translator: fix the finding of free lisp vars in LET forms
[maxima.git] / share / tensor / ex_calc.mac
1 /* Copyright (C) 2003 Valerij Pipin <>
2  *
3  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
5  * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
6  * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
7  *
8  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
9  * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
11  * PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
12  *
13  * Commentary:
14  * Its purpose is to extend the maxima's itensor ability to manage the
15  * exterior forms. We introduce the "~" operator for the exterior product,
16  * and "|" for the inner product of a form with a vector.
19 infix("~");
20 declare("~",additive);
21 declare("~",antisymmetric);
23 igeowedge_flag:false;
25 "~"(any,body):=block
27   [i,l1,l2,l11,l22,l1s,lk1,div,rp],
28   rp:false,
29   if length(first(indices(any)))>0 then rp:true,
30   if not rp then
31   (
32   if listp(cartan_basis) and not member(body,cartan_basis) and
33                              member(any,cartan_basis) then -body~any
34   else if not atom(any) and op(any)="+" then
35     apply(op(any),[part(any,1)~body,rest(any)~body])
36   else if not atom(body) and op(body)="+" then
37     apply(op(body),[any~part(body,1),any~rest(body)])
38   else if not atom(any) and op(any)="-" then -((-any)~body)
39   else if not atom(body) and op(body)="-" then -(any~(-body))
40   else if not atom(any) and op(any)="*" then
41   (
42     if atom(first(any)) then first(any)*(rest(any)~body)
43     else if atom(last(any)) then last(any)*(rest(any,-1)~body)
44     else (first(any)~body)*rest(any)
45   )
46   else if not atom(body) and op(body)="*" then
47   (
48     if atom(first(body)) then first(body)*(any~rest(body))
49     else if atom(last(body)) then last(body)*(any~rest(body,-1))
50     else (any~first(body))*rest(body)
51   )
52   else if atom(any) or atom(body) then
53   (
54     if any=body then 0
55     else nounify("~")(any,body)
56   )
57   else if not atom(any) and nounify(op(any))=nounify("~") and
58           not atom(body) and nounify(op(body))=nounify("~") and
59           (?intersect)(args(any),args(body))#[] then 0
60   else if not atom(any) and nounify(op(any))=nounify("~") then
61   (
62      if member(body, any) then 0
63      else nounify("~")(any,body)
64   )
65   else if not atom(body) and nounify(op(body))=nounify("~") then
66   (
67      if member(any, body) then 0
68      else nounify("~")(any,body)
69   )
70   else if atom(any) and nounify(op(body))=nounify("~") and
71           member(any,body) then 0
72   else if atom(body) and nounify(op(any))=nounify("~") and
73           member(body,any) then 0
74   else rp:true
75   ),
76   if rp then
77   (
78     l1:first(indices(any)),
79     l2:first(indices(body)),
80     if l1=[] then return(any*body)
81     else if l2=[] then return(any*body)
82     else
83     (
84       l11 : makelist(idummy(), i,1, length(l1)),
85       l22 : makelist(idummy(), i,1, length(l2)),
86       l1s:map("=",l1,l11), l2s:map("=",l2,l22),
87       lk1:append(l1,l2),lk2:append(l11,l22),
88       any:sublis(l1s,any), body:sublis(l2s,body),
89       div:if igeowedge_flag then length(l1)!*length(l2)! else length(lk1)!,
90       factor(canform(contract(expand(kdelta(lk1,lk2)*any*body)))/div)
91     )
92   )
95 contind(t):=if mapatom(t) then []
96         else if ?rpobj(t) then conti(t)
97         else if op(t)="+" then
98         (
99                 indices(t),
100                 contind(part(t,1))
101         )
102         else if op(t)="-" then contind(part(t,1))
103         else if op(t)="/" then append(contind(part(t,1)),covind(part(t,2)))
104         else if op(t)="*" then
105         block
106         (
107                 [l:[]],
108                 map(lambda([x],l:append(l,contind(x))),args(t)),
109                 l       
110         )
111         else error("Cannot determine list of contravariant indices.");
113 covind(t):=if mapatom(t) then []
114         else if ?rpobj(t) then append(covi(t),deri(t))
115         else if op(t)="+" then
116         (
117                 indices(t),
118                 covind(part(t,1))
119         )
120         else if op(t)="-" then covind(part(t,1))
121         else if op(t)="/" then append(covind(part(t,1)),contind(part(t,2)))
122         else if op(t)="*" then
123         block
124         (
125                 [l:[]],
126                 map(lambda([x],l:append(l,covind(x))),args(t)),
127                 l       
128         )
129         else error("Cannot determine list of covariant indices.");
131 extdiff(forma,[optind]):=if not mapatom(forma) and op(forma)=extdiff then 0
132 /* A misguided attempt to check for valid forms... DO NOT UNCOMMENT
133  *      else if (?rpobj)(forma)#false and length(conti(forma))>0
134  *      then error("A differential form cannot have a contravariant index")
135  *      else if (?rpobj)(forma)#false and length(covi(forma))>1 and
136  *              dispsym(forma,length(covi(forma)),0)#
137  *              [[anti,[makelist(i,i,1,length(covi(forma)))],[]]]
138  *      then error("Tensor not declared anti(all) in its covariant indices")
139  */
140         else if not mapatom(forma) and op(forma)="+" then
141           sum(apply(extdiff,cons(part(forma,%%i),optind)),%%i,1,length(forma))
142 /* Another misguided attempt to process products. Fails because it
143  * separates contractable products, yielding invalid results. DO NOT UNCOMMENT
144  *      else if not mapatom(forma) and op(forma)="*" then block
145  *        (
146  *          [d:(if length(optind)>0 then optind[1] else idummy())],
147  *          extdiff(first(forma),d)*rest(forma)+
148  *          first(forma)*extdiff(rest(forma),d)
149  *        )
150  */
151         else block
153   [l11,l1s,lk1,lk2,indd,res,
154 /* l1:listify(intersect(setify(covi(forma)),setify(first(indices(forma))))),*/
155    l1:listify(intersect(setify(covind(forma)),setify(first(indices(forma))))),
156    div,ind1:if length(optind)>0 then optind[1] else idummy()],
157   if l1=[] then return(idiff(forma,ind1))
158   else
159   (
160     l11:makelist(idummy(),i,1,length(l1)),
161     l1s:map("=",l1,l11),
162     lk1:append([ind1],l1),
163     indd:idummy(),
164     lk2:append(l11,[indd]),
165     res:sublis(l1s,forma),
166     res:contract(canform(ratexpand(kdelta(lk1,lk2)*idiff(res,indd)))),
167     /* If a frame base is used, the contribution of ifb must be added */
168     if iframe_flag=true then
169       for i thru length(l1) do
170     (
171       l1s:map("=",[l1[i]],[indd]),
172       res:res+(if evenp(length(l1)) then 1 else -1)*
173               'ifb([l1[i],ind1],[indd])*sublis(l1s,forma)
174     ),
175     div:if igeowedge_flag then (length(lk1)-1)! else length(lk1)!,
176     factor(res/div)
177   )
180 /* VTT: To ensure consistent application of the "first" index in | */
181 permutator(l):=block
183     [result:1,temp],
184         for i thru length(l)-1 do if orderlessp(l[i+1],l[i]) then
185         (temp:l[i+1],l[i+1]:l[i],l[i]:temp,i:0,result:-result),
186         [result,l]
189 infix("|");
190 declare("|",additive);
191 /* VTT: ADDITIVE doesn't always do the trick so we break up sums manually */
192 "|"(forma,vec):=block
194   [ind1,perm],
195   forma:distrib(forma),
196   if not(atom(forma)) and (op(forma)="+" or op(forma)="=") then
197     apply(op(forma),[part(forma,1)|vec,rest(forma)|vec])
198 /* When I thought that I'd implement MACSYMA's Cartan package features
199  * as part of this package, I thought I needed this. But I don't.
200  *  else if listp(forma) and listp(cartan_basis) then
201  *  (
202  *    for i thru length(cartan_basis) do
203  *      vec:subst(forma[i],cartan_basis[i],-vec),
204  *    vec
205  *  )
206  */
207   else
208   (
209     /* We must not attempt to permute derivative indices. Non-derivative
210        indices are found as the intersection of free indices, and free
211        indices of the UNDIFF'd form of forma. However, we still do the
212        contraction with respect to the first free covariant index which
213        may be a derivative index. Urgh. */
214 /*    perm:permutator((?intersect)(first(indices(forma)),
215                                  first(indices(undiff(forma))))),
216     if perm[2]=[] then perm:[1,first(indices(forma))],
217     if perm[2]=[] then 0
218     else perm[1]*(contract(canform(expand(forma*
219                  vec([],[first(sort(indices(forma)[1]))])))))*/
220     ind1:first(sort(first(indices(forma)))),
221     contract(canform(expand(forma*vec([],[ind1]))))
222   )