Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[maxima.git] / share / affine / sheafc.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode:Lisp; Package:CL-MAXIMA; Syntax:COMMON-LISP; Base:10 -*-
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; ;;;;;
4 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
5 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
6 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 (in-package :maxima)
10 ;(defun grobner-subset (id1 id2 &optional ( may-invert 1) &aux answ unit-ideal)
11 ; (declare (values answ unit-ideal))
12 ; (cond ((not (eql 1 may-invert))
13 ; (setq *poly-simplifications* (grobner-remember (cons (pdifference
14 ; (ptimes (st-rat '$zzzzz)
15 ; may-invert)
16 ; 1)
17 ; id2))))
18 ; (t (setq *poly-simplifications* (grobner-remember id2))))
19 ; (setq answ
20 ; (cond (($zerop (polysimp 1))(setq unit-ideal 'unit-ideal))
21 ; (t
22 ; (loop for v in id1 when (not ($zerop (polysimp v)))
23 ; do (return nil)
24 ; finally (return t)) )))
25 ; (values answ unit-ideal))
27 (defun grobner-subset (id1 id2 &optional ( may-invert 1) &aux answ unit-ideal)
28 ; (declare (values answ unit-ideal))
29 (setq unit-ideal (unit-idealp id2 may-invert))
30 (setq answ (loop for v in id1 when (not ($zerop (polysimp v)))
31 do (return nil)
32 finally (return t)) )
33 (values answ unit-ideal))
35 ;(defun unit-idealp (list-eqns &optional (may-invert 1) &aux )
36 ; (cond ((not (eql 1 may-invert))
37 ; (setq *poly-simplifications* (grobner-remember (cons (pdifference
38 ; (ptimes (st-rat '$zzzzz)
39 ; may-invert)
40 ; 1)
41 ; list-eqns))))
42 ; (t (setq *poly-simplifications* (grobner-remember list-eqns))))
43 ; (cond (($zerop (polysimp 1)) 'unit-ideal)))
45 (defvar *invert-separately* t)
47 (defun fast-grobner-basis (list-eqns &optional (may-invert 1) (string-for-inverse-name "")
48 &aux eqns facts newvars inverses
49 (pcomplexity-of-inverses 80))
50 ; (declare (values *poly-simplifications* newvars))
51 (cond
52 ((loop for v in list-eqns
53 when (may-invertp v may-invert)
54 do (setq *poly-simplifications* (list 1 (rzero))) (return 'done)))
55 ((not (numberp may-invert))
56 (cond ((and *invert-separately* (> (pcomplexity may-invert)
57 pcomplexity-of-inverses))
58 (setq facts (npfactor may-invert)))
59 (t (setq facts (list (square-free may-invert) 1))))
60 (setq newvars (unused-variables (truncate (length facts) 2) string-for-inverse-name))
61 (setq inverses
62 (loop for (pol deg) on facts by #'cddr
63 for new in newvars
64 when (< (pcomplexity pol) pcomplexity-of-inverses)
65 collecting
66 (pdifference (ptimes (list new 1 1)
67 pol) 1)
68 else do
69 (format t "~3%******* That inverse was a little to complex to use: .. ****~3%")
70 (des pol)))
71 (setq eqns (sort (copy-list (append inverses list-eqns)) 'alphalessp))
72 (setq *poly-simplifications* (grobner-remember eqns)))
73 (t (setq *poly-simplifications* (grobner-remember (sort (copy-list list-eqns) 'alphalessp)))))
74 (values *poly-simplifications* newvars))
77 (defvar *invalid-contractions* nil)
78 (defun contract-ideal-localization (list-eqns may-invert &aux simps newvars)
79 (catch 'took-too-long
80 (multiple-value-setq (simps newvars) (fast-grobner-basis list-eqns may-invert 'zzzzzzzz)))
81 (cond ((null simps) (format t "~%******Invalid contraction")
82 (push (list list-eqns may-invert) *invalid-contractions*) list-eqns)
84 (loop for v in (poly-relations-from-simplifications)
85 when (loop for var in newvars
86 when (not (zerop (pdegree v var)))
87 do (return nil) finally (return t))
88 collecting v))))
90 (defvar *too-long-for-grobner-basis* nil)
91 (defun unit-idealp (list-eqns &optional (may-invert 1) &aux answer)
93 "Has a side effect of setting the *poly-simplifications* to be the correct ones"
94 (format t "~%Entering unit-ideal")
95 (if-verbose (show (gen-pcomplexity list-eqns) (pcomplexity may-invert)))
96 (cond
97 ;;this is handled by grobner-remember now
98 ; ((member (list list-eqns may-invert) *too-long-for-grobner-basis*)
99 ; (setq *poly-simplifications* nil))
101 (setq answer (catch 'took-too-long (fast-grobner-basis list-eqns may-invert "ZZ")))
102 (cond ((eq answer 'took-too-long) (push (list list-eqns may-invert) *too-long-for-grobner-basis*)
103 (setq *poly-simplifications* nil))
104 (($zerop (polysimp 1)) 'unit-ideal)))))
106 (defun ptruncate (poly var deg)
107 (cond ((<= (pdegree poly var) deg)
108 poly)
109 (t (ptruncate1 poly var deg))))
110 (defun ptruncate1 (poly var degree &aux answ tem)
111 (cond ((atom poly) poly)
112 ((pointergp (p-var poly) var)
113 (loop for (deg cof) on (cdr poly) by #'cddr
114 when (not (pzerop (setq tem
115 (ptruncate1 cof var degree))))
116 collecting deg into pol
118 collecting tem into pol
119 finally (return (cond (pol (cons (p-var poly) pol))
120 (t 0)))))
121 ((eq (p-var poly) var)
122 (loop for v on (cdr poly) by #'cddr
123 when (<= (car v) degree)
124 do (return (setq answ v)))
125 (cond (answ (cons var answ))
126 (t 0)))
127 (t poly)))
129 (defun sort-key (data pred key &rest rest-key-arg)
130 (declare (special rest-key-arg key pred))
131 (sort (copy-list data) #'(lambda (u v)
132 (funcall pred (apply key u rest-key-arg)
133 (apply key v rest-key-arg)))))
135 (defun leading-coefficient (poly var)
136 (pcoeff poly (list var (pdegree poly var) 1)))
139 ;;condition on domain of op1-->op2
140 ;; is that the part of the denom of the map op1-->op2 which is relatively
141 ;;prime to the inequality on op1, should be invertible on op2.
142 ;;condition on the range is that the image of a point in op1
143 ;;should satisfy the inequality of op2
144 (defremember open-subsetp (op1 op2 )
145 (let ( map12 map21 gg gf domain-ok)
146 (setq map21 (find-ring-map op2 op1))
147 (setq gf (numerator (apply-rmap map12 (rmap-denom map21))))
148 (setq map12 (find-ring-map op1 op2))
149 (setq gg (numerator (apply-rmap map12 (zopen-inequality op1))))
150 (cond ((may-invertp gf (ptimes gg (zopen-inequality op2))) (setq domain-ok t))
151 (t nil))
152 ;;check the image lands in
153 (cond ((and domain-ok
154 (may-invertp (numerator (apply-rmap map21 (zopen-inequality op2)))
155 (zopen-inequality op1))) t)
156 (t nil))))
159 ; (setq gg (nplcm (numerator (apply-rmap map (zopen-inequality op2) )) (rmap-denom map)))
160 ; (cond ((may-invertp gg (zopen-inequality op1)) t)
161 ; (t nil)))
162 ;;works but makes to many refinements
163 (defun open-refinement-for-list (zopen list-eqns
164 &aux ( gg (zopen-inequality zopen)) tem answ )
165 (format t "Should be using best open cover see file")
166 (cond ((null list-eqns)(list zopen))
168 (loop for pol on list-eqns
169 when (and (not (any-linearp (car pol)gg))
170 (setq tem (gm-prepared (car pol) :inequal gg)))
171 do (setq answ (open-refinement zopen (car pol) (length tem)))
172 (return (loop for vv in answ
173 appending (open-refinement-for-list vv (cdr pol))))
174 finally (return (list zopen))))))
178 (defun open-refinement-for-list (zopen list-eqns
179 &aux ( gg (zopen-inequality zopen)) tem answ refs)
180 (cond ((null list-eqns)(list zopen))
182 (loop for pol in list-eqns
183 when (and (not (any-linearp pol gg))
184 (setq tem (gm-prepared pol :inequal gg)))
186 (setq answ (best-open-cover list-eqns (zopen-inequality zopen)))
187 (iassert (unit-idealp answ (zopen-inequality zopen)))
188 (loop for gg in answ
189 when (not (or
190 (unit-idealp list-eqns gg)
191 (linear-ldatap (make-ldata :eqns list-eqns):open-g gg)))
192 do (fsignal "This refinement is not sufficient."))
193 ;;what here????
195 (format t "~%Refining for the equations ~/maxima::tilde-q-fsh/ with inequality ~/maxima::tilde-q-fsh/ ~
196 ~%Using inequalities ~/maxima::tilde-q-fsh/ " list-eqns gg answ)
198 (setq refs
199 (loop for gg in answ
200 collecting (zl-copy-structure zopen zopen-
201 inequality gg)))
202 ;;could stick something recursive in here to make linear variables in each
203 ;;eqn disjoint
204 ; (return (loop for vv in refs
205 ; appending (open-refinement-for-list vv list-eqns)))
206 (return refs)
207 finally (return (list zopen))))))
212 ;(defun eliminate-larger (a-list &key ( key 'identity) test test-not (destructive nil)
213 ; &aux maybe-not)
214 ; (cond ((null destructive)(setq a-list (copy-list a-list))))
215 ; (cond (test-not (setq test test-not)
216 ; (setq maybe-not 'null))
217 ; (t (setq maybe-not 'identity)))
218 ; (loop for v in a-list
219 ; for i from 0
220 ; appending (loop for w in a-list
221 ; for j from 0
222 ; when (and (not (eql i j))
223 ; (funcall maybe-not (funcall test (funcall key v)
224 ; (funcall key w))))
225 ; do (setq a-list (delete w a-list))))
226 ; a-list)
228 ;;above does not seem to work
229 (defun eliminate-larger (a-list &key ( key 'identity) test test-not verify
230 (destructive nil)
231 &aux maybe-not answ orig)
232 "Eliminates equal duplicates in A-LIST and then if test is given it
233 eliminates items w such that (funcall test v w) is true for zl-SOME v not equal to w,
234 and if test-not is specified it eliminates w such that (null (funcall test v w)) holds"
235 (cond ((null destructive)(setq a-list (copy-list a-list))))
236 (cond (test-not (setq test test-not)
237 (setq maybe-not 'null))
238 (t (setq maybe-not 'identity)))
239 ;;in case two things are equal we don't want to delete both!!
240 (setq orig a-list)
241 (setq a-list (union-equal a-list))
242 (setq answ (copy-list a-list))
243 (loop for v in a-list
244 for i from 0
245 do (loop for w in a-list
246 for j from 0
247 when (and (not (eql i j))
248 (funcall maybe-not (funcall test (funcall key v)
249 (funcall key w))))
251 (setq answ (delete w answ :test #'equal))))
252 (cond (verify
253 (loop for v in orig
254 do (loop for w in answ
255 when
256 (funcall maybe-not (funcall test (funcall key w)
257 (funcall key v)))
259 do (return nil)
260 finally (merror "~A is not larger than anything in the answer ~a" v answ)))))
261 answ)
264 (defun eliminate-smaller (a-list &key ( key 'identity) test test-not verify (destructive nil)
265 &aux maybe-not answ orig)
266 "Eliminates equal duplicates in A-LIST and then if test is given it
267 eliminates items w such that (funcall test v w) is true for zl-SOME v not equal to w,
268 and if test-not is specified it eliminates w such that (null (funcall test v w)) holds"
269 (cond ((null destructive)(setq a-list (copy-list a-list))))
270 (cond (test-not (setq test test-not)
271 (setq maybe-not 'null))
272 (t (setq maybe-not 'identity)))
273 ;;in case two things are equal we don't want to delete both!!
274 (setq orig a-list)
275 (setq a-list (union-equal a-list))
276 (setq answ (copy-list a-list))
277 (loop for v in a-list
278 for i from 0
279 do (loop for w in a-list
280 for j from 0
281 when (and (not (eql i j))
282 (funcall maybe-not (funcall test (funcall key v)
283 (funcall key w))))
285 (setq answ (delete v answ :test #'equal))))
286 (cond (verify
287 (loop for v in orig
288 do (loop for w in answ
289 when
290 (funcall maybe-not (funcall test (funcall key w)
291 (funcall key v)))
293 do (return nil)
294 finally (merror "~A is not larger than anything in the answer ~a" v answ)))))
295 answ)
297 (defun add-pls-zopen-history (pls)
298 (loop for v in (pls-opens pls)
299 for i from 0
300 collecting (add-zopen-history v i) into opens
301 finally (setf (pls-opens pls ) opens)))
303 (defun find-position-in-list (item list &key (test #'equal))
304 (loop for v in list
305 for i from 0
306 when (funcall test v item)
307 do (return i)))
309 (defun normalize-pls (pls open ld-number &aux nth-open all-opens-data opens comp
310 lis-data MAPL tem refs codimension-component)
311 "makes the list-eqns become first coords in open and in the other opens, it
312 should also look after refining if necessary: ie. if one of eqns is gm-prepared
313 it must refine"
314 ; (declare (values normal-pls opens-not-to-blowup component-codimension))
315 (setq opens (pls-opens pls))
316 (setq lis-data (pls-data pls))
317 (cond ((numberp open)(setq nth-open open))
318 (t (setq nth-open(find-position-in-list open opens))))
319 (setq comp (match-components pls nth-open :ldata-number ld-number))
320 (setq codimension-component (length (ldata-eqns (nth ld-number
321 (nth nth-open lis-data)))))
322 (setq comp
323 (loop for v in comp
324 when (eq (cdr (assoc nth-open v :test #'equal)) ld-number)
325 do (return v)))
327 (loop for op in opens
328 for lis-ld in lis-data
329 for i from 0
330 when (setq ld-number (cdr (assoc i comp :test #'equal)))
332 (setq refs (open-refinement-for-list op (ldata-eqns (nth ld-number lis-ld))))
333 (loop for op1 in refs
334 do (push (list op1 lis-ld (ldata-eqns (nth ld-number lis-ld))) all-opens-data))
335 else
336 do (push (list op lis-ld nil) all-opens-data))
337 ; (setq all-opens-data (eliminate-larger all-opens-data :key 'car
338 ; :test 'open-subsetp ))
339 (setq all-opens-data (nreverse all-opens-data))
340 (loop for v in all-opens-data
341 for i from 0
342 when (third v)
343 collecting (setq tem (normalize-zopen (car v ) (third v))) into all-opens
345 do (setq MAPL (find-ring-map (car v) tem))
347 collecting (loop for ld in (second v)
348 collecting (apply-rmap MAPL ld))
349 into data
350 else
351 collecting i into opens-not-to-blowup
353 collecting (car v) into all-opens
354 and collecting (second v) into data
355 finally (return (values
356 (make-pre-ldata-sheaves
357 :s-var (make-s-var :zopens all-opens)
358 :data data)
359 opens-not-to-blowup
360 codimension-component))))
362 (defun a-factor (fact-list1 fact-list2 &aux tem)
363 (loop for (pol deg) on fact-list1 by #'cddr
364 when (not (and (setq tem (get-alt pol fact-list2))
365 (>= tem deg)))
366 do (return nil)
367 finally (return t)))
369 (defun multiply-out-factorization (facts)
370 (loop for (pol deg) on facts by #'cddr
371 with answ = 1
372 do (setq answ (ptimes answ (pexpt pol deg)))
373 finally (return answ)))
375 (defun monomialp (pol)
376 (cond((atom pol) t)
377 (t (and (eql (length pol) 3) (monomialp (third pol))))))
378 (defun one-variablep (f)
379 (and (eql (length f) 3) (numberp (third f))))
381 (defvar *leave-unit-ldata* nil)
382 (defun ldata-simplify-homogeneous (ldata &optional (may-invert 1) &aux all-others used eqns facts answ simpler (added t) eqn tem)
383 (process-sleep 15)
384 (setq facts (loop for v in (ldata-eqns ldata)
386 do (process-sleep 15)
387 when (not ($zerop v))
388 collecting (setq tem (non-constant-factors v may-invert))
390 ;;when (null tem) do (mshow v) (break 'here)))
391 (loop for v in facts
392 when (null v)
394 (return (setq answ 'unit)))
395 (cond
396 ((null answ) (setq facts (eliminate-larger facts :test 'a-factor :verify t))
397 (loop for v in facts
398 when (loop for (pol deg) on v by #'cddr
399 when (not (one-variablep pol))
400 do (return nil)
401 finally (return t))
403 collecting (multiply-out-factorization v) into tem
404 else collecting (multiply-out-factorization v) into others
405 finally (setq used tem) (grobner-basis tem) (setq all-others others))
406 (loop named sue while added
407 for ii from 0
409 (setq added nil)
410 (loop for w in all-others
411 do (setq eqn (numerator (polysimp w)))
412 when (not ($zerop eqn))
414 (cond ((numberp eqn) (setq answ 'unit) (return-from sue 'done))
415 ((monomialp eqn)
416 (add-to-poly-simplifications eqn) (push eqn used)
417 (setq added t) (return 'again)))
419 collecting eqn into tem
420 when (may-invertp eqn may-invert) do (return-from sue (setq answ 'unit))
421 finally (setq simpler tem))
422 finally (setq eqns (append (delete 0 simpler :test #'equal) used)))))
423 (setq answ (cond ((eq answ 'unit) (format t "~%It turned out to be trivial")
424 (cond (*leave-unit-ldata* (list (make-ldata :eqns '(1))) )))
425 (t (format t "~%There are ~A equations of complexity ~A of which ~A ~
426 are monomials"
427 (length eqns) (gen-pcomplexity eqns) (length used))
428 (list (zl-copy-structure ldata ldata- eqns eqns))))))
431 ;;;try to do without factoring.
432 ;(defun ldata-simplify-homogeneous (ldata &optional (may-invert 1)
433 ; &aux all-others used eqns facts answ)
434 ; (process-sleep 15)
435 ; (setq facts (loop for v in (ldata-eqns ldata)
436 ; do (process-sleep 15)
437 ; collecting (non-constant-factors v may-invert)))
438 ; (loop for v in facts
439 ; when (null v)
440 ; do (return (setq answ 'unit)))
441 ; (cond ((null answ) (setq facts (eliminate-larger facts :test 'a-factor))
442 ; (loop for v in facts
443 ; when (loop for (pol deg) on v by #'cddr
444 ; when (not (one-variablep pol))
445 ; do (return nil)
446 ; finally (return t))
448 ; collecting (multiply-out-factorization v) into tem
449 ; else collecting (multiply-out-factorization v) into others
450 ; finally (setq used tem) (grobner-basis tem) (setq all-others others))
451 ; (loop for w in all-others
452 ; collecting (numerator (polysimp w)) into tem
453 ; finally (setq eqns (append (delete 0 tem) used)))))
454 ; (cond ((eq answ 'unit) (format t "~%It turned out to be trivial")nil )
455 ; (t
456 ; (list (copy-structure ldata ldata- eqns eqns)))))
461 ;;if the ldata on one open are trivial it will give empty list corresponding to that open.
462 (defun simplify-svar-homogeneous (pls &aux all-data tem)
463 (setq pls (copy-list-structure pls))
464 (setq all-data
465 (loop
466 for op in (pls-opens pls)
467 for w in (pls-data pls)
468 collecting (cons op
469 (loop for ld in w
470 when (setq tem (ldata-simplify-homogeneous ld (zopen-inequality op)))
471 appending tem))))
472 (construct-pre-ldata-sheaves :s-var (make-s-var :zopens (mapcar #'car all-data))
473 :data (mapcar #'cdr all-data)))
475 (defun intersection-inequality-in-op1 (op1 op2 &aux hh )
476 (let ((map1 (find-ring-map op1 op2))
477 (map2 (find-ring-map op2 op1)))
478 (setq hh (apply-rmap-to-square-free-factors map2 (zopen-inequality op2)))
479 (setq hh (sftimes
480 hh (apply-rmap-to-square-free-factors map2 (rmap-denom map1))))
481 (setq hh (sftimes hh (zopen-inequality op1)))
482 (setq hh (sftimes hh (rmap-denom map2)))))
484 (defun refine-pls (pls list-eqns &aux refs changed new-pls)
485 (loop for op in (pls-opens pls)
486 for lis in list-eqns
487 for lis-dat in (pls-data pls)
488 appending
489 (progn
490 (setq refs (open-refinement-for-list op lis ))
491 ; (loop for ope in refs
492 ; (cond ((and lis original-open
493 ; (null (unit-idealp lis (zopen-inequality ope)))
494 ; (null (linear-ldatap
495 ; (make-ldata eqns lis)
496 ; :open-g (zopen-inequality ope))))
497 ; (if tried (fsignal "this won't work"))
498 ; (setq hh (intersection-inequality-in-op1 ope original-open))
499 ; (setq tem1 (try-harder-and-intersect
500 ; op
501 ; (make-ldata eqns eqns1) lis-dat hh))
502 ; (setq lis (ldata-eqns tem1)) (setq tried t)
503 ; (format t "~%*****Had to intersect ~VQ with original ldata to obtain ~VQ" eqns1 'fsh tem1 'fsh)
505 (cond ((> (length refs ) 1)(setq changed t)))
506 refs) into all-ops
507 appending
508 (make-list (length refs) :initial-element lis-dat ) into all-dat
509 appending
510 (make-list (length refs) :initial-element lis ) into the-eqns
511 finally
512 (setq new-pls(construct-pre-ldata-sheaves :opens all-ops :data all-dat))
513 (cond (changed (add-pls-zopen-history new-pls)))
514 (return
515 (values new-pls
516 the-eqns ))))
518 (defun all-linearp ( eqns &optional (inequal 1))
519 (loop for v in eqns when (not (any-linearp v inequal))
520 do (return nil) finally (return t)))
522 ;(defun prepare-for-blowup (pls open-number eqns &aux tr-data ld from-open ref-pls norm-op
523 ; transl-eqns)
524 ; "the eqns will be translated around to other opens and the coords and ldata will be
525 ; normalized on the components it meets. A pls and opens-not-to-blowup are returned"
526 ; (setq from-open (nth open-number(pls-opens pls)))
527 ; (setq ld (make-ldata eqns eqns))
528 ; (loop for op in (pls-opens pls)
529 ; for op-number from 0
530 ; collecting
531 ; (ldata-eqns
532 ; (translate-reduced-component open-number op-number ld pls)) into lis-eqns
533 ; finally (multiple-value ( ref-pls transl-eqns)
534 ; (refine-pls pls lis-eqns)))
535 ; (loop for op in (pls-opens ref-pls)
536 ; for eqns in transl-eqns
537 ; for i from 0
538 ; for lis-dat in (pls-data ref-pls)
539 ; when (and eqns lis-dat (all-linearp eqns (zopen-inequality op)))
540 ; do
541 ; (multiple-value
542 ; (norm-op tr-data)
543 ; (normalize-zopen op eqns :data lis-dat))
544 ; and collecting (cons norm-op tr-data) into all-data
545 ; else
546 ; collecting (cons op lis-dat) into all-data
547 ; and collecting i into opens-not-to-blowup
548 ; finally
549 ; (return(values (construct-pre-ldata-sheaves :opens (mapcar 'car all-data)
550 ; :data (mapcar 'cdr all-data))
551 ; opens-not-to-blowup))))
552 ;;Better: the data of what to blow up may come from the associated reduced sheaf,
553 ;;so to specify the data we should specify an open and the equations, and the
554 ;;pls to blowup.
556 (defun zopen-special-subset (op1 op2)
557 (and (equal (zopen-coord op1) (zopen-coord op2))
558 (may-invertp (zopen-inequality op2) (zopen-inequality op1))))
559 (defun zopen-equal (op1 op2)
560 (and (equal (zopen-coord op1) (zopen-coord op2))
561 (equal (zopen-inequality op1) (zopen-inequality op2))))
564 (defun try-harder-and-intersect (op trans-ld lis-dat hh &aux answ *refine-opens*)
566 (setq answ (simplify-ldata (make-ldata :eqns (append (ldata-eqns trans-ld)
567 (ldata-eqns (car lis-dat))))
568 :open-g hh ))
569 (fsignal 'hi)
570 (format t "~%*** Having to try harder ***.")
571 (cond ((equal(length answ) 1) (setq answ (car answ)))
572 ((null answ) nil)
573 (t (fsignal "Two components in the translate")))
574 (cond ((linear-ldatap answ :open-g (zopen-inequality op)) answ)
575 (t (fsignal "Real trouble : the ldata are not linear after translation"))))
577 (defun prepare-for-blowup (pls open-for-equations eqns
578 &aux tr-data ld from-open ref-pls norm-op orig-eqns
579 transl-eqns int-inequal list-eqns tem)
580 "the eqns will be translated around to other opens and the coords and ldata will be
581 normalized on the components it meets. A pls and opens-not-to-blowup are returned"
582 (setq from-open open-for-equations)
583 (setq orig-eqns eqns)
584 (setq pls (copy-list-structure pls))
585 (cond ((ldatap eqns)(setq ld eqns))
586 (t (setq ld (make-ldata :eqns eqns))))
587 (loop for op in (pls-opens pls)
588 for op-number from 0
589 for lis-dat in (pls-data pls)
590 do (setq tem nil)
591 when lis-dat
592 collecting
593 (progn
594 (multiple-value-setq (tem int-inequal)
595 (translate-reduced-component-and-reduce
596 from-open op ld
597 :homogeneous-ldata-on-to-open (car lis-dat)) )
598 (ldata-eqns tem))
599 into lis-eqns
600 else collecting nil into lis-eqns
601 collecting int-inequal into lis-int-inequal
602 when (and tem (not (= (length (ldata-eqns tem)) (length (ldata-eqns ld)))))
603 do (merror "wrong number of equations")
605 (format t "~2%On open ~A the inequality is ~/maxima::tilde-q-fsh/ (before refinement).~
606 ~%The translated equations are ~/maxima::tilde-q-fsh/. "
607 op-number (zopen-inequality op) (ldata-eqns tem))
608 ; when tem do (fsignal 'hi)
610 finally (multiple-value ( ref-pls transl-eqns)
611 (refine-pls pls (setq list-eqns lis-eqns)))
613 (setq ref-pls (copy-list-structure ref-pls)))
614 (loop for op in (pls-opens ref-pls)
615 for eqns in transl-eqns
616 for i from 0
617 for lis-dat in (pls-data ref-pls)
618 when (and eqns lis-dat (all-linearp eqns (zopen-inequality op)))
620 (multiple-value
621 (norm-op tr-data)
622 (normalize-zopen op eqns :data lis-dat))
623 (format t "~%On this open ~/maxima::tilde-q-fsh/ will correspond to ~/maxima::tilde-q-fsh/" eqns
624 (loop for i from 1 to (length eqns) collecting (xxx i)))
625 (check-normalization open-for-equations norm-op orig-eqns)
626 ; (break 'prepare1)
627 (format t "~%normalizing open ~A . " i)
628 and collecting (cons norm-op tr-data) into all-data
629 else
631 (format t "%The open ~A does not meet" i)
632 ;(break 'prepare)
634 collecting (cons op lis-dat) into all-data
635 and collecting i into opens-not-to-blowup
636 finally
637 (cond ((eql (length opens-not-to-blowup) (length all-data))
638 (merror "Not going to blowup anything")))
639 (return(values (construct-pre-ldata-sheaves :opens (mapcar 'car all-data)
640 :data (mapcar 'cdr all-data))
641 opens-not-to-blowup ))))
645 (defun check-normalization (original-open norm-op original-eqns &aux answ)
646 (cond ((not (ldatap original-eqns))(setq original-eqns
647 (make-ldata :eqns original-eqns))))
648 (setq answ (translate-component-and-reduce original-open norm-op
649 original-eqns))
650 (setq answ (sort (copy-list (ldata-eqns answ)) 'alphalessp))
651 (loop for v in answ
652 for w in *xxx*
653 when (not (and (eq (first v) w) (eql (second v) 1)))
654 do (merror "bad normalization")))
657 (defun hhh (pls reduced-pls op-num dat-num)
658 (blowup-pls-and-reduced-pls pls reduced-pls (nth op-num (pls-opens reduced-pls))
659 (ldata-eqns (pls-ldata reduced-pls op-num :ldata-number dat-num))))
660 (defun blowup-pls-and-reduced-pls (pls reduced-pls opens-for-eqns eqns
661 &aux new-pls new-red-pls)
662 (setq new-pls (blowup-pls pls opens-for-eqns eqns :simplify-homogeneous t))
663 (setq new-red-pls (blowup-pls reduced-pls opens-for-eqns eqns
664 :throw-out-components-in-exceptional-divisor t))
665 (list new-pls (simplify-svar-ldata new-red-pls)))
667 (defun blowup-pls (pls open-for-eqns eqns &key simplify-homogeneous
668 throw-out-components-in-exceptional-divisor &aux codim)
669 (setq pls (copy-list-structure pls))
670 (multiple-value-bind
671 ( new-pls opens-not-to-blowup)
672 (prepare-for-blowup pls open-for-eqns eqns)
673 (show opens-not-to-blowup)
674 (cond ((ldatap eqns)(setq codim (length (ldata-eqns eqns))))
675 (t (setq codim (length eqns))))
677 (format t "~%**** Blowing a subscheme of codimension ~A *** "codim )
678 (des eqns)
679 (blowup-sheaf new-pls codim :opens-not-to-blowup opens-not-to-blowup
680 :throw-out-components-in-exceptional-divisor
681 throw-out-components-in-exceptional-divisor
682 :simplify-homogeneous simplify-homogeneous)))
684 (defun blowup-pls (pls open-for-eqns eqns &key simplify-homogeneous
685 add-exceptional-divisor-ldata &aux codim)
686 (setq pls (copy-list-structure pls))
687 (multiple-value-bind
688 ( new-pls opens-not-to-blowup)
689 (prepare-for-blowup pls open-for-eqns eqns)
690 (show opens-not-to-blowup)
691 (cond ((ldatap eqns)(setq codim (length (ldata-eqns eqns))))
692 (t (setq codim (length eqns))))
693 (format t "~%**** Blowing a subscheme of codimension ~A *** "codim )
694 (des eqns)
695 (blowup-sheaf new-pls codim :opens-not-to-blowup opens-not-to-blowup
696 :add-exceptional-divisor-ldata add-exceptional-divisor-ldata
697 :simplify-homogeneous simplify-homogeneous)))
700 (defun blowup-keep-exceptional (pls &key red-pls-list open-eqns-list &aux open eqns
701 ld-num op-num red-pls)
702 (cond (red-pls-list (setq red-pls (first red-pls-list)
703 op-num (second red-pls-list)
704 ld-num (third red-pls-list ))
705 (setq open (nth op-num (pls-opens red-pls)))
706 (setq eqns (nth ld-num (nth op-num (pls-data red-pls)))))
707 (t (setq open (first open-eqns-list))
708 (setq eqns (second open-eqns-list))))
709 (let ((*leave-unit-ldata* t))
710 (blowup-pls pls open eqns :simplify-homogeneous t
711 :add-exceptional-divisor-ldata t)))
712 ;(defun blowup-pls-by-component-of-reduced (pls open-number red-pls
713 ; red-open-number ld-number &aux eqns)
714 ; (setq eqns (ldata-eqns
715 ; (apply-rmap (find-ring-map
716 ; (nth red-open-number (pls-opens red-pls))
717 ; (nth open-number (pls-opens pls)))
718 ; (nth ld-number (pls-ldata red-pls red-open-number :ldata-number
719 ; ld-number)))))
720 ; (format t "~%Blowing up ") (des eqns) (format t "on open ~A" open-number)
721 ; (blowup-pls pls open-number eqns))
723 (defun blowup-pls-by-component-of-reduced (pls red-pls
724 red-open-number ld-number &aux open eqns)
725 (setq eqns (nth ld-number (nth red-open-number (pls-data red-pls))))
726 (setq open (nth red-open-number (pls-opens red-pls) ))
727 (format t "~%Blowing up ") (des eqns) (format t " with coordinates ")
728 (des open)
729 (blowup-pls pls open
730 eqns))
732 ;checks if the ldata eqns are in triangular linear form
733 ;that is if there's a linear variable in eqn1 not occurring in remaining eqns
734 ;etc.
737 (defun linear-ldatap (ldata &key (open-g 1) &aux (eqns (ldata-eqns ldata))
738 var-occurs lin-vars tem)
739 (block sue
740 ; (show eqns)
741 (setq lin-vars (loop for v in eqns
742 collecting (setq tem (all-linear-variables v open-g))
743 when (null tem)do (return-from sue nil)))
744 ; (show lin-vars)
745 (setq var-occurs (mapcar 'list-variables eqns))
746 (loop for v in lin-vars
747 for w on var-occurs
748 collecting
749 (loop named kay for vv in v
751 ;;check vv doesn't occur in remaining equations
752 ;;and if not put it in collection
753 (loop for ww in (cdr w)
754 when (member vv ww :test #'eq) do (return nil)
755 finally (return-from kay vv))
756 finally (return-from sue nil)))))
758 (defun reduce-linear-ldata (ldata variables &key (open-g) &aux f eqns vars)
759 (setq eqns (reverse (ldata-eqns ldata)))
760 (setq vars (reverse variables))
761 (loop while fns
762 for v in vars
763 with fns = eqns
764 with used-up
766 (setq f (car fns))
767 (setq fns (replace-functions fns f v :invertible-g open-g))
769 (push f used-up)
770 finally (return used-up)))
773 ;(defun try-harder-delete-redundant-components (lis-dat &optional invertible-g)
774 ; (setq codims (loop for v in lis-dat
775 ; collecting (length (ldata-eqns v))))
776 ; (loop for cod1 in codims
777 ; for ld1
778 ; when (and (> max (apply 'max codims))
779 ; (not (linear-ldatap ld1) :open-g invertible-g))
780 ; do
781 ; (setq simp-ld (ldata-simplifications ld1 invertible-g))
782 ; (loop for cod2 in codims
783 ; for ld2 in lis-dat
784 ; when ( > cod2 cod1)
785 ; do (grobner-subset '(1) (ldata-eqns ld2) invertible-g)
786 ; (loop for s-ld in simp-ld
787 ; do
788 ; (loop for fn in (ldata-eqns s-ld)
789 ; when (null (any-linearp fn invertible-g))
790 ; do (setq deg-1-vars (degree-one-variables fn))
791 ; (loop for v in deg-1-vars
792 ; do (check-containment ld1 ld2 invert))
795 (defmacro setq-eqns ( &rest alt-list)
796 (loop for v on alt-list by #'cddr
797 collecting `(cond ((ldatap ,(second v))(setf ,(car v ) (ldata-eqns ,(second v))))
798 (t (setf ,(car v) ,(second v))))
799 into tem
800 finally (return (cons 'progn tem))))
802 ;;tries to check that (var ld2) is subset (var ld1) by checking where dich-f is not zero
803 ;;and where it is zero . If simplify is t it will try simplifying ld1 further
804 ;;into components on the open where dich-f is not zero, and then try to verify
805 ;;that (var ld2) is contained in one of the components so obtained.
806 ;;this handles the example below where the first ideal has zero set contained
807 ;;in the zero set of the second one but one still has to simplify the second one..
808 ;ld2:[2*X1*X4*X6+X2*X4^2-X1^2*X3,X7,X8,X5,X6^2+X2*X3]
809 ;ld1:[X5,X8,X4*X7-X4*X6+X1*X3,X7^2-X6^2-X2*X3]
810 ;(SETQ LLD (RERAT (QUOTE ((LDATA ((X6 1 (X4 1 (X1 1 2)) 0 (X4 2 (X2 1 1) 0 (X3 1 (X1 2 -1)))) (X7 1 1) (X8 1 1) (X5 1 1) (X6 2 1 0 (X3 1 (X2 1 1)))) 1 0) (LDATA ((X5 1 1) (X8 1 1) (X7 1 (X4 1 1) 0 (X6 1 (X4 1 -1) 0 (X3 1 (X1 1 1)))) (X7 2 1 0 (X6 2 -1 0 (X3 1 (X2 1 -1))))) 1 0)))))
815 (defun check-containment ( ld1 ld2 dich-f &key (open-g 1) simplify
816 &aux eqn1 eqn2 lis-ld)
817 (block sue
818 (setq-eqns eqn1 ld1 eqn2 ld2)
819 ; (setq cont (grobner-subset eqn1 eqn2 (nplcm open-g dich-f)))
820 ; (setq cont2 (grobner-subset (cons dich-f eqn1 ) (cons dich-f eqn2) open-g))
821 ; (show cont2)
823 (cond (simplify (setq lis-ld (ldata-simplifications ld1 :open-g (nplcm open-g dich-f))))
824 (t (setq lis-ld (list ld1))))
825 ;;run through the splitting of lis-ld into components
826 (loop for ld in lis-ld
827 when
828 (check-containment1 ld eqn2 dich-f :open-g open-g)
829 do (return-from sue t))))
832 (defun check-containment1 ( ld1 ld2 dich-f &key (open-g 1)
833 &aux eqn1 eqn2 cont cont2 )
834 (setq-eqns eqn1 ld1 eqn2 ld2)
835 (setq cont (grobner-subset eqn1 eqn2 (nplcm open-g dich-f)))
836 (cond (cont
837 (setq cont2 (grobner-subset (cons dich-f eqn1 ) (cons dich-f eqn2) open-g))
838 cont2))
839 (and cont cont2))
841 (defmacro sim-hom (x)`(setq ,(intern (string-append "SIMP-" (string x)))
842 (simplify-svar-homogeneous ,x)))
844 (defmacro sim-ld (x)`(setq ,(intern (string-append "RED-" (string-trim "SIMP-"
845 (string x))))
846 (simplify-svar-ldata ,x)))
848 (defun sub-scheme (pls op-number ld-number)
849 (construct-pre-ldata-sheaves :opens (list (nth op-number
850 (pls-opens pls)))
851 :data (list (list (nth ld-number
852 (nth op-number
853 (pls-data pls)))))))
855 (defun open-sub-scheme (pls &rest op-numbers)
856 (loop for i in op-numbers
857 collecting (nth i (pls-opens pls)) into ops
858 collecting (nth i(pls-data pls) ) into dat
859 finally
860 (return (construct-pre-ldata-sheaves :opens ops
861 :data dat))))
864 (defun intersect-ldata (ld1 ld2 &key ( open-g 1) &aux eqns *refine-opens*)
865 (setq eqns (append (ldata-eqns ld1) (ldata-eqns ld2)))
866 (ldata-simplifications (make-ldata :eqns eqns ) :open-g open-g))
868 (defmacro save-rational (name &optional (file-name "r20:ps:<atp.schelter>kill.tem" aa))
869 (cond ((null aa)
870 (setq file-name (merge-pathnames file-name))
871 (setq file-name (send file-name :new-name (string name)))))
873 `(with-open-file (st ',file-name :direction :output)
874 (let (*print-gensym*)
875 (format st ";;; -*- mode: lisp; package: cl-maxima; syntax: common-lisp -*-
876 ~%(setq ~A (rerat '" ',name) (format st "~s" ,name)
877 (format st "))")
878 ',file-name)))
880 (defun save-parts ( obj file-name &aux me)
881 (with-open-file (st file-name :direction :output)
882 (let (*print-gensym*)
883 (format st ";;; -*- mode: lisp; package: cl-maxima; syntax: common-lisp; Mode: LISP -*- ~%")
884 (loop for v in obj
885 for i from 1
887 (setq me `(setq ,(intern (format nil "PART~A" i)) (rerat ',v)))
888 (format st "~%;;next part ~%~S" me))
889 (send st :pathname))))
891 (defun save-blew-up ( &aux me)
892 (with-open-file (st "r20:ps:<atp.schelter>blew-up.tem" :direction :output)
893 (let (*print-gensym*)
894 (format st ";;; -*- mode: lisp; package: cl-maxima; syntax: common-lisp; Mode: LISP -*- ~%")
895 (loop for v in *blew-up*
896 for i from 1
898 (setq me `(setq ,(intern (format nil "PART~A" i)) (rerat ',v)))
899 (format st "~%;;next part ~%~S" me))
900 (send st :pathname))))
905 ;(defun triangular (fns &key (open-g 1) variables-solved-for variables-in-gm-coefficients)
906 ; (cond ((null fns) 'ok)
907 ; ((eql (length fns ) 1)
908 ; (cond ((loop for var in (degree-one-variables (car fns))
909 ; when (may-invertp (pcoeff (car fns) (list var 1 1)) open-g)
910 ; do (return var)))
911 ; (t (setq tem (nsubst nil 'ok (gm-all-prepared (car fns) open-g)))
912 ; (loop named sue
913 ; for possible in tem
914 ; do
915 ; (loop for var in possible
916 ; when (not (member var variables-in-gm-coefficients :test #'eq))
917 ; do (return-from sue 'ok-gm))))))
918 ; (t (loop for f in fns
919 ; collecting (setq var-1 (degree-one-variables f)) into vars-1
920 ; do
921 ; (loop for va in var-1
922 ; when (and (poly-linearp f va open-g)
923 ; (setq tem (triangular (delete f (copy-list fns))
924 ; :variables-solved-for variables-solved-for
925 ; :variables-in-gm-coefficients
926 ; variables-in-gm-coefficients)))
927 ; do (return (cons va tem)))
930 ;;;will guarantee that the system has the form
931 ;; f1 (u1, us,x1)
932 ;; f2 (u1, us,x1,x2)
933 ;; ..
934 ;; fn (u1, us,x1,x2, xn)
935 ;; and xi is linear in fi and none of the variables in the coefficient of xi in fi
936 ;; occur among the x1,x2,x3,.. xi-1. This will guarantee irreducibility, since if
937 ;; we did xn>xn-1>..>x1>us>...>u1 then
938 ;; the system is irreducible. We show fi is irreducible modulo the f1,.. fi-1.
939 ;; To see this: If it could be factored it would mean the coefficient of xi, say
940 ;; ci and the constant di had a common factor. The coefficient ci is reduced
941 ;; withrespect to the preceding system, and so
943 (defun delete-nth ( n a-list)
944 (loop for i from 0
945 for v in a-list
946 when
947 (not (eql n i))
948 collecting v))
949 ;;will return a list of variables ANSWER occurring with degree 1 in various equations
950 ;;such that the equations may be so reordered such that the
951 ;;ith variable in Answer
952 ;; u1+x1,
953 ;; x1+u1*x2
954 ;; Is such a system which is not irreducible.
956 (defun linear-triangularp (fns &key variables-solved-for variables-in-prev-eqns
957 varlist-of-fns &aux tem )
958 (cond ((null varlist-of-fns)
959 (setq varlist-of-fns (loop for f in fns collecting (list-variables f)))))
960 (cond ((null fns)variables-solved-for)
962 (loop named sue
963 for f in fns
964 for i from 0
965 for varl in varlist-of-fns
966 do (loop for va in varl
967 when (and
968 (not (member va variables-solved-for :test #'eq))
969 (not (member va variables-in-prev-eqns :test #'eq))
970 (eql (pdegree f va) 1)
971 (setq tem (linear-triangularp
972 (delete-nth i fns)
973 :varlist-of-fns
974 (delete-nth i varlist-of-fns)
975 :variables-solved-for
976 (cons va variables-solved-for)
977 :variables-in-prev-eqns
978 (append varl variables-in-prev-eqns))))
979 do (return-from sue tem ))))))
981 ;;returns a list of variables each of which occurs with degree 1 in exactly
982 ;;one function and does not occur in any other fn.
983 (defun linear-solvedp (fns &key variables-solved-for variables-in-prev-eqns
984 order-functions
985 varlist-of-fns &aux tem )
986 (cond ((null varlist-of-fns)
987 (setq varlist-of-fns (loop for f in fns collecting (list-variables f)))))
988 (cond ((null fns)variables-solved-for)
990 (loop named sue
991 for f in fns
992 for i from 0
993 for varl in varlist-of-fns
994 do (loop for va in varl
995 when (and
996 (not (member va variables-solved-for :test #'eq))
997 (not (member va variables-in-prev-eqns :test #'eq))
998 (not (loop for lis in varlist-of-fns
999 for j from 0
1000 when (and (not (eql i j))
1001 (member va lis :test #'eq))
1002 do (return t)))
1003 (eql (pdegree f va) 1)
1004 (setq tem
1005 (linear-solvedp
1006 (delete-nth i fns)
1007 :order-functions order-functions
1008 :varlist-of-fns
1009 (delete-nth i varlist-of-fns)
1010 :variables-solved-for
1011 (cons va variables-solved-for)
1012 :variables-in-prev-eqns
1013 (append varl variables-in-prev-eqns))))
1014 do (return-from sue tem))))))
1016 (defun linear-solvedp (fns &key variables-solved-for variables-in-prev-eqns order-functions varlist-of-fns &aux tem ord-fns)
1017 (cond ((null varlist-of-fns)
1018 (setq varlist-of-fns (loop for f in fns collecting (list-variables f)))))
1019 (cond ((null fns)(values variables-solved-for (subst nil t order-functions)))
1021 (loop named sue
1022 for f in fns
1023 for i from 0
1024 for varl in varlist-of-fns
1025 do (loop for va in varl
1026 when (and
1027 (not (member va variables-solved-for :test #'eq))
1028 (not (member va variables-in-prev-eqns :test #'eq))
1029 (not (loop for lis in varlist-of-fns
1030 for j from 0
1031 when (and (not (eql i j))
1032 (member va lis :test #'eq))
1033 do (return t)))
1034 (eql (pdegree f va) 1)
1035 (progn (multiple-value-setq
1036 (tem ord-fns)
1037 (linear-solvedp
1038 (delete-nth i fns)
1039 :varlist-of-fns
1040 (delete-nth i varlist-of-fns)
1041 :variables-solved-for
1042 (cons va variables-solved-for)
1043 :order-functions
1044 (cond (order-functions
1045 (cons f order-functions)))
1046 :variables-in-prev-eqns
1047 (append varl variables-in-prev-eqns)))))
1048 do (return-from sue (values tem ord-fns)))))))
1051 (defun linear-solvedp (fns &rest ignore &aux bad good all-degs varl)
1052 (setq varl (list-variables fns))
1053 (let ((genvar (nreverse (sort varl 'pointergp))))
1054 (setq all-degs (loop for fn in fns collecting (pdegreevector fn)))
1055 (loop named kay
1056 for degs in all-degs
1057 for fn-number from 0
1058 do (loop named sue for i in degs
1059 for j from 0
1060 when (and (eql i 1) (not (member j bad :test #'eq)))
1062 (loop for vv in all-degs
1063 when (not (eql degs vv))
1064 do (cond ((not (zerop (nth j vv) ))
1065 (push j bad) (return 'done)))
1066 finally (push j good) (return-from sue))
1067 finally (return-from kay (setq good nil))))
1069 (loop for j in (nreverse good)
1070 collecting (nth j genvar))))
1072 ;(defun plain-simplify-svar-ldata (pls &aux *refine-opens* *stop-simplify* tem)
1073 ; (loop for op in (pls-opens pls)
1074 ; for lis in (pls-data pls)
1075 ; do
1076 ; (loop for ld in lis
1077 ; appending (ldata-simplifications ld :open-g (zopen-inequality op))
1078 ; into all-ld
1079 ; finally
1080 ; (setq tem (delete-redundant-ldata all-ld :gg (zopen-inequality op)
1081 ; :ignore-ldata-inequalities t)))
1082 ; collecting tem into simp-ld
1083 ; finally
1085 ; (return
1086 ; (construct-pre-ldata-sheaves :data simp-ld :opens (pls-opens pls)))))
1090 (defun plain-simplify-svar-ldata (pls &aux list-of-dat simp-one-pls one-pls
1091 ineq)
1092 (loop for op in (pls-opens pls)
1093 for i from 0
1094 for lis in (pls-data pls)
1096 (setq one-pls (open-sub-scheme pls i))
1097 (setq simp-one-pls (simplify-svar-ldata one-pls))
1098 (cond ((eql (length (pls-opens simp-one-pls)) 1)
1099 (setq list-of-dat (car (pls-data simp-one-pls))))
1100 (t (loop for ope in (pls-opens simp-one-pls)
1101 for lis-dat in (pls-data simp-one-pls)
1102 do (setq ineq (num (ratreduce (zopen-inequality ope)
1103 (zopen-inequality op))))
1104 appending
1105 (loop for ld in lis-dat
1106 collecting (make-ldata :eqns
1107 (contract-ideal-localization
1108 (ldata-eqns ld)
1109 ineq)))
1110 into all-dat
1111 finally
1112 (setq list-of-dat
1113 (delete-redundant-ldata all-dat :gg (zopen-inequality
1114 op))))))
1115 collecting list-of-dat into all-data
1116 finally (return
1117 (construct-pre-ldata-sheaves
1118 :opens (pls-opens pls)
1119 :data all-data))))
1122 (defun svar-simp (ld &key (open-g 1))
1123 (simplify-svar-ldata (construct-pre-ldata-sheaves :opens (list (make-normal-zopen nil 8 open-g)) :data (list (list ld)))))
1125 (defun jacobian (eqns &key ( variables (list-variables eqns))
1126 ( codim (length eqns)) &aux det mat row-tables col-tables)
1127 (setq mat (matrix-rows (jacobian-matrix eqns variables)))
1128 ; (displa (cons '($matrix) (loop for v in mat collecting (cons'(mlist)
1129 ; (mapcar 'new-disrep v)))))
1130 ; (show variables)
1131 (setq row-tables (list-tableaux codim (length eqns)))
1132 (setq col-tables (list-tableaux codim (length variables)))
1133 (loop named sue
1134 for ro-tabl in row-tables
1135 appending
1136 (loop for tabl in col-tables
1137 do (setq *sparse-matrix* (convert-to-sparse-matrix
1138 mat :columns-to-use tabl
1139 :rows-to-use ro-tabl
1141 :re-use-sparse-matrix *sparse-matrix*))
1142 (setq det (sp-determinant *sparse-matrix*))
1143 when (numberp det)
1144 do (cond ((not ($zerop det)) (sp-show-matrix *sparse-matrix*)
1145 (show tabl ro-tabl)
1146 (return-from sue '(1))))
1147 else collecting det into jacob
1148 finally (return jacob))))
1151 (defun rank-generic-reduce-jacobian (eqns &optional (variables(list-variables eqns)) &aux mat det )
1152 ; (declare (values must-invert rank))
1153 (setq mat (matrix-rows (jacobian-matrix eqns variables)))
1154 (setq *sparse-matrix* (convert-to-sparse-matrix mat :re-use-sparse-matrix *sparse-matrix*))
1155 (setq det (sp-determinant *sparse-matrix*))
1156 (values det (sp-number-of-pivots *sparse-matrix*)))
1157 (defun reduce-jacobian (eqns &optional (variables (list-variables eqns)) &aux mat det)
1158 ; (declare (values must-invert rank))
1159 (setq mat (matrix-rows (jacobian-matrix eqns variables)))
1160 (setq *sparse-matrix* (convert-to-sparse-matrix mat :re-use-sparse-matrix *sparse-matrix*))
1161 (setq det (sp-determinant *sparse-matrix*))
1162 (values det (sp-number-of-pivots *sparse-matrix*)))
1163 ;;(non-singular-complete-intersection-p (st-rat #$[x^2+w+y^3,u+y^2+x^2,w^2+y^2+y]$) )
1164 ;;the above has a 4 singular points given by the following equations:
1165 ;;the jacobian together with the equations is a mess to try and solve
1166 ;[2*Y+1,
1167 ;4*X^2+4*U+1,
1168 ;8*W-8*U-3,
1169 ;64*U^2+48*U-7]
1170 (defun non-singular-complete-intersection-p (eqns &key (open-g 1)
1171 (use-simplification t)
1172 &aux new
1173 singular-locus eqns-and-jacob)
1174 ; (declare (values ( singular-locus non-singularp)))
1175 (cond ((ldatap eqns) (setq eqns (ldata-eqns eqns))))
1176 (setq eqns-and-jacob (mapcar 'square-free (append eqns (jacobian eqns))))
1177 (cond (use-simplification
1178 (setq new (ldata-simplifications
1179 (make-ldata :eqns eqns-and-jacob) :open-g open-g))
1180 (cond ((null new) (values '(1) t))
1181 (t (values new nil))))
1183 (cond ((unit-idealp eqns-and-jacob open-g)
1184 (values '(1) t))
1185 (t (setq singular-locus (poly-relations-from-simplifications ))
1186 (values (list (make-ldata :eqns singular-locus)) nil))))))
1188 (defun non-singular-complete-intersection-p (eqns &key (open-g 1) codim
1189 (use-simplification t)
1190 (variables (list-variables eqns))
1191 &aux new
1192 singular-locus eqns-and-jacob)
1193 ; (declare (values ( singular-locus non-singularp)))
1194 (cond ((ldatap eqns) (setq eqns (ldata-eqns eqns))))
1195 (cond ((null codim) (setq codim (length eqns))))
1196 (setq eqns-and-jacob (mapcar 'square-free (append eqns (jacobian eqns :variables variables
1197 :codim codim))))
1198 (cond (use-simplification
1199 (setq new (ldata-simplifications
1200 (make-ldata :eqns eqns-and-jacob) :open-g open-g))
1201 (cond ((null new) (values '(1) t))
1202 (t (values new nil))))
1204 (cond ((unit-idealp eqns-and-jacob open-g)
1205 (values '(1) t))
1206 (t (setq singular-locus (poly-relations-from-simplifications ))
1207 (values (list (make-ldata :eqns singular-locus)) nil))))))
1208 (defun simplify-dichotomy (ldata fn &key (open-g 1) &aux answ)
1209 (setq answ (append (ldata-simplifications (make-ldata :eqns (cons fn (ldata-eqns ldata) ))
1210 :open-g open-g)
1211 (loop for v in
1212 (ldata-simplifications ldata :open-g (sftimes open-g fn))
1213 collecting
1214 (make-ldata :eqns (contract-ideal-localization (ldata-eqns v) fn)))))
1215 (delete-redundant-ldata answ :open-g open-g :ignore-ldata-inequalities t))
1217 (defun non-trivial-open-sub-scheme (pls &aux non-trivial)
1218 (setq non-trivial (loop for lis in (pls-data pls)
1219 for i from 0
1220 when (and lis (not (member 1 (ldata-eqns (car lis)) :test #'equal)))
1221 collecting i))
1222 (show non-trivial) (break t)
1223 (apply #'open-sub-scheme pls non-trivial))
1225 (defun show-divisors (pls &aux tem)
1226 (loop for lis in (pls-data pls)
1227 for i from 0
1228 collecting (setq tem (loop for ld in (cdr lis)
1229 when (not (numberp (setq tem (car (ldata-eqns ld)))))
1230 collecting tem))
1231 do (format t "~%On open ~D the divisors are ~/maxima::tilde-q-fsh/" i tem)))
1233 (defmacro alter-ldata (ldat &rest keys)
1234 (loop for (key repl) on keys by #'cddr
1235 with u = '.ldat.
1236 collecting `(setf (,(intern (format nil "LDATA-~A" key)) .ldat.) ,repl) into body
1237 finally (cond (body (return `(let ((.ldat. ,ldat)) ,@body .ldat.)))
1238 (t (return `(progn ,ldat))))))
1240 (defun jacobian-dichotomy (ldata &key (open-g 1) &aux ld1 ld2 gg answer)
1241 (multiple-value-bind (c-reqd rank) (rank-generic-reduce-jacobian (ldata-eqns ldata))
1242 (cond ((may-invertp c-reqd (setq gg (sftimes open-g (ldata-inequality ldata))))
1243 (cond ((eql (length (ldata-eqns ldata)) rank) (format t "~%Non singular ldata"))
1244 (t (format t "~%singular ldata")))
1245 (setq answer (list ldata)))
1246 ((eql rank (length (ldata-eqns ldata)))
1247 (setq ld1 (copy-list-structure ldata))
1248 (setq ld2 (copy-list ldata))
1249 (alter-ldata ld1 eqns (append (ldata-eqns ldata) (list c-reqd))
1250 inequality gg)
1251 (alter-ldata ld2 inequality (sftimes gg c-reqd))
1252 (format t "~%Breaking into dichotomy on:")
1253 (sh c-reqd)
1254 (format t "%original ldata followed by consequents:" )
1255 (des ldata)(des ld1) (des ld2 )
1256 (setq answer
1257 (append (ldata-simplifications ld1 :open-g open-g :recursive-p t)
1258 (ldata-simplifications ld2 :open-g open-g :recursive-p t))))
1259 (t (setq answer (list ldata))))
1260 (delete-redundant-ldata answer :open-g open-g :ignore-ldata-inequalities t)))
1262 (defun $list_components (lis-ldat)
1263 (cond ((eq (car lis-ldat) 'pre-ldata-sheaves)
1264 (setq lis-ldat (apply 'append (pls-data lis-ldat))))
1265 ((ldatap lis-ldat) (setq lis-ldat (list lis-ldat))))
1266 (cons '(mlist) (loop for v in lis-ldat
1267 collecting (cons '(mlist) (mapcar 'new-disrep (ldata-eqns v))))))
1270 (defun $simple_solve (eqns &key (open-g 1) &aux ld vari solu )
1271 (setq ld (make-ldata :eqns (st-rat eqns)))
1272 (multiple-value-bind (to-invert rank) (rank-generic-reduce-jacobian (ldata-eqns ld))
1273 (setq to-invert (sftimes 1 to-invert))
1274 (cond((eql (length (ldata-eqns ld)) rank)
1275 (cond ((may-invertp to-invert open-g))
1276 (t(format t "having to invert ~/maxima::tilde-q-fsh/" to-invert)
1277 (setq open-g (sftimes open-g to-invert))))))
1278 (setq vari (linear-ldatap ld :open-g (setq open-g(st-rat open-g))))
1279 (cond ((null vari) (fsignal "equations not linear-ldatap")))
1280 (setq solu (solve-simple-system (ldata-eqns ld) vari :invertible open-g))
1281 (cons '(mlist) (loop for v in vari
1282 for w in solu
1283 collecting (list '(mequal) (get v 'disrep) (new-disrep (st-rat w)))))))