Use %%PRETTY-FNAME in more quadpack error messages
[maxima.git] / share / diffequations / pwilt.lisp
1 ;;
2 ;; Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Mark H. Weaver <>
3 ;;
4 ;; pwilt: inverse laplace transforms for piecewise functions
5 ;;
6 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
8 ;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
9 ;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 ;;
11 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
15 ;;
16 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 ;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 ;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
21 (in-package :maxima)
23 ($put '$pwilt 1 '$version)
25 (if (not ($get '$hstep '$version)) ($load '$hstep))
27 (defmvar $pwilt_hstep_all nil
28 "If true, pwilt includes hstep in all terms of the result.")
30 (defun pwilt-add-parts (a b)
31 (flet ((merge (ap bp) (cons (car ap) (add (cdr ap) (cdr bp)))))
32 (let ((r '()))
33 (loop (cond ((endp a) (return (nreconc r b)))
34 ((endp b) (return (nreconc r a)))
35 ((alike1 (caar a) (caar b))
36 (push (merge (pop a) (pop b)) r))
37 ((great (caar a) (caar b))
38 (push (pop a) r))
40 (push (pop b) r)))))))
42 (defun pwilt-mult-parts (a b)
43 (reduce #'pwilt-add-parts
44 (mapcar #'(lambda (ap)
45 (mapcar #'(lambda (bp)
46 (cons (add (car ap) (car bp))
47 (mul (cdr ap) (cdr bp))))
48 b))
49 a)))
51 (defun pwilt-parts (e s)
52 (setq e (specrepcheck e))
53 (cond ((freeof s e) (list (cons 0 e)))
54 ((mplusp e) (reduce #'pwilt-add-parts
55 (mapcar #'(lambda (e) (pwilt-parts e s))
56 (margs e))))
57 ((mtimesp e) (reduce #'pwilt-mult-parts
58 (mapcar #'(lambda (e) (pwilt-parts e s))
59 (margs e))))
60 ((and (mexptp e) (eq (mexpt-base e) '$%e))
61 (let ((l (islinear (mexpt-expt e) s)))
62 (if l (list (cons (car l) (power '$%e (cdr l))))
63 (list (cons 0 e)))))
64 ((and (mexptp e) (eql (mexpt-expt e) -1))
65 (let ((dp (pwilt-parts (mexpt-base e) s)))
66 (cond ((= 1 (length dp))
67 (list (cons (neg (caar dp))
68 (inv (cdar dp)))))
69 ((and (= 2 (length dp))
70 (freeof '%pwilt_periodic (car (first dp)))
71 (freeof '%pwilt_periodic (car (second dp)))
72 (zerop1 (add (cdr (first dp))
73 (cdr (second dp)))))
74 (let* ((offset (car (first dp)))
75 (period (sub offset (car (second dp))))
76 (scale (cdr (first dp))))
77 (case (asksign period)
78 ($positive)
79 ($negative (setq offset (sub offset period)
80 period (neg period)
81 scale (neg scale)))
82 (t (return-from pwilt-parts (list (cons 0 e)))))
83 (list (cons (add offset (take '(%pwilt_periodic) period))
84 scale))))
85 (t (list (cons 0 e))))))
86 (t (list (cons 0 e)))))
88 (defun pwilt-one-part (p s x xtemp)
89 (let ((xnew (add x (car p)))
90 (lexp (cdr p)))
91 (cond ((freeof s lexp) (mul lexp (take '($delta) xnew)))
92 ((or $pwilt_hstep_all (not (zerop1 (car p))))
93 (mul ($hstep xnew)
94 (maxima-substitute xnew xtemp
95 (pwilt1 lexp s xtemp))))
96 (t (pwilt1 lexp s x)))))
98 (defun pwilt-subst-periodic (e)
99 (let ((counter 0))
100 (labels
101 ((recurse (e) (cond ((and (not (atom e))
102 (eq (caar e) '%pwilt_periodic))
103 (incf counter)
104 (mul -1 '$%k (cadr e)))
105 ((mplusp e)
106 (addn (mapcar #'recurse (cdr e)) t))
107 (t e))))
108 (let ((result (recurse e)))
109 (and (< counter 2)
110 (freeof '%pwilt_periodic result)
111 result)))))
114 ;; Returns the degree of E in S, or NIL if E is not a polynomial in S
116 ;; XXX Note that this does not expand or simplify, so it may
117 ;; overestimate the degree if the highest-order term gets
118 ;; cancelled out!
120 (defun pwilt-polynomial-degree (e s)
121 (labels
122 ((recurse (e)
123 (setq e (specrepcheck e))
124 (cond ((alike1 s e) 1)
125 ((freeof s e) 0)
126 ((mplusp e) (reduce #'max (mapcar #'recurse (cdr e))))
127 ((mtimesp e) (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'recurse (cdr e))))
128 ((and (mexptp e)
129 (integerp (mexpt-expt e))
130 (>= (mexpt-expt e) 0))
131 (* (mexpt-expt e) (recurse (mexpt-base e))))
132 (t (return-from pwilt-polynomial-degree nil)))))
133 (recurse e)))
135 (defun pwilt1 (e s x)
136 (setq e (specrepcheck e))
137 (cond ((mbagp e) (cons (car e)
138 (mapcar #'(lambda (ee) (pwilt1 ee s x))
139 (cdr e))))
140 ((freeof s e) (mul e (take '($delta) x)))
141 ((mplusp e) (addn (mapcar #'(lambda (ee) (pwilt1 ee s x))
142 (cdr e))
144 ((and (null (atom e))
145 (eq (caar e) '%laplace)
146 (eq (cadddr e) s))
147 (if (eq x (caddr e)) (cadr e)
148 (subst x (caddr e) (cadr e))))
149 (t (pwilt2 e s x))))
152 ;; Calculate the inverse laplace transform by the residue method.
154 ;; This works only when e is of the form P(s)/Q(s), where P(s) and
155 ;; Q(s) are polynomials in s, and where the degree of P(s) is less
156 ;; than the degree of Q(s).
158 (defun pwilt2 (e s x)
159 (flet ((fail () (return-from pwilt2 (list '(%ilt simp) e s x))))
160 (let* ((n ($num e))
161 (d ($denom e))
162 (n-deg (pwilt-polynomial-degree n s))
163 (d-deg (pwilt-polynomial-degree d s)))
164 (unless (and n-deg d-deg (< n-deg d-deg))
165 (let ((e2 ($partfrac e s)))
166 (if (alike1 e e2)
167 (fail)
168 (return-from pwilt2 (pwilt1 e2 s x)))))
169 (let* (($multiplicities nil)
170 (solns (let (($breakup nil) ($programmode t)
171 ($globalsolve nil) ($solvedecomposes t)
172 ($solveexplicit t) ($solvefactors t))
173 ($solve d s)))
174 ($demoivre t))
175 (unless (and ($listp solns)
176 ($listp $multiplicities)
177 (= (length solns)
178 (length $multiplicities))
179 (= d-deg (reduce #'+ (cdr $multiplicities)
180 :initial-value 0)))
181 (fail))
182 (addn (mapcar #'(lambda (soln m)
183 (unless (and (mequalp soln)
184 (eq s (mequal-lhs soln)))
185 (fail))
186 (maxima-substitute
187 (mequal-rhs soln) s
188 ($diff (mul (power '$%e (mul s x))
189 (div n ($diff d s m))
191 s (- m 1))))
192 (cdr solns) (cdr $multiplicities))
193 t)))))
195 (defun $pwilt (e s x)
196 (setq e (specrepcheck e))
197 (if (mbagp e)
198 (cons (delsimp (car e))
199 (mapcar #'(lambda (ee) ($pwilt ee s x))
200 (cdr e)))
201 (let* ((xtemp (gensym))
202 (periodic nil)
203 (result
204 (addn (mapcar #'(lambda (p)
205 (if (freeof '%pwilt_periodic (car p))
206 (pwilt-one-part p s x xtemp)
207 (let* ((offset
208 (or (pwilt-subst-periodic (car p))
209 (return-from $pwilt
210 (list '(%pwilt) e s x))))
211 (p (cons offset (cdr p))))
212 (setq periodic t)
213 (pwilt-one-part p s x xtemp))))
214 (pwilt-parts e s))
215 t)))
216 (if periodic
217 (list '(%sum simp) result '$%k 0 '$inf)
218 result))))