Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[maxima.git] / share / linearalgebra / linalgcholesky.lisp
1 ;; Copyright 2005, 2006 by Barton Willis
3 ;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
5 ;;
7 ;; This software has NO WARRANTY, not even the implied warranty of
10 ($put '$cholesky 1 '$version)
11 (defun $cholesky (m &optional (fld-name '$generalring))
12 ($require_nonempty_matrix m '$first '$cholesky)
13 ($require_selfadjoint_matrix m '$first '$cholesky)
15 (let* ((n ($first ($matrix_size m))) (lii) (lii-inv) (l) (acc) (mat) (row)
16 (fld ($require_ring fld-name '$second '$cholesky)))
17 ;;(zero (funcall (mring-add-id fld))))
19 (flet
20 ((fzerop (a) (funcall (mring-fzerop fld) a))
21 (fpsqrt (a) (funcall (mring-psqrt fld) a))
22 (fsub (a b) (funcall (mring-sub fld) a b))
23 (fmult (a b) (funcall (mring-mult fld) a b))
24 (fadjoint (a) (funcall (mring-adjoint fld) a))
25 (freciprocal (a) (funcall (mring-reciprocal fld) a))
26 (frevert (a) (funcall (mring-mring-to-maxima fld) a))
27 (fconvert (a) (funcall (mring-maxima-to-mring fld) a)))
29 (setq l ($zerofor m))
30 (setq l (make-array (list n n) :initial-contents (mapcar #'rest (margs l))))
31 (setq mat (make-array (list n n) :initial-contents (mapcar #'rest (margs m))))
33 (decf n)
35 ;; Convert each entry of mat to a ring member.
37 (loop for i from 0 to n do
38 (loop for j from 0 to n do
39 (setf (aref mat i j) (fconvert (aref mat i j)))))
42 (loop for i from 0 to n do
43 (setq acc (aref mat i i))
44 (loop for k from 0 to (- i 1) do
45 (setq acc (fsub acc (fmult (aref l i k) (fadjoint (aref l i k))))))
47 (setq lii (if ($matrixp acc) ($cholesky acc fld-name) (fpsqrt acc)))
48 (if (null lii) (merror "Unable to find the Cholesky factorization"))
49 (setf (aref l i i) lii)
50 (cond ((<= (+ i 1) n)
51 (if (fzerop lii) (merror "Unable to find the Cholesky factorization"))
52 (setq lii-inv (fadjoint (freciprocal lii)))))
53 (loop for j from (+ i 1) to n do
54 (setq acc (aref mat j i))
55 (loop for k from 0 to (- i 1) do
56 (setq acc (fsub acc (fmult (aref l j k) (fadjoint (aref l i k))))))
57 (setf (aref l j i) (fmult acc lii-inv))))
59 (setq mat nil)
60 (loop for i from 0 to n do
61 (setq row nil)
62 (loop for j from 0 to n do
63 (push (full-matrix-map #'frevert (aref l i j)) row))
64 (setq row (reverse row))
65 (push '(mlist) row)
66 (push row mat))
67 (setq mat (reverse mat))
68 (push '($matrix) mat))))