Use :setting-predicate to assert the vars takes strings
[maxima.git] / src / max_ext.lisp
1 ;;Autoloads for maxima
2 (in-package :maxima)
4 ($auto_mexpr '$guess_exact_value "pslq")
5 (setf (get '$pslq_integer_relation 'autoload) "pslq")
7 ($auto_mexpr '$lratsubst "lrats")
8 ($auto_mexpr '$fullratsubst "lrats")
10 ($auto_mexpr '$nusum "nusum")
11 ($auto_mexpr '$unsum "nusum")
12 ($auto_mexpr '$funcsolve "nusum")
14 ($auto_mexpr '$bffac "bffac")
15 ($auto_mexpr '$cbffac "bffac")
16 ($auto_mexpr '$bfzeta "bffac")
17 ($auto_mexpr '$bfpsi "bffac")
18 ($auto_mexpr '$bfpsi0 "bffac")
20 (auto-mexpr '$trigrat '|trigrat|)
21 ($auto_mexpr '$gcdex '|gcdex|)
22 ($auto_mexpr '$expandwrt "simplification/stopex")
23 ($auto_mexpr '$expandwrt_factored "simplification/stopex")
24 (declaim (special $expandwrt_denom $expandwrt_nonrat))
26 ($auto_mexpr '$facsum "simplification/facexp")
27 ($auto_mexpr '$factorfacsum "simplification/facexp")
28 ($auto_mexpr '$collectterms "simplification/facexp")
29 (declaim (special $nextlayerfactor $facsum_combine))
31 ($auto_mexpr '$disolate "simplification/disol")
33 ($auto_mexpr '$linsimp "misc/declin")
34 ($auto_mexpr '$declare_linear_operator "misc/declin")
36 ($auto_mexpr '$nonumfactor "simplification/genut")
37 (meval '((%setup_autoload simp) "bffac" $bfzeta))
39 ;jfa
40 ($auto_mexpr '$eigenvectors "eigen.mac")
41 ($auto_mexpr '$eivects "eigen.mac")
42 ($auto_mexpr '$eigenvalues "eigen.mac")
43 ($auto_mexpr '$eivals "eigen.mac")
45 ($auto_mexpr '$trigsimp "trgsmp.mac")
46 ($auto_mexpr '$ode2 "ode2.mac")
47 ($auto_mexpr '$ic1 "ode2.mac")
48 ($auto_mexpr '$ic2 "ode2.mac")
49 ($auto_mexpr '$bc2 "ode2.mac")
50 ($auto_mexpr '$desimp "ode2.mac")
51 ($auto_mexpr '$linear2 "ode2")
53 ;villate
54 ($auto_mexpr '$similaritytransform "eigen.mac")
55 ($auto_mexpr '$simtran "eigen.mac")
57 (dolist (v
58 '($arite
59 $card_orbit
60 $card_stab
61 $comp2ele
62 $comp2pui
63 $cont2part
64 $contract
65 $direct
66 $ele2comp
67 $ele2polynome
68 $ele2pui
69 $elem
70 $explose
71 $kostka
72 $lgtreillis
73 $ltreillis
74 $mon2schur
75 $multi_elem
76 $multi_orbit
77 $multi_pui
78 $multinomial
79 $multsym
80 $orbit
81 $part2cont
82 $partpol
83 $permut
84 $polynome2ele
85 $prodrac
86 $pui
87 $pui2comp
88 $pui2ele
89 $pui2polynome
90 $pui_direct
91 $puireduc
92 $resolvante
93 $resolvante_alternee1
94 $resolvante_bipartite
95 $resolvante_diedrale
96 $resolvante_klein
97 $resolvante_klein3
98 $resolvante_produit_sym
99 $resolvante_unitaire
100 $resolvante_vierer
101 $schur2comp
102 $somrac
103 $tcontract
104 $tpartpol
105 $treillis
106 $treinat
108 (setf (get v 'autoload) "sym.mac")
112 (dolist (f
113 '($adjust_external_format
114 $close
115 $flush_output
116 $flength
117 $fposition
118 $freshline
119 $newline
120 $opena
121 $openr
122 $openw
123 $make_string_input_stream
124 $make_string_output_stream
125 $get_output_stream_string
126 $stderr
127 $stdin
128 $stdout
129 $printf
130 $sprint
131 $writebyte
132 $readbyte
133 $readchar
134 $readline
135 $alphacharp
136 $alphanumericp
137 $ascii
138 $cequal
139 $cequalignore
140 $cgreaterp
141 $cgreaterpignore
142 $charp
143 $cint
144 $clessp
145 $clesspignore
146 $constituent
147 $cunlisp
148 $digitcharp
149 $lcharp
150 $lowercasep
151 $uppercasep
152 $stringp
153 $charat
154 $charlist
155 $eval_string
156 $parse_string
157 $scopy
158 $sdowncase
159 $sequal
160 $sequalignore
161 $sexplode
162 $simplode
163 $sinsert
164 $sinvertcase
165 $slength
166 $smake
167 $smismatch
168 $split
169 $sposition
170 $sremove
171 $sremovefirst
172 $sreverse
173 $ssearch
174 $ssort
175 $ssubst
176 $ssubstfirst
177 $strim
178 $striml
179 $strimr
180 $substring
181 $supcase
182 $tab
183 $tokens
184 $unicode
185 $unicode_to_utf8
186 $utf8_to_unicode
187 $base64
188 $base64_decode
189 $crc24sum
190 $md5sum
191 $mgf1_sha1
192 $number_to_octets
193 $octets_to_number
194 $octets_to_oid
195 $oid_to_octets
196 $octets_to_string
197 $string_to_octets
198 $sha1sum
199 $sha256sum
200 $inferred_encoding
201 $recognized_encoding_p))
202 (setf (get f 'autoload) "stringproc"))
205 (dolist (f
206 '($regex_compile
207 $regex_match_pos
208 $regex_match
209 $regex_split
210 $regex_subst_first
211 $regex_subst
212 $string_to_regex ))
213 (setf (get f 'autoload) "sregex"))
216 (setf (get '$romberg 'autoload) "romberg")
218 (dolist (f
219 '($assume_external_byte_order
220 $opena_binary
221 $openr_binary
222 $openw_binary
223 $read_array
224 $read_binary_array
225 $read_binary_list
226 $read_binary_matrix
227 $read_hashed_array
228 $read_lisp_array
229 $read_list
230 $read_matrix
231 $read_maxima_array
232 $read_nested_list
233 $write_binary_data
234 $write_data))
235 (setf (get f 'autoload) "numericalio"))
237 (dolist (f
238 '($bit_and
239 $bit_length
240 $bit_lsh
241 $bit_not
242 $bit_onep
243 $bit_or
244 $bit_rsh
245 $bit_xor ))
246 (setf (get f 'autoload) "bitwise"))
249 ;; functions from share/linearalgebra
250 (dolist (f
251 '($eigens_by_jacobi ; eigens-by-jacobi.lisp
253 $cholesky ; linalgcholesky.lisp
255 $circulant ; linalg-extra.lisp
256 $cauchy_matrix
257 $hessian
258 $jacobian
259 $krylov_matrix
260 $matrix_sign
261 $sylvester_matrix
262 $vandermonde_matrix
264 $blockmatrixp ; linalg-utilities.lisp
265 $ctranspose
266 $identfor
267 $matrix_size
268 $require_list
269 $require_matrix
270 $require_nonempty_matrix
271 $require_posinteger
272 $require_real_symmetric_matrix
273 $require_selfadjoint_matrix
274 $require_square_matrix
275 $require_symmetric_matrix
276 $require_unblockedmatrix
277 $zerofor
278 $zeromatrixp
280 $determinant_by_lu ; lu.lisp
281 $get_lu_factors
282 $invert_by_lu
283 $linsolve_by_lu
284 $lu_backsub
285 $lu_factor
286 $mat_cond
288 $matrixexp ; matrixexp.lisp
289 $matrixfun
290 $spectral_rep
292 $addmatrices ; mring.lisp
293 $require_ring
295 (setf (get f 'autoload) "linearalgebra"))
297 (dolist (mexpr
298 '($column_reduce ; linearalgebra.mac
299 $columnop
300 $columnspace
301 $columnswap
302 $diag_matrix
303 $dotproduct
304 $good_pivot
305 $hankel
306 $hilbert_matrix
307 $hipow_gzero
308 $kronecker_product
309 $linalg_rank
310 $locate_matrix_entry
311 $mat_fullunblocker
312 $mat_norm
313 $mat_trace
314 $mat_unblocker
315 $moore_penrose_pseudoinverse
316 $nullity
317 $nullspace
318 $orthogonal_complement
319 $polytocompanion
320 $ptriangularize
321 $ptriangularize_with_proviso
322 $request_rational_matrix
323 $require_integer
324 $require_symbol
325 $rowop
326 $rowswap
327 $toeplitz))
328 ($auto_mexpr mexpr "linearalgebra"))
331 (dolist (f
332 '($assoc_legendre_p
333 $assoc_legendre_q
334 $chebyshev_t
335 $chebyshev_u
336 $gen_laguerre
337 $hermite
338 $intervalp
339 $jacobi_p
340 $laguerre
341 $legendre_p
342 $legendre_q
343 $orthopoly_recur
344 $orthopoly_weight
345 $pochhammer
346 $spherical_bessel_j
347 $spherical_bessel_y
348 $spherical_hankel1
349 $spherical_hankel2
350 $spherical_harmonic
351 $ultraspherical))
352 (setf (get f 'autoload) "orthopoly"))
354 (defprop $unit_step simp-unit-step operators)
355 (autof 'simp-unit-step "orthopoly")
357 (defprop $pochhammer simp-pochhammer operators)
358 (autof 'simp-pochhammer "orthopoly")
360 (dolist (f
361 '($activate_window
362 $add_zeroes
363 $draw
364 $draw2d
365 $draw3d
366 $draw_file
367 $get_pixel
368 $make_level_picture
369 $make_rgb_picture
370 $multiplot_mode
371 $negative_picture
372 $picture_equalp
373 $picturep
374 $read_xpm
375 $rgb2level
376 $set_draw_defaults
377 $take_channel))
378 (setf (get f 'autoload) "draw"))
380 (dolist (f
381 '($julia
382 $mandelbrot
383 $plotdf
384 $ploteq
385 $rk))
386 (setf (get f 'autoload) "dynamics"))
388 (dolist (mexpr
389 '($evolution
390 $staircase
391 $evolution2d
392 $chaosgame
393 $ifs
394 $orbits))
395 ($auto_mexpr mexpr "dynamics"))
397 (setf (get '$scene 'autoload) "visualization")
399 ($auto_mexpr '$abramowitz_id "abramowitz_id")
400 ($auto_mexpr '$hypergeometric_simp "hypergeometric_mac")
402 (dolist (f
403 '($cl_eval
404 $common_lisp
405 $to_cl))
406 (setf (get f 'autoload) "tocl"))
408 (dolist (f
409 '($hstep
410 $pwilt))
411 (setf (get f 'autoload) "pwilt"))