Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[maxima.git] / share / contrib / noninteractive / noninteractive.lisp
1 ;; noninteractive.lisp -- some functions to be used by noninteractive.mac
2 ;; copyright 2007 by Robert Dodier
3 ;; I release this file under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
5 ;; Redefine MERROR to throw something.
6 (defun merror (s &rest l) ($throw `((merror) ,s ,@l)))
8 (defmspec $assuming (e)
9 (let*
10 ((args (margs e))
11 (assumptions (mapcar #'meval (extract-assumptions (first args))))
12 (my-context (mfuncall '$supcontext)))
13 (meval `(($assume) ,@assumptions))
14 (unwind-protect
15 (first (last (mapcar #'(lambda (e) (mfuncall '|$meval1| e)) (rest args))))
16 (mfuncall '$killcontext my-context))))
18 (defun extract-assumptions (x)
19 (if ($listp x) (rest x) (list x)))
21 ;; Remove functions and variables defined at Maxima level
22 ;; so that kill does not affect noninteractive.
23 ;; Unfortunately, this function has to revised if any more
24 ;; functions or variables are defined.
25 ;; Maybe there should be a way to mark a function as unkillable
26 ;; when it is defined. Just a thought.
28 (defmfun $delete_noninteractive_stuff_from_infolists ()
29 (setq $values (delete '|$within_MEVAL1| $values))
30 (setq $functions (delete '((|$meval1|)) $functions :test #'equal))
31 (setq $functions (delete '(($ENUMERATE_CASES) |$l%|) $functions :test #'equal))
32 (setq $functions (delete '(($INTERLEAVE) |$l1| |$l2|) $functions :test #'equal))
33 '$done)