Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[maxima.git] / share / affine / ndotsimp.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Package: CL-MAXIMA; Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-lisp -*-
2 (in-package :maxima)
4 ;(defun $check_associative (a b c &aux tem tem1 tem2)
5 ;; (show (dotsimp (n. a b)))
6 ;; (show (dotsimp (n. b c)))
7 ;; (show (n. a (dotsimp (n. b c))))
8 ;; (show (setq hee(n. (dotsimp (n. a b)) c)))
9 ; (setq tem1 (new-dotsimp(n. (new-dotsimp (n. a b)) c)))
10 ; (setq tem2 (new-dotsimp(n. a (new-dotsimp (n. b c)))))
11 ;; (show tem1 tem2)
12 ; (setq tem (n- tem1 tem2))
13 ; (cond ((pzerop tem) tem)
14 ; (t (header-poly tem))))
16 (defun $check_associative (a b c &aux tem tem1 tem2)
17 (setq tem1 (n. (new-dotsimp (n. a b)) c))
18 (setq tem2 (n. a (new-dotsimp (n. b c))))
19 (setq tem (n- tem1 tem2))
20 (setq tem (new-dotsimp tem))
21 (cond ((pzerop tem) tem)
22 (t (header-poly tem))))
24 (defun ncdot-list (lis)
25 (cond ((null lis) 1)
26 ((null (cdr lis))
27 (car lis))
28 (t (cons '(mnctimes) lis))))
30 (defun dot-subword (small big &aux tem leng)
31 "(dot-subword #$x$ #$z.u.x.y.z.z.y$) ==> (list #$z.u$ #$y.z.z.y$))
32 (dot-subword #$x.y$ #$z.u.x.y.z.z.y$) ==> (list #$z.u$ #$z.z.y$))
33 (dot-subword #$z.u.x.y$ #$z.u.x.y.z.z.y$) ==> (list #$1$ #$z.z.y$))"
34 (cond ((atom big)
35 (cond ((eql big small) (list 1 1))))
36 ((atom small)
37 (cond ((setq tem (member small big :test #'eq))
38 (list (ncdot-list (subseq (cdr big) 0 (- (length big) (length tem) 1)))
39 (ncdot-list (cdr tem))))))
40 (t (setq leng (- (length small) 1))
41 (loop for v on (cdr big)
42 when ;;first part of v is equal to small
43 (loop
44 initially (cond ((> leng (length v)) (return nil)))
45 for vv in v
46 for w in (cdr small)
47 when (not (equal w vv))
48 do (return nil)
49 finally (return t))
50 do (return (list (ncdot-list
51 (subseq (cdr big) 0 (- (length big) (length v) 1)))
52 (ncdot-list (nthcdr (length (cdr small)) v))))))))
54 (defun split-numerator (reduced rest)
55 "splits into two polynomials, the first one needs no replacement and the second has its leading term needing
56 replacement"
57 (cond ((pzerop rest) (values reduced 0))
58 ((poly-scalarp rest) (values (n+ rest reduced) 0))
59 (($must_replacep (get (p-var rest) 'disrep))
60 (values reduced rest))
61 (t (split-numerator (n+ (subseq rest 0 3) reduced) (or (fifth rest) 0)))))
63 (defun new-dotsimp (ratl-fun &aux mon repl num den)
64 (format t "~%Beginning to simplify:")
65 (sh ratl-fun)
66 (loop
67 with expr = ratl-fun with answer = 0
68 when (pzerop expr) do (return answer)
69 do (setq-num-den num den expr)
70 (cond ((poly-scalarp num)(setq answer (n+ answer expr))
71 (format t "~%Final answer:")
72 (sh answer)
73 (return answer))
74 (($must_replacep (setq mon (get (p-var num) 'disrep)))
75 (cond (*verbose-check-overlaps*
76 (format t "~%Simplifying the worst monomial ")
77 (dot-show mon)))
78 (setq repl (simp-once-monomial mon))
79 (setq repl (n* (p-cof num) repl))
80 (cond ((fifth num)
81 (setq num (n+ repl (fifth num))))
82 (t (setq num repl)))
83 (setq expr (nred num den)))
84 (t (multiple-value-bind
85 (reduced rest)
86 (split-numerator 0 num)
87 (setq answer (n+ (nred reduced den) answer))
88 (setq expr (nred rest den))
89 (cond (*verbose-check-overlaps*
90 (format t "~%Simplifying the worst monomial ")
91 (dot-show mon) (format t " adding to the answer" )))
92 )))
93 ; (format t "~%Expr:") (sh expr)
94 ; (format t "~%Reduced part:") (sh answer)
97 ;;;old reliable
98 ;(defun new-dotsimp (ratl-fun &aux mon repl num den)
99 ; (progn
100 ; (loop
101 ; with expr = ratl-fun with answer = 0
102 ; when (pzerop expr) do (return answer)
103 ; do (setq-num-den num den expr)
104 ; (cond ((poly-scalarp num)(setq answer (n+ answer expr))
105 ; (return answer))
106 ; (($must_replacep (setq mon (get (p-var num) 'disrep)))
107 ; (format t "~%Simplifying the worst monomial ") (dot-show mon)
108 ; (setq repl (simp-once-monomial mon))
109 ; (setq repl (n* (p-cof num) repl))
110 ; (cond ((fifth num)
111 ; (setq num (n+ repl (fifth num))))
112 ; (t (setq num repl)))
113 ; (setq expr (nred num den)))
114 ; (t (setq answer (n+ (nred (firstn 3 num) den) answer))
115 ; (format t "~%Simplifying the worst monomial ")
116 ; (dot-show mon) (format t " adding to the answer")
117 ; (cond ((fifth num)
118 ; (setq expr (nred (fifth num) den)))
119 ; (t (setq expr 0)))))
120 ; )))
122 (defun force-poly (repl)
123 (cond ((numberp repl) repl)
124 (t (cdr repl))))
126 (defvar $dot_eps nil)
128 (defun simp-once-monomial (monom &aux tem)
129 (cond ((atom monom)
130 (loop for (mon repl) on (cdr $dot_simplifications) by #'cddr
131 when (eql mon monom)
132 do (return (force-poly repl))))
133 ((and $dot_eps
134 (setq tem (member '$eps monom :test 'eq))
135 (member'$eps (cdr tem) :test 'eq))
137 (t (loop for (mon repl) on (cdr $dot_simplifications) by #'cddr
138 when (setq tem (dot-subword mon monom))
140 (return (n. (n. (first tem) (force-poly repl)) (second tem)))
141 finally (return (st-rat monom))))))
143 (defun $dotsimp (expr)
144 (declare (special $new_fast_dotsimp))
145 (cond (($listp expr) (cons '(mlist) (mapcar '$dotsimp (cdr expr))))
147 (cond ((or (rational-functionp expr)(affine-polynomialp expr)) nil)
148 (t (setq expr (new-rat expr))))
149 (header-poly (new-dotsimp expr)))))
154 (defun $dot_factor (form variables &optional (slot 1))
155 "Form is a non commutative polynomial, and variables a list of non commutative variables.
156 Form is split into a list of forms of length variables, so that
157 variables.dot_factor(form) = form "
159 (check-arg variables $listp "macsyma list")
160 (let* ((fo (st-rat form))
161 (vari (list-variables fo))
162 (result (make-list (length variables) :initial-element 0))
163 pos vv)
164 (loop for v in vari
165 do (setq vv (get v 'disrep))
166 (cond ((not (symbolp vv))
167 (setq pos (position (nth slot vv) variables))
168 (cond (pos (setf (nth pos result)
169 (n+ (nth pos result) (n* (pcoeff fo v) (st-rat
170 (meval* (cons '(mnctimes)
171 (let ((mon (copy-list (cdr vv))))
172 (setf (nth (1- slot) mon) 1) mon))))))))
173 (t (fsignal "does not have a factor in slot"))))
174 ((setq pos (position vv variables))
175 (cond (pos (setf (nth pos result)
176 (n+ (nth pos result) (pcoeff fo (list v 1 1)))))))))
177 (cons '(mlist) (mapcar 'new-disrep (cdr result)))))