Add PUNT-TO-MEVAL for returning trivial translations
[maxima.git] / src / defmfun-check.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;
3 (in-package :maxima)
5 ;; We got this code from cmucl, so we don't actually need all of this.
6 #+cmucl
7 (progn
8 (defun parse-lambda-list (list)
9 (kernel:parse-lambda-list list))
10 (defun parse-body (body environment &optional (doc-string-allowed t))
11 (system:parse-body body environment doc-string-allowed))
14 #-cmucl
15 (eval-when (compile load eval)
16 ;;;; Borrowed from cmucl src/code/extensions.lisp. Used in parsing
17 ;;;; lambda lists.
19 ;;;; The Collect macro:
21 ;;; Collect-Normal-Expander -- Internal
22 ;;;
23 ;;; This function does the real work of macroexpansion for normal collection
24 ;;; macros. N-Value is the name of the variable which holds the current
25 ;;; value. Fun is the function which does collection. Forms is the list of
26 ;;; forms whose values we are supposed to collect.
27 ;;;
28 (defun collect-normal-expander (n-value fun forms)
29 `(progn
30 ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (form) `(setq ,n-value (,fun ,form ,n-value))) forms)
31 ,n-value))
33 ;;; Collect-List-Expander -- Internal
34 ;;;
35 ;;; This function deals with the list collection case. N-Tail is the pointer
36 ;;; to the current tail of the list, which is NIL if the list is empty.
37 ;;;
38 (defun collect-list-expander (n-value n-tail forms)
39 (let ((n-res (gensym)))
40 `(progn
41 ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (form)
42 `(let ((,n-res (cons ,form nil)))
43 (cond (,n-tail
44 (setf (cdr ,n-tail) ,n-res)
45 (setq ,n-tail ,n-res))
47 (setq ,n-tail ,n-res ,n-value ,n-res)))))
48 forms)
49 ,n-value)))
52 ;;; Collect -- Public
53 ;;;
54 ;;; The ultimate collection macro...
55 ;;;
56 (defmacro collect (collections &body body)
57 "Collect ({(Name [Initial-Value] [Function])}*) {Form}*
58 Collect some values somehow. Each of the collections specifies a bunch of
59 things which collected during the evaluation of the body of the form. The
60 name of the collection is used to define a local macro, a la MACROLET.
61 Within the body, this macro will evaluate each of its arguments and collect
62 the result, returning the current value after the collection is done. The
63 body is evaluated as a PROGN; to get the final values when you are done, just
64 call the collection macro with no arguments.
66 Initial-Value is the value that the collection starts out with, which
67 defaults to NIL. Function is the function which does the collection. It is
68 a function which will accept two arguments: the value to be collected and the
69 current collection. The result of the function is made the new value for the
70 collection. As a totally magical special-case, the Function may be Collect,
71 which tells us to build a list in forward order; this is the default. If an
72 Initial-Value is supplied for Collect, the stuff will be rplacd'd onto the
73 end. Note that Function may be anything that can appear in the functional
74 position, including macros and lambdas."
76 (let ((macros ())
77 (binds ()))
78 (dolist (spec collections)
79 (unless (<= 1 (length spec) 3)
80 (error (intl:gettext "Malformed collection specifier: ~S.") spec))
81 (let ((n-value (gensym))
82 (name (first spec))
83 (default (second spec))
84 (kind (or (third spec) 'collect)))
85 (push `(,n-value ,default) binds)
86 (if (eq kind 'collect)
87 (let ((n-tail (gensym)))
88 (if default
89 (push `(,n-tail (last ,n-value)) binds)
90 (push n-tail binds))
91 (push `(,name (&rest args)
92 (collect-list-expander ',n-value ',n-tail args))
93 macros))
94 (push `(,name (&rest args)
95 (collect-normal-expander ',n-value ',kind args))
96 macros))))
97 `(macrolet ,macros (let* ,(nreverse binds) ,@body))))
99 ;;; Borrowed from cmucl src/compiler/proclaim.lisp
101 ;;; Parse-Lambda-List -- Interface
103 ;;; Break a lambda-list into its component parts. We return eleven values:
104 ;;; 1] A list of the required args.
105 ;;; 2] A list of the optional arg specs.
106 ;;; 3] True if a rest arg was specified.
107 ;;; 4] The rest arg.
108 ;;; 5] A boolean indicating whether keywords args are present.
109 ;;; 6] A list of the keyword arg specs.
110 ;;; 7] True if &allow-other-keys was specified.
111 ;;; 8] A list of the &aux specifiers.
112 ;;; 9] True if a more arg was specified.
113 ;;; 10] The &more context var
114 ;;; 11] The &more count var
116 ;;; The top-level lambda-list syntax is checked for validity, but the arg
117 ;;; specifiers are just passed through untouched. If something is wrong, we
118 ;;; use Compiler-Error, aborting compilation to the last recovery point.
120 (defun parse-lambda-list (list)
121 (declare (list list))
122 (collect ((required)
123 (optional)
124 (keys)
125 (aux))
126 (flet ((compiler-error (&rest args)
127 (apply #'error args))
128 (compiler-note (&rest args)
129 (apply #'warn args)))
130 (let ((restp nil)
131 (rest nil)
132 (morep nil)
133 (more-context nil)
134 (more-count nil)
135 (keyp nil)
136 (allowp nil)
137 (state :required))
138 (dolist (arg list)
139 ;; check for arguments that have the syntactic form of a
140 ;; keyword argument without being a recognized lambda-list keyword
141 (when (and (symbolp arg)
142 (let ((name (symbol-name arg)))
143 (and (/= (length name) 0)
144 (char= (char name 0) #\&))))
145 (unless (member arg lambda-list-keywords)
146 (compiler-note
147 "~S uses lambda-list keyword naming convention, but is not a recognized lambda-list keyword."
148 arg)))
149 (if (member arg lambda-list-keywords)
150 (ecase arg
151 (&optional
152 (unless (eq state :required)
153 (compiler-error "Misplaced &optional in lambda-list: ~S." list))
154 (setq state '&optional))
155 (&rest
156 (unless (member state '(:required &optional))
157 (compiler-error "Misplaced &rest in lambda-list: ~S." list))
158 (setq state '&rest))
159 (&more
160 (unless (member state '(:required &optional))
161 (compiler-error "Misplaced &more in lambda-list: ~S." list))
162 (setq morep t state '&more-context))
163 (&key
164 (unless (member state '(:required &optional :post-rest
165 :post-more))
166 (compiler-error "Misplaced &key in lambda-list: ~S." list))
167 (setq keyp t)
168 (setq state '&key))
169 (&allow-other-keys
170 (unless (eq state '&key)
171 (compiler-error "Misplaced &allow-other-keys in lambda-list: ~S." list))
172 (setq allowp t state '&allow-other-keys))
173 (&aux
174 (when (member state '(&rest &more-context &more-count))
175 (compiler-error "Misplaced &aux in lambda-list: ~S." list))
176 (setq state '&aux)))
177 (case state
178 (:required (required arg))
179 (&optional (optional arg))
180 (&rest
181 (setq restp t rest arg state :post-rest))
182 (&more-context
183 (setq more-context arg state '&more-count))
184 (&more-count
185 (setq more-count arg state :post-more))
186 (&key (keys arg))
187 (&aux (aux arg))
189 (compiler-error "Found garbage in lambda-list when expecting a keyword: ~S." arg)))))
191 (when (eq state '&rest)
192 (compiler-error "&rest not followed by required variable."))
194 (values (required) (optional) restp rest keyp (keys) allowp (aux)
195 morep more-context more-count)))))
197 (defun parse-body (body environment &optional (doc-string-allowed t))
198 "This function is to parse the declarations and doc-string out of the body of
199 a defun-like form. Body is the list of stuff which is to be parsed.
200 Environment is ignored. If Doc-String-Allowed is true, then a doc string
201 will be parsed out of the body and returned. If it is false then a string
202 will terminate the search for declarations. Three values are returned: the
203 tail of Body after the declarations and doc strings, a list of declare forms,
204 and the doc-string, or NIL if none."
205 (declare (ignore environment))
206 (let ((decls ())
207 (doc nil))
208 (do ((tail body (cdr tail)))
209 ((endp tail)
210 (values tail (nreverse decls) doc))
211 (let ((form (car tail)))
212 (cond ((and (stringp form) (cdr tail))
213 (if doc-string-allowed
214 (setq doc form
215 ;; Only one doc string is allowed.
216 doc-string-allowed nil)
217 (return (values tail (nreverse decls) doc))))
218 ((not (and (consp form) (symbolp (car form))))
219 (return (values tail (nreverse decls) doc)))
220 ((eq (car form) 'declare)
221 (push form decls))
223 (return (values tail (nreverse decls) doc))))))))
226 (defun defmfun-keywords (fname options valid-keywords)
227 ;; options looks like (((mequal) $opt1 val1) ((mequal) $opt2 val2) ...)
229 ;; Convert to a new list that looks like (:opt1 val1 :opt2 val2 ...)
231 (unless (listp options)
232 (merror "Invalid Maxima keyword options: ~M" options))
233 (when (every #'(lambda (o)
234 ;; Make sure every option has the right form.
235 (let ((ok (and (listp o)
236 (= (length o) 3)
237 (eq (caar o) 'mequal))))
238 (unless ok
239 (merror (intl:gettext "~M: Badly formed keyword option: ~M")
240 fname o))
241 ok))
242 options)
243 (mapcan #'(lambda (o)
244 (destructuring-bind (mequal opt val)
246 (declare (ignore mequal))
247 (if (or (null valid-keywords)
248 (member opt valid-keywords))
249 (flet ((keywordify (x)
250 (intern (subseq (symbol-name x) 1) :keyword)))
251 (list (keywordify opt) val))
252 (merror (intl:gettext "~M: Unrecognized keyword: ~M")
253 fname opt))))
254 options)))
256 ;; Define user-exposed functions that are written in Lisp.
258 ;; If the function name NAME starts with #\$ we check the number of
259 ;; arguments. In this case, two functions are created: NAME and
260 ;; NAME-IMPL (without the leading $). NAME is the user function that
261 ;; checks for the argument count and NAME-IMPL is the actual
262 ;; implementation..
264 ;; If the function name doesn't start with $, we still allow it, but
265 ;; these should be replaced with plain defun eventually.
267 ;; The lambda-list supports &optional and &rest args. Keyword args
268 ;; are an error.
270 ;; The variable %%PRETTY-FNAME is defined such that the body can refer
271 ;; to this variable to get the pretty name of the defined function for
272 ;; use in printing error messages or what not. This allows the
273 ;; implementation to print out the function name that would also be
274 ;; used when printint out error messages for incorrect number of
275 ;; arguments.
276 (defmacro defmfun (name lambda-list &body body)
277 (flet ((add-props ()
278 ;; We make sure that the ARG-LIST property is added
279 ;; first, so that it will end up last in the list.
280 `(progn
281 (putprop ',name ',lambda-list 'arg-list)
282 (defprop ,name t translated))))
283 (let ((maclisp-narg-p (and (symbolp lambda-list) (not (null lambda-list)))))
284 (cond
285 ((or (char/= #\$ (aref (string name) 0))
286 maclisp-narg-p)
287 ;; If NAME doesn't start with $, it's an internal function not
288 ;; directly exposed to the user. Basically define the function
289 ;; as is, taking care to support the Maclisp narg syntax.
290 (cond (maclisp-narg-p
291 ;; Support MacLisp narg syntax: (defun foo a ...)
292 `(progn
293 ,(add-props)
294 (defun ,name (&rest narg-rest-argument
295 &aux (,lambda-list (length narg-rest-argument)))
296 ,@body)))
298 `(progn
299 ,(add-props)
300 (defun ,name ,lambda-list ,@body)))))
302 ;; Function name begins with $, so it's exposed to the user;
303 ;; carefully check the number of arguments and print a nice
304 ;; message if the number doesn't match the expected number.
305 #+nil
306 (unless (char= #\$ (aref (string name) 0))
307 (warn "First character of function name must start with $: ~S~%" name))
308 (multiple-value-bind (required-args
309 optional-args
310 restp
311 rest-arg
312 keywords-present-p
313 keyword-args
314 allow-other-keys-p)
315 (parse-lambda-list lambda-list)
317 (when (and keywords-present-p
318 (or optional-args restp))
319 (error "Keyword args cannot be used with optional args or rest args"))
321 (let* ((required-len (length required-args))
322 (optional-len (length optional-args))
323 (impl-name (intern (concatenate 'string
324 (subseq (string name) 1)
325 "-IMPL")))
326 (impl-doc (format nil "Implementation for ~S" name))
327 (nargs (gensym "NARGS-"))
328 (args (gensym "REST-ARG-"))
329 (rest-name (gensym "REST-ARGS"))
330 (pretty-fname
331 (cond (optional-args
332 ;; Can't do much with optional args, so just use the function name.
333 name)
334 (restp
335 ;; Use maxima syntax for rest args: foo(a,b,[c]);
336 `((,name) ,@required-args ((mlist) ,rest-arg)))
337 (keywords-present-p
338 ;; Not exactly sure how to do this
339 (let* ((index 1)
340 (keys (mapcar
341 #'(lambda (k)
342 (multiple-value-bind (name val)
343 (if (consp k)
344 (values
345 (intern (format nil "$~A" (car k)))
346 (second k))
347 (values
348 (intern (format nil "$~A" k))
349 nil))
350 (incf index)
351 `((mequal) ,name ,val)))
352 keyword-args)))
353 `((,name) ,@required-args ,@keys)))
355 ;; Just have required args: foo(a,b)
356 `((,name) ,@required-args))))
357 (maxima-keywords
358 (unless allow-other-keys-p
359 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
360 (intern (concatenate
361 'string "$"
362 (symbol-name
363 (if (consp x)
364 (car x)
365 x)))))
366 keyword-args))))
368 (multiple-value-bind (forms decls doc-string)
369 (parse-body body nil t)
370 (setf doc-string (if doc-string (list doc-string)))
371 `(progn
372 (defun ,impl-name ,lambda-list
373 ,impl-doc
374 ,@decls
375 (block ,name
376 (let ((%%pretty-fname ',pretty-fname))
377 (declare (ignorable %%pretty-fname))
378 ,@forms)))
379 ,(add-props)
380 ; We don't put this putprop in add-props because
381 ; add-props is for both user and internal functions
382 ; while the impl-name property is only for user
383 ; functions.
384 (putprop ',name ',impl-name 'impl-name)
385 (defun ,name (&rest ,args)
386 ,@doc-string
387 (let ((,nargs (length ,args)))
388 (declare (ignorable ,nargs))
389 ,@(cond
390 ((or restp keywords-present-p)
391 ;; When a rest arg is given, there's no upper
392 ;; limit to the number of args. Just check that
393 ;; we have enough args to satisfy the required
394 ;; args.
395 (unless (null required-args)
396 `((when (< ,nargs ,required-len)
397 (merror (intl:gettext "~M: expected at least ~M arguments but got ~M: ~M")
398 ',pretty-fname
399 ,required-len
400 ,nargs
401 (list* '(mlist) ,args))))))
402 (optional-args
403 ;; There are optional args (but no rest
404 ;; arg). Verify that we don't have too many args,
405 ;; and that we still have all the required args.
407 (when (> ,nargs ,(+ required-len optional-len))
408 (merror (intl:gettext "~M: expected at most ~M arguments but got ~M: ~M")
409 ',pretty-fname
410 ,(+ required-len optional-len)
411 ,nargs
412 (list* '(mlist) ,args)))
413 (when (< ,nargs ,required-len)
414 (merror (intl:gettext "~M: expected at least ~M arguments but got ~M: ~M")
415 ',pretty-fname
416 ,required-len
417 ,nargs
418 (list* '(mlist) ,args)))))
420 ;; We only have required args.
421 `((unless (= ,nargs ,required-len)
422 (merror (intl:gettext "~M: expected exactly ~M arguments but got ~M: ~M")
423 ',pretty-fname
424 ,required-len
425 ,nargs
426 (list* '(mlist) ,args))))))
427 ,(cond
428 (keywords-present-p
429 `(apply #',impl-name
430 (append
431 (subseq ,args 0 ,required-len)
432 (defmfun-keywords ',pretty-fname
433 (nthcdr ,required-len ,args)
434 ',maxima-keywords))))
436 `(apply #',impl-name ,args)))))
437 ,(cond
438 (keywords-present-p
439 `(define-compiler-macro ,name (&rest ,rest-name)
440 (let ((args (append (subseq ,rest-name 0 ,required-len)
441 (defmfun-keywords ',pretty-fname
442 (nthcdr ,required-len ,rest-name)
443 ',maxima-keywords))))
444 `(,',impl-name ,@args))))
446 `(define-compiler-macro ,name (&rest ,rest-name)
447 `(,',impl-name ,@,rest-name)))))))))))))
449 ;; Examples:
450 ;; (defmfun $foobar (a b) (list '(mlist) a b))
451 ;; (defmfun $foobar1 (a b &optional c) (list '(mlist) a b c))
452 ;; (defmfun $foobar1a (a b &optional (c 99)) (list '(mlist) a b c))
453 ;; (defmfun $foobar2 (a b &rest c) (list '(mlist) a b (list* '(mlist) c)))
454 ;; (defmfun $foobar3 (a b &optional c &rest d) "foobar3 function" (list '(mlist) a b c (list* '(mlist) d)))
456 ;; (defmfun $foobar4 (a b &key c) (list '(mlist) a b c))
457 ;; (defmfun $foobar5 (a b &key (c 42)) (list '(mlist) a b c))
458 ;; (defmfun $foobar6 (a b &key (c 42) &allow-other-keys) (list '(mlist) a b c))
460 ;; foobar5(1,2) => [1, 2, 42]
461 ;; foobar5(1,2,c=99) => [1, 2, 99]
462 ;; foobar5(1,2,c=99,d=4) => error: unrecognized keyword d
463 ;; foobar6(1,2,c=42,d=99) => [1, 2, 42]
465 ;; This works by accident, kind of:
466 ;; (defmfun $baz (a &aux (b (1+ a))) (list '(mlist) a b))
468 ;; This should produce compile errors
469 ;; (defmfun $zot (a &optional c &key b) (list '(mlist) a b))
472 ;; Defines a simplifying function for Maxima whose name is BASE-NAME.
473 ;; The noun and verb properties are set up appropriately, along with
474 ;; setting the operator property. The noun form is created from the
475 ;; BASE-NAME by prepending a "%"; the verb form, by prepending "$".
476 ;; The verb function is defined appropriately too.
478 ;; For example, let's say we want to define a Maxima function named
479 ;; foo of two args with a corresponding simplifier to simplify special
480 ;; cases or numerically evaluate it. Then:
482 ;; (def-simplifier foo (x y)
483 ;; (cond ((float-numerical-eval-p x y)
484 ;; (foo-eval x y))
485 ;; (t
486 ;; (give-up))))
488 ;; This expands to
490 ;; (progn
491 ;; (defprop %foo simp-%foo operators)
492 ;; (defprop $foo %foo verb)
493 ;; (defprop %foo $foo noun)
494 ;; (defprop $foo %foo alias)
495 ;; (defprop %foo $foo reversealias)
496 ;; (defun simp-%foo (form #:unused-5230 #:z-5229)
497 ;; (declare (ignore #:unused-5230))
498 ;; (let ((x (simpcheck (nth 1 form) #:z-5229))
499 ;; (y (simpcheck (nth 2 form) #:z-5229)))
500 ;; (arg-count-check 2 form)
501 ;; (macrolet ((give-up ()
502 ;; '(eqtest (list '(%foo) x y) form)))
503 ;; (cond
504 ;; ((float-numerical-eval-p x y)
505 ;; (foo-eval x y))
506 ;; (t
507 ;; (give-up))))))
509 ;; Note carefully that the expansion defines a macro GIVE-UP to
510 ;; handle the default case of the simplifier when we can't do any
511 ;; simplification. Call this in the default case for the COND.
513 (defmacro def-simplifier (base-name lambda-list &body body)
514 (let* ((noun-name (intern (concatenate 'string "%" (string base-name))))
515 (verb-name (intern (concatenate 'string "$" (string base-name))))
516 (simp-name (intern (concatenate 'string "SIMP-" (string noun-name))))
517 (z-arg (gensym "Z-"))
518 (unused-arg (gensym "UNUSED-"))
519 (arg-forms (loop for arg in lambda-list
520 and count from 1
521 collect (list arg `(simpcheck (nth ,count form) ,z-arg)))))
522 `(progn
523 ;; Set up properties
524 (defprop ,noun-name ,simp-name operators)
525 ;; The verb and alias properties are needed to make things like
526 ;; quad_qags(jacobi_sn(x,.5)...) work.
527 (defprop ,verb-name ,noun-name verb)
528 (defprop ,verb-name ,noun-name alias)
529 ;; The reversealias property is needed by grind to print out
530 ;; the right thing. Without it, grind(jacobi_sn(x,m)) prints
531 ;; '?%jacobi_sn(x,m)". Also needed for labels in plots which
532 ;; would show up as %jacobi_sn instead of jacobi_sn.
533 (defprop ,noun-name ,verb-name reversealias)
535 ;; Define the simplifier
536 (defun ,simp-name (form ,unused-arg ,z-arg)
537 (declare (ignore ,unused-arg))
538 (arg-count-check ,(length lambda-list) form)
539 (let ,arg-forms
540 (flet ((give-up ()
541 ;; Should this also return from the function?
542 ;; That would fit in better with giving up.
543 (eqtest (list '(,noun-name) ,@lambda-list) form)))
544 ,@body))))))