Use %%PRETTY-FNAME in more quadpack error messages
[maxima.git] / share / numeric / bffac.mac
1 /* Author: Bill Gosper */
3 /*
4   Initial version generated from bffac.lisp with the commands
6   load("bffac.lisp");
9   apply(stringout,cons("bffac.mac",map('fundef,bffac_functions))),grind:true;
13 prodhack_product (expr, i%, i%0, i%1) :=
14     (expr: subst ('i%, i%, expr),
15     if i%0 > i%1 then
16         subst (i%, 'i%, 1 / product (expr, i%, i%1 + 1, i%0 - 1))
17     else
18         subst (i%, 'i%, product (expr, i%, i%0, i%1)));
20 obfac(z,fpprec):=block([y:z-entier(z),x:entier(7*fpprec/3),m:0],
21       for k from entier(26*fpprec/3) step -1 thru 1 do m:x*(1/(y+k)-m/k),
22       bfloat(m)*x^y*prodhack_product(z-i+1,i,1,entier(z)));
24 azetb(s,fpp):=block([fpprec:15],
25       if s > 0
26           then block([m:0,
27                       p:print(entier(log(
28                                       bfloat(2*%pi)^s
29                                        *bfloat(10)^(fpp:entier(fpp))
30                                        /bfloat(%pi*(s-1)!))
31                                       /bfloat(2*%pi)))],fpprec:fpp,
32                      for k from entier(ev(%pi*p,numer)) step -1 thru 0 do
33                          m:(s+2*k)*(s+2*k-1)*m/((2*k+1)*(2*k+2)*p^2)
34                            +p*bern(2*k)/(s-1),(1/2+m)/p^s+sum(k^-s,k,1,p-1),
35                      bfloat(%\%))
36           else (if s = 0 then -1/2
37                     else ((2*%pi)^s*sin(%pi*s/2)*bffac(-s,fpprec)
38                                    *bzeta(1-s,fpprec)
39                            /%pi,bfloat(%\%))));
41 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
42  * Function burn:
43  *
44  * Calculate an approximation of Bernoulli numbers for even integers using 
45  * the formula:
46  *  
47  *
48  *                          n - 1  1 - 2 n
49  *                     (- 1)      2        zeta(2 n) (2 n)!
50  *    bernoulli(2 n) = ------------------------------------
51  *                                       2 n
52  *                                    %pi
53  *
54  * burn(n) calculates a rational number, which is a very good approximation of
55  * the Bernoulli number for big integers n. With bern the time to calculate a 
56  * bernoulli number grows very fast for the first call.
57  * The function burn is much faster. The following table shows the computation
58  * time in seconds for bern (first call) and burn. Furthermore, the relative
59  * error (bern(n)-burn(n))/bern(n) is shown:
60  *
61  *     n     bern(n)     burn(n)     relative Error
62  *    256     0,1200 s    0,0040 s      3.41b-302
63  *    512     0,7800 s    0,0120 s      1.94b-758
64  *   1024     6,2320 s    0,0320 s      6.38b-1822
65  *   2048    59,5040 s    0,1360 s      2.50b-4258
66  *   4096     -           0,9720 s
67  *   8192     -           7,3680 s
68  * 
69  * Burn invokes the approximation for even integers n > 255. For odd integers 
70  * and n <= 255 the function bern is called.
71  *
72  * The functions vonschtoonk and divrlst are helper functions for burn.
73  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
75 vonschtoonk(p):=apply("*",
76             subst(["*" = lambda([[l]],1),"^" = lambda([[l]],1)],
77                   factor(1+divrlst(p))));
79 divrlst(p):=(block([temp:0],
80         temp: expand(ratsimp(subst("^" = lambda([a,b],
81                                                (1-part(a)^(b/2+1))
82                                                 /(1-part(a))),factor(p^2)))),
83     if atom(temp) then cons(temp,[]) else args(temp),
84         ev(%\%,part)));
86 burn(p):=if evenp(p) and p>255
87       then block([d:vonschtoonk(p)],
88                  block([fpprec:entier(ev(
89                                        (log(8*%pi*p)/2+p*(log(p/(2*%pi))-1)
90                                                       +2*log(d))
91                                         /log(10),numer))
92                                +1],
93                        block([pi:bfloat(%pi)],
94                              entier(2*d*p!*bfzeta(p,fpprec)/(2^p*pi^p)+1/2)
95                               /d)))
96       *(-1)^(p/2-1) else bern(p);
98 obzeta(s,fpprec):=if s > 0
99         then block([m:0,
100                     p:entier(ev((log(2*%pi)*s+log(10)*fpprec-log(%pi*(s-1)!))
101                                  /(2*%pi),numer))],
102                    for k from entier(ev(%pi*p,numer)) step -1 thru 0 do
103                        m:(s+2*k)*(s+2*k-1)*m/((2*k+1)*(2*k+2)*p^2)
104                          +p*bern(2*k)/(s-1),(1/2+m)/p^s+sum(k^-s,k,1,p-1),
105                    bfloat(%\%))
106         else (if s = 0 then -1/2
107                   else ((2*%pi)^s*sin(%pi*s/2)*bffac(-s,fpprec)
108                                         *bzeta(1-s,fpprec)
109                                 /%pi,bfloat(%\%)));
111 bzeta(s,fpp):=if s > 0
112        then block([fpprec:7,m:0,t:0.0b0,p,
113                    k:2*max(1,
114                            entier(ev(3/2-(s-1/2)*log(s/(2*%pi))+log(10)*fpp
115                                         -log(%pi),numer)
116                                    /2))],
117                   p:1+entier(bfloat((2*10^fpp*product(s+k-i-2,i,0,k-2)
118                                      /(2*3.14159265b0)^k)
119                                      ^(1.0b0/(s+k-1)))),fpprec:fpp,
120                   for k from k/2 step -1 thru 0 do
121                       m:(s+2*k)*(s+2*k-1)*m/((2*k+1)*(2*k+2)*p^2)
122                         +p*bern(2*k)/(s-1),
123                   if s < 25 then t:sum(k^-s,k,1,p-1)
124                       else for k from p-1 step -1 thru 1 do
125                                (fpprec:fpp-entier(ev(s*log(k)/log(10),numer)),
126                                 t:t+k^-s),bfloat((1/2+m)/p^s+t))
127        else (if s = 0 then -1/2
128                  else ((2*%pi)^s*sin(%pi*s/2)*bffac(-s,fpprec)
129                                 *bzeta(1-s,fpprec)
130                         /%pi,bfloat(%\%)));
132 bfpsi(n,z,fpprec):=if equal(n,0) then bfpsi0(z,fpprec)
133        else bfhzeta(n+1,z,fpprec)*(-1)^(n-1)*n!;
135 bffac(z,fpprec):=if z < 0 then bfloat(%pi*z/sin(%pi*z))/bffac(-z,fpprec)
136        else block([k:2*(entier(0.41*fpprec)+1)],
137                   block([m:1,y:(z+k)^2,x:0.0b0],
138                         for i thru k/2 do
139                             (m:m*(z+2*i-1)*(z+2*i),
140                              x:(x+bern(k-2*i+2)/((k-2*i+1)*(k-2*i+2)))/y),
141                         bfloat(sqrt(2)*sqrt(%pi)*sqrt(z+k)
142                                       *%e^((z+k)*(log(z+k)+x-1)))
143                          /m));
145 /* Hurwitz Zeta function
147  * bfhzeta(s,h) = sum(1/(h+k)^s, k, 0, inf)
148  */
149 bfhzeta(s,h,fpprec):=if s > 0
150          then block([m:0,p,
151                      q:entier(ev((-log(%pi*(s-1)!)+log(2*%pi)*s
152                                                   +log(10)*fpprec)
153                                   /(2*%pi)
154                                   -h+1,numer))
155                        +h],p:max(q,h+1),
156                     for k from entier(ev(%pi*q,numer)) step -1 thru 0 do
157                         m:m*(s+2*k-1)*(s+2*k)/((2*k+1)*(2*k+2)*(p-1)^2)
158                           +bern(2*k)*(p-1)/(s-1),
159                     (m+1/2)/(p-1)^s+sum(1/(k+h)^s,k,0,entier(p-h-1.9b0)),
160                     bfloat(%\%))
161          else (if s = 0 then 1/2-h else funmake('bfhzeta,[s,h,fpprec]));
163 cbffac(z,fpprec):=rectform(
164        if realpart(z:rectform(z)) < 0
165            then bfloat(%pi*z/sin(%pi*z))/cbffac(-z,fpprec)
166            else block([k:2*(entier(0.41*fpprec)+1)],
167                       block([m:1,y:rectform(1/(z+k)^2),x:0.0b0],
168                             for i thru k/2 do
169                                 (m:expand(m*(z+2*i-1)*(z+2*i)),
170                                  x:expand(
171                                    (x+bern(k-2*i+2)/((k-2*i+1)*(k-2*i+2)))
172                                     *y)),
173                             bfloat(sqrt(2)*sqrt(%pi)*sqrt(z+k)
174                                           *%e^((z+k)*(log(z+k)+x-1)))
175                              /m)));
177 /* psi[0](z) - digamma function
179  * A&S 6.3.5:  Recurrence formula
181  *   psi[0](1+z) = 1/z+psi[0](z)
183  * A&S 6.3.6:  Recurrence formula
185  *   psi[0](n+z) = 1/(z+n-1)+1/(z+n-2)+...+1/(z+2)+1/(1+z)+psi[0](1+z)
187  * A&S 6.3.7:  Reflection formula
189  *   psi[0](1-z) = psi[0](z) + %pi*cot(%pi*z)
191  * A&S 6.3.18:  Asymptotic formula
193  *   psi[0](z) ~ log(z) - sum(bern(2*n)/(2*n*z^(2*n)), n, 1, inf)
195  * So use reflection formula if z < 0.  For z > 0, use the recurrence
196  * formula to increase the argument and then apply the asymptotic formula.
198  * For small z with absolute value < 1E-6 use formula 6.3.5
200  */
201 bfpsi0(z,fpprec):=if z < 0 then bfloat(%pi*cot(%pi*(-z)))+bfpsi0(1-z,fpprec)
202         elseif 0 < realpart(z) and cabs(z) < 1E-6 then bfloat(rectform(bfpsi0(1+z,fpprec) - 1/z))
203         else block([k:2*(entier(0.41*fpprec)+1)],
204                    block([m:0,y:(z+k)^2,x:0.0b0],
205                          for i thru k/2 do
206                              (m:rectform(1/(z+2*i-1)+1/(z+2*i-2)+m),
207                               x:rectform((x+bern(k-2*i+2)/(k-2*i+2))/y)),
208                          bfloat(rectform(log(z+k)-1/(2*(z+k))-x-m))));
210 bfzeta (s, fpp) :=
211   block ([sigma: realpart (s), t: imagpart (s)],
212     if is (not (numberp (sigma)) or
213            not (numberp (t)) or
214            not (integerp (fpp) and fpp > 0)) then 'bfzeta(s,fpp)
215     else (
216       if is (s = 0) then bfloat (-1/2)
217       elseif is (s = 1) then inf
218       elseif is (t = 0 and sigma > 0) then bfzeta_positive (s, fpp)
219       elseif is (t # 0 and sigma >= 1/2) then bfzeta_borwein (s, fpp)
220       else
221         /*
222           bfzeta_negative calls bfzeta with 1-s. However, we know that
223           sigma < 1/2, so 1-sigma > 1/2 and we won't recurse infinitely.
224         */
225         bfzeta_negative (s, fpp)))$
228   A&S 23.2.6
230 bfzeta_negative (s,fpp):=
231   block([fpprec: fpp],
232     rectform (bfloat (bfzeta(1-s,fpprec) * %pi^(s-1) * 2^s *
233                       bffac(-s,fpprec) * sin(%pi*s/2))))$
236   Calculates zeta(s) for positive real s using an Euler-Maclaurin
237   expansion (The fastest of the algorithms, but only works for real s)
239 bfzeta_positive (s, fpp) :=
240   block ([fpprec:7,m:0,t:0.0b0,p,
241           k:2*max(1,
242                   entier(ev(-(s-1/2)*log(s/(2*%pi))
243                             +log(10)*fpp-log(%pi)+3/2,numer)/2))],
244           p:entier(bfloat(2^(1/(s+k-1))*10^(fpp/(s+k-1))
245                    *product(s+k-i-2,i,0,k-2)
246                    ^(1/(s+k-1))
247                    /6.2831853b0^(k/(s+k-1))))+1,
248           fpprec:fpp,
249           for k from k/2 step -1 thru 0 do
250             m:m*(s+2*k-1)*(s+2*k)/((2*k+1)*(2*k+2)*p^2)
251               +bern(2*k)*p/(s-1),
252           if s < 25 then t:sum(1/k^s,k,1,p-1)
253           else for k from p-1 step -1 thru 1 do
254                  (fpprec:fpp-entier(ev(log(k)*s/log(10),numer)),
255                   t:t+1/k^s),
256           bfloat(t+(m+1/2)/p^s))$
259   The bfzeta_borwein function calculates zeta(S) to within 10^(-FPP)
260   using the methods described in Borwein, "An Efficient Algorithm for
261   the Riemann Zeta Function" (MR1777614), described slightly
262   differently in Gourdon and Sebah, "Numerical evaluation of the
263   Riemann Zeta-function" (we use their notation).
265   Write s = sigma + %i*t. The expansion is valid for sigma >= 1/2.
267   The bound given in Algorithm 2 of the papers shows that, in order to
268   get an error below 10^(-N) when evaluating zeta(s) = zeta(sigma+it)
269   with sigma >= 1/2, we need n terms, where
271     log(3+sqrt(8))*n
272      >=
273     log(3) + log(1+2*abs(t)) + %pi/2*abs(t) + N*log(10) - log(abs(1-2^(1-s)))
275   To calculate the sum, we need binomial coefficients of the form
277     b[i] = n*(n+i-1)!4^i/((n-i)!(2i)!)
279   with recurrence given by
281     b[i] = b[i+1] * (2*i+1)*(i+1)/(2*(n+i)*(n-i))
283   where b[n] = 4^n / 2. Then let d[k] = sum (b[i], i, k, n) (with the
284   very easy recurrence that d[k] = n*b[k] + d[k+1]) and
286     zeta(s) = (d[0]*(1-2^(1-s)))^(-1) *
287               sum ((-1)^(k-1) * d[k] / k^s) + err
290 bfzeta_borwein_terms_needed (s, t, N) :=
291   ceiling (bfloat (
292       (log (3) + log (1+2*abs (t)) + %pi/2*abs(t)
293                + N*log(10) - log(abs(1-2^(1-s))))
294       / 1.76b0))$
296 bfzeta_borwein (s, fpp) := block (
297   [t: bfloat (imagpart (s)), sigma: bfloat (realpart (s)), n],
298   n: bfzeta_borwein_terms_needed (s, t, fpp+1),
299   /* b is the binomial coefficient; d is dk */
300   block ([fpprec: ceiling (log (n) + fpp), acc: [0,0],
301           b: 4^n/2, d: 0, lbk],
302     for k:n step -1 thru 1 do (
303       tlbk: -t * log (bfloat (k)),
304       d: d + b,
305       b: b * (2*k-1)*k / (2*(n+k-1)*(n-k+1)),
306       acc: acc + (-1)^(k-1)*d*k^(-sigma)*[cos(tlbk), sin(tlbk)]),
307     d: d + b,
308     rectform (bfloat ((d * (1-(2^(1-s))))^-1) *
309               (first (acc) + %i*second (acc)))))$