transl: do not assume a catch's mode based on the last body form
[maxima.git] / src / transm.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; The data in this file contains enhancements. ;;;;;
4 ;;; ;;;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984,1987 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
6 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
7 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
9 ;;; Macros for TRANSL source compilation. ;;;
10 ;;; (c) Copyright 1980 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ;;;
11 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
13 (in-package :maxima)
15 (macsyma-module transm macro)
17 (defmacro def%tr (name lambda-list &body body &aux definition)
18 (setq definition
19 (if (and (null body) (symbolp lambda-list))
20 `(def-same%tr ,name ,lambda-list)
21 `(defun-prop (,name translate) ,lambda-list
22 (block ,name ,@body))))
23 `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute :load-toplevel)
24 ,definition))
26 (defmacro def-same%tr (name same-as)
27 ;; right now MUST be used in the SAME file.
28 `(putprop ',name
29 (or (get ',same-as 'translate)
30 (maxima-error "DEF-SAME%TR: ~a has no TRANSLATE property, so I can't make an alias." ',same-as))
31 'translate))
33 ;;; declarations for the TRANSL PACKAGE.
35 (declare-top
36 ;; The warning and error subsystem.
37 (special tr-abort ; set this T if you want to abort.
38 *translation-msgs-files*) ; the stream to print messages to.
39 ;; State variables.
40 (special *pre-transl-forms* ; push onto this, gets output first into the transl file.
41 *warned-un-declared-vars*
42 *warned-fexprs*
43 *warned-mode-vars*
44 warned-undefined-variables
45 transl-file
46 *in-compfile*
47 *in-translate-file*
48 *in-translate*
49 *untranslated-functions-called*
50 $tr_numer))
52 (defmacro bind-transl-state (&rest forms)
53 ;; this binds all transl state variables to NIL.
54 ;; and binds user-settable variables to themselves.
55 ;; $TR_NUMER for example can be set to TRUE while translating
56 ;; a file, yet will only affect that file.
57 ;; Called in 3 places, for compactness maybe this should be a PROGV
58 ;; which references a list of variables?
59 `(let (*warned-un-declared-vars*
60 *warned-fexprs*
61 *warned-mode-vars*
62 warned-undefined-variables
63 tr-abort
64 transl-file
65 *in-compfile*
66 *in-translate-file*
67 *in-translate*
68 *pre-transl-forms*
69 ($tr_numer $tr_numer)
70 defined_variables
71 *local*)
72 ,@forms))
74 (defun tr-format (sstring &rest argl &aux strs)
75 (if (consp *translation-msgs-files*)
76 (setq strs *translation-msgs-files*)
77 (setq strs (list *translation-msgs-files*)))
78 (loop for v in strs
79 do (apply #'mformat v sstring argl)))
81 ;; to use in mixing maxima and lisp
82 ;; (tr #$$f(x):=x+2$)
83 (defmacro tr (u)
84 (and (consp u)
85 (eq (car u) 'quote)
86 (bind-transl-state (translate-macexpr-toplevel (second u)))))
88 (defmacro maset (val ar &rest inds)
89 (if (or (eq ar 'mqapply)
90 (and (consp ar) (member 'mqapply ar :test #'eq)))
91 `(marrayset ,val ,(car inds) ,@(cdr inds))
92 `(progn
93 (when (symbolp ,ar)
94 (setf ,ar (make-equal-hash-table ,(if (cdr inds) t nil))))
95 (maset1 ,val ,ar ,@inds))))
97 (defmacro maref (ar &rest inds)
98 (cond ((or (eql ar 'mqapply)(and (consp ar) (member 'mqapply ar :test #'eq)))
99 `(marrayref ,(first inds) ,@(cdr inds)))
100 ((consp ar)`(marrayref ,ar ,(first inds) ,@(cdr inds)))
102 `(maref1 ,ar ,@inds))))