Use %%PRETTY-FNAME in more quadpack error messages
[maxima.git] / share / minpack / minpack-interface.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: lisp -*-
3 ;;; Simple Maxima interface to minpack routines
5 (in-package #:maxima)
7 (defmvar $debug_minpack nil
8 "Set to true to enable debugging messages from minpack routines")
10 (defmfun $minpack_lsquares (fcns vars init-x
11 &key
12 (jacobian t)
13 (tolerance #.(sqrt double-float-epsilon)))
14 "Minimize the sum of the squares of m functions in n unknowns (n <= m)
16 VARS list of the variables
17 INIT-X initial guess
18 FCNS list of the m functions
20 Optional keyword args (key = val)
21 TOLERANCE tolerance in solution
22 JACOBIAN If true, maxima computes the Jacobian directly from FCNS.
23 If false, the Jacobian is internally computed using a
24 forward-difference approximation.
25 Otherwise, it is a function returning the Jacobian"
26 (unless (and (listp fcns) (eq (caar fcns) 'mlist))
27 (merror "~M: ~M is not a list of functions" %%pretty-fname fcns))
28 (unless (and (listp vars) (eq (caar vars) 'mlist))
29 (merror "~M: ~M is not a list of variables" %%pretty-fname vars))
30 (unless (and (listp init-x) (eq (caar init-x) 'mlist))
31 (merror "~M: ~M is not a list of initial values" %%pretty-fname init-x))
32 (setf tolerance ($float tolerance))
33 (unless (and (realp tolerance) (plusp tolerance))
34 (merror "~M: tolerance must be a non-negative real number, not: ~M"
35 %%pretty-fname tolerance))
37 (let* ((n (length (cdr vars)))
38 (m (length (cdr fcns)))
39 (x (make-array n :element-type 'double-float
40 :initial-contents (mapcar #'(lambda (z)
41 ($float z))
42 (cdr init-x))))
43 (fvec (make-array m :element-type 'double-float))
44 (fjac (make-array (* m n) :element-type 'double-float))
45 (ldfjac m)
46 (info 0)
47 (ipvt (make-array n :element-type 'f2cl-lib:integer4))
48 (fv (coerce-float-fun fcns vars))
49 (fj (cond ((eq jacobian t)
50 ;; T means compute it ourselves
51 (meval `(($jacobian) ,fcns ,vars)))
52 (jacobian
53 ;; Use the specified Jacobian
56 ;; No jacobian at all
57 nil))))
58 ;; Massage the Jacobian into a function
59 (when jacobian
60 (setf fj (coerce-float-fun fj vars)))
61 (cond
62 (jacobian
63 ;; Jacobian given (or computed by maxima), so use lmder1
64 (let* ((lwa (+ m (* 5 n)))
65 (wa (make-array lwa :element-type 'double-float)))
66 (labels ((fcn-and-jacobian (m n x fvec fjac ldfjac iflag)
67 (declare (type f2cl-lib:integer4 m n ldfjac iflag)
68 (type (cl:array double-float (*)) x fvec fjac))
69 (ecase iflag
71 ;; Compute function at point x, placing result
72 ;; in fvec (subseq needed because sometimes
73 ;; we're called with vector that is longer than
74 ;; we want. Perfectly valid Fortran, though.)
75 (let ((val (apply 'funcall fv (subseq (coerce x 'list) 0 n))))
76 (unless (consp val)
77 (merror "Unable to evaluate function at the point ~M"
78 (list* '(mlist) (subseq (coerce x 'list) 0 n))))
79 (when $debug_minpack
80 (format t "f(~{~A~^, ~}) =~%[~@<~{~A~^, ~:_~}~:>]~%"
81 (coerce x 'list)
82 (cdr val)))
83 (replace fvec (mapcar #'(lambda (z)
84 (cl:float z 1d0))
85 (cdr val)))))
87 ;; Compute Jacobian at point x, placing result in fjac
88 (let ((j (apply 'funcall fj (subseq (coerce x 'list) 0 n))))
89 (unless (consp j)
90 (merror "Unable to evaluate Jacobian at the point ~M"
91 (list* '(mlist) (subseq (coerce x 'list) 0 n))))
92 ;; Extract out elements of Jacobian and place into
93 ;; fjac, in column-major order.
94 (let ((row-index 0))
95 (dolist (row (cdr j))
96 (let ((col-index 0))
97 (dolist (col (cdr row))
98 (setf (aref fjac (+ row-index (* ldfjac col-index)))
99 (cl:float col 1d0))
100 (incf col-index)))
101 (incf row-index))))))
102 (values m n nil nil nil ldfjac iflag)))
103 (multiple-value-bind (var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5 ldfjac var-6 info)
104 (minpack:lmder1 #'fcn-and-jacobian
108 fvec
109 fjac
110 ldfjac
111 tolerance
112 info
113 ipvt
115 lwa)
116 (declare (ignore ldfjac var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5 var-6))
118 ;; Return a list of the solution and the info flag
119 (list '(mlist)
120 (list* '(mlist) (coerce x 'list))
121 (minpack:enorm m fvec)
122 info)))))
124 ;; No Jacobian given so we need to use differences to compute
125 ;; a numerical Jacobian. Use lmdif1.
126 (let* ((lwa (+ m (* 5 n) (* m n)))
127 (wa (make-array lwa :element-type 'double-float)))
128 (labels ((fval (m n x fvec iflag)
129 (declare (type f2cl-lib:integer4 m n ldfjac iflag)
130 (type (cl:array double-float (*)) x fvec fjac))
131 ;; Compute function at point x, placing result in fvec
132 (let ((val (apply 'funcall fv (subseq (coerce x 'list) 0 n))))
133 (unless (consp val)
134 (merror "Unable to evaluate function at the point ~M"
135 (list* '(mlist) (subseq (coerce x 'list) 0 n))))
136 (when $debug_minpack
137 (format t "f(~{~A~^, ~}) =~%[~@<~{~A~^, ~:_~}~:>]~%"
138 (coerce x 'list)
139 (cdr val)))
140 (replace fvec (mapcar #'(lambda (z)
141 (cl:float z 1d0))
142 (cdr val))))
143 (values m n nil nil iflag)))
144 (multiple-value-bind (var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5 info)
145 (minpack:lmdif1 #'fval
149 fvec
150 tolerance
151 info
152 ipvt
154 lwa)
155 (declare (ignore var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5))
157 ;; Return a list of the solution and the info flag
158 (list '(mlist)
159 (list* '(mlist) (coerce x 'list))
160 (minpack:enorm m fvec)
161 info))))))))
163 (defmfun $minpack_solve (fcns vars init-x
164 &key
165 (jacobian t)
166 (tolerance #.(sqrt double-float-epsilon)))
167 "Solve the system of n equations in n unknowns
169 VARS list of the n variables
170 INIT-X initial guess
171 FCNS list of the n functions
173 Optional keyword args (key = val)
174 TOLERANCE tolerance in solution
175 JACOBIAN If true, maxima computes the Jacobian directly from FCNS.
176 If false, the Jacobian is internally computed using a
177 forward-difference approximation.
178 Otherwise, it is a function returning the Jacobian"
179 (unless (and (listp fcns) (eq (caar fcns) 'mlist))
180 (merror "~M: ~M is not a list of functions"
181 %%pretty-fname fcns))
182 (unless (and (listp vars) (eq (caar vars) 'mlist))
183 (merror "~M: ~M is not a list of variables"
184 %%pretty-fname vars))
185 (unless (and (listp init-x) (eq (caar init-x) 'mlist))
186 (merror "~M: ~M is not a list of initial values"
187 %%pretty-fname init-x))
188 (unless (and (realp tolerance) (plusp tolerance))
189 (merror "~M: tolerance must be a non-negative real number, not: ~M"
190 %%pretty-fname tolerance))
192 (let* ((n (length (cdr vars)))
193 (x (make-array n :element-type 'double-float
194 :initial-contents (mapcar #'(lambda (z)
195 ($float z))
196 (cdr init-x))))
197 (fvec (make-array n :element-type 'double-float))
198 (fjac (make-array (* n n) :element-type 'double-float))
199 (ldfjac n)
200 (info 0)
201 (fv (coerce-float-fun fcns vars))
202 (fj (cond ((eq jacobian t)
203 ;; T means compute it ourselves
204 (mfuncall '$jacobian fcns vars))
205 (jacobian
206 ;; Use the specified Jacobian
209 ;; No jacobian at all
210 nil))))
211 ;; Massage the Jacobian into a function
212 (when jacobian
213 (setf fj (coerce-float-fun fj vars)))
214 (cond
215 (jacobian
216 ;; Jacobian given (or computed by maxima), so use lmder1
217 (let* ((lwa (/ (* n (+ n 13)) 2))
218 (wa (make-array lwa :element-type 'double-float)))
219 (labels ((fcn-and-jacobian (n x fvec fjac ldfjac iflag)
220 (declare (type f2cl-lib:integer4 n ldfjac iflag)
221 (type (cl:array double-float (*)) x fvec fjac))
222 (ecase iflag
224 ;; Compute function at point x, placing result
225 ;; in fvec (subseq needed because sometimes
226 ;; we're called with vector that is longer than
227 ;; we want. Perfectly valid Fortran, though.)
228 (let ((val (apply 'funcall fv (subseq (coerce x 'list) 0 n))))
229 (replace fvec (mapcar #'(lambda (z)
230 (cl:float z 1d0))
231 (cdr val)))))
233 ;; Compute Jacobian at point x, placing result in fjac
234 (let ((j (apply 'funcall fj (subseq (coerce x 'list) 0 n))))
235 ;; Extract out elements of Jacobian and place into
236 ;; fjac, in column-major order.
237 (let ((row-index 0))
238 (dolist (row (cdr j))
239 (let ((col-index 0))
240 (dolist (col (cdr row))
241 (setf (aref fjac (+ row-index (* ldfjac col-index)))
242 (cl:float col 1d0))
243 (incf col-index)))
244 (incf row-index))))))
245 (values n nil nil nil ldfjac iflag)))
246 (multiple-value-bind (var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 ldfjac var-6 info)
247 (minpack:hybrj1 #'fcn-and-jacobian
250 fvec
251 fjac
252 ldfjac
253 tolerance
254 info
256 lwa)
257 (declare (ignore ldfjac var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-6))
258 ;; Return a list of the solution and the info flag
259 (list '(mlist)
260 (list* '(mlist) (coerce x 'list))
261 (minpack:enorm n fvec)
262 info)))))
264 ;; No Jacobian given so we need to use differences to compute
265 ;; a numerical Jacobian. Use lmdif1.
266 (let* ((lwa (/ (* n (+ (* 3 n) 13)) 2))
267 (wa (make-array lwa :element-type 'double-float)))
268 (labels ((fval (n x fvec iflag)
269 (declare (type f2cl-lib:integer4 n ldfjac iflag)
270 (type (cl:array double-float (*)) x fvec fjac))
271 ;; Compute function at point x, placing result in fvec
272 (let ((val (apply 'funcall fv (subseq (coerce x 'list) 0 n))))
273 (replace fvec (mapcar #'(lambda (z)
274 (cl:float z 1d0))
275 (cdr val))))
276 (values n nil nil iflag)))
277 (multiple-value-bind (var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 info)
278 (minpack:hybrd1 #'fval
281 fvec
282 tolerance
283 info
285 lwa)
286 (declare (ignore var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4))
288 ;; Return a list of the solution and the info flag
289 (list '(mlist)
290 (list* '(mlist) (coerce x 'list))
291 (minpack:enorm n fvec)
292 info))))))))