Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[maxima.git] / share / contrib / maximaMathML / PrMathML.lisp
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; Purpose: Generate Presentation MathML code from MAXIMA
4 ;;; File: PrMathML.lsp
5 ;;; Author: Paul S. Wang
6 ;;; Date: March 1999
7 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
9 ;=============================================================================
10 ; (c) copyright 1999 Kent State University
11 ; all rights reserved.
12 ;=============================================================================
13 (in-package :maxima)
14 (macsyma-module mathml)
16 ;; special variables used in TeXetting
17 (declaim (special *row* *indent* ccol mPrport $mPrautolabel $mPrworksheet $lamPrworksheet
18 $mPrlabelleft $lamPrautolabel $mPrdisplaytype $mPrevaluate
19 macmPr-lib lop rop $labels casep))
21 ;;****************************************************************************
22 ;; Program : prmathml
23 ;;****************************************************************************
24 ;;Generatig MathML presenation codes for the expr
25 ;;This is a maxima top-level function used the form
26 ;; prmathml(expr, [,(filename|stream)[,t (d)]]) on the C-line
28 (defmfun $prmathml (&rest margs)
29 (prog (ccol *row* *indent* filename mexplabel mexpress mPrport x y)
30 (setq mexpress (car margs))
31 (setq ccol 1 *indent* 0 *row* t)
32 (cond
33 ((null mexpress) (princ " NO EXPRESSION GIVEN ")
34 (return nil))
35 ((null (cdr margs)) (setq filename nil) (setq mPrport t))
36 ((null (cddr margs))
37 (setq mPrport
38 (if (stringp (cadr margs))
39 (progn
40 (setq filename (cadr margs))
41 (open (cadr margs)
42 :direction :output
43 :if-exists :append
44 :if-does-not-exist :create))
45 ;; otherwise, assume (cadr margs) is a stream.
46 (cadr margs))))
47 (t (princ " wrong No. of Arguments given ")))
48 (cond
49 ((member mexpress $labels :test #'eq)
50 (setq mexplabel
51 (intern (concatenate 'string "("
52 (princ-to-string (fullstrip1 mexpress))
53 ")")))
54 (setq mexpress (eval mexpress)))
55 (t (setq mexplabel nil)
56 (when $mPrevaluate (setq mexpress (meval mexpress)))))
57 (when $mPrautolabel (setq mexplabel (updateautolabel)))
58 (when (symbolp (setq x mexpress))
59 (setq x ($verbify x))
60 (cond
61 ((setq y (mget x 'mexprer))
62 (setq mexpress
63 (list '(mdefine) (cons (list x) (cdadr y))
64 (caddr y))))
65 ((setq y (mget x 'mmacro))
66 (setq mexpress
67 (list '(mdefmacro) (cons (list x) (cdadr y))
68 (caddr y))))
69 ((setq y (mget x 'aexpr))
70 (setq mexpress
71 (list '(mdefine)
72 (cons (list x 'array)
73 (cdadr y))
74 (caddr y))))))
75 (when (and (consp mexpress) (consp (car mexpress))
76 (eq 'mlabel (caar mexpress)))
77 (setq mexpress (cadr mexpress)))
78 (cond
79 ((and $lamPrworksheet
80 (when mexplabel
81 (member 'c (explode mexplabel) :test #'eq)))
82 (format mPrport "\\begin{verbatim}~%~a " mexplabel)
83 (mgrind mexpress mPrport)
84 (format mPrport ";~%\\end{verbatim}~%"))
85 ((and $mPrworksheet
86 (when mexplabel
87 (member 'c (explode mexplabel) :test
88 #'eq)))
89 (format mPrport "|~a " mexplabel)
90 (mgrind mexpress mPrport) (format mPrport ";|~%"))
91 (t (cond
92 ($lamPrautolabel
93 (format mPrport "\\begin{equation}~%"))
94 ($mPrdisplaytype
95 (tprinc "<math xmlns=''>") )
96 (t (tprinc "<math xmlns=''>")))
97 (mPr_engine mexpress 'mparen 'mparen)
98 (cond
99 ($lamPrautolabel
100 (format mPrport "~%\\end{equation}~%"))
101 ($mPrdisplaytype
102 (when mexplabel
103 (if $mPrlabelleft
104 (format mPrport "\\leqno{\\tt ~a}" mexplabel)
105 (format mPrport "\\eqno{\\tt ~a}" mexplabel)))
106 (tprinc "</math>") (myterpri))
107 (t (tprinc "</math>")))))
108 (when filename (terpri mPrport) (close mPrport))
109 (return 'done)))
113 ;; mPr_engine is a kernel function for this program. It checks whether
114 ;;an argument "mexpress" is an atom or expression. Then it will assign
115 ;;a proper function to the expression or just print if it is an atom.
116 ;;This is an applied object-oriented programming technique.
118 ;; arg: mexpress - macsyma internal representaton
119 ;; lop , rop - left and right handside operator of mexpress
121 ;;special check if expression is an array
122 ;;check whether or not to put parenthesis
123 ;;if not a keyword,it is a function
125 ;;;;;; This is the work house routine ;;;;;;;;
127 (defun mPr_engine (mexpress lop rop)
128 (setq mexpress (nformat mexpress))
129 (if (atom mexpress) (mPr-atom mexpress)
130 (when (listp (car mexpress))
131 (cond
132 ((member 'array (car mexpress) :test #'eq)
133 (mPr-array mexpress))
134 ((or (<= (mPr-lbp (caar mexpress)) (mPr-rbp lop))
135 (> (mPr-lbp rop) (mPr-rbp (caar mexpress))))
136 (mPr-paren mexpress))
137 (t (if (get (caar mexpress) 'mPrprocess)
138 (funcall (get (caar mexpress) 'mPrprocess) mexpress)
139 (mPr-function mexpress)))))))
143 ;*************************************************************************
145 ;; Utilities Section
147 ;*************************************************************************
149 ;;; tprinc is an intelligent low level printing routine. it keeps track of
150 ;;; the size of the output for purposes of allowing the TeX file to
151 ;;; have a reasonable line-length. tprinc will break it at a space
152 ;;; once it crosses a threshold.
153 ;;; this has nothing to do with breaking the resulting equations.
155 ;- arg: chstr - string or number to princ
156 ;- scheme: This function keeps track of the current location
157 ;- on the line of the cursor and makes sure
158 ;- that a value is all printed on one line (and not divided
159 ;- by the crazy top level os routines)
161 (defun row-begin(str)
162 (myterpri)
163 (princ str mPrport)
164 (incf *indent*)
165 (setq *row* t))
167 (defun myindent()
168 (do ((i *indent*))
169 ((equal i 0) nil)
170 (princ " " mPrport)
171 (decf i)))
173 (defun row-end(str)
174 (decf *indent*)
175 (myterpri)
176 (princ str mPrport)
177 (setq *row* t))
179 (defun tpchar (c)
180 (incf ccol)
181 (princ c mPrport))
183 ;would have exceeded the line length
184 ; lead off with a space for safety
185 ;so we split it up.
186 (defun tprinc (chstr)
187 (prog (chlst linebreak)
188 (cond ((> (+ (length (setq chlst (exploden chstr))) ccol) 80)
189 (setq linebreak t)))
190 (cond (*row* (setq *row* nil) (myterpri))) ;; *row* calls for new row
191 (do ((ch chlst (cdr ch)) (colc ccol (1+ colc)))
192 ((null ch) (setq ccol colc))
193 (write-char (car ch) mPrport)
194 (if (and linebreak (eq (car ch) '>)) ;; line break only after >
195 (myterpri))
198 ;; myterpri is terpri with port and indent control
200 (defun myterpri ()
201 (if mPrport (terpri mPrport) (mterpri))
202 (setq ccol 1)
203 (myindent)
206 ;; lastlementp is a predicate function to check a list l
207 ;;that is there only one element left in the list.
209 (defun lastelementp (l) (equal (length l) 1))
211 ;; getsymbol is a function tool. It'll get the information
212 ;;from the database which is a symbol for an argument (atom)
214 (defun getsymbol (atom) (get atom 'chchr))
216 ;; get_process is a function tool. It'll get the information
217 ;;from the database about the process to handle the operator (atom)
218 ;; (defun get_process (atom) (get atom 'mPrprocess))
220 ;; setup is a function to build the database (put properties) for
221 ;;each key word
223 ; check if property exists already
224 (defun setup (arg)
225 (mapc #'(lambda (ls) (setf (get (car arg) (car ls)) (cadr ls)))
226 (cdr arg)))
228 ;; mPr-lbp and mPr-rbp are the functions to get information
229 ;; about size of the particular operator
230 ;; this is from the latex version of this prog
231 ;; not sure how well it works for MathML
233 (defun mPr-lbp (x) (cond ((get x 'mPr-lbp)) (t (lbp x))))
235 (defun mPr-rbp (x) (cond ((get x 'mPr-rbp)) (t (rbp x))))
237 ;; reduce lbp and rbp value for mtimes to get less parenthesis
238 (defun $lessparen ()
239 (setf (get 'mtimes 'mPr-lbp) '110)
240 (setf (get 'mtimes 'mPr-rbp) '110)
241 '$done)
242 ;; get back to normal case for paren
243 (defun $parenback ()
244 (setf (get 'mtimes 'mPr-lbp) '120)
245 (setf (get 'mtimes 'mPr-rbp) '120)
246 '$done)
248 ;; mPr-abs is a function to handle abs()
250 (defun mPr-abs (mexpress)
251 (tprinc "<mo>|</mo>")
252 (mPr_engine (cadr mexpress) 'mparen 'mparen)
253 (tprinc "<mo>|</mo>"))
255 (defun mPr-conjugate (mexpress)
256 (tprinc "<mover>")
257 (tprinc "<mrow>")
258 (mPr_engine (cadr mexpress) 'mparen 'mparen)
259 (tprinc "</mrow>")
260 (tprinc "<mo>&#xaf;</mo>") ;; macron
261 (tprinc "</mover>"))
263 ;; a[1]^2 or a[x,y]^z
264 (defun mPr-arr-power(b e)
265 (tprinc "<msubsup>")
266 (mPr_engine (caar b) lop 'mfunction)
267 (cond
268 ((equal (length b) 2)
269 (mPr_engine (cadr b) lop rop)
271 (t (row-begin "<mrow>") ;;(tprinc "<mrow>")
272 (do ((l (cdr b) (cdr l))) ((null l)(row-end "</mrow>"))
273 (mPr_engine (car l) lop rop)
274 (when (not (lastelementp l)) (tprinc "<mo>,</mo>")))
276 (mPr_engine e 'mparen 'mparen) (tprinc "</msubsup>")
279 ;; when the operator is array ,this function will be called
280 ;; ex. a[x1,..] is a top level representation
282 (defun mPr-array (mexpress)
283 (tprinc "<msub>")
284 (mPr_engine (caar mexpress) lop 'mfunction)
285 (row-begin "<mrow>")
286 (do ((l (cdr mexpress) (cdr l))) ((null l) (row-end "</mrow>")(tprinc "</msub>"))
287 (mPr_engine (car l) lop rop)
288 (when (not (lastelementp l)) (tprinc "<mo>,</mo>"))))
290 ;; mPr-at is a function to handle at(..) function
292 (defun mPr-at (mexpress)
293 (row-begin "<mrow>") ;;(tprinc "<mrow>")
294 (mPr_engine (cadr mexpress) lop rop)
295 (tprinc "<msub><mo>|</mo>")
296 (mPr_engine (caddr mexpress) 'mparen 'mparen)
297 (tprinc "</msub>") (row-end "</mrow>")
299 ;; in mPr_engine ,whennever mexpress is an atom this function taking care
300 ;;of it by getting a TeX symbol if it exists. Also it handles some word which
301 ;;has a reserved character for TeX
303 ;; prints instead of returning value now
304 (defun mPr-atom (chr)
305 (cond
306 ((numberp chr) (mPr-num chr))
307 ;; pwang 1/2005
308 ;; ((atom chr) (tprinc "<mi>") (tprinc (fullstrip1 chr)) (tprinc "</mi>"))
309 ((safe-get chr 'chchr) (tprinc "<mi>")
310 (tprinc (safe-get chr 'chchr)) (tprinc "</mi>"))
312 (let ((my-atom (if (symbolp chr) (print-invert-case (stripdollar chr)) chr)))
313 (tprinc "<mi>")
314 (tprinc (coerce (mapcar #'handle_rsw (exploden my-atom)) 'string))
315 (tprinc "</mi>")))))
317 (defun rm (a list)
318 (do ((l list (cdr l)) (l2 nil)) ((null l) (reverse l2))
319 (when (not (equal a (car l))) (setq l2 (cons (car l) l2)))))
322 ;; this fn is called by mPr-atom ,it checks for a reserved char.
323 (defun handle_rsw (c)
324 (cond
325 ((equal c #\<) "&lt;")
326 ((equal c #\>) "&gt;")
327 ((equal c #\&) "&amp;")
328 (t c)))
330 ;; mPr-binomial :-
331 ;; top level: binomail(x,y);
333 (defun mPr-binomial (mexpress)
334 (row-begin "<mrow>") (tprinc "<mo>(</mo><mfrac linethickness=\"0\">")
335 (mPr_engine (cadr mexpress) 'mparen 'mparen)
336 (tprinc " ")
337 (mPr_engine (caddr mexpress) 'mparen 'mparen)
338 (tprinc "</mfrac><mo>)</mo>") (row-end "</mrow>"))
342 ;; mPr-det is a function to handle determinant()
344 (defun mPr-det (mexpress)
345 (let ((operand (cadr mexpress)))
346 (tprinc "<mi>det</mi>")
347 (mPr_engine operand 'mparen 'mparen)))
349 ;; mPr-dif is a function to handle diferentiation function.
350 ;;It calls to subfunctions powerof_d and denopart.
352 (defun mPr-diff (mexpress)
353 (cond
354 ((powerof_d (cddr mexpress)) (denopart (cddr mexpress))
355 (tprinc "</mfrac><mo>&InvisibleTimes;</mo>")
356 (mPr_engine (cadr mexpress) 'mtimes rop)
357 (row-end "</mrow>"))
358 (t (mPr_engine (cadr mexpress) lop rop))))
360 ;;if there is no repeating differentiation
361 ;; just diff(exp,x)
362 ;; if diff(exp,x,no,..)
363 (defun powerof_d (l)
364 (cond
365 ((lastelementp l)
366 (row-begin "<mrow>")(tprinc "<mfrac><mo> &dd; </mo>") t)
367 (t (do ((l1 l (cddr l1)) (l2 nil (cons (cadr l1) l2))
368 (power_of_d nil))
369 ((null l1) (setq power_of_d (addn l2 nil))
370 (cond
371 ((numberp power_of_d)
372 (cond
373 ((equal 0 power_of_d) nil)
374 ((equal 1 power_of_d)(row-begin "<mrow>")(tprinc "<mfrac><mo> &dd; </mo>") t)
375 (t (row-begin "<mrow>")(tprinc "<mfrac><msup><mo> &dd;</mo><mn>")
376 (tprinc power_of_d) (tprinc "</mn></msup>") t)))
377 (t (row-begin "<mrow>")(tprinc "<mfrac><msup><mo> &dd;</mo>")
378 (mPr_engine power_of_d 'mparen 'mparen)
379 (tprinc "</msup>") t))))))
382 ;;if just diff(exp,x)
383 ;;if diff(exp,x,nox,y,noy,...)
384 (defun denopart (l)
385 (prog (result)
386 (cond
387 ((lastelementp l) (row-begin "<mrow>") (tprinc "<mo> &dd; </mo>")
388 (p-op (getsymbol 'mtimes)) (mPr_engine (car l) 'mtimes rop)
389 (row-end "</mrow>"))
390 (t (do ((l1 l (cddr l1)) (l2 nil)) ((null l1) (setq result l2))
391 (setq l2
392 (cons (append '((mexpt)) (list (car l1))
393 (list (cadr l1)))
394 l2)))
395 (setq result (muln result nil))
396 (cond
397 ((atom result) (row-begin "<mrow>")(tprinc "<mo> &dd; </mo>")
398 (p-op (getsymbol 'mtimes))
399 (mPr_engine result 'mparen 'mparen) (row-end "</mrow>"))
400 ((listp result)
401 (cond
402 ((eq (caar result) 'mexpt)
403 (row-begin "<mrow>")(tprinc "<mo> &dd; </mo>")
404 (p-op (getsymbol 'mtimes))
405 (mPr_engine result 'mtimes 'mparen) (row-end "</mrow>"))
406 (t (row-begin "<mrow>")
407 (do ((l1 (cdr result) (cdr l1)) (l2 nil)
408 (power_of_d nil))
409 ((null l1) (row-end "</mrow>"))
410 (tprinc "<mo> &dd; </mo>")
411 (p-op (getsymbol 'mtimes))
412 (mPr_engine (car l1) 'mtimes 'mtimes)
413 (when (not (lastelementp l1)) (tprinc "<mo>,</mo>"))
415 ))))))))
417 ;; this function is adopted the main idea form macTeX from Prof. Richard
418 ;; Fateman in the mPr-mexpt
420 ;; insert left-angle-brackets for mncexpt. a^<n> is how a^^n looks.
421 ;; here is where we have to check for f(x)^b to be displayed
422 ;; as f^b(x), as is the case for sin(x)^2 .
423 ;; which should be sin^2 x rather than (sin x)^2 or (sin(x))^2.
424 ;; yet we must not display (a+b)^2 as +^2(a,b)...
425 ;; or (sin(x))^(-1) as sin^(-1)x, which would be arcsine x
426 ; this is f(x)
427 ; this is f [or nil]
428 ;this is (x) [maybe (x,y..), or nil]
429 ;; this is the exponent
430 ; there is such a function
431 ;; insist it is a % or $ function
433 ;;this case like sin(x)^x --> sin x
434 ;; if for example exp = (x+2)^4
435 ;; in case x^^y
436 (defun mPr-expt (mexpress)
437 (cond
438 ((eq (caar mexpress) 'mexpt)
439 (if (and (not (atom (cadr mexpress)))
440 (member 'array (caadr mexpress) :test #'eq) ;; array
442 (mPr-arr-power (cadr mexpress) (caddr mexpress))
443 (let* ((fx (cadr mexpress))
444 (f (and (not (atom fx)) (atom (caar fx)) (caar fx)))
445 (bascdr (and f (cdr fx))) (expon (caddr mexpress))
446 (doit (and f (member (char (string f) 0) (list #\% #\$))
447 (not (member f '(%sum %product) :test #'eq)))))
448 (cond
449 (doit (cond ;;;; sin^2 x case
450 ((atom expon)
451 (row-begin "<mrow>")(tprinc "<msup>") (mPr-fname f)
452 (mPr-atom expon)(tprinc "</msup>")
453 (tprinc "<mo>&ApplyFunction;</mo>")
454 (if (cdr bascdr) (mPr-listparen bascdr)
455 (mPr_engine (car bascdr) 'mtimes 'mtimes))
456 (row-end "</mrow>")
458 (t (tprinc "<msup>")
459 (mPr_engine fx 'mparen 'mparen)
460 (mPr_engine expon 'mparen 'mparen)
461 (tprinc "</msup>"))))
462 (t (tprinc "<msup>")
463 (mPr_engine (cadr mexpress) lop (caar mexpress))
464 (mPr_engine (caddr mexpress) 'mparen 'mparen)
465 (tprinc "</msup>")))))
467 (t (tprinc "<msup>") ;;; mnexpt case
468 (mPr_engine (cadr mexpress) lop (caar mexpress))
469 (row-begin "<mrow>")(tprinc "<mo>&LeftAngleBracket;</mo>")
470 (mPr_engine (caddr mexpress) 'mparen 'mparen)
471 (tprinc "<mo>&RightAngleBracket;</mo>")(row-end "</mrow>")
472 (tprinc "</msup>")))
474 ;; this function will check that whether or not an arg has a symbol
475 ;;in data base or not, if not it 'll be treated to be function which 'll
476 ;;be printed in rm font
477 (defun mPr-fname (f)
478 (tprinc "<mi>")
479 (tprinc (if (getsymbol f) (getsymbol f) f))
480 (tprinc "</mi>")
482 ;; to handle if an operator is a function which will be printed
483 (defun mPr-function (mexpress)
484 (mPr_engine (caar mexpress) 'mparen 'mparen)
485 (tprinc "<mo>&ApplyFunction;</mo>")
486 (mPr-listparen (cdr mexpress)))
488 (defun mPr-gamma (mexpress)
489 (mPr_engine '|$Gamma| 'mparen 'mparen) ;; ensure big gamma instead of little gamma (CHCHR property)
490 (tprinc "<mo>&ApplyFunction;</mo>")
491 (mPr-listparen (cdr mexpress)))
493 ;; for infix operator , and also handle when there is a truncation
494 ;;in macsyma expression (see mPr-infix1)
495 ;; mPr-infix calling
496 ;; 1)mPr-infix1 calling
497 ;; 1.1) p-op-oprd
498 ;; 2)p-op-oprd
500 ;if -x or +x so call mPr-function
501 (defun mPr-infix (mexpress)
502 (let ((moperator (car mexpress)) (moperands (cdr mexpress)))
503 (cond
504 ((equal (length moperands) 1) (mPr-function mexpress))
505 (t (row-begin "<mrow>")
506 (mPr_engine (car moperands) lop (car moperator))
507 (p-op-oprd moperator (cadr moperands))
508 (mPr-infix1 moperator (cddr moperands))
509 (row-end "</mrow>")
510 ))))
512 (defun mPr-infix1 (moperator moperands)
513 (cond
514 ((null moperands)
515 (when (member 'trunc moperator :test #'equal)
516 (p-op (getsymbol (car moperator)))
517 (tprinc "<mo>&TripleDot;</mo>")))
518 (t (p-op-oprd moperator (car moperands))
519 (mPr-infix1 moperator (cdr moperands)))))
521 ;; p-op-oprd is a function printing operator and operand consecutively
522 ;; ex + x when + is a infix op and x is oprd
524 (defun p-op-oprd (moperator moperand)
525 (let ((op (car moperator)))
526 (cond
527 ((equal op 'mplus)
528 (cond
529 ((listp moperand)
530 (cond
531 ((equal (caar moperand) 'mminus) (tprinc "<mo>-</mo>")
532 (mPr_engine (cadr moperand) 'mminus rop))
533 (t (tprinc "<mo>+</mo>") (mPr_engine moperand 'mplus rop))))
534 (t (tprinc "<mo>+</mo>") (mPr-atom moperand))))
535 (t (p-op (getsymbol op))
536 (mPr_engine moperand op op))))
539 (defun p-op(symbol)
540 (tprinc "<mo>")
541 (tprinc symbol)
542 (tprinc "</mo>")
545 ;; mPr-intgrate handles an integration expression
546 ;; It will detect that integrate function is called in short form
547 ;; or long form example: integrate(x^4,x,0,inf) is a long form.
549 ;;short form
550 ;;long form
551 (defun mPr-integrate (mexpress)
552 (setq mexpress (meval
553 (list '($substitute) '((mminus) $inf) '$minf mexpress)))
554 (cond
555 ((equal (length mexpress) 3)
556 (row-begin "<mrow>")(tprinc "<mo>&Integral;</mo>"))
557 ((equal (length mexpress) 5)
558 (row-begin "<mrow>")(tprinc "<msubsup><mo>&Integral;</mo>")
559 (row-begin "<mrow>")
560 (mPr_engine (cadddr mexpress) 'mparen 'mparen)
561 (row-end "</mrow>")
562 (tprinc " ")
563 (row-begin "<mrow>")
564 (mPr_engine (car (cddddr mexpress)) 'mparen 'mparen)
565 (row-end "</mrow>")
566 (tprinc "</msubsup>"))
567 (t (merror "Wrong NO. of Arguments")))
568 (row-begin "<mrow>")
569 (mPr_engine (cadr mexpress) 'mparen 'mparen)
570 (row-end "</mrow>")(tprinc "<mo>&InvisibleTimes;</mo><mo> &dd; </mo>")
571 (mPr_engine (caddr mexpress) 'mparen rop)
572 (row-end "</mrow>"))
575 ;; mPr-limit takes care the "limit(exp,var,val,dir)"
576 (defun mPr-limit (mexpress)
577 (setq mexpress (meval
578 (list '($substitute) '((mminus) $inf) '$minf mexpress)))
579 (row-begin "<mrow>")(tprinc "<munder><mo>lim</mo>")(row-begin "<mrow>")
580 (mPr_engine (caddr mexpress) 'mparen 'mparen)
581 (tprinc "<mo>&RightArrow;</mo>")
582 (mPr_engine (cadddr mexpress) 'mparen 'mapren)
583 (when (car (cddddr mexpress))
584 (if (member (car (cddddr mexpress)) '($minus $plus) :test #'equal)
585 (p-op (getsymbol (car (cddddr mexpress))))
586 (merror "THE 4TH ARG MUST BE PLUS OR MINUS")))
587 (row-end "</mrow>")(tprinc "</munder>")
588 ;; (tprinc "<mo>&InvisibleTimes;</mo>")
589 (mPr_engine (cadr mexpress) 'mparen rop)
590 (row-end "</mrow>"))
591 ;; This function handles a macsyma list expression
593 (defun mPr-list (mexpress)
594 (tprinc "<mo>[</mo>")
595 (do ((l (cdr mexpress) (cdr l))) ((null l) (tprinc "<mo>]</mo>"))
596 (mPr_engine (car l) 'mparen 'mparen)
597 (when (not (lastelementp l)) (tprinc "<mo>,</mo>"))))
600 ;; This function is a subfunction of mPr-expt , mPr-function and
601 ;; mPr-mqapply
602 (defun mPr-listparen (mexpress)
603 (row-begin "<mrow>")(tprinc "<mo>(</mo>")
604 (do ((l mexpress (cdr l))) ((null l) (tprinc "<mo>)</mo>") (row-end "</mrow>"))
605 (mPr_engine (car l) 'mparen 'mparen)
606 (when (not (lastelementp l)) (tprinc "<mo>,</mo>"))))
608 ;; mPr-matrix handles matrix function
609 (defun mPr-matrix (mexpress)
610 (row-begin "<mfenced open='(' close=')'><mtable>")
611 (mapc #'(lambda (arg)
612 (row-begin "<mtr>")
613 (do ((l (cdr arg) (cdr l))) ((null l) (row-end "</mtr>"))
614 (row-begin "<mtd>")
615 (mPr_engine (car l) 'mparen 'mparen)
616 (row-end "</mtd>")
618 (cdr mexpress))
619 (row-end "</mtable></mfenced>")
622 (defun mPr-mqapply (mexpress)
623 (mPr_engine (cadr mexpress) lop 'mfunction)
624 (mPr-listparen (cddr mexpress)))
626 ;; this function handles the floating point number.
627 ;; convert 1.2e20 to 1.2 \\cdot 10^{20}
628 ;; is it ddd.ddde+EE
629 ;; it is not. go with it as given
630 (defun mPr-num (atom)
631 (let (r firstpart exponent)
632 (cond
633 ((integerp atom) (tprinc "<mn>") (tprinc atom) (tprinc "</mn>"))
634 (t (setq r (exploden atom))
635 ;; Hmm. What if the exponent marker is something other than 'e' or 'E' ??
636 (setq exponent (or (member #\e r) (member #\E r)))
637 (cond
638 ((null exponent) (tprinc "<mn>") (tprinc atom) (tprinc "</mn>"))
639 (t (setq firstpart
640 (nreverse (cdr (or (member #\e (reverse r)) (member #\E (reverse r))))))
641 (tprinc "<mn>")
642 (mapc #'tpchar firstpart) (tprinc "</mn>")
643 (tprinc "<mo>&CenterDot;</mo><msup><mn>10</mn> <mn>")
644 (mapc #'tpchar (cdr exponent))
645 (tprinc "</mn></msup>")))))))
647 ;; this function puts parenthesis for the expression
648 (defun mPr-paren (mexpress)
649 (row-begin "<mrow>")(tprinc "<mo>(</mo>")
650 (mPr_engine mexpress 'mparen 'mparen)
651 (tprinc "<mo>)</mo>") (row-end "</mrow>"))
652 ;; this function handles "+" operator which is infix form
654 ;if -x or +x so call mPr-function
655 (defun mPr-plus (mexpress)
656 (let ((moperands (cdr mexpress))
657 (flag_trunc (member 'trunc (car mexpress) :test #'eq)))
658 (cond
659 ((equal (length moperands) 1) (mPr-prefix mexpress))
660 (t (row-begin "<mrow>")
661 (mPr_engine (car moperands) lop 'mplus)
662 (print_op_oprd (cadr moperands))
663 (mPr-plus1 (cddr moperands) flag_trunc)
664 (row-end "</mrow>")
668 (defun mPr-plus1 (moperands flag_trunc)
669 (cond
670 ((null moperands) (when flag_trunc (tprinc "<mo>+</mo><mo>&TripleDot;</mo>")))
671 (t (print_op_oprd (car moperands))
672 (mPr-plus1 (cdr moperands) flag_trunc))))
675 (defun print_op_oprd (moperand)
676 (cond
677 ((listp moperand)
678 (cond
679 ((equal (caar moperand) 'mminus) (tprinc "<mo>-</mo>")
680 (mPr_engine (cadr moperand) 'mplus rop))
681 (t (tprinc "<mo>+</mo>") (mPr_engine moperand 'mplus 'mparen))))
682 (t (tprinc "<mo>+</mo>") (mPr-atom moperand))))
683 ;; mPr-postfix handles for postfix notation expression like factorial
685 (defun mPr-postfix (mexpress)
686 (row-begin "<mrow>")
687 (mPr_engine (cadr mexpress) lop (caar mexpress))
688 (row-end "</mrow>")
689 (p-op (getsymbol (caar mexpress))))
691 ;; mPr-prefix is a function to handle a prefix notation form
693 (defun mPr-prefix (mexpress)
694 (let ((op (caar mexpress)) (oprnd (cadr mexpress)))
695 (row-begin "<mrow>")
696 (p-op (getsymbol op))
697 (mPr_engine oprnd op rop)
698 (row-end "</mrow>")))
699 ;; this function takes care the quotient function or "/" sign
701 (defun mPr-quotient (mexpress)
702 (row-begin "<mfrac><mrow>")
703 (mPr_engine (cadr mexpress) 'mparen 'mparen)
704 (row-end "</mrow>")
705 (row-begin "<mrow>")
706 (mPr_engine (caddr mexpress) 'mparen 'mparen)
707 (row-end "</mrow></mfrac>"))
709 (defun mPr-rat (mexpress) (mPr-quotient mexpress))
711 ;; this function handles binomial coefficients
713 (defun mPr-binomial(mexpress)
714 (row-begin "<mrow><mfenced open='(' close=')'><mfrac linethickness='0'><mrow>")
715 (mPr_engine (cadr mexpress) 'mparen 'mparen)
716 (tprinc "</mrow><mrow>")
717 (mPr_engine (caddr mexpress) 'mparen 'mparen)
718 (row-end "</mrow></mfrac></mfenced></mrow>")
721 ;; this function handles sqrt
723 (defun mPr-sqrt (mexpress)
724 (tprinc "<msqrt>")
725 (mPr_engine (cadr mexpress) 'mparen 'mparen)
726 (tprinc "</msqrt>"))
728 ;; This function takes care both sum(exp,ind,lo,hi) and
729 ;; product(exp,ind,lo,hi)
730 ;;ind
731 ;;low
732 ;; hi
733 ;;exp
734 (defun mPr-sumprod (mexpress)
735 (row-begin "<mrow>")(tprinc "<munderover>")
736 (p-op (getsymbol (caar mexpress)))
737 (row-begin "<mrow>")
738 (mPr_engine (caddr mexpress) 'mparen 'mequal)
739 (tprinc "<mo>=</mo>")
740 (mPr_engine (meval
741 (list '($substitute) '((mminus) $inf) '$minf (cadddr mexpress)))
742 'mequal 'mparen)
743 (row-end "</mrow>")
744 (mPr_engine (meval
745 (list '($substitute) '((mminus) $inf) '$minf (car (cddddr mexpress))))
746 'mparen 'mparen)
747 (tprinc "</munderover>")
748 (mPr_engine (cadr mexpress) 'mparen rop)
749 (row-end "</mrow>"))
750 ;; mPr-times a function handle multiplication
751 (defun mPr-times (mexpress)
752 (let ((lop 'mtimes) (rop 'mtimes)) (mPr-infix mexpress)))
754 (defun mathml-presentation-lambda (mexpress)
755 (let
756 ((op (caar mexpress))
757 (args (cdr (cadr mexpress)))
758 (body (cddr mexpress)))
759 (mPr_engine op 'mparen 'mparen)
760 (if (= (length args) 1)
761 (mPr_engine (car args) 'mparen 'mparen)
762 (mPr-listparen args))
763 (mPr_engine "." 'mparen 'mparen)
764 (if (= (length body) 1)
765 (mPr_engine (car body) 'mparen 'mparen)
766 (mPr-listparen body))))
768 ;; An improvement on the default, but not much.
769 ;; Could benefit from just a little more attention.
770 (defun mathml-presentation-buildinfo (mexpress)
771 (mPr_engine `(($matrix) ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (e) `((mlist) ,e)) (cdr mexpress))) 'mparen 'mparen))
773 ;;;;;;; Operators
775 (setup '(mlist (mPrprocess mPr-list)))
777 (setup '(mplus (mPrprocess mPr-plus) (mPr-lbp 100) (mPr-rbp 100)
778 (chchr "+")))
780 (setup '(mminus (mPrprocess mPr-prefix) (mPr-lbp 100) (mPr-rbp 100)
781 (chchr "-")))
783 (setup '(mquote (mPrprocess mPr-prefix) (mPr-rbp 201) (chchr "'")))
785 (setup '(mand (mPrprocess mPr-infix) (mPr-lbp 60) (mPr-rbp 60)
786 (chchr "and")))
788 (setup '(mor (mPrprocess mPr-infix) (mPr-lbp 50) (mPr-rbp 50)
789 (chchr "or")))
791 (setup '(mnot (mPrprocess mPr-prefix) (mPr-rbp 70) (chchr "&not;")))
793 (setup '(mgreaterp (mPrprocess mPr-infix) (mPr-lbp 80) (mPr-rbp 80)
794 (chchr "&gt;")))
796 (setup '(mgeqp (mPrprocess mPr-infix) (mPr-lbp 80) (mPr-rbp 80)
797 (chchr "&ge;")))
800 (setup '(mnotequal (mPrprocess mPr-infix) (mPr-lbp 80) (mPr-rbp 80)
801 (chchr "&NotEqual;")))
803 (setup '(mleqp (mPrprocess mPr-infix) (mPr-lbp 80) (mPr-rbp 80)
804 (chchr "&le;")))
806 (setup '(mlessp (mPrprocess mPr-infix) (mPr-lbp 80) (mPr-rbp 80)
807 (chchr "&lt;")))
809 (setup '(msetq (mPrprocess mPr-infix) (mPr-lbp 180) (mPr-rbp 20)
810 (chchr "&Assign;")))
812 (setup '(mset (mPrprocess mPr-infix) (mPr-lbp 180) (mPr-rbp 20)
813 (chchr "&Assign;"))) ;;; This is not math
815 (setup '(mdefine (mPrprocess mPr-infix) (mPr-lbp 180) (mPr-rbp 20)
816 (chchr ":=")))
818 (setup '(mfactorial (mPrprocess mPr-postfix) (mPr-lbp 160) (chchr "!")))
820 (setup '(mabs (mPrprocess mPr-abs)))
822 (setup '(%abs (mPrprocess mPr-abs)))
824 (setup '($conjugate (mPrprocess mPr-conjugate)))
826 (setup '(mnctimes (mPrprocess mPr-infix) (mPr-lbp 110) (mPr-rbp 109)
827 (chchr "&CenterDot;")))
829 (setup '(marrow (mPrprocess mPr-infix) (mPr-lbp 180) (mPr-rbp 20)
830 (chchr "&RightArrow;")))
832 (setup '(mrarrow (mPrprocess mPr-prefix) (mPr-lbp 180) (mPr-rbp 20)
833 (chchr "&RightArrow;")))
835 (setup '(mdif (mPrprocess mPr-infix) (mPr-lbp 100) (mPr-rbp 100)
836 (chchr "-")))
838 (setup '(mtimes (mPrprocess mPr-times) (mPr-lbp 120) (mPr-rbp 120)
839 (chchr "&InvisibleTimes;")))
841 (setup '(mdottimes (mPrprocess mPr-infix) (mPr-lbp 120) (mPr-rbp 120)
842 (chchr "&CenterDot;")))
844 (setup '(mexpt (mPrprocess mPr-expt) (mPr-lbp 140) (mPr-rbp 139)))
846 (setup '(mncexpt (mPrprocess mPr-expt) (mPr-lbp 135) (mPr-rbp 134)))
848 (setup '(%at (mPrprocess mPr-at)))
850 (setup '($at (mPrprocess mPr-at)))
852 (setup '($det (mPrprocess mPr-det)))
854 (setup '(%determinant (mPrprocess mPr-det)))
856 (setup '($binomial (mPrprocess mPr-binomial)))
858 (setup '(%binomial (mPrprocess mPr-binomial)))
860 (setup '(%sum (mPrprocess mPr-sumprod) (chchr "&Sum;")))
862 (setup '($sum (mPrprocess mPr-sumprod) (chchr "&Sum;")))
864 (setup '($product (mPrprocess mPr-sumprod) (chchr "&Prod;")))
866 (setup '(%product (mPrprocess mPr-sumprod) (chchr "&Prod;")))
868 (setup '($integrate (mPrprocess mPr-integrate) (chchr "&Integral;")))
870 (setup '(%integrate (mPrprocess mPr-integrate) (chchr "&Integral;")))
872 (setup '($diff (mPrprocess mPr-diff) (chchr "<mo>&dd;</mo>")))
874 (setup '(%derivative (mPrprocess mPr-diff) (chchr "<mo>&dd;</mo>")))
876 (setup '($limit (mPrprocess mPr-limit)))
878 (setup '(%limit (mPrprocess mPr-limit)))
880 (setup '($sqrt (mPrprocess mPr-sqrt) (chchr "&Sqrt;")))
882 (setup '(%sqrt (mPrprocess mPr-sqrt) (chchr "&Sqrt;")))
884 (setup '(%binomial (mPrprocess mPr-binomial)))
886 (setup '(mquotient (mPrprocess mPr-quotient) (mPr-lbp 122)
887 (mPr-rbp 123) (chchr "<mo>/</mo>")))
889 (setup '(rat (mPrprocess mPr-rat) (mPr-lbp 120) (mPr-rbp 121)))
891 (setup '(mconc (mPrprocess mPr-infix) (chchr " ")))
893 (setup '(mparen (chchr " ")))
895 (setup '(mbrak (chchr " ")))
897 (setup '(mequal (mPrprocess mPr-infix) (mPr-lbp 80) (mPr-rbp 80)
898 (chchr "=")))
900 ;;(setup '(mmsubs (mPrprocess mPr-mmsubs) (chchr "&")))
902 (setup '(mqapply (mPrprocess mPr-mqapply)))
904 (setup '(mmfunct (mPrprocess mPr-funct)))
906 (setup '($matrix (mPrprocess mPr-matrix)))
908 (setup '(lambda (mPrprocess mathml-presentation-lambda)))
910 (setup '(%build_info (mPrprocess mathml-presentation-buildinfo)))
912 (setup '($%pi (chchr "&pi;")))
914 (setup '($%e (chchr "&ee;")))
916 (setup '($%gamma (chchr "&gamma;")))
918 (setup '($%phi (chchr "&phi;")))
920 (setup '(& (chchr "&amp;")))
922 (setup '(% (chchr "%")))
924 (setup '($ (chchr "$")))
926 (setup '(_ (chchr "_")))
928 (setup '($minus (chchr "-")))
930 (setup '($plus (chchr "+")))
933 (setup '(mprog (chchr "block")))
935 (setup '($$block (chchr "block")))
937 (setup '($$boldif (chchr "if")))
939 (setup '($$boldthen (chchr "then")))
941 (setup '($$boldelse (chchr "else")))
944 ;;;; routines to access these fields
946 ;; The following are databases for special characters
948 (setf (get '$inf 'chchr) '"&infin;")
949 ;;;(setf (get '$minf 'chchr) '"<mo>-</mo>&infin;")
951 ;; lower case greek database
953 (setf (get '$alpha 'chchr) '"&alpha;")
954 (setf (get '%alpha 'chchr) '"&alpha;")
955 (setf (get '$beta 'chchr) '"&beta;")
956 (setf (get '$gamma 'chchr) '"&gamma;")
957 (setf (get '%gamma 'chchr) '"&gamma;")
958 (setf (get '%gamma_incomplete 'chchr) '"&Gamma;")
959 (setf (get '%gamma_incomplete_generalized 'chchr) '"&Gamma;")
960 (setf (get '%gamma_incomplete_regularized 'chchr) '"Q")
961 (setf (get '$gamma_incomplete_lower 'chchr) '"&gamma;")
962 (setf (get '$delta 'chchr) '"&delta;")
963 (setf (get '$epsilon 'chchr) '"&epsilon;")
964 (setf (get '$varepsilon 'chchr) '"&varepsilon;")
965 (setf (get '$zeta 'chchr) '"&zeta;")
966 (setf (get '$eta 'chchr) '"&eta;")
967 (setf (get '$theta 'chchr) '"&theta;")
968 (setf (get '$vartheta 'chchr) '"&vartheta;")
969 (setf (get '$iota 'chchr) '"&iota;")
970 (setf (get '$kappa 'chchr) '"&kappa;")
971 (setf (get '$lambda 'chchr) '"&lambda;")
972 (setf (get 'lambda 'chchr) '"&lambda;")
973 (setf (get '$mu 'chchr) '"&mu;")
974 (setf (get '$nu 'chchr) '"&nu;")
975 (setf (get '$xi 'chchr) '"&xi;")
976 (setf (get '$pi 'chchr) '"&pi;")
977 (setf (get '$varpi 'chchr) '"&varpi;")
978 (setf (get '$rho 'chchr) '"&rho;")
979 (setf (get '$varrho 'chchr) '"&varrho;")
980 (setf (get '$sigma 'chchr) '"&sigma;")
981 (setf (get '$varsigma 'chchr) '"&varsigma;")
982 (setf (get '$tau 'chchr) '"&tau;")
983 (setf (get '$upsilon 'chchr) '"&upsilon;")
984 (setf (get '$phi 'chchr) '"&phi;")
985 (setf (get '$varphi 'chchr) '"&varphi;")
986 (setf (get '$chi 'chchr) '"&chi;")
987 (setf (get '$psi 'chchr) '"&psi;")
988 (setf (get '$omega 'chchr) '"&omega;")
990 ;; Greek Upper Case Database
992 (setf (get '|$Alpha| 'chchr) '"&Alpha;")
993 (setf (get '|$Gamma| 'chchr) '"&Gamma;")
994 (setf (get '|$Delta| 'chchr) '"&Delta;")
995 (setf (get '|$Theta| 'chchr) '"&Theta;")
996 (setf (get '|$Lambda| 'chchr) '"&Lambda;")
997 (setf (get '|$Xi| 'chchr) '"&Xi;")
998 (setf (get '|$Pi| 'chchr) '"&Pi;")
999 (setf (get '|$Sigma| 'chchr) '"&Sigma;")
1000 (setf (get '|$Upsilon| 'chchr) '"&Upsilon;")
1001 (setf (get '|$Phi| 'chchr) '"&Phi;")
1002 (setf (get '|$Psi| 'chchr) '"&Psi;")
1003 (setf (get '|$Omega| 'chchr) '"&Omega;")
1004 (setf (get '|$Re| 'chchr) '"&Re;")
1005 (setf (get '|$Im| 'chchr) '"&Im;")
1007 ;; Miscellaneous symbols
1009 (setf (get '$aleph 'chchr) '"&aleph;")
1010 (setf (get '$hbar 'chchr) '"&hbar;")
1011 (setf (get '$%i 'chchr) '"&ii;")
1012 (setf (get '$%j 'chchr) '"&ij")
1013 (setf (get '$ell 'chchr) '"&ell;")
1014 (setf (get '$wp 'chchr) '"&wp;")
1015 (setf (get '$mho 'chchr) '"&mho;")
1016 (setf (get '$infty 'chchr) '"&infty;")
1017 (setf (get '$nabla 'chchr) '"&nabla;")
1018 (setf (get '$partial 'chchr) '"&PartialD;")
1019 (setf (get '$triangle 'chchr) '"&triangle;")
1022 (setup '(%sin (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"sin")))
1023 (setup '(%cos (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"cos")))
1024 (setup '(%tan (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"tan")))
1025 (setup '(%cot (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"cot")))
1026 (setup '(%sec (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"sec")))
1027 (setup '(%csc (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"csc")))
1029 (setup '(%asin (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"arcsin")))
1030 (setup '(%acos (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"arccos")))
1031 (setup '(%atan (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"arctan")))
1032 (setup '(%acot (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"acot")))
1033 (setup '(%asec (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"asec")))
1034 (setup '(%acsc (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"acsc")))
1035 (setup '(%sinh (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"sinh")))
1036 (setup '(%cosh (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"cosh")))
1037 (setup '(%tanh (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"tanh")))
1038 (setup '(%coth (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"coth")))
1039 (setup '(%sech (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"sec")))
1040 (setup '(%csch (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"csch")))
1043 (setup '(%asinh (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"asinh")))
1044 (setup '(%acosh (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"acosh")))
1045 (setup '(%atanh (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"atanh")))
1046 (setup '(%acoth (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"acoth")))
1047 (setup '(%asech (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"asec")))
1048 (setup '(%acsch (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"acsch")))
1050 (setup '(%ln (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"ln")))
1051 (setup '(%log (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"log")))
1053 (setup '($sin (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"sin")))
1054 (setup '($cos (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"cos")))
1055 (setup '($tan (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"tan")))
1056 (setup '($cot (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"cot")))
1057 (setup '($sec (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"sec")))
1058 (setup '($csc (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"csc")))
1060 (setup '($asin (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"arcsin")))
1061 (setup '($acos (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"arccos")))
1062 (setup '($atan (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"arctan")))
1063 (setup '($acot (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"acot")))
1064 (setup '($asec (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"asec")))
1065 (setup '($acsc (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"acsc")))
1067 (setup '($sinh (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"sinh")))
1068 (setup '($cosh (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"cosh")))
1069 (setup '($tanh (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"tanh")))
1070 (setup '($coth (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"coth")))
1071 (setup '($sech (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"sec")))
1072 (setup '($csch (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"csch")))
1074 (setup '($asinh (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"asinh")))
1075 (setup '($acosh (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"acosh")))
1076 (setup '($atanh (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"atanh")))
1077 (setup '($acoth (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"acoth")))
1078 (setup '($asech (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"asec")))
1079 (setup '($acsch (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"acsch")))
1080 (setup '($ln (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"ln")))
1081 (setup '($log (mPrprocess mPr-function) (mPr-rbp 110) (chchr"log")))
1082 (setup '(%gamma (mPrprocess mPr-gamma)))
1086 ;; set the preference feature
1088 ($lessparen)
1089 (setq casep nil) ;set to distinguish a capital or lower case
1090 (setq $mPrworksheet nil) ;set TeX worksheet mode false
1091 (setq $lamPrworksheet nil) ;set LaTeX worksheet mode false
1092 (setq $mPrlabelleft nil) ;set Tex or LaTeX left Labeling mode false
1093 (setq $mPrdisplaytype t) ;set default for TeX or LaTeX in display type
1094 (setq $mPrevaluate t) ;set default for evaluating macsyma expression
1095 (setq $mPrautolabel nil) ;set autolabel mode off, can be set to be integer
1096 (setq $lamPrautolabel nil) ;set LaTeX autolabel mode false
1098 ;; The MathML presentation code has been loaded. Run each post-load hook. This
1099 ;; let other libraries hook in to the MathML library easily (doing so needs
1100 ;; SETUP and MPR_ENGINE to be defined).
1102 ;; Each hook should be an idempotent thunk.
1104 (when (boundp '*mathml-presentation-hook*)
1105 (dolist (hook (symbol-value '*mathml-presentation-hook*))
1106 (funcall hook)))