Merge branch 'master' into rtoy-verify-html-index
[maxima.git] / interfaces / emacs / imaxima / rtest-imaxima.el
1 ;; -*- mode: emacs-lisp; lexical-binding: t; -*-
2 ;; Copyright Leo Butler ( 2020
3 ;; Released under the terms of GPLv3+
4 ;;
5 ;; Usage: in *ielm* execute
6 ;; (load "rtest-imaxima.el")
7 ;; (imaxima-rtests :program "/path/to/maxima/script" :lisps '(list of enabled lisps))
8 ;;
9 ;; Description:
10 ;; imaxima-run-test : batches a single regression test file using a single lisp
11 ;; imaxima-run-test-in-shell : launches a fresh emacs session, sets the imaxima-maxima-program, loads this file into the session and then runs imaxima-run-test
12 ;; imaxima-rtests : loops over a list of regression test files and lisps and calls imaxima-run-test-in-shell on each pair (file lisp)
14 (require 'imaxima)
16 (let ((imaxima-enabled-lisps '(gcl ecl sbcl clisp))
17 (imaxima-rtest-files '("./rtest_imaxima.mac"))
18 (this-file "./rtest-imaxima.el"))
19 (cl-defun imaxima-run-test
20 (file lisp)
21 (let* ((kill-buffer-query-functions '())
22 (imaxima-maxima-options (format "%s --lisp=%s" imaxima-maxima-options lisp))
23 (imaxima-use-maxima-mode-flag nil)
24 (rtest-cmd (format "batch(\"%s\",'test);\n" file))
25 (do-it (lambda ()
26 (comint-send-string (get-buffer-process "*imaxima*") rtest-cmd))))
27 (message imaxima-maxima-options)
28 (message imaxima-maxima-program)
29 (add-hook 'imaxima-startup-hook do-it t)
30 (save-excursion (imaxima))
31 (remove-hook 'imaxima-startup-hook do-it)
33 (cl-defun imaxima-run-test-in-shell (file lisp)
34 (let ((cmd (format "emacs --no-desktop --execute='(progn (defvar imaxima-maxima-program \"%s\") (load \"%s\") (imaxima-run-test \"%s\" \"%s\"))'" imaxima-maxima-program this-file file lisp))
35 (out (format "*rtest-imaxima-%s*" lisp))
36 (err (format "*rtest-imaxima-%s-err*" lisp)))
37 (async-shell-command cmd out err)))
38 (cl-defun imaxima-rtests
39 (&key ((:program imaxima-maxima-program)) (files imaxima-rtest-files) (lisps imaxima-enabled-lisps))
40 (mapcar #'(lambda (lisp) (mapcar #'(lambda (file) (imaxima-run-test-in-shell file lisp)) files)) lisps))
43 ; end of rtest-imaxima.el