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[maxima.git] / share / graphs / dijkstra.lisp
1 ;;;
2 ;;; GRAPHS - graph theory package for Maxima
3 ;;;
4 ;;; Copyright (C) 2008 Andrej Vodopivec <>
5 ;;;
6 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
10 ;;;
11 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
15 ;;;
16 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 ;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
19 ;;;
21 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
22 ;;;
23 ;;; Implementation of a binary heap priority queue
24 ;;;
26 (in-package :maxima)
28 (defstruct graphs-pqueue
29 (data (make-array 129 :adjustable t))
30 (last 0) ;; last index used
31 (max 128) ;; max possible index
32 (index (make-hash-table))
33 (weights (make-hash-table)))
35 (defun graphs-pqueue-insert (v w queue)
36 (if (= (graphs-pqueue-last queue) 0)
37 (progn
38 ;; insert into an empty queue
39 (setf (graphs-pqueue-last queue) 1)
40 (setf (aref (graphs-pqueue-data queue) 1) v)
41 (setf (gethash v (graphs-pqueue-index queue)) 1)
42 (setf (gethash v (graphs-pqueue-weights queue)) w))
43 (progn
44 ;; resize the queue if needed
45 (when (= (graphs-pqueue-max queue) (graphs-pqueue-last queue))
46 (let ((new-array (adjust-array (graphs-pqueue-data queue)
47 (1+ (* (graphs-pqueue-max queue) 2)))))
48 (setf (graphs-pqueue-data queue) new-array))
49 (setf (graphs-pqueue-max queue)
50 (* (graphs-pqueue-max queue) 2)))
51 ;; insert the element
52 (incf (graphs-pqueue-last queue))
53 (setf (aref (graphs-pqueue-data queue) (graphs-pqueue-last queue)) v)
54 (setf (gethash v (graphs-pqueue-index queue)) (graphs-pqueue-last queue))
55 (setf (gethash v (graphs-pqueue-weights queue)) w)
56 ;; balance the queue
57 (let* ((ind (graphs-pqueue-last queue))
58 (ind-new (truncate ind 2)))
59 (loop while (and (> ind 1)
60 (mlsp w (gethash (aref (graphs-pqueue-data queue) ind-new)
61 (graphs-pqueue-weights queue))))
63 (rotatef (aref (graphs-pqueue-data queue) ind)
64 (aref (graphs-pqueue-data queue) ind-new))
65 (rotatef (gethash (aref (graphs-pqueue-data queue) ind) (graphs-pqueue-index queue))
66 (gethash (aref (graphs-pqueue-data queue) ind-new) (graphs-pqueue-index queue)))
67 (setq ind ind-new)
68 (setq ind-new (truncate ind 2)))))))
70 (defun graphs-pqueue-emptyp (queue)
71 (= (graphs-pqueue-last queue) 0))
73 (defun graphs-pqueue-first (queue)
74 (aref (graphs-pqueue-data queue) 1))
76 (defun graphs-pqueue-get-weight (v queue)
77 (gethash v (graphs-pqueue-weights queue)))
79 (defun graphs-pqueue-pop (queue)
80 (when (graphs-pqueue-emptyp queue)
81 (return-from graphs-pqueue-pop nil))
82 (let ((top (graphs-pqueue-first queue))
83 (last (aref (graphs-pqueue-data queue)
84 (graphs-pqueue-last queue)))
85 (pos 1)
86 min-child)
87 ;; remove the top element
88 (remhash top (graphs-pqueue-weights queue))
89 (remhash top (graphs-pqueue-index queue))
90 (decf (graphs-pqueue-last queue))
91 ;; put the last element into the first position
92 (setf (aref (graphs-pqueue-data queue) 1) last)
93 (setf (gethash last (graphs-pqueue-index queue)) 1)
94 ;; rebalance the queue
95 (loop while t do
96 ;; find the min child
97 (setf min-child (* 2 pos))
98 (when (> min-child (graphs-pqueue-last queue))
99 (return-from graphs-pqueue-pop top))
100 (when (and (<= (1+ min-child) (graphs-pqueue-last queue))
101 (mlsp (gethash (aref (graphs-pqueue-data queue) (1+ min-child))
102 (graphs-pqueue-weights queue))
103 (gethash (aref (graphs-pqueue-data queue) min-child)
104 (graphs-pqueue-weights queue))))
105 (setq min-child (1+ min-child)))
106 ;; rotate if needed
107 (when (mlsp (gethash (aref (graphs-pqueue-data queue) pos)
108 (graphs-pqueue-weights queue))
109 (gethash (aref (graphs-pqueue-data queue) min-child)
110 (graphs-pqueue-weights queue)))
111 (return-from graphs-pqueue-pop top))
112 (rotatef (aref (graphs-pqueue-data queue) pos)
113 (aref (graphs-pqueue-data queue) min-child))
114 (rotatef (gethash (aref (graphs-pqueue-data queue) pos) (graphs-pqueue-index queue))
115 (gethash (aref (graphs-pqueue-data queue) min-child) (graphs-pqueue-index queue)))
116 (setq pos min-child))))
118 (defun graphs-pqueue-contains (v queue)
119 (not (eq (gethash v (graphs-pqueue-weights queue) 'not-contained)
120 'not-contained)))
122 (defun graphs-pqueue-set-weight (v w queue)
123 (setf (gethash v (graphs-pqueue-weights queue)) w)
124 (let ((pos (gethash v (graphs-pqueue-index queue))))
125 ;; rebalance the queue
126 (let* ((ind pos)
127 (ind-new (truncate ind 2)))
128 (loop while (and (> ind 1)
129 (mlsp w (gethash (aref (graphs-pqueue-data queue) ind-new)
130 (graphs-pqueue-weights queue))))
132 (rotatef (aref (graphs-pqueue-data queue) ind)
133 (aref (graphs-pqueue-data queue) ind-new))
134 (rotatef (gethash (aref (graphs-pqueue-data queue) ind) (graphs-pqueue-index queue))
135 (gethash (aref (graphs-pqueue-data queue) ind-new) (graphs-pqueue-index queue)))
136 (setq ind ind-new)
137 (setq ind-new (truncate ind 2))))))
139 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
141 ;;; Dijkstra's algorithm for weighted shortest paths
144 (defun dijkstra (v v1 g)
145 (let ((previous (make-hash-table))
146 (distance (make-hash-table))
147 (cont t)
148 (my-inf 1)
149 (pq (make-graphs-pqueue)))
151 (dolist (e (cdr ($edges g)))
152 (setq my-inf (m+ my-inf ($abs ($get_edge_weight e g 1)))))
154 ;; initialize the pqueue
155 (dolist (u (vertices g))
156 (if (= u v)
157 (progn
158 (graphs-pqueue-insert u 0 pq)
159 (setf (gethash u distance) 0))
160 (progn
161 (graphs-pqueue-insert u my-inf pq)
162 (setf (gethash u distance) my-inf))))
163 ;; find the shortest path
164 (loop while (and cont (not (graphs-pqueue-emptyp pq))) do
165 ;; find the closest remaining vertex
166 (let* ((u (graphs-pqueue-pop pq))
167 (u-distance (gethash u distance)))
168 (if (or (eq (gethash u distance) '$inf)
169 (= u v1))
170 (setq cont nil)
171 (progn
172 (dolist (w (if (graph-p g) (neighbors u g) (out-neighbors u g)))
173 (when (graphs-pqueue-contains w pq)
174 (let ((alt (m+ u-distance ($get_edge_weight `((mlist simp) ,u ,w) g))))
175 (when (mlsp alt (graphs-pqueue-get-weight w pq))
176 (setf (gethash w previous) u)
177 (setf (gethash w distance) alt)
178 (graphs-pqueue-set-weight w alt pq)))))))))
180 (dolist (v (vertices g))
181 (when (equal (gethash v distance) my-inf)
182 (setf (gethash v distance) '$inf)))
184 (values distance previous)))
186 (defmfun $shortest_weighted_path (v u g)
187 (require-graph-or-digraph 'shortest_weighted_path 3 g)
188 (require-vertex 'shortest_weighted_path 1 v)
189 (require-vertex-in-graph 'shortest_weighted_path v g)
190 (require-vertex 'shortest_weighted_path 2 u)
191 (require-vertex-in-graph 'shortest_weighted_path u g)
192 (multiple-value-bind (l prev)
193 (dijkstra v u g)
194 (setq l (gethash u l))
195 (if (eq l '$inf)
196 '((mlist simp) $inf ((mlist simp)))
197 (let ((tu u) (p (list u)))
198 (loop while (not (= tu v)) do
199 (setq tu (gethash tu prev))
200 (setq p (cons tu p)))
201 `((mlist simp) ,l ((mlist simp) ,@p))))))