced-th)
837 ; (format t "~%Replacing by earlier ~A before ~A"
838 ; (disrep-list (nth i *poly-simplifications* ))
839 ; (disrep-list (nth replaced-th *poly-simplifications* ))
840 ; (break t))))
842 ; (setq replaced-th i)
844 ; (setq repl (replace-monomial-rat poly (second v) (car v) tem ))
845 ; (cond ((eql (num repl) 0)(setq changes nil)))
846 ; (setq poly repl)
847 ; (return 'changed))
848 ; finally (return 'done))
849 ; (values poly changed))))
851 (defun zero-modulo-simplifications (poly )
852 (pzerop (polysimp-ignore-denominator poly)))
855 (defun polysimp-ignore-denominator (poly &aux (changes t) *reduce* changed tem repl)
856 "Returns something G where G*unit= poly modulo simplifications"
857 (setq poly
858 (cond ((affine-polynomialp poly)(cons poly 1))
859 ((rational-functionp poly) (cons (num poly ) 1))
860 (t (cons (num (new-rat poly)) 1))))
861 (cond ((constant-functionp poly) nil)
863 (loop while changes
864 do (setq changes nil)
865 (loop for v on *poly-simplifications* by #'cddr
866 when (setq tem (part-above-degree (num poly) (car v)))
867 do (setq changes t changed t)
868 (setq repl (replace-monomial-rat poly (second v) (car v) tem ))
869 (cond ((eql (num repl) 0)(setq changes nil)))
870 (setq poly (cons (num repl) 1))
871 (return 'changed))
872 finally (return 'done))))
873 (function-numerator poly))
875 (defun polysimp (poly &aux (changes t) changed tem repl)
876 (cond ((affine-polynomialp poly)(setq poly (cons poly 1)))
877 ((rational-functionp poly) nil)
878 (t (fsignal "bad-poly ~a" poly) (setq poly (new-rat poly))))
879 (cond ((constant-functionp poly)
880 (cond ((get-altq 1 *poly-simplifications*)(values 0 nil))
881 (t (values poly nil))))
883 (loop while changes
884 do (setq changes nil)
885 (loop for v on *poly-simplifications* by #'cddr
886 when (setq tem (part-above-degree (num poly) (car v)))
887 do (setq changes t changed t)
888 (setq repl (replace-monomial-rat poly (second v) (car v) tem ))
889 (cond ((eql (num repl) 0)(setq changes nil)))
890 (setq poly repl)
891 (return 'changed))
892 finally (return 'done))
893 (values poly changed))))
894 ;(defun polysimp (poly &aux (changes t) changed tem repl)
895 ; (cond ((affine-polynomialp poly)(setq poly (cons poly 1)))
896 ; ((rational-functionp poly) nil)
897 ; (t (setq poly (new-rat poly))))
898 ; (cond ((constant-functionp poly) (values poly nil))
899 ; (t
900 ; (loop while changes
901 ; do (setq changes nil)
902 ; (loop for v on *poly-simplifications* by #'cddr
903 ; when (setq tem (part-above-degree (num poly) (car v)))
904 ; do (setq changes t changed t)
905 ; (setq repl (replace-monomial (num poly) (second v) (car v) tem ))
906 ; (cond ((eql (num repl) 0)(setq changes nil)))
907 ; (setq poly (ratreduce (num repl) (ptimes (denom poly) (denom repl))))
908 ; (return 'changed))
909 ; finally (return 'done))
910 ; (values poly changed))))
912 ;(defun polysimp (poly &aux (changes t) tem)
913 ; (cond ((affine-polynomialp poly)nil)
914 ; ((rational-functionp poly) nil)
915 ; (t (setq poly (new-rat poly))))
916 ; (loop while changes
917 ; do (setq changes nil)
918 ; (loop for v on *poly-simplifications* by #'cddr
919 ; when (setq tem (part-above-degree poly (car v)))
920 ; do (setq changes t)
921 ; (setq poly (replace-monomial poly (second v) (car v)))
922 ; (return 'changed))
923 ; finally (return poly)))
929 NIL)
935 ;;;could introduce *remaining-poly-simplifications* which is set by rat-polysimp
936 ;;;initially to all *poly-simplifications* and then gradually reduced by rat-polysimp-once
937 ;(defun rat-polysimp-once (poly &aux new-denom tem)
938 ; (cond ((not (numberp poly))
939 ; (loop for (deg-seq repl) on *poly-simplifications* by #'cddr
940 ; when (setq tem (part-above-degree poly deg-seq))
941 ; do
942 ; (setq new-denom (denom repl))
943 ; (setq poly (replace-monomial poly repl deg-seq))
944 ; (return 'changed))
945 ; (values poly new-denom))
946 ; (t poly)))
947 ; ;;new-denom will be nil unless there was a changed
950 ;;;;we just use polysimp now. it accepts a rat or non rat f'n checking...
952 ;(defun rat-polysimp (rat-poly &aux (changes t) a b changed-since-reduction
953 ; changed-at-least-once answer)
954 ;; (format t "~%beginning to rat-polysimp..") (sh rat-poly)
955 ; (setq a (num rat-poly) b (denom rat-poly))
956 ; (setq answer
957 ; (loop while changes
958 ; do (setq changes nil)
959 ; (multiple-value-bind (new-poly changed-denom)
960 ; (rat-polysimp-once a)
961 ; (cond (changed-denom (setq changes t)(setq changed-since-reduction t)
962 ; (setq changed-at-least-once t)
963 ; (setq b (ptimes changed-denom b))
964 ; (setq a new-poly)
965 ; (cond ((numberp b) nil)
966 ; (t (setq rat-poly (ratreduce a b))
967 ; (setq changed-since-reduction nil)
968 ; (setq a (num rat-poly) b (denom rat-poly)))))))
969 ; finally(cond (changed-since-reduction (return (ratreduce a b)))
970 ; (t (return rat-poly)))))
971 ;; (format t "~%ending rat-polysimp with answer...") (sh answer)
972 ; (values answer changed-at-least-once))
974 (defun $current_grobner_basis (&optional (simps *poly-simplifications*))
975 (loop for (seq repl) on simps by #'cddr
976 when (numberp seq) do (return '((mlist) 1))
977 collecting (header-poly
978 (cons (pdifference
979 (num repl)
980 (ptimes (convert-deg-sequence-to-monomial seq)
981 (denom repl)))
983 into tem
984 finally (return (cons '(mlist) tem))))
986 (defun $grobner_basis (ideal &optional no-concl homogeneous (upto 100))
987 (cond (no-concl (setq *conclusion* nil)))
988 (check-arg ideal $listp "macsyma list")
990 ($set_up_poly_simplifications ideal)
991 ; (show-simps)
992 (conclusionp)
993 (check-overlaps upto :reset t :homogeneous homogeneous)
994 ($current_grobner_basis))
996 (defun delete-pair (first-item a-list )
997 "deletes first occurrence"
998 (loop
999 for w on a-list by #'cddr
1000 when (not (equal (car w) first-item))
1001 collecting (car w) into tem
1003 collecting (second w) into tem
1004 else do (return (nconc tem (cddr w)))))
1006 (defun seq-subset (seqa seqb &aux answer)
1007 (setq answer (catch 'not-in
1008 (seq-op seqa seqb #'(lambda (.a. b) (cond ( (<= .a. b)
1009 (- b .a.))
1010 (t (throw 'not-in 'no)))))))
1011 (cond ((eq answer 'no) nil)
1012 (t answer)))
1016 (defvar *old-genvar* nil)
1018 ;;this is dangerous for some reason...
1019 (defun substitute-real-symbols-for-genvar (&optional a-list)
1020 (cond ((null a-list)
1021 (setq a-list (loop for v in *genvar* collecting
1022 (intern (string-trim "$" (get v 'disrep)))))))
1023 (check-arg a-list (eql (length a-list) (length *genvar*)) "not right length")
1024 (loop for v in *genvar*
1025 for w in a-list
1027 (setf (symbol-value w) (symbol-value v))
1028 (setf (symbol-plist w) (symbol-plist v))
1029 finally (setq *genvar* a-list *old-genvar* *genvar*)))
1031 (defun $generate_matrix (funct rows cols)
1032 (loop for i from 1 to rows
1033 collecting
1034 (loop for j from 1 to cols
1035 collecting (mfuncall funct i j)
1036 into tem
1037 finally (return (cons '(mlist) tem)))
1038 into temm
1039 finally (return (cons '($matrix) temm))))
1041 (defun $nilpotent ($f &aux (old-simps *poly-simplifications*) )
1042 (unwind-protect
1043 (let (*conclusion* (me (sub* (mul* $f '$ggggg) 1)) mee)
1044 (setq mee (new-rat me))
1045 (add-to-poly-simplifications mee)
1046 (check-overlaps 10 :add-to-simps t :reset t)
1047 (cond ((eql 0 ($polysimp '$ggggg)) t)
1048 (t nil)))
1049 (setq *poly-simplifications* old-simps)))
1051 (defun rat-variable( a-var)
1052 (loop for v in *varlist*
1053 for w in *genvar*
1054 when (eq v a-var)
1055 do (return (list w 1 1))
1056 finally (show a-var v w)(new-rat (mul* a-var 2))
1057 (return (rat-variable a-var))))
1059 (defun must-replace-monom (monom repl)
1060 (loop for seq in repl
1061 when (occurs-in monom seq)
1062 do (return t)))
1064 (defun sort-list-of-monomials (a-list &aux grouped)
1065 (setq grouped
1066 (loop for v in a-list collecting (convert-monomial-to-deg-sequence v)
1067 collecting v))
1068 (setq grouped (sort-grouped-list grouped 2 *monomial-order-function*))
1069 (loop for w in (cdr grouped) by #'cddr collecting w))
1071 ;(user:defremember grobner-monomials(variables n &optional (replacements
1072 ; (replacements))
1073 ; reset
1075 ; "Note that in this code the replacements are mereley for the remember feature,
1076 ; and *poly-simplifications* are the ones used for the must-replacep. The version
1077 ; below is similar but just uses occurs-in instead of must-replacep"
1078 ; (let (rat-vars tem vv)
1079 ; (check-arg variables $listp "macsyma list")
1080 ; (cond ((= n 0)(cond ((member 1 replacements) nil)
1081 ; (t (list 1))))
1082 ; ((= n 1)
1083 ; (setq rat-vars (loop for v in (cdr variables)
1084 ; do (setq vv (rat-variable v))
1085 ; when (not (must-replacep vv))
1086 ; collecting vv ))
1087 ; (setq rat-vars (sort rat-vars #'(lambda (x y) (pointergp (car x) (car y)))))
1088 ; rat-vars)
1089 ; (t (loop for w in (grobner-monomials variables (1- n) replacements reset)
1090 ; appending
1091 ; (loop for uu in (grobner-monomials variables 1 replacements reset)
1092 ; when (and
1093 ; (>= (symbol-value (car uu))
1094 ; (symbol-value (car w)))
1095 ; (not (must-replacep (setq tem (ptimes w uu)) )))
1096 ; collecting tem))))))
1099 (defun $poly_monomial_dimensions (variables to-deg &aux tem)
1100 (loop for i from 0 to to-deg
1101 do (format t "~%There are ~A independent monomials in degree ~A"
1102 (setq tem (length (grobner-monomials variables i))) i)
1103 summing tem into tot
1104 finally (format t "~% The total is ~A." tot)(return tot)))
1106 (defremember grobner-bi-monomials(variables-y variables-x n-y n-x &optional (replacements
1107 (replacements))
1108 reset
1110 (cond (reset (clear-memory-function 'grobner-monomials)))
1111 (let ( tem )
1112 (check-arg variables-y $listp "macsyma list")
1113 (cond ((= n-x 0)
1114 (grobner-monomials variables-y n-y replacements reset))
1115 ((= n-y 0)
1116 (grobner-monomials variables-x n-x replacements reset))
1117 (t (loop for w in (grobner-bi-monomials variables-y variables-x (1- n-y) n-x replacements reset)
1118 appending
1119 (loop for uu in (grobner-monomials variables-y 1 replacements reset)
1120 when (and
1121 (>= (symbol-value (car uu))
1122 (symbol-value (car w)))
1123 (not (must-replace-monom (setq tem (ptimes w uu)) replacements)))
1124 collecting tem))))))
1126 (defremember grobner-monomials(variables n &optional (replacements
1127 (replacements))
1128 reset
1130 (cond (reset (clear-memory-function 'grobner-monomials)))
1131 (let (rat-vars tem vv)
1132 (check-arg variables $listp "macsyma list")
1133 (cond ((= n 0)(cond ((member 1 replacements) nil)
1134 (t (list 1))))
1135 ((= n 1)
1136 (setq rat-vars (loop for v in (cdr variables)
1137 do (setq vv (rat-variable v))
1138 when (not (must-replace-monom vv replacements))
1139 collecting vv ))
1140 (setq rat-vars (sort rat-vars #'(lambda (x y) (pointergp (car x) (car y)))))
1141 rat-vars)
1142 (t (loop for w in (grobner-monomials variables (1- n) replacements reset)
1143 appending
1144 (loop for uu in (grobner-monomials variables 1 replacements reset)
1145 when (and
1146 (>= (symbol-value (car uu))
1147 (symbol-value (car w)))
1148 (not (must-replace-monom (setq tem (ptimes w uu)) replacements)))
1149 collecting tem))))))
1151 (defun $grobner_monomials (variables n &optional (replacements
1152 (replacements))
1153 reset)
1154 (cons '(Mlist) (mapcar 'new-disrep (grobner-monomials variables n replacements reset))))
1157 (defun $list_relations (&rest l)
1158 (loop for v in l
1159 when ($listp v)
1160 appending (cdr (apply '$list_relations (cdr v))) into tem
1161 else
1162 when (equal (caar v) 'mequal)
1163 collecting (sub* (second v) (third v))into tem
1164 else collecting v into tem
1165 finally (return (cons '(mlist) tem))))
1167 (defun rat-degree (poly var)
1168 (cond ((numberp poly)0)
1169 ((eq (car poly) var)(second poly))
1170 (t (loop for (deg cof) on (cdr poly) by #'cddr
1171 maximize (rat-degree cof var)))))
1173 (defun rational-sub (poly var new-denom &aux numerator)
1174 "to do y-->y/u where u is earlier in the order and u is a poly"
1175 (let ((deg (rat-degree poly var)))
1176 (setq poly (copy-tree poly))
1177 (setq numerator (rational-sub1 poly var new-denom deg))
1178 (values poly new-denom deg)))
1180 (defun rational-sub1 (poly var new-denom degree)
1181 (cond ((atom poly)(setq poly (ptimes poly (pexpt new-denom degree) )))
1182 ((eq (car poly) var)
1183 (loop for tail on (cdr poly) by #'cddr
1184 for (deg cof) on (cdr poly) by #'cddr
1185 do (setf (second tail)
1186 (ptimes cof (pexpt new-denom (- degree deg))))))
1187 (t (loop for tail on (cdr poly) by #'cddr
1188 do (setf (second tail)
1189 (rational-sub1 (second tail) var new-denom degree)))))
1190 Poly)
1192 (defun $te (poly var repl)
1193 (header-poly (rational-sub (num (new-rat poly)) (caar (new-rat var)) (num (new-rat repl)))))
1195 (defun $te (poly var)
1196 (rat-degree(num (new-rat poly )) (caar (new-rat var))))
1198 (defun $Contract_to_variables (a-list upto-variable &optional (before-var nil) &aux tem)
1199 (check-arg a-list $listp "Macsyma list")
1200 (cond ((null before-var)(setq before-var (+ (symbol-value (get-genvar upto-variable)) .5)))
1201 (t (setq before-var (symbol-value (get-genvar before-var)))))
1202 (loop for v in (cdr a-list)
1204 (setq tem nil)
1205 (case (poly-type v)
1206 (:polynomial (setq tem (car v)))
1207 (:rational-function (setq tem (caar v)))
1208 (:$rat (setq tem (caadr v))))
1209 (cond ((> before-var (symbol-value tem))
1210 (setq tem v))
1211 (t (setq tem nil)))
1212 when tem
1213 collecting tem into llist
1214 finally (return (cons '(mlist ) llist))))
1216 ;(defun st-rat (x &aux answer)
1217 ; "Returns a a number or cre polynomial or rational-function corresponding to x
1218 ;where x may be a polynomial"
1219 ; (cond ((and (listp x) (mbagp x))
1220 ; (cons (car x) (mapcar 'st-rat (cdr x)))))
1221 ; (cond ((case (poly-type x)
1222 ; (:number t)
1223 ; (:polynomial (member (car x) *genvar* :test #'eq))
1224 ; (:rational-function (member (caar x) *genvar* :test #'eq))
1225 ; (:$rat (member (caadr x) *genvar* :test #'eq)(setq x (cdr x)))
1226 ; (t nil))
1227 ; (cond ((numberp x) x)
1228 ; ((and (rational-functionp x)(eql (denom x) 1))(num x))
1229 ; (t x)))
1230 ; (t (cond ((member (poly-type x) '(:rational-function :polynomial :number) :test #'eq)
1231 ; (merror "not in standard rat form ~A " x))
1232 ; (t (setq answer (new-rat x))(show (denom answer))
1233 ; (cond ((and (rational-functionp answer)
1234 ; (eql (denom answer) 1)) (num answer))
1235 ; (t answer)))))))
1237 (defun st-rat (x)
1238 (cond ((and (listp x)(listp (car x)) (mbagp x))
1239 (mapcar 'st-rat1 (cdr x)))
1240 (t (st-rat1 x))))
1242 (defun st-rat1 (x)
1243 (cond ((affine-polynomialp x) x)
1244 ((rational-functionp x) (cond ((eql (denom x) 1)(num x))
1245 (t x)))
1246 (($ratp x) (cond ((numberp (num (cdr x))) (st-rat (cdr x)))
1247 ((member (caadr x) *genvar* :test #'eq)(st-rat (cdr x)))
1248 (t (st-rat ($totaldisrep x)))))
1249 (t (st-rat (new-rat x)))))
1251 (defun get-genvar (var)
1252 (caar (new-rat var)))
1254 ;;Thus h is in ideal1 ^R ideal2 iff h is in ideal1*zz+ideal2*(1-zz)
1255 ;;the ==> direction is trivial and
1256 ;; for <== h(x,y)=i1zz+i2(1-zz) and h is free of zz then i1=i2 and h=i2.
1257 (defun $ideal_intersection (ideal1 ideal2)
1258 "Returns the grobner basis of the intersection of the ideals generated by the
1259 two lists ideal1 and ideal2"
1260 (check-arg ideal1 '$listp "macsyma list")
1261 (let ((new-var (intern "ZZZZZ1"))
1262 gen basis)
1263 (setq gen (get-genvar new-var))
1264 (setq basis (append
1265 (loop for w in (cdr ideal1)
1266 collecting (n* new-var w))
1267 (loop for w in (cdr ideal2)
1268 collecting (n* (n- 1 new-var ) w))))
1269 (setq basis ($grobner_basis (cons '(mlist)basis)))
1270 ($contract_to_variables basis nil new-var)))
1272 (defun $grobner_basis_of_slice (slices original-relations &aux relats)
1273 (check-arg slices '$listp "macsyma list")
1274 (check-arg original-relations '$listp "macsyma list")
1275 (setq relats
1276 (append
1277 (loop for u in (cdr slices )
1278 collecting (bring-to-left-side u))
1279 (cdr original-relations)))
1280 (displa (setq relats (cons '(mlist) relats)))
1281 ($grobner_basis relats))
1284 ;(DEFUN TE ($X)
1285 ; (MEVAL `((MPLUS) $X 3)))
1288 ;(defmacro vb (&rest l)
1289 ; (loop for v in l
1290 ; collecting (list 'eval? v) into tem
1291 ; finally (return (cons 'list tem))))
1294 ;(defmacro eval? (ssymbol)
1295 ; `(cond ( ,(list 'variable-boundp ssymbol) ,ssymbol)
1296 ; (t (print 'special) ',ssymbol)))
1297 ;(defmacro teee (x)
1298 ; (funcall 'variable-boundp x)
1299 ; '(cons 1 1))
1302 ;(hii 3)
1303 ;(defun te (b)
1304 ; (teee b)
1305 ; (vb b x))
1307 ;si:
1308 ;(defun describe-region (region &key octal (stream standard-output) &aux bits)
1309 ; (cond (octal (let ((sstring (format nil "~A" region))
1310 ; (ibase #10r8))
1311 ; (setq region (read-from-string sstring)))))
1314 ; (FORMAT stream
1315 ; "~% Region #~O: Origin ~:O, Length ~:O, Free ~:O, GC ~:O, Type ~A ~A, ~[~;Read only, ~]~[~;Temp, ~]~@[Swapin ~O, ~]~[NoScav~;Scav~]~[~; Safeguard~]~[~; NoCons~]~[~; Ephemeral~]~:[ Level=~D~]~%"
1319 ; '(LIST STRUC "REP=2" "REP=3"))
1335 ;si:
1337 ; (stream standard-output) &AUX LENGTH USED N-REGIONS)
1339 ; (DO AREA-NUMBER 0 (1+ AREA-NUMBER) (= AREA-NUMBER (length (the lisp::array #'AREA-NAME)))
1342 ; (FORMAT stream "~%Area #~O: ~S has ~D region~P, max size ~:O, region size ~:O (octal):~%"
1346 ; (BITS))
1347 ; ((MINUSP REGION))
1349 ; (FORMAT stream " Region #~O: Origin ~:O, Length ~:O, Free ~:O, GC ~:O, Type ~A ~A, ~[~;Read only, ~]~[~;Temp, ~]~@[Swapin ~O, ~]~[NoScav~;Scav~]~[~; Safeguard~]~[~; NoCons~]~[~; Ephemeral~]~:[ Level=~D~]~%"
1353 ; '(LIST STRUC "REP=2" "REP=3"))
1367 ; (RETURN t)))))
1369 ;si:
1370 ;(defvar *bad-length* nil)
1371 ;si:
1374 ; (NEXT-REGION))
1375 ; ((MINUSP REGION))
1377 ; (cond
1378 ; ((> (region-free-pointer region) (region-length region))
1379 ; (setq reset nil)
1380 ; (push
1381 ; (List
1382 ; (time:print-current-time nil)
1383 ; (region-free-pointer region)
1384 ; (region-length region)
1385 ; (describe-region region :stream nil)
1386 ; (describe-region (%region-number (setq nex (+ (region-origin region)
1387 ; (region-free-pointer region))))
1388 ; :stream nil)
1389 ; (describe-area 31 :stream nil)
1390 ; region (region-bits region) area) *Bad-length*)
1391 ; (beep)
1392 ; (format tv:who-line-documentation-window
1393 ; "~A****The region too long***" (describe-region region :stream nil))
1394 ; (with-open-file
1395 ; (str "isaac:>wfs>bad-length" (list :out))
1396 ; (describe-area (%area-number nex) :stream str)
1397 ; (describe-area 31 :stream str)
1398 ; (format str "~A" *bad-length*))
1399 ; (beep))))
1400 ; (cond (reset
1401 ; (without-interrupts
1402 ; (prog1
1404 ; (NEXT-REGION))
1405 ; ((MINUSP REGION))
1411 ; (cond ((eq area macsyma:*temporary-polynomial-area*)
1412 ; (Si:clear-cons-caches))))
1413 ; ))))
1415 (defun display (expr)
1416 (cond ((atom expr)(displa expr))
1417 ((or (affine-polynomialp expr)(rational-functionp expr))(sh expr))
1418 ((or (affine-polynomialp (car expr))(rational-functionp (car expr)))
1419 (loop for v in expr do (display v)))
1420 (t (displa expr))))
1423 (defun ldata-simplifications-write (ldata &key (open-g 1)
1424 (pathname "haskell:>wfs>answer.lisp") &aux answ)
1425 (setq answ (ldata-simplifications ldata :open-g open-g))
1426 (with-open-file (st pathname :direction :output)
1427 (let ((*standard-output* st) *print-radix*)
1428 (for-editor (des answ))
1429 (format st "~%(setq (answ (rerat '~A)))" answ))))