Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[maxima.git] / share / stringproc / md5.lisp
2 #|
3 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
6 (at your option) any later version.
8 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 GNU General Public License for more details.
13 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
16 MA 02110-1301, USA.
19 **** md5sum ********************************************************************
21 Copyright Volker van Nek, 2013 - 2015
23 md5sum returns the md5 checksum of a string, a non-negative integer or
24 a list of octets.
26 The default return value is a string that guarantees 32 hex characters.
27 An optional argument allows md5sum to return the corresponding number or
28 list of octets.
30 (%i1) ibase: obase: 16.$
31 (%i2) msg: "foo bar baz"$
32 (%i3) string: md5sum(msg);
33 (%o3) ab07acbb1e496801937adfa772424bf7
34 (%i4) integer: md5sum(msg, 'number);
35 (%o4) 0ab07acbb1e496801937adfa772424bf7
36 (%i5) octets: md5sum(msg, 'list);
37 (%o5) [0AB,7,0AC,0BB,1E,49,68,1,93,7A,0DF,0A7,72,42,4B,0F7]
38 (%i6) sdowncase( printf(false, "~{~2,'0x~^:~}", octets) );
39 (%o6) ab:07:ac:bb:1e:49:68:01:93:7a:df:a7:72:42:4b:f7
41 Note that in case the string contains German umlauts or other non-ASCII
42 characters the md5 checksum is platform dependend.
44 To check the md5sum of a *small* file the file can be streamed into a string.
46 (%i1) ostream : make_string_output_stream();
47 (%o1) #<string-output stream 00f06ae8>
48 (%i2) fos : openr("/home/volker/pub_key_temp.pem");
49 (%o2) #<input stream /home/volker/pub_key_temp.pem>
50 (%i3) while (c : readchar(fos)) # false do printf(ostream, "~a", c);
51 (%o3) done
52 (%i4) close(fos);
53 (%o4) true
54 (%i5) string : get_output_stream_string(ostream);
55 (%o5) -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
57 9QEaZb8viFhe6/Db66DjR6RqCO3uIfx2siAb8SaTo0PYZz8JQ5IenjBDJAGA56gE
58 6OX8JadgPCLEZTdJ2Q0axqPHwoWsZkn56Pt4UlJfUcW7cNPNIihgy2DwE1PpbHCY
59 IdhYcT/iYA6C+TiYdYNcAFUsQyGExBxOTOXrMGFknjALedkLoq9IN3Djnw4kxGYv
60 vl3hVYBJpixusUgOK5LhYwowQayeczPoMA0Ef5KAZwJY9lUZ2UYBKMqdoNpdJuDz
61 q4QOxlkqUvZxWTEHqNmlfX4/2w71ZiAqpwIDAQAB
62 -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
63 (%i6) close(ostream);
64 (%o6) true
65 (%i7) md5sum(string);
66 (%o7) b5f2033ccb6f4066874aa5a2308bd561
68 The result is checked against openssl in GNU/Linux.
70 (%i8) system("openssl dgst -md5 '/home/volker/pub_key_temp.pem' > temp ; cat temp");
71 MD5(/home/volker/pub_key_temp.pem)= b5f2033ccb6f4066874aa5a2308bd561
72 (%o8) 0
76 (in-package :maxima)
78 (eval-when
79 #+gcl (compile eval)
80 #-gcl (:compile-toplevel :execute)
81 (defvar old-ibase-md5 *read-base*)
82 (setq *read-base* 10.) )
85 (defvar *h5* nil)
86 (defvar *w5* nil)
88 (defvar *k5* (make-array 64. :element-type 'integer :initial-element 0))
89 (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
90 ((= i 64.))
91 (setf (svref *k5* i) (floor (* (abs (sin (+ i 1.0))) #x100000000))) )
93 (defvar *s5*
94 #( 7. 12. 17. 22. 7. 12. 17. 22. 7. 12. 17. 22. 7. 12. 17. 22.
95 5. 9. 14. 20. 5. 9. 14. 20. 5. 9. 14. 20. 5. 9. 14. 20.
96 4. 11. 16. 23. 4. 11. 16. 23. 4. 11. 16. 23. 4. 11. 16. 23.
97 6. 10. 15. 21. 6. 10. 15. 21. 6. 10. 15. 21. 6. 10. 15. 21. ))
100 (declaim (inline md5-not md5+ md5-left-rotation))
102 (defun md5-not (i32)
103 (logand (lognot i32) #xffffffff) )
105 (defun md5+ (&rest args)
106 (logand (apply #'+ args) #xffffffff) )
108 (defun md5-left-rotation (i32 k)
109 (logior (logand (ash i32 k) #xffffffff) (ash i32 (- k 32.))) )
112 (defun md5-worker ()
113 (multiple-value-bind (a b c d) (apply #'values *h5*)
114 (let (f g tmp hlp)
115 (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
116 ((= i 64.))
117 (cond
118 ((< i 16.)
119 (setq f (logior (logand b c) (logand (md5-not b) d))
120 g i ))
121 ((< i 32.)
122 (setq f (logior (logand b d) (logand c (md5-not d)))
123 g (logand (+ (* 5 i) 1) #xf) ))
124 ((< i 48.)
125 (setq f (logxor b c d)
126 g (logand (+ (* 3 i) 5) #xf) ))
128 (setq f (logxor c (logior b (md5-not d)))
129 g (logand (* 7 i) #xf) )))
130 (setq tmp d
133 hlp (md5+ a f (svref *k5* i) (svref *w5* g))
134 hlp (md5-left-rotation hlp (svref *s5* i))
135 b (md5+ b hlp)
136 a tmp ))
137 (setq *h5* (mapcar #'md5+ (list a b c d) *h5*)) )))
140 (defun swap-endian64 (i64) ;; little-endian <--> big-endian
141 (do ((masq #xff (ash masq 8))
142 (sh 0 (- sh 8)) w )
143 ((= sh -64.) (nreverse w))
144 (push (ash (logand i64 masq) sh) w) ))
146 (defun swap-endian32 (i32)
147 (logior (ash (logand i32 #xff) 24.)
148 (ash (logand i32 #xff00) 8.)
149 (ash (logand i32 #xff0000) -8.)
150 (ash (logand i32 #xff000000) -24.) ))
153 (defun md5-words (vec) ;; 32 bit little-endian
154 (let ((w (make-array 16. :element-type 'integer :initial-element 0))
155 (inc -1) )
156 (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
157 ((= i 16.) w)
158 (setf (svref w i)
159 (logior (svref vec (incf inc))
160 (ash (svref vec (incf inc)) 8.)
161 (ash (svref vec (incf inc)) 16.)
162 (ash (svref vec (incf inc)) 24.) )))))
164 (defun md5-update (bytes)
165 (setq *w5* (md5-words (coerce bytes 'vector)))
166 (md5-worker) )
168 (defun md5-final (bytes off len)
169 (when bytes (setq bytes (append bytes '(#x80)))) ;; don't modify bytes
170 (when (= 0 off) (setq bytes '(#x80)))
171 (if (<= off 55.)
172 (let* ((bits (ash len 3))
173 (len64 (swap-endian64 bits))
174 (pad (make-list (- 55. off) :initial-element 0)) )
175 (md5-update (append bytes pad len64)) )
176 (let ((pad (make-list (- 63. off) :initial-element 0)))
177 (md5-update (append bytes pad))
178 (md5-final nil -1 len) )))
181 (defmfun $md5sum (s &optional (rtype '$string))
182 (let (bytes len)
183 (cond
184 ((stringp s)
185 (setq bytes (string-to-octets s)) )
186 ((and (integerp s) (>= s 0))
187 (setq bytes (number-to-octets s)) )
188 (($listp s)
189 (setq bytes (cdr s)) )
190 ((streamp s)
191 (return-from md5sum-impl (md5sum-stream s rtype)))
193 (gf-merror (intl:gettext
194 "`md5sum': Argument must be a string, non-negative integer, list of octets, or stream." ))))
195 (setq len (length bytes)
196 *h5* '(#x67452301 #xefcdab89 #x98badcfe #x10325476) )
197 (do ((off len))
198 ((< off 64.) (md5-final bytes off len))
199 (setq off (- off 64.))
200 (md5-update (butlast bytes off))
201 (setq bytes (last bytes off)) )
202 (setq *h5* (mapcar #'swap-endian32 *h5*))
203 (md5sum-return rtype)))
205 (defun md5sum-return (rtype)
206 (cond
207 ((equal rtype '$list)
208 (cons '(mlist simp)
209 (reduce #'nconc (mapcar #'word-to-octets *h5*)) ))
210 ((equal rtype '$number)
211 (reduce #'(lambda (x y) (logior (ash x 32.) y)) *h5*) )
212 ((equal rtype '$string)
213 (nstring-downcase (format nil "~{~8,'0x~}" *h5*)) )
215 (gf-merror (intl:gettext
216 "`md5sum': Optional argument must be 'list, 'number or 'string." )))))
218 (defun md5sum-stream (s rtype)
219 (setq *h5* '(#x67452301 #xefcdab89 #x98badcfe #x10325476))
220 (let ((bytes (make-list 64.)) (len 0))
222 ((len-1 (read-sequence bytes s)))
223 ((< len-1 64.) (md5-final (butlast bytes (- (length bytes) len-1)) len-1 (+ len len-1)))
224 (md5-update bytes)
225 (setq len (+ len len-1))
226 (setq len-1 (read-sequence bytes s))))
228 (setq *h5* (mapcar #'swap-endian32 *h5*))
229 (md5sum-return rtype))
231 (eval-when
232 #+gcl (compile eval)
233 #-gcl (:compile-toplevel :execute)
234 (setq *read-base* old-ibase-md5) )