translator: fix the finding of free lisp vars in LET forms
[maxima.git] / share / logic / logic.lisp
1 #|
2 ; logic.mac--Logic algebra package for Maxima CAS.
3 ; Copyright (c) 2008--2009 Alexey Beshenov <>.
5 ; Version 2.11. Last modified 2009-01-07.
7 ; logic.mac is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 ; under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
9 ; by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,
10 ; or (at your option) any later version.
12 ; logic.mac is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13 ; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 ; General Public License for more details.
17 ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 ; along with the logic.mac; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
19 ; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
20 ; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
24 (defvar $logic_mac_version 2.11)
26 (defvar use-maxima-logic-operators t)
28 (if use-maxima-logic-operators
29 (progn
30 (defvar *not-op* 'mnot)
31 ($texput "not" " \\neg " '$prefix)
32 (defvar *and-op* 'mand)
33 ($texput "and" " \\wedge " '$nary)
34 (defvar *or-op* 'mor)
35 ($texput "or" " \\vee " '$nary))
36 (progn
37 ($prefix "log-not" 70)
38 (defvar *not-op* '$log-not)
39 ($texput "log-not" " \\neg " '$prefix)
40 ($nary "log-and" 65)
41 (defvar *and-op* '$log-and)
42 ($texput "log-and" " \\wedge " '$nary)
43 ($nary "log-or" 60)
44 (defvar *or-op* '$log-or)
45 ($texput "log-or" " \\vee " '$nary)))
47 ($nary "nand" 62)
48 (defvar *nand-op* '$nand)
49 ($texput "nand" " \\mid " '$nary)
51 ($nary "nor" 61)
52 (defvar *nor-op* '$nor)
53 ($texput "nor" " \\downarrow " '$nary)
55 ($infix "implies" 59)
56 (defvar *implies-op* '$implies)
57 ($texput "implies" " \\rightarrow " '$infix)
59 ($nary "eq" 58)
60 (defvar *eq-op* '$eq)
61 ($texput "eq" " \\sim " '$nary)
63 ($nary "xor" 58)
64 (defvar *xor-op* '$xor)
65 ($texput "xor" " \\oplus " '$nary)
67 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
69 (defun get-maxima-operator (expr)
70 (if (and (listp expr) expr (listp (car expr)) (car expr))
71 (caar expr)
72 nil))
74 (defun contains-operator (expr op)
75 (let
76 ((o (get-maxima-operator expr)) args)
77 (setf args (if o (cdr expr) nil))
78 (if
79 (eq o op)
81 (member t (mapcar #'(lambda (e) (contains-operator e op)) args)))))
83 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
85 (defun replicate (n e)
86 (if (and (integerp n) (>= n 0))
87 (if (= n 0) nil (cons e (replicate (1- n) e)))
88 (error "Invalid arguments to 'replicate'")))
90 (defun zip (l1 l2)
91 (if (or (not (listp l1)) (not (listp l2)) (/= (length l1) (length l2)))
92 (error "Invalid arguments to 'zip'"))
93 (if (null l1)
95 (cons (cons (car l1) (car l2)) (zip (cdr l1) (cdr l2)))))
97 (defun remove-nth (n l)
98 (cond
99 ((or (not (integerp n)) (< n 0)) (error "Invalid argumet to 'remove-nth'"))
100 ((= n 0) (cdr l))
101 (t (cons (car l) (remove-nth (1- n) (cdr l))))))
103 (defun multiset-to-hash (l)
104 (mapcar
105 #'(lambda (e) (list e (count e l :test 'equal)))
106 (remove-duplicates l :test 'equal)))
108 (defun hash-to-multiset (h)
109 (mapcan (lambda (he) (replicate (second he) (first he))) h))
111 (defun cancel-pairs-in-hash (h)
112 (mapcar (lambda (he) (list (first he) (mod (second he) 2))) h))
114 (defun cancel-pairs (l)
115 (hash-to-multiset (cancel-pairs-in-hash (multiset-to-hash l))))
117 (defun subst-recursive (expr pairs)
118 (if pairs
119 (let ((p (car pairs)))
120 (subst (cdr p) (car p) (subst-recursive expr (cdr pairs))))
121 expr))
123 (defun disjoin-list (pred lst)
124 (if (null lst)
125 '(nil nil)
126 (let ((dl (disjoin-list pred (cdr lst))))
127 (if (funcall pred (car lst))
128 (list (cons (car lst) (first dl)) (second dl))
129 (list (first dl) (cons (car lst) (second dl)))))))
131 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
133 ; t or nil
134 (defun booleanp (x)
135 (or (eq x t) (eq x nil)))
137 (defun logic-sort-comparator (x y)
138 (cond
139 ((and (not (booleanp x)) (booleanp y)) t)
140 ((and (booleanp x) (not (booleanp y))) nil)
141 ((and (not (listp x)) (listp y)) nil)
142 ((and (listp x) (not (listp y))) t)
143 ((and (listp x) (listp y) (< (length x) (length y))) nil)
144 ((and (listp x) (listp y) (> (length x) (length y))) t)
145 (t ($orderlessp x y))))
147 (defun sort-symbols (seq)
148 (sort seq 'logic-sort-comparator))
150 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
152 ; op (x_1, ..., f(y_1, ..., y_m), ..., x_n) =>
153 ; op (x_1, ..., y_1, ..., y_m, ..., x_n)
154 (defun flatten-nested (args op)
155 (let
156 ((nested-exprs nil)
157 (other nil))
158 (loop while args do
160 (eq (get-maxima-operator (car args)) op)
161 (setq nested-exprs (cons (car args) nested-exprs))
162 (setq other (cons (car args) other)))
163 (setq args (cdr args)))
164 (setq
165 nested-exprs
166 (mapcar #'(lambda (e) (flatten-nested (cdr e) op)) nested-exprs))
167 (if nested-exprs
168 (append other (apply 'append nested-exprs))
169 other)))
171 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
173 ; Logic functions
175 ; Implication
176 (defun simp-implies (x y)
177 (cond
178 ((eq x nil) t)
179 ((and (eq x t) (eq y t)) t)
180 ((and (eq x t) (eq y nil)) nil)
181 (t (list (list *implies-op* 'simp) x y))))
183 ; Webb-operation or Peirce arrow (Quine's dagger, NOR)
184 (defun simp-nor (&rest args)
186 (member t args)
187 (return-from simp-nor nil))
188 (setf args (remove-duplicates (remove nil args) :test 'equal))
189 (cond
190 ((null args) t)
191 ((eql (length args) 1) (simp-not (car args)))
192 (t (cons (list *nor-op* 'simp) (sort-symbols args)))))
194 ; Sheffer stroke (alternative denial, NAND)
195 (defun simp-nand (&rest args)
197 (member nil args)
198 (return-from simp-nand t))
199 (setf args (remove-duplicates (remove t args) :test 'equal))
200 (cond
201 ((null args) nil)
202 ((eql (length args) 1) (simp-not (car args)))
203 (t (cons (list *nand-op* 'simp) (sort-symbols args)))))
205 ; Equivalence
206 (defun simp-eq (&rest args)
207 (setf args (cancel-pairs (remove t (flatten-nested args *eq-op*))))
208 (cond
209 ((null args) t)
210 ((eql (length args) 1) (car args))
211 (t (cons (list *eq-op* 'simp) (sort-symbols args)))))
213 ; Sum modulo 2 (exclusive or)
214 (defun simp-xor (&rest args)
215 (setf args (cancel-pairs (remove nil (flatten-nested args *xor-op*))))
216 (cond
217 ((null args) nil)
218 ((eql (length args) 1) (car args))
219 (t (cons (list *xor-op* 'simp) (sort-symbols args)))))
221 ; returns t if args = (... x ... not x ...)
222 ; used in simp-and and simp-or
223 (defun x-not-x (args)
224 (let
225 ((neg
226 (disjoin-list
227 #'(lambda (e) (eq (get-maxima-operator e) *not-op*)) args)))
228 (not
229 (null
230 (intersection
231 (mapcar 'cadr (first neg)) (second neg) :test 'equal)))))
233 ; Logical AND (conjunction)
234 (defun simp-and (&rest args)
235 (setf args (flatten-nested args *and-op*))
237 (member nil args)
238 (return-from simp-and nil))
239 (setf args (remove-duplicates (remove t args) :test 'equal))
240 (cond
241 ((null args) t)
242 ((eql (length args) 1) (car args))
244 (if (x-not-x args)
246 (cons (list *and-op* 'simp) (sort-symbols args))))))
248 ; Logical OR (disjunction)
249 (defun simp-or (&rest args)
250 (setf args (flatten-nested args *or-op*))
252 (member t args)
253 (return-from simp-or t))
254 (setf args (remove-duplicates (remove nil args) :test 'equal))
255 (cond
256 ((null args) nil)
257 ((eql (length args) 1) (car args))
259 (if (x-not-x args)
261 (cons (list *or-op* 'simp) (sort-symbols args))))))
263 ; Logical NOT (negation)
264 (defun simp-not (x)
265 (cond
266 ((eq (get-maxima-operator x) *not-op*) (cadr x))
267 ((eq x nil) t)
268 ((eq x t) nil)
269 (t (list (list *not-op* 'simp) x))))
271 (defun apply-op (op args)
272 (cond
273 ((eq op *and-op*) (apply 'simp-and args))
274 ((eq op *xor-op*) (apply 'simp-xor args))
275 ((eq op *not-op*) (apply 'simp-not args))
276 ((eq op *or-op*) (apply 'simp-or args))
277 ((eq op *nor-op*) (apply 'simp-nor args))
278 ((eq op *nand-op*) (apply 'simp-nand args))
279 ((eq op *eq-op*) (apply 'simp-eq args))
280 ((eq op *implies-op*) (apply 'simp-implies args))
281 (t (cons (list op) args))))
283 (defun logic-simp (expr)
284 (let
285 ((op (get-maxima-operator expr)) args)
286 (setf args (if op (mapcar 'logic-simp (cdr expr)) nil))
287 (if op
288 (apply-op op args)
289 expr)))
291 (defun $logic_simp (expr) (logic-simp expr))
293 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
297 ; (all-charfuns 1) => ((nil) (t))
299 ; (all-charfuns 2) => ((nil nil) (nil t) (t nil) (t t))
301 ; (all-charfuns 3) => ((nil nil nil) (nil nil t) (nil t nil) (nil t t)
302 ; (t nil nil) (t nil t) (t t nil) (t t t))
304 ; ...
308 (defun all-charfuns (n)
309 (if (not (and (integerp n) (>= n 1)))
310 (error "Invalid argument to 'all-charfuns'"))
311 (cond
312 ((= n 1) '((nil) (t)))
314 (let
315 ((pre (all-charfuns (1- n))))
316 (append
317 (mapcar (lambda (l) (cons nil l)) pre)
318 (mapcar (lambda (l) (cons t l)) pre))))))
320 ; List of values for all-charfuns, 2^n elements
321 (defun characteristic-vector (expr &rest args)
322 (if (null args)
323 (setf args (list-of-variables expr)))
324 (if (null args)
325 (list expr)
326 (let (vals (n (length args)))
327 (setf vals (mapcar #'(lambda (l) (zip args l)) (all-charfuns n)))
328 (mapcar #'(lambda (v) (logic-simp (subst-recursive expr v))) vals))))
330 (defun list-of-variables (expr)
331 (sort-symbols (cdr ($listofvars expr))))
333 (defun $characteristic_vector (expr &rest args)
334 (cons '(mlist simp) (apply 'characteristic-vector (cons expr args))))
336 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
338 ; Conversion to the Zhegalkin basis {and, xor}
339 (defun zhegalkin-basis-substitute (expr)
340 (let
341 ((op (get-maxima-operator expr)) args)
342 (setf args (if op (mapcar 'zhegalkin-basis-substitute (cdr expr)) nil))
343 (cond
344 ; not x => x xor t
345 ((eq op *not-op*) (simp-xor (car args) t))
346 ; x implies y => (x and y) xor x xor t
347 ((eq op *implies-op*)
348 (simp-xor (apply 'simp-and args) (first args) t))
349 ; x1 nand x2 nand x3 ... nand xn => (x1 and x2 and x3 ... and xn) xor t
350 ((eq op *nand-op*) (simp-xor (apply 'simp-and args) t))
351 ; x nor y => (x or y) xor t
352 ((eq op *nor-op*)
353 (simp-xor
354 (zhegalkin-basis-substitute (simp-or (first args) (second args)))
356 ; x or y => (x and y) xor x xor y
357 ((eq op *or-op*)
358 (let (zhegform)
359 (setf zhegform
360 (simp-xor
361 (simp-and (first args) (second args))
362 (first args) (second args)))
363 (setf args (cddr args))
364 (loop while args do
365 (setf zhegform
366 (simp-xor
367 (simp-and zhegform (car args))
368 zhegform
369 (car args)))
370 (setf args (cdr args)))
371 zhegform))
372 ; a eq b => a xor b xor t
373 ; a eq b eq c => a xor b xor c
374 ; a eq b eq c eq d => a xor b xor c xor d xor t
375 ; a eq b eq c eq d eq e => a xor b xor c xor d xor e
376 ; ...
377 ((eq op *eq-op*)
378 (apply 'simp-xor
379 (if (evenp (length args)) (cons t args) args)))
380 (op (apply-op op args))
381 (t expr))))
383 ; acts like Maxima "expand" on ordinary polynomial ring,
384 ; but on Zhegalkin polynomials
385 (defun zhegalkin-basis-expand (expr)
386 (let
387 ((op (get-maxima-operator expr)) args)
388 (setf args (if op (mapcar 'zhegalkin-basis-expand (cdr expr)) nil))
389 (cond
390 ((eq op *and-op*)
391 (let
392 ((xor-expression
393 (find-if
394 (lambda (e) (eq (get-maxima-operator e) *xor-op*))
395 (cdr expr))))
396 (if xor-expression
397 (let
398 ((xor-args (cdr xor-expression))
399 (and-args
400 (remove xor-expression (cdr expr) :test 'equal)))
401 (zhegalkin-basis-expand
402 (apply 'simp-xor
403 (mapcar
404 (lambda (e) (apply 'simp-and (cons e and-args)))
405 xor-args))))
406 expr)))
407 ((eq op *xor-op*) (apply 'simp-xor args))
408 (t expr))))
410 (defun $zhegalkin_form (expr)
411 (zhegalkin-basis-expand (zhegalkin-basis-substitute expr)))
413 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
415 (defun $logic_equiv (expr1 expr2)
416 (equal
417 ($zhegalkin_form expr1)
418 ($zhegalkin_form expr2)))
420 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
422 (defun subst-not (expr)
423 (let
424 ((op (get-maxima-operator expr)))
425 (if op
426 (cons (list op) (mapcar 'subst-not (cdr expr)))
427 (simp-not expr))))
429 ; f^* (x_1, ..., x_n) = not f (not x_1, ..., not x_n)
430 (defun $dual_function (expr)
431 (logic-simp (simp-not (subst-not expr))))
433 ; f = f^*
434 (defun $self_dual (expr)
435 ($logic_equiv expr ($dual_function expr)))
437 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
439 (defun closed-under (expr x)
440 (let
441 (val n (args (list-of-variables expr)))
442 (setf n (length args))
443 (setf val (zip args (replicate n x)))
444 (eq (logic-simp (subst-recursive expr val)) x)))
446 ; f (nil, ..., nil) = nil
447 (defun $closed_under_f (expr)
448 (closed-under expr nil))
450 ; f (t, ..., t) = t
451 (defun $closed_under_t (expr)
452 (closed-under expr t))
454 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
456 (defun $monotonic (expr &rest args)
457 (let
458 (prev-value (charvec (apply 'characteristic-vector (cons expr args))))
459 (if charvec
460 (progn
461 (setf prev-value (car charvec))
462 (setf charvec (cdr charvec))
463 (loop while charvec do
465 (and
466 (eq (car charvec) nil)
467 (eq prev-value t))
468 (return-from $monotonic nil))
469 (setf prev-value (car charvec))
470 (setf charvec (cdr charvec)))
472 t)))
474 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
476 (defun $linear (expr)
477 (not (contains-operator ($zhegalkin_form expr) *and-op*)))
479 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
481 ; Post's theorem
483 (defun post-table (&rest expressions)
484 (mapcar
485 (lambda (fn) (mapcar fn expressions))
486 '($self_dual $closed_under_f $closed_under_t $linear $monotonic)))
488 (defun functionally-complete (table)
490 (null table)
491 (return-from functionally-complete nil))
492 (loop while table do
494 (not (member nil (car table)))
495 (return-from functionally-complete nil))
496 (setf table (cdr table)))
499 (defun $functionally_complete (&rest expressions)
500 (functionally-complete (apply 'post-table expressions)))
502 ; Basis is a complete system without redundant functions
503 (defun $logic_basis (&rest expressions)
504 (let
505 ((table (apply 'post-table expressions))
506 (n (length expressions)))
507 (if (functionally-complete table)
508 (if (= n 1)
509 (return-from $logic_basis t))
510 (return-from $logic_basis nil))
511 (loop for i from 0 to (1- n) do
513 (functionally-complete
514 (mapcar (lambda (e) (remove-nth i e)) table))
515 (return-from $logic_basis nil)))
518 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
520 ;; Logic differentiation
524 ; dy
525 ; (1) --- = false
526 ; dx
528 ; where y is a variable which not depends on x.
531 ; dx
532 ; (2) --- = true
533 ; dx
537 ; (3) --- [x and ... and x ] = x and x ... and x
538 ; dx 1 n 2 3 n
542 ; d df dg
543 ; (4) -- [g xor f] = -- xor --
544 ; dx dx dx
547 ; TODO: higher orders / mixed
551 (defun diff-zhegalkin-form (expr x)
552 (let ((op (get-maxima-operator expr)))
553 (cond
554 ((null op) (eq expr x))
555 ((eq op *xor-op*)
556 (apply
557 'simp-xor
558 (mapcar #'(lambda (e) (diff-zhegalkin-form e x)) (cdr expr))))
559 ((eq op *and-op*)
560 (let ((args (cdr expr)))
561 (if (member x args) (apply 'simp-and (remove x args)) nil)))
562 (t (error "Not a Zhegalkin form in diff-zhegalkin-form: '~s'" expr)))))
564 (defun $logic_diff (expr x)
565 (diff-zhegalkin-form ($zhegalkin_form expr) x))
567 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
569 ; Coversion to the Boolean basis {and, or, not}
570 (defun boolean-basis-substitute (expr)
571 (let
572 ((op (get-maxima-operator expr)) args)
573 (setf args (if op (mapcar 'boolean-basis-substitute (cdr expr)) nil))
574 (cond
575 ; x implies y => (not x) or y
576 ((eq op *implies-op*) (simp-or (simp-not (first args)) (second args)))
577 ; x1 nand ... nand xn => not (x1 and ... and xn)
578 ((eq op *nand-op*) (simp-not (apply 'simp-and args)))
579 ; x1 nor ... not xn => not (x1 or ... or xn)
580 ((eq op *nor-op*) (simp-not (apply 'simp-or args)))
581 ; x eq b => ((not x) or y) and ((not y) or x)
582 ((eq op *eq-op*)
583 (let (boolform)
584 (setf boolform
585 (simp-and
586 (simp-or (simp-not (first args)) (second args))
587 (simp-or (simp-not (second args)) (first args))))
588 (setf args (cddr args))
589 (loop while args do
590 (setf boolform
591 (simp-and
592 (simp-or (simp-not boolform) (car args))
593 (simp-or (simp-not (car args)) boolform)))
594 (setf args (cdr args)))
595 boolform))
596 ; x xor y => ((not x) and y) or ((not y) and x)
597 ((eq op *xor-op*)
598 (let (boolform)
599 (setf boolform
600 (simp-or
601 (simp-and (simp-not (first args)) (second args))
602 (simp-and (simp-not (second args)) (first args))))
603 (setf args (cddr args))
604 (loop while args do
605 (setf boolform
606 (simp-or
607 (simp-and (simp-not boolform) (car args))
608 (simp-and (simp-not (car args)) boolform)))
609 (setf args (cdr args)))
610 boolform))
611 (op (apply-op op args))
612 (t expr))))
614 (defun $boolean_form (expr)
615 (boolean-basis-substitute expr))
617 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
619 ; De Morgan's rules
620 (defun $demorgan (expr)
621 (let
622 ((op (get-maxima-operator expr)) args)
623 (setf args (if op (mapcar '$demorgan (cdr expr)) nil))
624 (cond
625 ((eq op *not-op*)
626 (let ((op-op (get-maxima-operator (car args))))
627 (cond
628 ((eq op-op *and-op*) (apply 'simp-or (mapcar 'simp-not (cdar args))))
629 ((eq op-op *or-op*) (apply 'simp-and (mapcar 'simp-not (cdar args))))
630 (t (apply 'simp-not args)))))
631 ((null op) expr)
632 (t (apply-op op args)))))
634 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
636 ; Perfect disjunctive normal forms
638 (defun elementary-conjunct-disjunct (vars-vals b)
639 (if (null vars-vals)
641 (cons
642 (if (eq (cdar vars-vals) b)
643 (caar vars-vals)
644 (list (list *not-op* 'simp) (caar vars-vals)))
645 (elementary-conjunct-disjunct (cdr vars-vals) b))))
647 (defun pdnf-pcnf (expr b)
648 (let ((args (list-of-variables expr)))
649 (if (null args)
650 expr
651 (let (vals (n (length args)) (result nil))
652 (setf vals (mapcar #'(lambda (l) (zip args l)) (all-charfuns n)))
653 (loop while vals do
654 (if (eq (logic-simp (subst-recursive expr (car vals))) b)
655 (setf result
656 (cons
657 (apply (if b 'simp-and 'simp-or)
658 (elementary-conjunct-disjunct (car vals) b))
659 result)))
660 (setf vals (cdr vals)))
661 (apply (if b 'simp-or 'simp-and) result)))))
663 ; Perfect disjunctive normal form
664 (defun $pdnf (expr)
665 (pdnf-pcnf expr t))
667 ; Perfect conjunctive normal form
668 (defun $pcnf (expr)
669 (pdnf-pcnf expr nil))
671 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;