Ensure that the exterior derivative uses covariant differentiation in the presence...
[maxima.git] / src / trans5.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;
2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 ;;; The data in this file contains enhancments. ;;;;;
4 ;;; ;;;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (c) 1984,1987 by William Schelter,University of Texas ;;;;;
6 ;;; All rights reserved ;;;;;
7 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8 ;;; (c) Copyright 1980 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ;;;
9 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
11 (in-package :maxima)
13 (macsyma-module trans5)
15 ;;; these are TRANSLATE properies for the FSUBRS in JPG;COMM >
17 ;;; LDISPLAY is one of the most beastly of all macsyma idiot
18 ;;; constructs. First of all it makes a variable name and sets it,
19 ;;; but it evaluates its argument such that
20 ;;; x:10, LDISPLAY(F(X)) gives (E1) F(10)= ...
21 ;;; LDISPLAY(X) gives X=10 of course. Sometimes it evaluates to get
22 ;;; the left hand side, and sometimes it doesn't. It has its own
23 ;;; private fucking version of the macsyma evaluator.
24 ;;; To see multiple evaluation lossage in the interperter, try
25 ;;; these: LDISPLAY(F(PRINT("FOOBAR")))$
28 (def%tr $disp (form)
29 `($any . (display-for-tr ,(eq (caar form) '$ldisp)
30 nil ; equationsp
31 ,@(tr-args (cdr form)))))
33 (def-same%tr $ldisp $disp)
35 (def%tr $display (form)
36 `($any . (display-for-tr ,(eq (caar form) '$ldisplay)
38 ,@(mapcar #'tr-exp-to-display (cdr form)))))
40 (def-same%tr $ldisplay $display)
42 ;;; DISPLAY(F(X,Y,FOO()))
43 ;;; (F X Y (FOO)) => (LET ((&G1 (FOO))) (list '(mequal) (LIST '(F) X Y &G1)
44 ;;; (F X Y &G1)))
45 ;;; DISPLAY(X) => (LIST '(MEQUAL) '$X $X)
46 ;;; DISPLAY(Q[I]) => (LIST '(MEQUAL) (LIST '(Q ARRAY) $I) ...)
48 ;;; Ask me why I did this at lisp level, this should be able
49 ;;; to be hacked as a macsyma macro. the brain damage I get
50 ;;; into sometimes...
52 ;;; This walks the translated code attempting to come up
53 ;;; with a reasonable object for display, expressions which
54 ;;; might have to get evaluated twice are pushed on the
55 ;;; VALUE-ALIST (<expression> . <gensym>)
56 ;;; This is incompatible with the interpreter which evaluates
57 ;;; arguments to functions twice. Here I only evaluate non-atomic
58 ;;; things once, and make sure that the order of evaluation is
59 ;;; pretty much correct. I say "pretty much" because MAKE-VALUES
60 ;;; does the optmization of not generating a temporary for a variable.
61 ;;; DISPLAY(FOO(Z,Z:35)) will loose because the second argument will
62 ;;; be evaluated first. I don't seriously expect anyone to find this
63 ;;; bug.
65 (defvar value-alist nil)
67 (defun make-values (expr-args)
68 (mapcar #'(lambda (arg)
69 (cond ((or (atom arg)
70 (member (car arg) '(trd-msymeval quote) :test #'eq))
71 arg)
73 (let ((sym (gensym)))
74 (push (cons arg sym) value-alist)
75 sym))))
76 expr-args))
78 (defstruct (disp-hack-ob (:conc-name nil) (:type list))
79 left-ob right-ob)
81 (defun object-for-display-hack (exp)
82 (if (atom exp)
83 (make-disp-hack-ob :left-ob `',exp :right-ob exp)
84 (case (car exp)
85 (simplify
86 (let ((v (object-for-display-hack (cadr exp))))
87 (make-disp-hack-ob :left-ob (left-ob v)
88 :right-ob `(simplify ,(right-ob v)))))
89 (marrayref
90 (let ((vals (make-values (cdr exp))))
91 (make-disp-hack-ob :left-ob `(list (list* ,(car vals) '(array)) ,@(cdr vals))
92 :right-ob `(marrayref ,@vals))))
93 (mfunction-call
94 ;; assume evaluation of arguments.
95 (let ((vals (make-values (cddr exp))))
96 (make-disp-hack-ob :left-ob `(list '(,(cadr exp)) ,@vals)
97 :right-ob `(mfunction-call ,(cadr exp) ,@vals))))
98 (list
99 (let ((obs (mapcar #'object-for-display-hack (cdr exp))))
100 (make-disp-hack-ob :left-ob `(list ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (u) (left-ob u)) obs))
101 :right-ob `(list ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (u) (right-ob u)) obs)))))
102 (quote (make-disp-hack-ob :left-ob exp :right-ob exp))
103 (trd-msymeval
104 (make-disp-hack-ob :left-ob `',(cadr exp) :right-ob exp))
106 (cond ((or (not (atom (car exp)))
107 (getl (car exp) '(fsubr fexpr macro)))
108 (make-disp-hack-ob :left-ob `',exp :right-ob exp))
110 (let ((vals (make-values (cdr exp))))
111 (make-disp-hack-ob :left-ob `(list '(,(untrans-op (car exp))) ,@vals)
112 :right-ob `(,(car exp) ,@vals)))))))))
114 (defun tr-exp-to-display (exp)
115 (let* ((lisp-exp (dtranslate exp))
116 (value-alist nil)
117 (ob (object-for-display-hack lisp-exp))
118 (disp `(list '(mequal) ,(left-ob ob) ,(right-ob ob))))
119 (setq value-alist (nreverse value-alist))
120 (if value-alist
121 `((lambda ,(mapcar #'cdr value-alist) ,disp)
122 ,@(mapcar #'car value-alist))
123 disp)))
125 (defun untrans-op (op)
126 (or (cdr (assoc op '((add* . mplus)
127 (sub* . mminus)
128 (mul* . mtimes)
129 (div* . mquotient)
130 (power* . mexpt)) :test #'equal))
131 op))
134 ;;; From COMBIN >
136 (def%tr $cf (form)
137 (setq form (car (tr-args (cdr form))))
138 `($any . (let (($listarith nil))
139 (cfeval ,form))))
141 ;;; from TRGRED >
143 (def%tr $apply1 (form &aux (expr (tr-gensym)) (rules (tr-gensym)))
144 `($any . (do ((,expr ,(dtranslate (cadr form))
145 (apply1 ,expr (car ,rules) 0))
146 (,rules ',(cddr form) (cdr ,rules)))
147 ((null ,rules) ,expr))))
149 (def%tr $apply2 (form)
150 `($any . (apply2 ',(cddr form) ,(dtranslate (cadr form)) 0)))
152 (def%tr $applyb1 (form &aux (expr (tr-gensym)) (rules (tr-gensym)))
153 `($any . (do ((,expr ,(dtranslate (cadr form))
154 (car (apply1hack ,expr (car ,rules))))
155 (,rules ',(cddr form) (cdr ,rules)))
156 ((null ,rules) ,expr))))
158 (def%tr $applyb2 (form)
159 `($any . (car (apply2hack ',(cddr form) ,(dtranslate (cadr form))))))
161 ;;; this nice translation property written by REH.
162 ;;; He is the first macsyma system program to ever
163 ;;; write the translation property for his own special form!
165 (def%tr $buildq (form)
166 (let ((alist ;would be nice to output
167 (mapcar ;backquote instead of list/cons
168 #'(lambda (var) ;but I'm not sure if things get
169 (cond ((atom var) ;macroexpanded. -REH
170 ; Well, any macros are o.k. They
171 ; get expanded "at the right time". -gjc
173 `(cons ',var ,(dtranslate var)))
174 ((eq (caar var) 'msetq)
175 `(cons ',(cadr var) ,(dtranslate (caddr var))))
176 (t (setq tr-abort t)
177 (tr-format (intl:gettext "error: found unhandled variable ~:M in 'buildq'.~%") var))))
178 ;right thing to do here??
179 ;how much error checking does transl do now?
180 ; Yes. Not as much as it should! -GJC
182 (cdr (cadr form)))))
183 (cond ((null alist)
184 `($any quote ,(caddr form)))
185 (t `($any mbuildq-subst (list ,@alist) ',(caddr form))))))