Merge branch 'master' into bug-4403-remove-polyfill
[maxima.git] / interfaces / xmaxima / ObjTcl / Object.tcl
1 # -*- mode: tcl; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*-
3 # $Id: Object.tcl,v 1.3 2006-10-01 23:59:47 villate Exp $
5 # Original Id: object.tcl,v 1.7 1995/02/10 08:32:50 sls Exp sls
7 # This software is copyright (C) 1994 by the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
8 #
9 # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
10 # modification, are permitted provided that: (1) source code distributions
11 # retain the above copyright notice and this paragraph in its entirety, (2)
12 # distributions including binary code include the above copyright notice and
13 # this paragraph in its entirety in the documentation or other materials
14 # provided with the distribution, and (3) all advertising materials mentioning
15 # features or use of this software display the following acknowledgement:
16 # ``This product includes software developed by the University of California,
17 # Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and its contributors.'' Neither the name of
18 # the University nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse
19 # or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
20 # written permission.
26 # Prepare for message catalogues
27 proc M {str args} {
28 if {$args == ""} {return $str}
29 return [eval [list format $str] $args]
32 proc object_info {name} {
33 # need an object info function like itcl
36 set object_priv(currentClass) {}
37 set object_priv(objectCounter) 0
39 proc object_class {name spec} {
40 global object_priv
41 set object_priv(currentClass) $name
42 lappend object_priv(objects) $name
43 upvar #0 ${name}_priv class
44 set class(members) {}
45 set class(params) {}
46 set class(methods) {}
47 proc doc arg "upvar #0 ${name}_priv class; set class(__doc__) \"\$arg\""
48 eval $spec
49 proc doc arg ""
50 proc $name:config {self args} "uplevel \[concat object_config \$self \$args]"
51 proc $name:configure args "uplevel \[concat object_config \$args]"
52 proc $name:cget {self option} "uplevel \[list object_cget \$self \$option]"
53 proc $name {inst args} "object_new $name \$inst; uplevel \[concat object_config \$inst \$args]"
57 # could do doc as a simple proc that finds if its in a method or a class
58 # use uplevel and/or look for self as first of info args
60 proc method {name args body} {
61 global object_priv
62 set className $object_priv(currentClass)
63 upvar #0 ${className}_priv class
64 lappend class(methods) $name
65 set methodArgs self
66 append methodArgs " " $args
67 set procbody "upvar #0 \$self slot"
68 append procbody "\nproc doc arg \"upvar #0 \$self slot; set slot(${name}.__doc__) \\\$arg\""
69 append procbody "\n$body"
70 proc $className:$name $methodArgs $procbody
73 # Pythonic method without the implicit self
74 proc def {name args body} {
75 global object_priv
76 set className $object_priv(currentClass)
77 upvar #0 ${className}_priv class
78 lappend class(methods) $name
79 set methodArgs $args
80 set procbody "set self \$[lindex $methodArgs 0]; upvar #0 \$self slot"
81 append procbody "\nproc doc arg \"upvar #0 \$self slot; set slot(${name}.__doc__) \\\$arg\""
82 append procbody "\n$body"
83 proc $className:$name $methodArgs $procbody
86 proc member {name {defaultValue {}}} {
87 global object_priv
88 set className $object_priv(currentClass)
89 upvar #0 ${className}_priv class
90 if {![info exists class(member_info/$name)]} {
91 lappend class(members) [list $name $defaultValue]
93 set class(member_info/$name) {}
96 proc param {name {defaultValue {}} {resourceClass {}} {configCode {}}} {
97 global object_priv
98 set className $object_priv(currentClass)
99 upvar #0 ${className}_priv class
100 if {$resourceClass == ""} {
101 set resourceClass \
102 [string toupper [string index $name 0]][string range $name 1 end]
104 if ![info exists class(param_info/$name)] {
105 lappend class(params) $name
107 set class(param_info/$name) [list $defaultValue $resourceClass]
108 if {$configCode != {}} {
109 proc $className:config:$name self $configCode
113 proc object_include {args} {
114 global object_priv
115 set className $object_priv(currentClass)
116 foreach super_class_name $args {
117 if {[info procs $super_class_name] == ""} {auto_load $super_class_name}
118 upvar #0 ${className}_priv class
119 upvar #0 ${super_class_name}_priv super_class
120 foreach p $super_class(params) {
121 lappend class(params) $p
122 set class(param_info/$p) $super_class(param_info/$p)
124 set class(members) [concat $super_class(members) $class(members)]
125 foreach m $super_class(methods) {
126 set formals {}
127 set proc $super_class_name:$m
128 foreach arg [info args $proc] {
129 if {[info default $proc $arg def]} {
130 lappend formals [list $arg $def]
131 } else {
132 lappend formals $arg
135 proc $className:$m $formals [info body $proc]
140 proc object_new {className {name {}}} {
141 if {$name == {}} {
142 global object_priv
143 set name O_[incr object_priv(objectCounter)]
145 upvar #0 $name object
146 upvar #0 ${className}_priv class
147 set object(__class__) $className
148 set object(__file__) [info script]
149 foreach var $class(params) {
150 set info $class(param_info/$var)
151 set resourceClass [lindex $info 1]
152 if {$resourceClass != "" && \
153 ![catch {set val [option get $name $var $resourceClass]}]} {
154 if {$val == ""} {
155 set val [lindex $info 0]
157 } else {
158 set val [lindex $info 0]
160 set object($var) $val
162 foreach var $class(members) {
163 set object([lindex $var 0]) [lindex $var 1]
165 proc $name {method args} [format {
166 upvar #0 %s object
167 uplevel [concat $object(__class__):$method %s $args]
168 } $name $name]
169 if {[info procs ${className}:__init__] != ""} {
170 $name __init__
171 } elseif {[info procs ${className}:create] != ""} {
172 $name create
174 return $name
177 proc object_define_creator {windowType name spec} {
178 object_class $name $spec
179 if {[info procs $name:create] == {} && [info procs $name:__init__] == {}} {
180 error "widget \"$name\" must define a create method"
182 if {[info procs $name:reconfig] == {}} {
183 error "widget \"$name\" must define a reconfig method"
185 proc $name {window args} [format {
186 if {[winfo exists $window]} {destroy $window}
187 # need to transfer option database from Toplevel/Frame if we use -class
188 %s $window -class %s
189 rename $window object_window_of$window
190 upvar #0 $window object
191 set object(__window__) $window
192 object_new %s $window
193 proc %s:frame {self args} \
194 "uplevel \[concat object_window_of$window \$args]"
195 uplevel [concat $window config $args]
196 # __init__ is a required method
197 if {![catch {$window __init__} err]} {
198 # create is the oldname
199 } elseif {[catch {$window create} err]} {
200 tk_messageBox -icon error -type ok \
201 -message "Error creating widget \"$window\":\n$err"
202 error "Error creating $window:\n$err"
204 set object(__created) 1
205 bind $window <Destroy> \
206 "if !\[string compare %%W $window\] { object_delete $window }"
207 # reconfig is a required method
208 $window reconfig
209 return $window
210 } $windowType \
211 [string toupper [string index $name 0]][string range $name 1 end] \
212 $name $name]
215 # Class creators and their synonyms
216 proc object_frame {name spec} {
217 # need to transfer option database from Frame to widget?
218 object_define_creator frame $name $spec
220 proc widget {args} {
221 eval object_frame $args
224 proc object_toplevel {name spec} {
225 # need to transfer option database from Toplevel to widget?
226 object_define_creator toplevel $name $spec
228 proc dialog {args} {
229 eval object_toplevel $args
232 auto_load auto_reset
233 set arglist {name args}
234 set body {
235 variable index
236 variable scriptFile
237 # Do some fancy reformatting on the "source" call to handle platform
238 # differences with respect to pathnames. Use format just so that the
239 # command is a little easier to read (otherwise it'd be full of
240 # backslashed dollar signs, etc.
241 append index [list set auto_index([fullname $name])] \
242 [format { [list source [file join $dir %s]]} \
243 [file split $scriptFile]] "\n"
245 foreach elt {widget dialog object_toplevel object_frame} {
246 auto_mkindex_parser::command $elt $arglist $body
249 auto_mkindex_parser::command object_class {name args} {
250 variable index
251 variable scriptFile
252 # Do some fancy reformatting on the "source" call to handle platform
253 # differences with respect to pathnames. Use format just so that the
254 # command is a little easier to read (otherwise it'd be full of
255 # backslashed dollar signs, etc.
256 append index [list set auto_index([fullname $name])] \
257 [format { [list source [file join $dir %s]]} \
258 [file split $scriptFile]] "\n"
262 proc object_config {self args} {
263 upvar #0 $self object
264 set len [llength $args]
265 if {$len == 0} {
266 upvar #0 $object(__class__)_priv class
267 set result {}
268 if {![info exists class(params)]} {
269 return {}
271 foreach param $class(params) {
272 set info $class(param_info/$param)
273 lappend result \
274 [list -$param $param [lindex $info 1] [lindex $info 0] \
275 $object($param)]
277 if {[info exists object(__window__)]} {
278 set result [concat $result [object_window_of$object(__window__) config]]
280 return $result
282 if {$len == 1} {
283 upvar #0 $object(__class__)_priv class
284 if {[string index $args 0] != "-"} {
285 error "param '$args' didn't start with dash"
287 set param [string range $args 1 end]
288 if {![info exists class(params)]} {
289 error "Attempt to query an undeclared param: $param"
291 if {[set ndx [lsearch -exact $class(params) $param]] == -1} {
292 if {[info exists object(__window__)]} {
293 return [object_window_of$object(__window__) config -$param]
295 error "no param '$args'"
297 set info $class(param_info/$param)
298 return [list -$param $param [lindex $info 1] [lindex $info 0] \
299 $object($param)]
301 # accumulate commands and eval them later so that no changes will take
302 # place if we find an error
303 set cmds ""
304 while {$args != ""} {
305 set fieldId [lindex $args 0]
306 if {[string index $fieldId 0] != "-"} {
307 error "param '$fieldId' didn't start with dash"
309 set fieldId [string range $fieldId 1 end]
310 if ![info exists object($fieldId)] {
311 if {[info exists object(__window__)]} {
312 if {[catch [list object_window_of$object(__window__) config -$fieldId]]} {
313 error "tried to set param '$fieldId' which did not exist."
314 } else {
315 lappend cmds \
316 [list object_window_of$object(__window__) config -$fieldId [lindex $args 1]]
317 set args [lrange $args 2 end]
318 continue
323 if {[llength $args] == 1} {
324 return $object($fieldId)
325 } else {
326 lappend cmds [list set object($fieldId) [lindex $args 1]]
327 if {[info procs $object(__class__):config:$fieldId] != {}} {
328 lappend cmds [list $self config:$fieldId]
330 set args [lrange $args 2 end]
333 foreach cmd $cmds {
334 eval $cmd
336 if {[info exists object(__created)] && [info procs $object(__class__):reconfig] != {}} {
337 $self reconfig
341 proc object_cget {self var} {
342 upvar #0 $self object
343 return [lindex [object_config $self $var] 4]
346 proc object_delete self {
347 upvar #0 $self object
348 if {[info exists object(__class__)] && [info commands $object(__class__):destroy] != ""} {
349 catch {$object(__class__):destroy $self}
351 if {[info exists object(__window__)]} {
352 if {[string length [info commands object_window_of$self]]} {
353 catch {rename $self {}}
354 rename object_window_of$self $self
356 destroy $self
358 catch {unset object}
361 proc object_slotname slot {
362 upvar self self
363 return [set self]($slot)