Fix transl mode calculations involving mode boolean
[maxima.git] / src / trans2.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; The data in this file contains enhancments. ;;;;;
4 ;;; ;;;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984,1987 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
6 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
7 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
9 ;;; Please do not modify this file. See GJC ;;;
10 ;;; (c) Copyright 1980 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ;;;
11 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
13 (in-package :maxima)
17 ;;; This file is for list and array manipulation optimizations.
19 (macsyma-module trans2)
21 (def%tr $random (form)
22 (destructuring-bind (mode . arg) (translate (cadr form))
23 (cons (or (find mode '($fixnum $float) :test #'eq) '$number)
24 `($random ,arg))))
26 (def%tr mcall (form)
27 (setq form (cdr form))
28 (let ((mode (cond ((atom (car form))
29 (function-mode (car form)))
30 (t '$any))))
31 (setq form (tr-args form))
32 (let ((op (car form)))
33 (call-and-simp mode 'mcall `(,op . ,(cdr form))))))
35 ;;; Meaning of the mode properties: most names are historical.
36 ;;; (GETL X '(ARRAY-MODE)) means it is an array callable by the
37 ;;; old maclisp style. This is unfortunately still useful to
38 ;;; avoid indirection through the property list to get to the
39 ;;; array.
41 (defvar $translate_fast_arrays nil)
42 ;;When $translate_fast_arrays and $use_fast_arrays are true
43 ;;there should only be two types of arrays and they should be stored on
44 ;;the value cell of the symbol. These should be the equivalent of the
45 ;;zetalisp art-q and the si:equal-hash-table. Note that maxima lists
46 ;;and maxima $matrices are also allowed for setting. Note also that
47 ;;because of some hokey things like mqapply etc, if you want
48 ;;fast referenceing use a[i], or b[i]:..., ie use variables,
49 ;;since if you try something complicated it may not translate as
50 ;;simply.
51 ;;Idea of these is for the lispm to store the array in the value cell
52 ;;to use equal-hash-tables, and to clean up the local variable
53 ;;in translated code for an array.
54 ;;txx(i,j):=block([hl],hl[i]:j,hl[i]); should leave hl unbound, after creating
55 ;;a hash table for hl, There should be a resource of these.
57 (defun tr-maset (ar val inds)
58 ;; Top-level forms need to define the variable first.
59 (if *macexpr-top-level-form-p*
60 `(nil progn (defvar ,ar ',ar) (maset ,val ,ar ,@ inds))
61 `(nil maset ,val ,ar ,@ inds)))
63 (defun maset1 (val ar &rest inds)
64 (cond
65 ((and (typep ar 'cl:array)
66 (= (length inds) (cl:array-rank ar)))
67 (setf (apply #'aref ar inds) val))
68 ((typep ar 'cl:hash-table)
69 (setf (gethash (if (cdr inds) (copy-list inds) (car inds))
70 ar)
71 val))
72 ((symbolp ar)
73 (error "MASET1: first argument must not be a symbol; found: ~A" ar))
74 ((and (= (length inds) 1)
75 (or ($listp ar) ($matrixp ar)))
76 (setf (nth (car inds) ar) val))
77 ((and ($matrixp ar)
78 (= (length inds) 2))
79 (setf (nth (second inds) (nth (car inds) ar)) val))
80 (t (error "MASET1: invalid array reference: ~A" ar))))
83 ;;apply is too expensive for a simple array reference. The time
84 ;;is increased by a factor of 6. Note we use the locf form to get at
85 ;;the local variable of the function calling maset in order to be able
86 ;;to store a hash-table there in the case that the variable was not an
87 ;;array
89 ;;COULD USE THE FOLLOWING TO handle fast_arrays:true.
90 ;;(defun set-up-hash-table (&optional val key &aux tab)
91 ;; (setq tab (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) ;alike?
92 ;; (setf (gethash key tab) val) tab)
94 ;;(defun maset-help1 ( val ar &rest inds &aux )
95 ;; "returns t if it set and nil if what went in could not be set but is a variable that
96 ;; should be set to hash array"
97 ;; (cond ((hash-table-p ar)
98 ;; (setf (gethash (car inds) ar) val))
99 ;; ((symbolp ar) nil)
100 ;; (($listp ar)
101 ;; (setf (nth (car inds) ar) val) t)
102 ;; (($matrixp ar) (setf (nth (second inds) (nth (car inds) ar)) val) t)
103 ;; (t (error "not valid place ~A to put an array" ar))))
106 ;;;;doesn't prevent multiple evaluation of inds val and ar.. but doesn't use locf
107 ;;(defmacro maset (val ar &rest inds )
108 ;; `(cond
109 ;; ((arrayp ar) (setf (aref ar ,@ inds) ,val))
110 ;; ((maset-help1 ,val ,ar ,@ inds) ,val)
111 ;; (t (setf ,ar (set-up-hash-table ,val (car ,ind))),val)))
113 ;;(defmacro maref ( ar &rest inds)
114 ;; `(cond ((arrayp ,ar) (aref ,ar ,@ inds))
115 ;; ((hash-table-p ,ar) (gethash ,ar (car ,inds)))
116 ;; ((symbolp ,ar)`((,ar ,@ (copy-list ,inds))))))
118 ;;in maref in transl now
120 (defun tr-maref (ar inds)
121 `(nil maref , ar ,@ (copy-list inds)))
123 (defun maref1 (ar &rest inds)
124 (cond
125 ((and (typep ar 'cl:array)
126 (= (length inds) (cl:array-rank ar)))
127 (apply #'aref ar inds))
128 ((typep ar 'cl:hash-table)
129 (gethash (if (cdr inds) inds (car inds)) ar))
130 ((symbolp ar)
131 (cond ((mget ar 'hashar)
132 (harrfind `((,ar array) ,@(copy-list inds))))
134 `((,ar array) ,@(copy-list inds)))))
135 ((and (= (length inds) 1)
136 (or ($listp ar) ($matrixp ar)))
137 (nth (first inds) ar))
138 ((and ($matrixp ar) (= (length inds) 2))
139 (nth (second inds) (nth (first inds) ar)))
141 (merror (intl:gettext "Wrong number of array indices: ~M") (cons '(mlist) inds)))))
144 (defun tr-arraycall (form &aux all-inds)
145 (cond
146 ($translate_fast_arrays (setq all-inds (mapcar 'dtranslate (cdr form)))
147 ;;not apply changed 'tr-maref
148 (funcall 'tr-maref (cdr (translate (caar form))) all-inds))
150 (translate `((marrayref)
151 ,(if $tr_array_as_ref (caar form)
152 `((mquote) ,(caar form)))
153 ,@(cdr form))))))
157 (defun tr-arraysetq (array-ref value)
158 ;; actually an array SETF, but it comes from A[X]:FOO
159 ;; which is ((MSETQ) ... ...)
160 (cond
161 ($translate_fast_arrays
162 (funcall 'tr-maset (caar array-ref) (dtranslate value)
163 (mapcar 'dtranslate (copy-list (cdr array-ref)))))
165 ;; oops. Hey, I switch around order of evaluation
166 ;; here. no need to either man. gee.
167 (translate `((marrayset) ,value
168 ,(if $tr_array_as_ref (caar array-ref)
169 `((mquote) ,(caar array-ref)))
170 ,@(cdr array-ref))))))
173 (def%tr marrayref (form)
174 (setq form (cdr form))
175 (let ((mode (cond ((atom (car form))
176 (get (car form) 'array-mode)))))
177 (cond ((null mode) (setq mode '$any)))
178 (setq form (tr-args form))
179 (let ((op (car form)))
180 `(,mode . (,(if (and (= (length form) 2)
181 (eq mode '$float))
182 'marrayref1$
183 'marrayref)
184 ,op . ,(cdr form))))))
186 (def%tr marrayset (form)
187 (setq form (cdr form))
188 (let ((mode (cond ((atom (cadr form))
189 (get (cadr form) 'array-mode)))))
190 (when (null mode) (setq mode '$any))
191 (setq form (tr-args form))
192 (destructuring-let (((val aarray . inds) form))
193 `(,mode . (,(if (and (= (length inds) 1)
194 (eq mode '$float))
195 'marrayset1$
196 'marrayset)
197 ,val ,aarray . ,inds)))))
199 (def%tr mlist (form)
200 (if (null (cdr form)) ;;; []
201 '($any . '((mlist)))
202 `($any . (list '(mlist) . ,(tr-args (cdr form))))))
204 (def%tr $first (form)
205 (setq form (translate (cadr form)))
206 (call-and-simp '$any (if (eq '$list (car form))
207 'cadr
208 '$first)
209 (list (cdr form))))
211 ;; Local Modes:
212 ;; Mode: LISP
213 ;; Comment Col: 40
214 ;; END: