Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[maxima.git] / share / contrib / diffequations / sqfr.lisp
1 ;; Author Barton Willis
2 ;; University of Nebraska at Kearney
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2004, Barton Willis
5 ;; Brief Description: Maxima code for linear homogeneous second order
6 ;; differential equations.
8 ;; Maxima odelin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
10 ;;
12 ;; Maxima odelin has NO WARRANTY, not even the implied warranty of
15 ($put '$sqfr 1 '$version)
17 (eval-when
18 (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
19 ($load "odeutils"))
21 ;; If x is a symbol for a subvarp, return its general representation.
22 ;; Otherwise signal an error---the argument f is the string name of
23 ;; a function that requires the symbol.
25 (defun require-symbol (x f &optional a)
26 (declare (ignore a))
27 (setq x ($ratdisrep x))
28 (if (or (symbolp x) ($subvarp x)) x
29 (merror "Function ~:M requires a symbol; instead found ~:M" f x))
32 (defun $strictmysqfr (p x)
33 (setq p ($expand ($ratdisrep p)))
34 (setq x (require-symbol x "$mysqfr"))
35 (let ((i 1) (lc 1) (r) (ai) (w) (bad) (acc nil) (q) (s)
36 ($gcd '$spmod) ($algebraic t) ($resultant '$red) ($ratfac nil)
37 ($ratprint nil))
39 (setq lc ($coeff p x ($hipow p x)))
40 (setq p ($expand (div p lc)))
41 (while (not ($freeof x p))
42 (setq r ($gcd p ($diff p x) x))
43 (setq q ($first ($divide p r)))
44 (setq ai ($first ($divide q ($gcd q r x) x)))
45 (setq ai (div ai ($coeff ai x ($hipow ai x))))
46 (push ai acc)
47 (setq p r)
48 (incf i))
50 (setq acc (reverse acc))
51 (setq r lc)
53 (setq i 0)
54 (while acc
55 (setq ai (pop acc))
56 (setq r (mul r (power ai (incf i))))
57 (setq s ($resultant ai ($diff ai x) x))
58 (if (not ($constantp s)) (push ($factor s) bad))
59 (dolist (wi w)
60 (setq s ($resultant ai wi x))
61 (if (not ($constantp s)) (push ($factor s) bad)))
62 (push ai w))
64 (setq bad `(($set) ,@bad))
65 (setq bad (mbag-map #'(lambda (w) `((mnotequal) ,w 0)) bad))
66 (if (not ($emptyp bad)) (mtell "Proviso: assuming ~:M~%" bad))
67 (values r bad)))
69 (defun $mysqfr (p x)
70 (setq p ($expand ($ratdisrep p)))
71 (setq x (require-symbol x "$mysqfr"))
72 (let ((i 0) (r) (ai) (acc) (q) ($gcd '$spmod) ($algebraic t))
74 (cond ((like 0 p) 0)
76 (setq p ($expand p))
77 (setq acc ($coeff p x ($hipow p x)))
78 (setq p (div p acc))
79 (while (not ($freeof x p))
80 (setq r ($gcd p ($diff p x) x))
81 (setq q ($first ($divide p r x)))
82 (setq ai ($first ($divide q ($gcd q r x) x)))
83 (setq ai (div ai ($coeff ai x ($hipow ai x))))
84 (setq acc (mul acc (power ai (incf i))))
85 (setq p r))
86 acc))))