Fix #4398: Fix arg order to calls to laptimes
[maxima.git] / share / colnew / lisp / gblock.lisp
1 ;;; Compiled by f2cl version:
2 ;;; ("f2cl1.l,v 1.221 2010/05/26 19:25:52 rtoy Exp $"
3 ;;; "f2cl2.l,v 1.37 2008/02/22 22:19:33 rtoy Exp $"
4 ;;; "f2cl3.l,v 1.6 2008/02/22 22:19:33 rtoy Exp $"
5 ;;; "f2cl4.l,v 1.7 2008/02/22 22:19:34 rtoy Exp $"
6 ;;; "f2cl5.l,v 1.204 2010/02/23 05:21:30 rtoy Exp $"
7 ;;; "f2cl6.l,v 1.48 2008/08/24 00:56:27 rtoy Exp $"
8 ;;; "macros.l,v 1.114 2010/05/17 01:42:14 rtoy Exp $")
10 ;;; Using Lisp CMU Common Lisp CVS Head 2010-05-25 18:21:07 (20A Unicode)
11 ;;;
12 ;;; Options: ((:prune-labels nil) (:auto-save t) (:relaxed-array-decls t)
13 ;;; (:coerce-assigns :as-needed) (:array-type ':array)
14 ;;; (:array-slicing t) (:declare-common nil)
15 ;;; (:float-format double-float))
17 (in-package :colnew)
20 (defun gblock (h gi nrow irow wi vi kd rhsz rhsdmz ipvtw mode)
21 (declare (type (array f2cl-lib:integer4 (*)) ipvtw)
22 (type (array double-float (*)) rhsdmz rhsz wi)
23 (type (f2cl-lib:integer4) mode kd irow nrow)
24 (type (array double-float (*)) vi gi)
25 (type double-float h))
26 (let ((colord-m
27 (make-array 20
28 :element-type 'f2cl-lib:integer4
29 :displaced-to (colord-part-0 *colord-common-block*)
30 :displaced-index-offset 5))
31 (colbas-b
32 (make-array 28
33 :element-type 'double-float
34 :displaced-to (colbas-part-0 *colbas-common-block*)
35 :displaced-index-offset 0)))
36 (symbol-macrolet ((k (aref (colord-part-0 *colord-common-block*) 0))
37 (ncomp (aref (colord-part-0 *colord-common-block*) 1))
38 (mstar (aref (colord-part-0 *colord-common-block*) 2))
39 (mmax (aref (colord-part-0 *colord-common-block*) 4))
40 (m colord-m)
41 (b colbas-b))
42 (f2cl-lib:with-multi-array-data
43 ((gi double-float gi-%data% gi-%offset%)
44 (vi double-float vi-%data% vi-%offset%)
45 (wi double-float wi-%data% wi-%offset%)
46 (rhsz double-float rhsz-%data% rhsz-%offset%)
47 (rhsdmz double-float rhsdmz-%data% rhsdmz-%offset%)
48 (ipvtw f2cl-lib:integer4 ipvtw-%data% ipvtw-%offset%))
49 (prog ((jcomp 0) (ll 0) (jd 0) (rsum 0.0) (ind 0) (jcol 0) (id 0)
50 (mj 0) (icomp 0) (ir 0) (j 0) (l 0) (fact 0.0)
51 (basm (make-array 5 :element-type 'double-float))
52 (hb (make-array 28 :element-type 'double-float)))
53 (declare (type (array double-float (28)) hb)
54 (type (array double-float (5)) basm)
55 (type double-float fact rsum)
56 (type (f2cl-lib:integer4) l j ir icomp mj id jcol ind jd ll
57 jcomp))
58 (setf fact 1.0)
59 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref basm (1) ((1 5))) 1.0)
60 (f2cl-lib:fdo (l 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add l 1))
61 ((> l mmax) nil)
62 (tagbody
63 (setf fact (/ (* fact h) (f2cl-lib:dfloat l)))
64 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref basm ((f2cl-lib:int-add l 1)) ((1 5))) fact)
65 (f2cl-lib:fdo (j 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add j 1))
66 ((> j k) nil)
67 (tagbody
68 label20
69 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref hb (j l) ((1 7) (1 4)))
70 (* fact (f2cl-lib:fref b (j l) ((1 7) (1 4)))))))
71 label30))
72 (f2cl-lib:computed-goto (label40 label110) mode)
73 label40
74 (f2cl-lib:fdo (j 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add j 1))
75 ((> j mstar) nil)
76 (tagbody
77 (f2cl-lib:fdo (ir 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add ir 1))
78 ((> ir mstar) nil)
79 (tagbody
80 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref gi-%data%
81 ((f2cl-lib:int-add
82 (f2cl-lib:int-sub irow 1)
83 ir)
85 ((1 nrow) (1 1))
86 gi-%offset%)
87 0.0)
88 label50
89 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref gi-%data%
90 ((f2cl-lib:int-add
91 (f2cl-lib:int-sub irow 1)
92 ir)
93 (f2cl-lib:int-add mstar j))
94 ((1 nrow) (1 1))
95 gi-%offset%)
96 0.0)))
97 label60
98 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref gi-%data%
99 ((f2cl-lib:int-add (f2cl-lib:int-sub irow 1)
101 (f2cl-lib:int-add mstar j))
102 ((1 nrow) (1 1))
103 gi-%offset%)
104 1.0)))
105 (setf ir irow)
106 (f2cl-lib:fdo (icomp 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add icomp 1))
107 ((> icomp ncomp) nil)
108 (tagbody
109 (setf mj (f2cl-lib:fref m (icomp) ((1 20))))
110 (setf ir (f2cl-lib:int-add ir mj))
111 (f2cl-lib:fdo (l 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add l 1))
112 ((> l mj) nil)
113 (tagbody
114 (setf id (f2cl-lib:int-sub ir l))
115 (f2cl-lib:fdo (jcol 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add jcol 1))
116 ((> jcol mstar) nil)
117 (tagbody
118 (setf ind icomp)
119 (setf rsum 0.0)
120 (f2cl-lib:fdo (j 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add j 1))
121 ((> j k) nil)
122 (tagbody
123 (setf rsum
124 (- rsum
125 (* (f2cl-lib:fref hb (j l) ((1 7) (1 4)))
126 (f2cl-lib:fref vi-%data%
127 (ind jcol)
128 ((1 kd) (1 1))
129 vi-%offset%))))
130 label70
131 (setf ind (f2cl-lib:int-add ind ncomp))))
132 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref gi-%data%
133 (id jcol)
134 ((1 nrow) (1 1))
135 gi-%offset%)
136 rsum)
137 label80))
138 (setf jd (f2cl-lib:int-sub id irow))
139 (f2cl-lib:fdo (ll 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add ll 1))
140 ((> ll l) nil)
141 (tagbody
142 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref gi-%data%
143 (id (f2cl-lib:int-add jd ll))
144 ((1 nrow) (1 1))
145 gi-%offset%)
147 (f2cl-lib:fref gi-%data%
148 (id (f2cl-lib:int-add jd ll))
149 ((1 nrow) (1 1))
150 gi-%offset%)
151 (f2cl-lib:fref basm (ll) ((1 5)))))
152 label85))
153 label90))
154 label100))
155 (go end_label)
156 label110
157 (dgesl wi kd kd ipvtw rhsdmz 0)
158 (setf ir irow)
159 (f2cl-lib:fdo (jcomp 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add jcomp 1))
160 ((> jcomp ncomp) nil)
161 (tagbody
162 (setf mj (f2cl-lib:fref m (jcomp) ((1 20))))
163 (setf ir (f2cl-lib:int-add ir mj))
164 (f2cl-lib:fdo (l 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add l 1))
165 ((> l mj) nil)
166 (tagbody
167 (setf ind jcomp)
168 (setf rsum 0.0)
169 (f2cl-lib:fdo (j 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add j 1))
170 ((> j k) nil)
171 (tagbody
172 (setf rsum
173 (+ rsum
174 (* (f2cl-lib:fref hb (j l) ((1 7) (1 4)))
175 (f2cl-lib:fref rhsdmz-%data%
176 (ind)
177 ((1 1))
178 rhsdmz-%offset%))))
179 label120
180 (setf ind (f2cl-lib:int-add ind ncomp))))
181 (setf (f2cl-lib:fref rhsz-%data%
182 ((f2cl-lib:int-sub ir l))
183 ((1 1))
184 rhsz-%offset%)
185 rsum)
186 label130))
187 label140))
188 (go end_label)
189 end_label
190 (return (values nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)))))))
192 (in-package #:cl-user)
193 #+#.(cl:if (cl:find-package '#:f2cl) '(and) '(or))
194 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
195 (setf (gethash 'fortran-to-lisp::gblock
196 fortran-to-lisp::*f2cl-function-info*)
197 (fortran-to-lisp::make-f2cl-finfo
198 :arg-types '(double-float (array double-float (*))
199 (fortran-to-lisp::integer4) (fortran-to-lisp::integer4)
200 (array double-float (1)) (array double-float (*))
201 (fortran-to-lisp::integer4) (array double-float (1))
202 (array double-float (1))
203 (array fortran-to-lisp::integer4 (1))
204 (fortran-to-lisp::integer4))
205 :return-values '(nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)
206 :calls '(fortran-to-lisp::dgesl))))