Use %%PRETTY-FNAME in more quadpack error messages
[maxima.git] / share / stringproc / sha1.lisp
2 #|
3 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
6 (at your option) any later version.
8 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 GNU General Public License for more details.
13 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
16 MA 02110-1301, USA.
19 **** sha1, sha256, mgf1_sha1 ***************************************************
21 Copyright Volker van Nek, 2014 - 2015
23 sha1sum returns the sha1 fingerprint of a string, a non-negative integer or
24 a list of octets.
26 sha256sum returns the sha256 fingerprint.
28 The default return value is a string that guarantees 40 (64) hex characters.
29 An optional argument allows sha1sum and sha256sum to return the corresponding
30 number or list of octets.
32 (%i1) ibase: obase: 16.$
33 (%i2) msg: "foo bar baz"$
34 (%i3) string: sha1sum(msg);
35 (%o3) c7567e8b39e2428e38bf9c9226ac68de4c67dc39
36 (%i4) integer: sha1sum(msg, 'number);
37 (%o4) 0c7567e8b39e2428e38bf9c9226ac68de4c67dc39
38 (%i5) octets: sha1sum(msg, 'list);
39 (%o5) [0C7,56,7E,8B,39,0E2,42,8E,38,0BF,9C,92,26,0AC,68,0DE,4C,67,0DC,39]
40 (%i6) sdowncase( printf(false, "~{~2,'0x~^:~}", octets) );
41 (%o6) c7:56:7e:8b:39:e2:42:8e:38:bf:9c:92:26:ac:68:de:4c:67:dc:39
43 Note that in case the string contains German umlauts or other non-ASCII
44 characters the fingerprint is platform dependent.
46 The following code streams the base64 contents of a X509 certificate into a
47 string, decodes base64 to DER format and returns the SHA1 fingerprint.
48 The result is checked against openssl in GNU/Linux.
50 (%i1) ostream : make_string_output_stream();
51 (%o1) #<string-output stream 00f065e8>
52 (%i2) fos : openr("/home/volker/Deutsche_Telekom_Root_CA_2.crt");
53 (%o2) #<input stream /home/volker/Deutsche_Telekom_Root_CA_2.crt>
54 (%i3) while (z : readline(fos)) # false do
55 if not cequal(charat(z, 1), "-") then printf(ostream, "~a", z);
56 (%o3) done
57 (%i4) close(fos);
58 (%o4) true
59 (%i5) string : get_output_stream_string(ostream);
66 7d6mGNlUn0b2SjGmBmpKlAIoTZ1KXleJMOaAGtuU1cOs7TuKhCQN/Po7qCWWqSG6wcmtoIKyUn+Wkj\
67 R/Hg6yx6m/UTAtB+NHzCnjwAWav12gz1MjwrrFDa1sPeg5TKqAyZMg4ISFZbavva4VhYAUlfckE8FQ\
68 YBjl2tqriTtM2e66foai1SNNs671x1Udrb8zH57nGYMsRUFUQM+ZtV7a3fGAigo4aKSe5TBY8ZTNXe\
69 WHmb0mocQqvF1afPaA+W5OFhmHZhyJF81j4A4pFQh+GdCuatl9Idxjp9y7zaAzTVjlsB9WoHtxa2bk\
72 Bg42f76Ymmg7+Wgnxu1MM9756AbrsptJh6sTtU6zkXR34ajgv8HzFZMQSyzhfzLMdiNlXiItiJVbSY\
73 SKpk+tYcNthEeFpaIzpXl/V6ME+un2pMSyuOoAPjPuCp1NJ70rOo4nI8rZ7/gFnkm0W09juwzTkZmD\
74 Ll6iFhkOQxIY40sfcvNUqFENrnijchvllj4PKFiDFT1FQUhXB59C4Gdyd1Lx+4ivn+xbrYNuSD7Odl\
75 t79jWvNGr4GUN9RBjNYj1h7P9WgbRGOiWrqnNVmh5XAFmw4jV5mUCm26OWMohpLzGITY+9HPBVZkVw\
77 (%i6) close(ostream);
78 (%o6) true
79 (%i7) sha1sum(base64_decode(string));
80 (%o7) 85a408c09c193e5d51587dcdd61330fd8cde37bf
81 (%i8) system("openssl x509 -fingerprint -noout -in '/home/volker/Deutsche_Telekom_Root_CA_2.crt' > temp ; cat temp");
82 SHA1 Fingerprint=85:A4:08:C0:9C:19:3E:5D:51:58:7D:CD:D6:13:30:FD:8C:DE:37:BF
83 (%o8) 0
86 mgf1_sha1(seed, length) resp. mgf1_sha1(seed, length, return_type) returns
87 a pseudo random number of octet-length length.
88 The returned value is a number (default) or a list of octets.
89 See RFC 3447,appendix B.2.1.
91 (%i1) ibase: obase: 16.$
92 (%i2) number: mgf1_sha1(0cafe, 8);
93 (%o2) 0b097d3c8328001ee
94 (%i3) octets: mgf1_sha1(0cafe, 8, 'list);
95 (%o3) [0B0,97,0D3,0C8,32,80,1,0EE]
99 (in-package :maxima)
101 (eval-when
102 (:compile-toplevel :execute)
103 (defvar old-ibase-sha1 *read-base*)
104 (setq *read-base* 10.) )
107 (declaim (inline sha-not sha+ sha-left-rotation sha-right-rotation))
109 (defun sha-not (i32)
110 (logand (lognot i32) #xffffffff) )
112 (defun sha+ (&rest args)
113 (logand (apply #'+ args) #xffffffff) )
115 (defun sha-left-rotation (i32 k)
116 (logior (logand (ash i32 k) #xffffffff) (ash i32 (- k 32.))) )
118 (defun sha-right-rotation (i32 k)
119 (logior (ash i32 (- k)) (logand (ash i32 (- 32. k)) #xffffffff)) )
122 (defun sha-update (bytes nr)
123 (setq bytes (coerce bytes 'vector))
124 (cond
125 ((= nr 160.)
126 (sha1-words bytes)
127 (sha1-worker) )
128 ((= nr 256.)
129 (sha256-words bytes)
130 (sha256-worker) )))
132 (defun sha-len64 (bits)
133 (do ((i 1 (1+ i)) lst) (nil)
134 (push (logand bits #xff) lst)
135 (when (= i 8) (return lst))
136 (setq bits (ash bits -8)) ))
138 (defun sha-final (bytes off len nr)
139 (when bytes (setq bytes (append bytes '(#x80)))) ;; don't modify bytes
140 (when (= 0 off) (setq bytes '(#x80)))
141 (if (<= off 55.)
142 (let* ((bits (ash len 3))
143 (len64 (sha-len64 bits))
144 (pad (make-list (- 55. off) :initial-element 0)) )
145 (sha-update (append bytes pad len64) nr) )
146 (let ((pad (make-list (- 63. off) :initial-element 0)))
147 (sha-update (append bytes pad) nr)
148 (sha-final nil -1 len nr) )))
151 ;; *** SHA1 ***************************************************************** ;;
153 (defvar *h1* nil)
154 (defvar *w1* nil)
156 (defun sha1-worker ()
157 (multiple-value-bind (a b c d e) (apply #'values *h1*)
158 (let (f k tmp)
159 (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
160 ((= i 80.))
161 (cond
162 ((< i 20.)
163 (setq f (logior (logand b c) (logand (sha-not b) d))
164 k #x5a827999 ))
165 ((< i 40.)
166 (setq f (logxor b c d)
167 k #x6ed9eba1 ))
168 ((< i 60.)
169 (setq f (logior (logand b c) (logand b d) (logand c d))
170 k #x8f1bbcdc ))
172 (setq f (logxor b c d)
173 k #xca62c1d6 )))
174 (setq tmp (sha+ (sha-left-rotation a 5) f e k (svref *w1* i))
177 c (sha-left-rotation b 30.)
179 a tmp ) )
180 (setq *h1* (mapcar #'sha+ (list a b c d e) *h1*)) )))
182 (defun sha1-words (vec)
183 (setq *w1* (make-array 80. :element-type 'integer :initial-element 0))
184 ;; copy 512 bit message into 32 bit big-endian words:
185 (do ((i 0 (1+ i)) (inc -1))
186 ((= i 16.))
187 (setf (svref *w1* i)
188 (logior (ash (svref vec (incf inc)) 24.)
189 (ash (svref vec (incf inc)) 16.)
190 (ash (svref vec (incf inc)) 8.)
191 (svref vec (incf inc)) )))
192 ;; expand:
193 (do ((i 16. (1+ i)))
194 ((= i 80.))
195 (setf (svref *w1* i)
196 (sha-left-rotation
197 (logxor (svref *w1* (- i 3.))
198 (svref *w1* (- i 8.))
199 (svref *w1* (- i 14.))
200 (svref *w1* (- i 16.)) )
201 1 ))))
203 (defmfun $sha1sum (s &optional (rtype '$string))
204 (let (bytes len)
205 (cond
206 ((stringp s)
207 (setq bytes (string-to-octets s)) )
208 ((and (integerp s) (>= s 0))
209 (setq bytes (number-to-octets s)) )
210 (($listp s)
211 (setq bytes (cdr s)) )
213 (gf-merror (intl:gettext
214 "`sha1sum': Argument must be a string, a non-negative integer or a list of octets." ))))
215 (setq len (length bytes)
216 *h1* '(#x67452301 #xefcdab89 #x98badcfe #x10325476 #xc3d2e1f0) )
217 (do ((off len))
218 ((< off 64.) (sha-final bytes off len 160.))
219 (setq off (- off 64.))
220 (sha-update (butlast bytes off) 160.)
221 (setq bytes (last bytes off)) )
222 (cond
223 ((equal rtype '$list)
224 (cons '(mlist simp)
225 (reduce #'nconc (mapcar #'word-to-octets *h1*)) ))
226 ((equal rtype '$number)
227 (reduce #'(lambda (x y) (logior (ash x 32.) y)) *h1*) )
228 ((equal rtype '$string)
229 (nstring-downcase (format nil "~{~8,'0x~}" *h1*)) )
231 (gf-merror (intl:gettext
232 "`sha1sum': Optional argument must be 'list, 'number or 'string." ))))))
235 ;; *** MGF1_SHA1 ************************************************************ ;;
237 ;; Generation of a pseudorandom number according to RFC 3447, appendix B.2.1 .
239 (defmfun $mgf1_sha1 (seed len &optional (rtype '$number))
240 (let ((err-msg (intl:gettext "Unsuitable arguments to `mgf1_sha1': ~m, ~m"))
241 s s+i res )
242 (cond
243 ((and (integerp seed) (>= seed 0)) (setq s (number-to-octets seed)))
244 (($listp seed) (setq s (cdr seed)))
245 (t (gf-merror err-msg seed len)) )
246 (unless (and (integerp len) (> len 0)) (gf-merror err-msg seed len))
247 (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
248 (ii (ceiling (/ len 20.0))))
249 ((= i ii))
250 (setq s+i (cons '(mlist simp) (append s (word-to-octets i)))
251 res (nconc res (cdr ($sha1sum s+i '$list))) ))
252 (setq res (subseq res 0 len))
253 (cond
254 ((equal rtype '$number) (octets-to-number res))
255 ((equal rtype '$list) (cons '(mlist simp) res))
256 (t (gf-merror (intl:gettext
257 "`mgf1_sha1': Optional argument must be 'number or 'list." ))))))
260 ;; *** SHA256 *************************************************************** ;;
262 (defvar *k2*
263 (coerce ;; the first 32 bits of the fractional parts of ..
264 (mapcar #'(lambda (i) (floor (* (rem (expt (coerce i 'double-float) 1/3) 1.0) #x100000000)))
265 (subseq *small-primes* 0 64.) ) ;; .. the cube roots of the first 64 primes (2,..,311)
266 'vector ))
268 (defvar *h2* nil)
269 (defvar *w2* nil)
271 (defun sha256-worker ()
272 (multiple-value-bind (a b c d e f g h) (apply #'values *h2*)
273 (let (s1 t1 s2 t2)
274 (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
275 ((= i 64.))
276 (setq s1 (logxor (sha-right-rotation e 6)
277 (sha-right-rotation e 11.)
278 (sha-right-rotation e 25.) )
279 t1 (logxor (logand e f) (logand (sha-not e) g))
280 t1 (sha+ h s1 t1 (svref *k2* i) (svref *w2* i))
281 s2 (logxor (sha-right-rotation a 2)
282 (sha-right-rotation a 13.)
283 (sha-right-rotation a 22.) )
284 t2 (logxor (logand a b) (logand a c) (logand b c))
285 t2 (sha+ s2 t2) )
286 (setq h g
289 e (sha+ d t1)
293 a (sha+ t1 t2) ))
294 (setq *h2* (mapcar #'sha+ (list a b c d e f g h) *h2*)) )))
296 (defun sha256-words (vec)
297 (setq *w2* (make-array 64. :element-type 'integer :initial-element 0))
298 ;; copy 512 bit message into 32 bit big-endian words:
299 (do ((i 0 (1+ i)) (inc -1))
300 ((= i 16.))
301 (setf (svref *w2* i)
302 (logior (ash (svref vec (incf inc)) 24.)
303 (ash (svref vec (incf inc)) 16.)
304 (ash (svref vec (incf inc)) 8.)
305 (svref vec (incf inc)) )))
306 ;; expand:
307 (do ((i 16. (1+ i)) w s0 s1)
308 ((= i 64.))
309 (setq w (svref *w2* (- i 15.))
310 s0 (logxor (sha-right-rotation w 7)
311 (sha-right-rotation w 18.)
312 (ash w -3) )
313 w (svref *w2* (- i 2))
314 s1 (logxor (sha-right-rotation w 17.)
315 (sha-right-rotation w 19.)
316 (ash w -10.) ))
317 (setf (svref *w2* i)
318 (sha+ (svref *w2* (- i 16.)) s0 (svref *w2* (- i 7)) s1) )))
320 (defmfun $sha256sum (s &optional (rtype '$string))
321 (let (bytes len)
322 (cond
323 ((stringp s)
324 (setq bytes (string-to-octets s)) )
325 ((and (integerp s) (>= s 0))
326 (setq bytes (number-to-octets s)) )
327 (($listp s)
328 (setq bytes (cdr s)) )
330 (gf-merror (intl:gettext
331 "`sha256sum': Argument must be a string, a non-negative integer or a list of octets." ))))
332 (setq len (length bytes)
333 *h2* ;; the first 32 bits of the fractional parts of the square roots of the first 8 primes (2,..,19)
334 '(#x6a09e667 #xbb67ae85 #x3c6ef372 #xa54ff53a #x510e527f #x9b05688c #x1f83d9ab #x5be0cd19) )
335 (do ((off len))
336 ((< off 64.) (sha-final bytes off len 256.))
337 (setq off (- off 64.))
338 (sha-update (butlast bytes off) 256.)
339 (setq bytes (last bytes off)) )
340 (cond
341 ((equal rtype '$list)
342 (cons '(mlist simp)
343 (reduce #'nconc (mapcar #'word-to-octets *h2*)) ))
344 ((equal rtype '$number)
345 (reduce #'(lambda (x y) (logior (ash x 32.) y)) *h2*) )
346 ((equal rtype '$string)
347 (nstring-downcase (format nil "~{~8,'0x~}" *h2*)) )
349 (gf-merror (intl:gettext
350 "`sha256sum': Optional argument must be 'list, 'number or 'string." ))))))
353 (eval-when
354 (:compile-toplevel :execute)
355 (setq *read-base* old-ibase-sha1) )