Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[maxima.git] / share / integer_sequence / integer_sequence.lisp
1 #|
2 Author: Barton Willis, June 2008
4 I, Barton Willis, hereby place this code into the public domain.
6 The dot-dot operator generates terms of an arithmetic sequence. The
7 two argument dot-dot operator is defined by (Z is the set of integers).
9 a .. b = [a + k | k in Z, 0 <= k <= (b - a)].
11 Thus a .. b = [a, a + 1, a + 2, ..., a + n], where n = floor(b - a). The three
12 argument dot-dot operator is defined by
14 a .. h .. b = [a + h * k | k in 0 .. (b - a) / h].
16 a .. b expands to a list when either floor(b - a) is an integer (not a
17 declared integer) or sign(b - a) is negative or zero; otherwise, the dot-dot
18 operator returns a noun form.
20 a .. h .. b expands to a list when floor((b-a) / h) is an integer (not a
21 declared integer) or sign(b - a) is negative or zero and h is nonzero.
25 ;; These binding powers make a .. b op c == a .. (b op c), where op = +, -, *, /, or ^.
27 ($nary ".." 80)
28 (setf (get '$.. 'operators) 'simp-integer-sequence)
30 (defun simp-integer-sequence (e yy z)
31 (declare (ignore yy))
33 (let ((i) (j) (k) (lo) (hi) (h) (n) (sgn) (sgn-h) (acc nil))
34 (pop e)
35 (setq i (if e (simpcheck (pop e) z) (merror "The '..' operator needs 2 or 3 arguments, not 0")))
36 (setq j (if e (simpcheck (pop e) z) (merror "The '..' operator needs 2 or 3 arguments, not 1")))
37 (setq k (if e (simpcheck (pop e) z) nil))
38 (if e (merror "The '..' operator needs 3 or fewer arguments"))
39 (if k (setq lo i hi k h j) (setq lo i h 1 hi j))
40 (if (zerop1 h) (merror "The step argument to '..' must be nonzero"))
42 (setq sgn (if (like hi lo) '$zero (csign (sub hi lo))))
43 (setq sgn-h (csign h))
44 (setq n (if (eq sgn '$zero) 0 (take '($floor) (div (sub hi lo) h))))
45 (cond ((and (integerp n) (memq sgn-h '($neg $pos $pn)))
46 (while (>= n 0)
47 (push (add lo (mul n h)) acc)
48 (decf n))
49 (simplify (cons '(mlist) acc)))
51 ((or (and (eq '$neg sgn) (eq '$pos sgn-h))
52 (and (eq '$pos sgn) (eq '$neg sgn-h)))
53 (simplify `((mlist))))
55 ((not k) `(($.. simp) ,i ,j))
56 ((eql 1 j) `(($.. simp) ,i ,k)) ; a .. 1 .. b == a .. b
57 (t `(($.. simp) ,i ,j ,k)))))